Hentai: Thought, Comments, etc.

[quote name='jaykrue']I only marginally liked Kenshin in that I loved all the OVAs (especially Seisouhen) but passionately hated the tv series. Kenshin seemed out of character in most of the series. I like him brooding as he should be considering he's japan's number one killer in atonement for all the blood he's spilled. It makes him believable. The happy go lucky seemed so... not him.[/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing, blown away by the ova's but...the tv series I've only mostly seen all of, only because I begrudginly felt I should watch it. It's like several other tv series though, where the first portion of the series endears you to the characters, then it starts to get good, somewhere in the middle there's some fluff filler eps, then the end blows you away (think trigun as the best example of this I can think of, great series, but the beginning is silly =P Edit: oh, and Kodocha. )
[quote name='tauruskatt']I thought the same thing, blown away by the ova's but...the tv series I've only mostly seen all of, only because I begrudginly felt I should watch it. It's like several other tv series though, where the first portion of the series endears you to the characters, then it starts to get good, somewhere in the middle there's some fluff filler eps, then the end blows you away (think trigun as the best example of this I can think of, great series, but the beginning is silly =P Edit: oh, and Kodocha. )[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen the end of Kodocha yet, I'm still backlogged by about 10 episodes I think.
[quote name='jaykrue']Well, if the stereotypical anime character was brought to real life, they're actually look quite creepy with the overdone eyes. They'd look more like the stereotypical aliens with the big heads and giant black (or in this case blue/green/purple/orange/whatever) eyes.[/QUOTE]

*shudder* it's called Kigurumi, and it freaks me out...



kodocha's really good! I'm still waiting for the us release of the dvds.
[quote name='Pylis']Most hentai movies suck. There are a lot of good h-games out there, though. Some of the older Jast games are excellent; I'm a fan of Season of Sakura and Runaway City, for example.[/QUOTE]

I have played some of the Jast games and they are decent. They are like light versions of Snatcher which is a good thing.

I think hentai is fine. It is just as legitimate as any other form of anime. Just because an erotic element is added doesn't change that. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I prefer reading doujins. Some of the stories are interesting and like regular anime, the only limit is the imagination of the artist. The most fun in reading them is saying "omg I can't believe they just did that!". In this day and age I think hentai (specifically movies) will become bigger simply because it doesn't pose a health risk to voice actors like live actors do.

Part of the reason I like doujin is because a friend of mine in high school was an awesome artist and he did kickass stories with "adult" (nothing really overt but definitely R-rated) elements. I wish I could have gotten some copies of his work because he was really good. I lost touch with him years ago though.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I have played some of the Jast games and they are decent. They are like light versions of Snatcher which is a good thing.[/QUOTE]

Do decent h-games with decent english translations actually exist?
there are a couple good ones. I played one called maid story and its like the sims with sex. then there is an awesome called sentimental shooting, it's like 1942 but better. i'm still trying to find this game, i played once a long time ago and my suite mates loved it.
[quote name='tauruskatt']Do decent h-games with decent english translations actually exist?[/QUOTE]

Not many, but they're out there. Season of Sakura is a cute little dating sim, though it's got some dirty stuff in it at the end.
I used to love this H-game called "Knights of Xentar" It's really a top notch RPG that just happens to have a fairy tales having sex subplot thrown in.
[quote name='tauruskatt']Do decent h-games with decent english translations actually exist?[/QUOTE]

The only ones I think I ever played were the Jast USA game Three Sisters Story and some other one.

All it is is a digital comic really like Snatcher or Phantom of Inferno (which I believe was an H-game in Japan but was released in the US without the H elements. I have the game but haven't tried it yet.) From my recollection the translation was fine but it has been years since I played it.

[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I used to love this H-game called "Knights of Xentar" It's really a top notch RPG that just happens to have a fairy tales having sex subplot thrown in.[/QUOTE]

Oh, damn! Didn't even think of that one. Megatech translated it, but they basically stripped the serious story and added in jokes instead. They also translated Cobra Mission, which is a pretty cool little RPG too.
[quote name='jacobv']I hate Anime and Hentai.[/QUOTE]


I look at lots of hentai like regular pornography. A lot of it is relatively normal and there's a whole lot of crap that's just out there and creepy.
[quote name='KingSpike']Ok.

I look at lots of hentai like regular pornography. A lot of it is relatively normal and there's a whole lot of crap that's just out there and creepy.[/QUOTE]

Plus no one gets hurt in hentai. No one has to worry about their daughter running to California to make skin flicks, lol. It's really not much different than a stunt man jumping of a plane for a movie or using a blue-screen to simulate it. When you simulate it, the way you can present everything is almost limitless. With real footage their are limits (legal and otherwise).
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Plus no one gets hurt in hentai. No one has to worry about their daughter running to California to make skin flicks, lol. It's really not much different than a stunt man jumping of a plane for a movie or using a blue-screen to simulate it. When you simulate it, the way you can present everything is almost limitless. With real footage their are limits (legal and otherwise).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but those who argue that porn objectifies women could point to hentai a lot more than regular porn. Rape, tentacle rape...you know. Then hentai games could be pointed to as teaching sex is the answer to everything. Oh that girl is shy? Sleep with her. She's energetic? Sleep with her to get rid of that extra energy. There's a demon that's sleeping with her? Sleep with her to get rid of the demon.
[quote name='KingSpike']Yeah, but those who argue that porn objectifies women could point to hentai a lot more than regular porn. Rape, tentacle rape...you know. Then hentai games could be pointed to as teaching sex is the answer to everything. Oh that girl is shy? Sleep with her. She's energetic? Sleep with her to get rid of that extra energy. There's a demon that's sleeping with her? Sleep with her to get rid of the demon.[/QUOTE]

LOL :lol:
You think I'm lying about that? I don't remember the game, but there is this girl who is locked in some small shack type thing. You look through the crack and you see a monstrous demon screwing her. She's yelling out "Oh yes! Oh brother yes!"

So apparently her brother is a demon who is having sex with her. Well, it's more like the demon is making her think that he is her brother...and I hope to God he's also convincing her that it's ok for them to have sex...

Anyways, you break in when the demon isn't there and in order to get rid of the demon you sleep with her. She then thinks YOU are the brother.

At least, I think that was how it worked. It's been years and years since I played any hentai games. It was called Moonlight *something or other*
[quote name='KingSpike']You think I'm lying about that? I don't remember the game, but there is this girl who is locked in some small shack type thing. You look through the crack and you see a monstrous demon screwing her. She's yelling out "Oh yes! Oh brother yes!"

So apparently her brother is a demon who is having sex with her. Well, it's more like the demon is making her think that he is her brother...and I hope to God he's also convincing her that it's ok for them to have sex...

Anyways, you break in when the demon isn't there and in order to get rid of the demon you sleep with her. She then thinks YOU are the brother.

At least, I think that was how it worked. It's been years and years since I played any hentai games. It was called Moonlight *something or other*[/QUOTE]

I believe you, it was just said so matter of factly that I got a chuckle out of it. No harm meant. :)

Odd scenes you couldn't do with live actors are even in regular anime. Cosplay Complex was so funny because it was so wrong, lol.
Oh, I wasn't offended at all :D

That is one reason I like anime. Craziness that can't be done in live action (without looking somewhat foolish) can be done in anime.

Like the Sailor Moon Live Action. The first episode or two had them pretty much spinning away from the attacks. It looked hilarious. The show has camp value, but you can't take those moves seriously at all ;)
[quote name='KingSpike'] Oh, I wasn't offended at all :D

That is one reason I like anime. Craziness that can't be done in live action (without looking somewhat foolish) can be done in anime.

Like the Sailor Moon Live Action. The first episode or two had them pretty much spinning away from the attacks. It looked hilarious. The show has camp value, but you can't take those moves seriously at all ;)[/QUOTE]


I didn't even realize they did a live action Sailor Moon. The only other one I heard of going live action is Cutey Honey. I don't know how they plan to do the transformations but the lead actress is VERY attractive IMO.

Yup, Live Action Sailor Moon has been going for awhile. I have up to episode 26 or something. I think they're up to the 50s. I don't know how much farther they're going. It was old school Queen Beryl stuff when last I watched. It's definitely got some camp. Luna (the cat) is played by either a CGI cat that looks like a stuffed animal...or a stuffed animal. I kid you not.

The first episode had Luna dropping on Usagi. They basically threw a stuffed animal at her, she grabbed it, slapped it against her forehead and flailed around holding it there. I fought so hard to not pee my pants from laughing.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Agreed!

I didn't even realize they did a live action Sailor Moon. The only other one I heard of going live action is Cutey Honey. I don't know how they plan to do the transformations but the lead actress is VERY attractive IMO.


I have the Cutie Honey Live movie and let me say it's... cheesy. But no cheesier than an anime about a cyborg girl who transforms nekkid. The enemies are downright bizarre. If you watch the Sailormoon Live show, it's along those lines but increase cheese factor to 12 (out of 10).
[quote name='KingSpike']Yup, Live Action Sailor Moon has been going for awhile. I have up to episode 26 or something. I think they're up to the 50s. I don't know how much farther they're going. It was old school Queen Beryl stuff when last I watched. It's definitely got some camp. Luna (the cat) is played by either a CGI cat that looks like a stuffed animal...or a stuffed animal. I kid you not.

The first episode had Luna dropping on Usagi. They basically threw a stuffed animal at her, she grabbed it, slapped it against her forehead and flailed around holding it there. I fought so hard to not pee my pants from laughing.[/QUOTE]

It's up to episode 49 (not including the specials, of which there are 3 I believe). Yes, I admit it. SML is my guilty pleasure but only cuz I have a crush on Sailor Mercury and Mars.
[quote name='KingSpike']You think I'm lying about that? I don't remember the game, but there is this girl who is locked in some small shack type thing. You look through the crack and you see a monstrous demon screwing her. She's yelling out "Oh yes! Oh brother yes!"

So apparently her brother is a demon who is having sex with her. Well, it's more like the demon is making her think that he is her brother...and I hope to God he's also convincing her that it's ok for them to have sex...

Anyways, you break in when the demon isn't there and in order to get rid of the demon you sleep with her. She then thinks YOU are the brother.

At least, I think that was how it worked. It's been years and years since I played any hentai games. It was called Moonlight *something or other*[/QUOTE]

I remember this. I think the game was called Nocturnal Illusion.

I'm so damn embarrassed about knowing this stuff...
[quote name='Pylis']I remember this. I think the game was called Nocturnal Illusion.

I'm so damn embarrassed about knowing this stuff...[/QUOTE]

Hey, that's it.

And yeah, it's semi-embarrassing to admit it...but hey it's not like we would play them daily without any clothes on and go through a box of tissues in 3 days?

Well, it's not like I did that ;)

It's perfectly healthy to check out porn and hentai IMO, just don't get creepy about it.

And Colorado Springs...nice. I'll be back in Denver in less than a month.
[quote name='Pylis']I remember this. I think the game was called Nocturnal Illusion.

I'm so damn embarrassed about knowing this stuff...[/QUOTE]

Hey! I remember that game! I don't recall that part about the mistaken demon. But then again it was a while back.
[quote name='jaykrue']Hey! I remember that game! I don't recall that part about the mistaken demon. But then again it was a while back.[/QUOTE]

It's been awhile since I played it too, so I could be wrong...
SM live action is definately great, campy, but well worth every moment of it. I watched a good bit of the You're Under Arrest Live action, which is actually outstanding, imo. I'm only sad becasue I have no clue where to get random japanese tv shows without some means of shadiness. (Mama's Genes was another show that was really good, but since I didn't 'keep up' with the fansubs, I have never been able to find it again)

[quote name='jacobv']I hate Anime and Hentai.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, shadiness is the only way I've been able to go as well.

I have the Great Teacher Onizuka live action series. Haven't watched it though. Curse them for coming out with more and more stuff that I want to watch/play.
i guess i never really got into anime and hentai etc.

i did watch all of trigun, cowboy bebop, miyazaki's stuf, and sorta the usual stuffs.

the problem i have with hentai, is that if i am to treat it like something really erotic, for me it's wierd to know that some guy is drawing this chick.

i mean, if i'm gonna beat off to porn, fine, but beating off to a ficticious character DRAWN by some perv? That's a wierd creepy shared experience if you ask me.

but do we really need porn? (ducks)
Well, men are more visual than women when it comes to sexuality and whatnot. So if you don't have a woman...then yeah you may need porn.
[quote name='tauruskatt']SM live action is definately great, campy, but well worth every moment of it. I watched a good bit of the You're Under Arrest Live action, which is actually outstanding, imo. I'm only sad becasue I have no clue where to get random japanese tv shows without some means of shadiness. (Mama's Genes was another show that was really good, but since I didn't 'keep up' with the fansubs, I have never been able to find it again) [/QUOTE]

If you liked Mama's Genes, you should check out Oyaji! if you haven't seen it already. I really like that show since it has an all star cast (plus the fact that all the women on the show are smokin' hot - especially Hitomi Kuroki the mom) and really mesh well and are believable as a family.
[quote name='jaykrue']If you liked Mama's Genes, you should check out Oyaji! if you haven't seen it already. I really like that show since it has an all star cast (plus the fact that all the women on the show are smokin' hot - especially Hitomi Kuroki the mom) and really mesh well and are believable as a family.[/QUOTE]

I'm just currently stunned and estatic that someone knows what mama's genes is!! ^_^
[quote name='tauruskatt']I'm just currently stunned and estatic that someone knows what mama's genes is!! ^_^[/QUOTE]

Hah, I'm tellin' ya. I've seen it all (or will in the future). Speaking of doramas, I'm starting some of the korean ones. The one I'm checking out now is called Hotelier.
Hentai is OK by me. There's a market for it so why not make it. Though they're made to look like real people their just drawings.

Sadly, I knew this guy in high school and he lived and breathed the stuff. I wasn't even funny... no wait it was. Everyday he always talked about he just downloaded all this new stuff (ON A DIAL UP CONNECTION). Best part was he always seem tired. Yeah, he liked the stuff too much.
[quote name='tauruskatt']I thought the same thing, blown away by the ova's but...the tv series I've only mostly seen all of, only because I begrudginly felt I should watch it. It's like several other tv series though, where the first portion of the series endears you to the characters, then it starts to get good, somewhere in the middle there's some fluff filler eps, then the end blows you away (think trigun as the best example of this I can think of, great series, but the beginning is silly =P Edit: oh, and Kodocha. )[/QUOTE]

I still haven't seen all the OVAs of Kenshin, but I still think the single best part of anything involving it is the entire Kyoto arc in the show. That whole arc was amazingly good. Plus, it has some of the best fights, IMO, in the series. I still will watch the episodes of Kenshin/Shishio and Kenshin/Aoshi in the library. The beginning part of the show is only okay, and the end part I'm not too fond of either, but the middle arc, in Kyoto, is awesome.
[quote name='Zer0X1999']Hentai is OK by me. There's a market for it so why not make it. Though they're made to look like real people their just drawings.

There's a market for child porn (albeit a small one), but I don't think that should be made ;)
bread's done