voted good luck to you.
A Admiral Moo CAGiversary! Feedback 24 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #154 Voted today again at home after work. Keep it up guys!
dpatel CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #158 Adorable kid. I voted. Good luck to you and to her.
darth007 CAGiversary! Feedback 14 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #160 Voted again for today. C'mon people second place is not enough!
M myl0r CAGiversary! Feedback 132 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #167 voted, I'll try to remember each day to come back and vote
AlohaMars2 CAGiversary! Apr 6, 2010 #169 Not long out of college myself and got a good chunk of debt. Got my vote!
C Cry Havoc CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #170 Voted again. This time it made me verify my vote by retyping a quote. Weird. Maybe to stop bots from voting?
Voted again. This time it made me verify my vote by retyping a quote. Weird. Maybe to stop bots from voting?
LoveLost CAGiversary! Feedback 54 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #175 Voted!!! Hope she wins and you can save that $25,000 for college
xFatalFlaw CAGiversary! Apr 6, 2010 #179 I voted because I am a current student and feel it's important to save up for your daughter. Just don't rely on that whole 25K, you might need more!
I voted because I am a current student and feel it's important to save up for your daughter. Just don't rely on that whole 25K, you might need more!
Naruto Uzumaki CAGiversary! Feedback 7 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #181 Voted for the second time, you'll be first in no time.
platinumsoldier CAGiversary! Feedback 143 (99%) Apr 6, 2010 #186 I voted as well, hope you get first place!
IRHari CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #190 Voted, good luck. oh and your baby is much cuter than the current #1. Plus, #1 might have cheated. He submitted his own name into the pool.
Voted, good luck. oh and your baby is much cuter than the current #1. Plus, #1 might have cheated. He submitted his own name into the pool.
Strell CAGiversary! Feedback 288 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #191 3 votes today so far. Can secure a fourth, will try for a fifth. I also move that we all list what our CAPTCHA was. Mine was $180 Savings! I was filled with joy.
3 votes today so far. Can secure a fourth, will try for a fifth. I also move that we all list what our CAPTCHA was. Mine was $180 Savings! I was filled with joy.
Habbler CAGiversary! Apr 6, 2010 #192 Hope you baby wins. I thought I voted yesterday, but I didnt enter the captcha. Today I voted though, and I feel violated having to type in the Dish Network slogan
Hope you baby wins. I thought I voted yesterday, but I didnt enter the captcha. Today I voted though, and I feel violated having to type in the Dish Network slogan
judyjudyjudy CAGiversary! Feedback 35 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #195 Voted again, and ditto on the weird advertising captcha.
J James1221 CAGiversary! Feedback 6 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #196 [quote name='kirby145']Voted... #1 is such a fail[/QUOTE] #5 is worse.
SpazX CAGiversary! Feedback 170 (100%) Apr 6, 2010 #197 Gave you a vote, btw dish network has the best values.
Habbler CAGiversary! Apr 6, 2010 #198 [quote name='James1221']#5 is worse.[/QUOTE] yeah #5 has a straight up evil grin and some crazy blue eyes. Scary looking kid.
[quote name='James1221']#5 is worse.[/QUOTE] yeah #5 has a straight up evil grin and some crazy blue eyes. Scary looking kid.