Help a girl out. Bloody Roar Extreme, Ninja Gaiden Black, more.

[quote name='io']Wow, $75 for those two, not bad. I think that right there already justifies breaking them up from a big lot. [/quote]You and wubb definately sold me on breaking the N64 stuff up. Your time in researching the going prices was so kind and helpful, I can't express how grateful I am. =)

The night I decided to list them, I did a little looking myself, and noticed that the gold carts (collectors editions) did a bit better, so I thought I'd take a shot at a titch over what they should get and scored.

Some of the others don't look so good right now, but they've got lots of time to get better.
Yeah. I really have SO much stuff that I've collected over the years and it just sits in boxes. On a rare occasion I'll break out an old console and jump through a few games for kicks. But it occurred to me how many games are in my as-yet-unplayed stack, and I just need to be realistic about what I want for the sake of having, and what really should and shouldn't be in this house.

So even if the stuff doesn't fetch a lot, it's a few bucks more than I currently have and there's more space in my house. A clutter-free life would really be nice, and it's what I'm ultimately aiming for. Even if it takes me forEVER to get there.

And your GBA player is at $36 now, so approaching respectability ;).
Woo-hoo! That's great, considering I have another one that I also want to ebay. *shakes head in shame*

[quote name='thagoat']i hope i can get some of your crap for cheap with a last second snipe=P~[/quote] Awesome. Just let me know that it's you if you win, so I can rework the shipping cost. =)

Oh! io before I forget. My local GameRush had their new copies of Wario Ware Touched! for $25 now. I can't recall if they've been that price forever or if they were just marked down, but I wanted to tell you incase you still haven't picked it up.
[quote name='guinaevere']
Oh! io before I forget. My local GameRush had their new copies of Wario Ware Touched! for $25 now. I can't recall if they've been that price forever or if they were just marked down, but I wanted to tell you incase you still haven't picked it up.[/QUOTE]

That's great, but my GR only had that one used one that disappeared just as the 25% off sale started. They haven't had a new copy in over a year.

I did find a used one at Gamecrazy the other day (plus those new ones from Kmart). The used one is going to my son for his birthday in a few weeks. We'll be all WarioWared out pretty soon (assuming my GR gets Smooth Moves in!).
Sorry. Action Figures.

Better? Although I still prefer to say figgers and will continue to say it.
[quote name='Roufuss']I thought figgers said something else and I was shocked =O[/quote]ha! :lol:

No. Action figures. FIGURES. You people with your dirty, dirty minds.
This surprizes me too, Willard.

Okay, here's a message I got regarding the TMNT lot. If anyone understands exactly what he's asking, please interpret for me.

[FONT=Arial, Verdana]
Are you going to be on the Internet when this sale is up? All I mostly want to say is I'll pay any price for these guys. I really want them so bad. When you respond to this, please send the email to

BattleChicken, I will reply to your PM later tonight. I just don't have the time to do so right now. =)
Sounds like that guy is trying to offer you more than the winning bid...

careful though, I think Ebay has rules against it, although nobody would know.
[quote name='willardhaven']Sounds like that guy is trying to offer you more than the winning bid...

careful though, I think Ebay has rules against it, although nobody would know.[/quote]Except that the guy is currently the high bidder. I was stoopid not to inlclude that bit of info in my earlier post.

What confuses me is the, "will you be on the internet when the auction is up" bit.
[quote name='BattleChicken']thanks for responding via PM![/quote]You're more than welcome. And I found eBays lost ID link in case that helps at all. Not just for the Pokemon Snap lot, but because you never know when you'll find something you want to bid on.

[quote name='Maxspeed1997']What I mean is I hope I can win the item. ;)[/quote]Now that I'll agree with.
First lot going in a few minutes. The Resident Evil 2, Wheel of Fortune, Aerofighters Assault lot still is at a penny. No takers?
I know this is very.. Internet.. of me, but this thread has 1,000+ views because of either the boxed N64 games or the fact the items were owned by a girl.
[quote name='aduckie']I know this is very.. Internet.. of me, but this thread has 1,000+ views because of either the boxed N64 games or the fact the items were owned by a girl.[/quote] Not just owned... played by a girl.

I didn't realize this had so many views. I doubt it's about the N64 games or me though. Last week I had a busted Alienware Gamers laptop for auction and that generated a lot of interest.
I think we all learned a lesson here. If you want your voice to be heard, always start a thread with "Help a girl out..."
But... but... I'm fragile and weak. *melodramaticly swoons and faints*

See, right to the floor because no one was there to catch me. (note to self, I need to make a sad and helpless lady smilie for just such an occasion)
[quote name='guinaevere']Kendro, you're so right. Maybe I should sell the movie rights to this tragedy.

Harsh. I'm thoroughly convinced that this house is the bermuda triangle of magnetic waves. Since moving here a few years back, my old trusty self-made pc blew up two monitors. And the alienware tower aced off three videocards.

Then the area 51-M laptop... I've got the invoice and documentation right here. Delivered on 9/8/04. Dude, what the heck? Either I'm giving off some sort of wierd magnetic waves or the house is.

Ooooooooooooorrr... is that a black helicopter I hear flying over head?[/quote]
maybe youve got some bad wiring in your house. pcs can be a little picky about steaty voltage.
:whistle2:k 46 bucks huh? Not to bad at all. I've got the 4 original 1987 turtles sealed in the closet somewhere. Maybe this is the right time to throw those suckers up for bid?
bread's done