Hell's Kitchen Season 6 - Fin

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I've never watched Hell's Kitchen, I'm usually more of a Top Chef (or right now, Top Chef Masters) kind of gal. I must say, I'm not very into seeing people scream at the contestants, this show really isn't the norm for me to even want to watch.

And, as much of a dick as JimmieMac seemed on his appearance on the CAGcast (never really played online with him or paid much attention to any threads he's been in), he came off as kind of a laid back guy in the first 2 episodes (and was willing to admit he screwed up, which always wins points with me). I consider myself a kind of a foodie, and his signature dish looked pretty good to me. I'll probably keep watching as long as he's on.

Good luck JimmieMac!

[quote name='PR Mega X']I'll keep watching as long as he's on.[/QUOTE]

I think all the JimmieMac drama was before my time on CAG. I DVR'd the show because he was on.

[quote name='Scorch']I've never seen this show before tonight.. I think I'm hooked.[/QUOTE]

After watching tonight, I can't believe I managed to avoid five seasons. This show is "great success".

[quote name='naes']


Yes! I Lol'd.

[quote name='CheapyD']Mrs Cheapy and I just watched the season premiere and really enjoyed it. We had never seen Hell's Kitchen before. Ramsey can't be that angry of a guy, can he? He's has to be hamming it up for the camera.

Jimmie did a great job and it's a blast to be able to root for him.[/QUOTE]

Having someone to root for, even though I have no personal involvement was fulfilling. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.

Good luck JimmieMac, I hope you made it far. You seemed like a cool cat to me.
[quote name='munch']

"Hit him!" - Jimmy (Van & JP confrontation)

Great that someone said what we all wanted to see.
Jim on The Soup and it's only the first week. I'm sure we'll see more as the season progresses.

You made it, man. You made it.

Finally got around to watching it so I could be caught up for tomorrow...

Holy hell is this an odd bunch this go around. How does someone get mad at Ramsey for giving them shit for not answering one of the most simple questions theyll ever get while being on that show...

Did anyone really think the sausage gravy and biscuits guy was gonna make it past the 1st ep?
[quote name='Will']How does someone get mad at Ramsey for giving them shit for not answering one of the most simple questions theyll ever get while being on that show...[/QUOTE]


Looking forward to tomorrow :)
So what's up with fat Rob being back? That's kind of not fair. That chinese girl last season broke her ankle, why doesn't she get a second chance?
It makes me wonder if these people, Joesph particularly have ever watched the show. I mean... he had to know that Hell's Kitchen means being Ramsey's bitch.
[quote name='Reimu']Because, HE AIN'T NO BITCH![/quote]

lmao..seriously...that guy is off his f'n rocker....he's obviously a few fries short of a happy meal...

[quote name='lilboo']So what's up with fat Rob being back? That's kind of not fair. That chinese girl last season broke her ankle, why doesn't she get a second chance?[/QUOTE]

If she had been there, maybe she would have gotten the nod instead....Cant believe you actually have a problem with someone being in the right place at the right time.
:lol: yeah that was sooo not set up! Someone being thrown off the first night and Robert just CASUALLY being there!! :lol:
[quote name='Will']If she had been there, maybe she would have gotten the nod instead....Cant believe you actually have a problem with someone being in the right place at the right time.[/QUOTE]

Are you really naive enough to think that was a coincidence?
I actually don't think throwing out the diner cook was a set up with Robert- I think he was going to bring Robert back regardless and just happened to throw that guy out because he couldn't cook. I mean, if it was set up to open a spot for Robert, why wouldn't he keep him on the men's team? I could be wrong, but I think those two events are independent.
[quote name='Magus8472']Are you really naive enough to think that was a coincidence?[/QUOTE]

About as naive as others are for thinking it was a complete set up....I agree with Rocko...I think he did plan on bringing him back and it just happened to be that someone that was waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of his league got tossed before the 1st show was over.
i think throwing someone out the first night was set up and so was bringing back robert. i dont think they had it set up with who it would be, i think they just tossed the first guy to fuck up bad enough to "justify" it.
I dunno... I mean, yeah, of course Robert's return was planned, but I don't think they planned to boot anyone as early as they booted Louie. He was the worst I've ever seen. They give a binder telling them how to make crap, don't they? Yet he didn't season anything, didn't sear anything, just put unseasoned raw meat in the oven, WTF is with that... and chopping the lamb to bits... really it's like not only did he have no idea how to cook but he wasn't even trying to do anything right.

I think they were just anticipating someone leaving outside of elimination (since it happens every season eventually -- injury, ragequit, etc)... usually Ramsay handles it by not eliminating that week, but I think this season he wanted it handle it by having the extra contestant.

Louie was seriously the worst I've seen... outside of joke contestants like that crybaby asian cowboy.
i dunno - i'm astronomically skeptical of a single fucking claim that anything that happens on any reality show is either unplanned or spontaneous.
[quote name='mykevermin']i dunno - i'm astronomically skeptical of a single fucking claim that anything that happens on any reality show is either unplanned or spontaneous.[/QUOTE]
Truth. It's all so planned out as any other production would be, just reality is ridiculously cheaper. On top of all this the power of editing is so fantastic. With the amounts of footage and interviews they get, characters can be shaped out, events that didn't happen can "happen"... us viewers are manipulated as fuck. Who knows what these people on the show are ACTUALLY like.
Tony!?!?! How could you kick him off?
So many people are getting kicked off in the middle of the show, or 2 per show.

Come on, that guy did not deserve to go
Fox is literally dying on me. I don't know why. It's the only channel that's fucking up. I missed the first 8 minutes. Got to see the firefighter stuff, though and Tony get eliminated. What happened with Joseph?
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Fox is literally dying on me. I don't know why. It's the only channel that's fucking up. I missed the first 8 minutes. Got to see the firefighter stuff, though and Tony get eliminated. What happened with Joseph?[/QUOTE]

Probably what you were expecting: he swore at Ramsey a few more times, and then Ramsey told him to leave. He did without putting up too much of a fight.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']"How hard is it to make bread?"[/QUOTE]
Who in the world said that? Yeah, baking bad bread is easy. Baking good bread is a science.
Those injuries weren't nearly as interesting as I'd hoped. The ankle looked damn painful, though.

[quote name='TreizePlus']Who in the world said that? Yeah, baking bad bread is easy. Baking good bread is a science.[/QUOTE]

One of the firefighters. Are we watching the same show? :)
[quote name='TreizePlus']Nah, Fox is crapping out on me so I can't watch it. You guys usually give a play by play though so its almost like watching it.[/QUOTE]

Oh, yeah. :oops:

Keep in mind that if you're not getting Fox right now, there's always Hulu later on.
Ramsey: "I'm nobody's bitch." :cool:

Tonight's eliminations:
Tony and Joseph in the first elimination, nobody in the second (Lovely and Tennille nominated).

Not much JimmieMac love tonight.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']
Not much JimmieMac love tonight.[/QUOTE]

That's not a bad thing, that just means he'll be around longer.
Can't wait until next week. Looks like Jimmiemac is flying under the radar... Didn't hear much from him this show, but then again I've missed the first two shows. I gotta admit the comment about the hair on the upper lip was funny as hell haha :lol:

edit - beaten to the punch, but yeah.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Ramsey: "I'm nobody's bitch." :cool:

Tonight's eliminations:
Tony and Joseph in the first elimination, nobody in the second (Lovely and Tennille nominated).

Not much JimmieMac love tonight.[/QUOTE]

Didn't get to hear or see him as much as I'd liked. Still though, if it keeps him around, I'm for it.
Another episode, no Choppin' Broc-o-leeeeeeeeee rendition.

I expect this to happen at some point during the season, Jim. Obviously whenever broccoli is served, but you get the idea.
Jimmie is playing it smart, last season, that guy won because he just did all his work well, and then when it was time to shine, he did it
JimmieMac is my hero. I know I don't know him like that, but I'm proud of him.

"And don't be afraid to ask them to take that hair off your upper lip..."
You can see the producers love Jim, the way they always catch his WTF looks. So far Kevin stands out as the best, but the ones who step up early tend to get burned out or make a big mistake in the long run. Jimmie playing it cool and keeping low for now will help him go a long way. Am I the only one who felt the FF challange was rigged? The guys seemed to have everything ready to go, but bread beat them?
This season seems very fake, IMO.
There's a lot of people I really REALLY can NOT stand. In fact, I think Jim and Kevin :)drool:) are the only ones I like. Everyone else is WAY annoying.

This season needs more Lacy.
[quote name='Kfoster1979']Am I the only one who felt the FF challange was rigged?[/QUOTE]

It's a reality show - of course it's rigged. Or "sculpted" as it were.

FFS, they let Tennille and Lovely stay on the show. Tennille, who might as well have thrown those scallops in the deep fryer OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again, and Lovely, who had to sit her fat fuckin' ass down in the middle of the first service they ran.

Tennille was defensive of the amount of oil she used in the scallops, repeating the same very basic, very obvious mistake several times over. Sautee ≠ fry. So, one of two things:

1) they stack the show with characters as opposed to chefs. there are a probable total of 4-5 genuine competitors in any given season of HK. I'd pick Kevin, Dave, Jimmie, Tek, and Chubby Mouthy Ellen Page Girl.

alternately (or additionally)

2) they're simply telling people who have experience and know better to deliberately fuck things up. there's no logical excuse for fucking up the scallops like that unless #1 above holds true, or individual performances are scripted (or "controlled" if you prefer pro wrestling language).

I've worked with hundreds of inept people in my lifetime, and I've fucked up loads of food on my own. But if someone knows better, I listen to them - and I certainly don't insist on my inherent rightness.

Some of the people on this season make me feel like I ought to try out. I have plenty of experience, but don't consider myself a "chef." If you tell me what to make and give me instruction, you won't find someone more reliable than me. If you want me to design a menu, you can piss right off. I know my limitations and my strengths.

But there are so many folks on this show that are simply unequipped for the most rudimentary of culinary skill that I can't fathom how someone who floods scallops in olive oil - clearly demonstrating they don't know what the fuck they're doing - can prepare a fucking menu on their own. Which means I could stand a chance. ;)
I don't understand why it seems like EVERY season, NOBODY can cook scallops?!?
Tennille was driving me crazy with that shit!! Everyone is telling her NOOOO too much oil or NOOO do it this way and she was ignoring everyone.

Oh and sooo glad Joseph is gone
I can't figure out why that one guy - Adam? - is on the show? The dude Ramsay reamed for cutting up the chicken into "nuggets." The same guy what put a dozen or more scallops into a 10" (or so) pan last night?

Maybe it's about focused/edited presentation, but the guy is a black hole of personality and charisma, but it also appears that he can't cook a fuckin' thing either.
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bread's done