Heavy Rain Discussion Thread

I don't know if I can be bothered to play through the game as many times as needed to get all the trophies if I can't skip unplayable scenes. I think I may wait for my DLC code (tomorrow?) and then send this to Amazon. All you guys fighting for or against the story are, I think, looking too hard into it.

I found myself yelling at my TV in suspense in the last 2 hours of the game or so, and definitely had fun. I was absolutely scratching my head when
Madison recognized Shelby's name, and then went to his place. Frankly, there really is no way that that can be explained properly, it took me out of the moment about 100%, even if it is explained in some DLC, it should have been in this game. It was too important a moment to wave hands and just assume for the player.

But as I thought about the plot more and also the stiff voice acting, the walking controls which I never complained about, but they are goofy and a little annoying, the saw ripoffs...it's just something that I don't care enough about doing knowing that you can replay the game and kill people off only to have the epilogue scenes be different and what not.

It's a decent game, but I remember reading someone's post playing the demo the first time and saying "I was literally trembling with anticipation"...Haha I went into the game headlong and suspended my disbelief and tried to have fun with it and did. But the story is really not that super amazing to merit all this fighting.
I dont think there was as much fighting going on in the thread as it seems. If you count out the people who came in just to blatantly hate on the game and the people who came in just to prove how wrong I was it even out pretty well.

But it does seem like no more solid discussion will happen.

The only question I have is how could they think that someone would play this game more than twice at the most. The way the story is set up it lends itself to almost no replay value.

So for the people going through it more than once how does your mindset play knowing exactly who the killer is?
[quote name='sotc1988']I agree with a lot of this.
Spoilers for those who don't know the Origami Killer's identity.[/QUOTE]

I agree with this as well; now that I have finished a playthrough.

Some other holes for me where these:
How did Madison know Ann Sheppard?
Why did Madison fear for her life at the beginning in a dream, especially if she is a journalist?

My opinion of the game is it's so-so... definitely not a buy but a decent rent.
Good: Facial expressions were amazing. I felt for the characters.
Bad: the control scheme... just terrible. Two button walking = very annoying. The lightness in color on the button presses + terrible camera angles caused many bad presses. The holes in the story didn't add up for some characters. Lastly, this game is not long at all. If it wasn't for the control scheme, I could have finished my first playthrough in 4 hours or less.
Just got the platinum. Now to decide what I want to do with the game... I will definitely play the first round of free DLC... after that, who knows. Guess it depends on the quality of that first DLC.
I've been playing this game while my girlfreidn watches. We're both really into it. Just finished the part
where Ethan has to crawl through the tunnel over glass and climb through the electric wire

I do agree that the controls are pretty frustrating at times. I dont mind all the QTE and the story is very interesting so far. Solid character development.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Just got the platinum. Now to decide what I want to do with the game... I will definitely play the first round of free DLC... after that, who knows. Guess it depends on the quality of that first DLC.[/QUOTE]

How did you get it done so fast? What would you suggest for someone to go about trying to get them all? The main issue is trying to see all endings, I think.
[quote name='cdietschrun']How did you get it done so fast? What would you suggest for someone to go about trying to get them all? The main issue is trying to see all endings, I think.[/QUOTE]

This is correct. Best advice would be to play through once on your own just to experience it (with no trophy looking, no spoilers, no nothing - this is what I did first go round). After that, it isn't too hard and only one set of endings may require a decent back track/replay of a lot of the game.

A LOT of the endings can be seen by making changes to the final few chapters. AFTER you beat it once, just look at what you need and go about getting them in the most efficient manner.

A few other trophies are a pain, but the only one that takes time is getting the endings. After my first play, I thought I would replay the game multiple times. But, I changed my mind. Just replaying it a bit, the game has a lot of good stuff on the first playthrough (IMO), but it is not the same a second time through... different choices or no. I love that it is tailored to YOUR game, but that first time can't really be duplicated again.

It still is neat seeing all the different stuff that can happen though.
[quote name='Saint Noir']This is correct. Best advice would be to play through once on your own just to experience it (with no trophy looking, no spoilers, no nothing - this is what I did first go round). After that, it isn't too hard and only one set of endings may require a decent back track/replay of a lot of the game.

A LOT of the endings can be seen by making changes to the final few chapters. AFTER you beat it once, just look at what you need and go about getting them in the most efficient manner.

A few other trophies are a pain, but the only one that takes time is getting the endings. After my first play, I thought I would replay the game multiple times. But, I changed my mind. Just replaying it a bit, the game has a lot of good stuff on the first playthrough (IMO), but it is not the same a second time through... different choices or no. I love that it is tailored to YOUR game, but that first time can't really be duplicated again.

It still is neat seeing all the different stuff that can happen though.[/QUOTE]

So I don't have to play from start to finish each time to get the endings? I don't really understand the game's saving system, maybe you could explain it to me and tell me a good way to work on doing this stuff? I already beat it once.
In that case, to get other endings (if that is what you want), I would look at an ending guide and just get what you can in the easiest manner. The way the saving works, you want to go to a chapter that will effect your ending, load it WITH SAVES (you save over your old play to unlock new stuff) and play from that chapter that changes it all the way to the end. Luckily, most of these things are at the end (save one set of endings, which requires almost an entire replay). Know where your game lies and what you can do that is easiest to unlock new stuff... then go further back and repeat until you get them all.

I used
this breakdown of the endings, it is at the end of this page. No idea what else is on there as I went straight to the endings. MEGA SPOILERS HERE OBVIOUSLY - http://faqs.ign.com/articles/107/1070908p1.html
[quote name='Saint Noir']In that case, to get other endings (if that is what you want), I would look at an ending guide and just get what you can in the easiest manner. The way the saving works, you want to go to a chapter that will effect your ending, load it WITH SAVES (you save over your old play to unlock new stuff) and play from that chapter that changes it all the way to the end. Luckily, most of these things are at the end (save one set of endings, which requires almost an entire replay). Know where your game lies and what you can do that is easiest to unlock new stuff... then go further back and repeat until you get them all.

I used
this breakdown of the endings, it is at the end of this page. No idea what else is on there as I went straight to the endings. MEGA SPOILERS HERE OBVIOUSLY - http://faqs.ign.com/articles/107/1070908p1.html

After beating it the way I did the first time, which did not include Perfect Crime, what is the best way to start my next playthrough? Try to get Perfect Crime? I don't care about spoilers, personally.
I would get all endings you can now with however you ended the game... if you can unlock a few more by just doing a few small things, go ahead and do it. Then, I would
go for a perfect crime (which starts at Hassan's Shop) and then the rest are pretty easy. Make sure on your perfect crime playthrough that you get Ethan arrested the first time (after trail 3). If not, a lot more back tracking will be needed, which is what happened to me.
Finished the game last night and already started another playthrough. I'm actually surprised at how different some of the scenes are turning out. The one thing that is really bugging me though is that
Ethan's blackouts make like no sense whatsoever
. Still an awesome game though.
ok so i was gona either get l4d2 this weekend or heavy rain, and i wanted to play the demo for l4d2 but it wouldn't let me on xbox (xbox live store = :( ) so i checked the ps3 for the heavy rain demo and got it all downloaded and everything.
i got into the game and was fine with it but my tv isn't huge its around 20 inches, and an inch on the top and bottom are cut off. when i was talking to some girl all the options were flying by really quick but they were extremly small on my screen so i couldn't read them, so is there anyway to fix this?

that was alot for such a simple question haha :)

oh btw, the bars on the top and bottom are allways there but the theatrical bars in the game make it alot worse. i can see the words if i sit like a foot away from the tv but its still hard to tell witch button to use. i wana fix it because this game seems great but if i can barly play it then i don't want to waste the money.

and yes i already posted this in the heavy rain thread but i didn't get a response.
what cable are you using? The stock yellow composit cable?

Are you sure its an HDTV? I mean I dont think mine even has the yellow cable as an option.

Go to www.monoprice.com and order an HDMI cable. Get one in the appropriate length and it should be 6-14 shipped to you. The cables are like $3-$4 plus shipping.

They are quality and cheap. No reason to get taken at a local store for $50+, or to take their crappy one for $20-$30.

You need an HD cable and then set the PS3 up to use that in the video settings. The HDMI can carry the sound to your tv as well so you will not have need for any other cables, unless your running a surround system.
[quote name='Snake2715']

Are you sure its an HDTV? I mean I dont think mine even has the yellow cable as an option.


All of our HDTVs have composite. Maybe the very latest models don't...
I'm a few hours into this game and so far I'm having a good time but this definitely isn't a system seller that some people are making it out to be(I'm not saying it's anyone from this thread) The voice acting and some of the animations take you out of the whole movie feel and the loading in this game is atrocious.
[quote name='Soujiro_Seta']Just a quick question anyone get the dlc code from amazon? I'm waiting for it and as of right now nothing[/QUOTE]
Nothing yet and I'm not holding my breath. What time does PSN get updated with new stuff anyways? I haven't seen anything about the DLC being released.
Best Buy also seems to have not sent out their Pre-Order DLC codes which is annoying as I would like to be able to play it today since I finished the game over the weekend.
[quote name='Jodou']Nothing yet and I'm not holding my breath. What time does PSN get updated with new stuff anyways? I haven't seen anything about the DLC being released.[/QUOTE]

the psn gets updated as late as 9pm est. It's sorta good to know that as far as I know no ones got the code yet. My friend said he didn't either.
Hmm, I tried to redeem my Amazon code using the PSN website. It didn't work. Going to try via the PS3 next.
[quote name='surak']Hmm, I tried to redeem my Amazon code using the PSN website. It didn't work. Going to try via the PS3 next.[/QUOTE]

Me too. I used PS3. May not go live until the DLC is in the store for everyone.
[quote name='surak']Hmm, I tried to redeem my Amazon code using the PSN website. It didn't work. Going to try via the PS3 next.[/QUOTE]

Same here.
excuse me for asking a silly question....does the dlc have trophies?

and on the topic of trophies why can't I compare Heavy Rain trophies from the psn card with other users?
[quote name='surak']Hmm, I tried to redeem my Amazon code using the PSN website. It didn't work. Going to try via the PS3 next.[/QUOTE]

It's good to know I'm not the only one with this problem. I was just about to ask if anyone else was having problems.
The update hasn't happened yet, so there's nothing to redeem the code for until it's up there. Just check the store until you see it in there and click on the redeem code button above to use the code.
well i guess clearer would help but theres no way at all to make the "theatrical bar" things on the top and bottom of the screen while in game to go away i got a little used to reading the words but the buttons are kinda small. if not then i'll be getting a hdmi cabble soon.

by the way thanks for the help with my nooby questions lol.
The bars at the top do not go away no. I didnt realize they were their on heavy rain, but I am getting used to not seeing them.

I have to say that its a common mistake for people to think that since they buy an HD tv and widescreem, that the whole screen will be filled with a picture. In most cases of a move or some cases of a video game it wont be.

I will check heavy rain again as I dont recall seeing those, but who knows.

And Vinny you are correct. I do have composite its just on the side, I was forgetting about those connections.
Ack. Still not working. Rock Band tracks are up, so I don't know why this still doesn't work. Might be the last update of the day. lol
Does anyone experience freezing in this game? Luckily it saves pretty often so it's not a terribly big deal but it's really starting to piss me off. More and more this game is letting me down. Just to many things taking me out of the immersion that I keep wanting to have with it.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Does anyone experience freezing in this game? Luckily it saves pretty often so it's not a terribly big deal but it's really starting to piss me off. More and more this game is letting me down. Just to many things taking me out of the immersion that I keep wanting to have with it.[/QUOTE]

I played it through to completion, almost twice, and my boyfriend has played it through to completion once, and we've never experienced any freezing.
[quote name='animalspinners']I played it through to completion, almost twice, and my boyfriend has played it through to completion once, and we've never experienced any freezing.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I wonder what's going on then. I've never had any other game on my ps3 freeze before.

EDIT: Alright, after a little research on gamefaqs it seems there are many others with the problem so I can rest easy now knowing that it's hopefully not my ps3 acting up.
So the store has updated, yet my Heavy Rain DLC code is still telling me it's invalid. Fun. I'm assuming this problem isn't limited to just me.

Also, while I was searching the interweb to see if this problem had hit anywhere, I found an eBay listing for a HR Ch. 1 code (here). I don't know how big an idiot someone can be to pay nearly $17 for a voucher to get $5 DLC when it comes out.
[quote name='Snake2715']The bars at the top do not go away no. I didnt realize they were their on heavy rain, but I am getting used to not seeing them.

I have to say that its a common mistake for people to think that since they buy an HD tv and widescreem, that the whole screen will be filled with a picture. In most cases of a move or some cases of a video game it wont be.

I will check heavy rain again as I dont recall seeing those, but who knows.

And Vinny you are correct. I do have composite its just on the side, I was forgetting about those connections.[/QUOTE]
ok thanks for your help, it is either the demo or the game because lbp doesn't give me those bars.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Does anyone experience freezing in this game? Luckily it saves pretty often so it's not a terribly big deal but it's really starting to piss me off. More and more this game is letting me down. Just to many things taking me out of the immersion that I keep wanting to have with it.[/QUOTE]

I just had one at
The first crime scene with the FBI guy.

You're right. I'm totally into the game, it's sucked me in, then my PS3 completely freezes and I'm back into the real world. I hope I don't get any more freezes.
bread's done