Heroes, Volume 5: Redemption - Season 4 airs Mondays at 8pm, starting Fall 2009

I think I'll agree with the standpoint that the finale was going well until the last 10 minutes. Noah's line
"I gotta say... I never liked carnivals."
at the end really put the nail in the coffin. >_<

Amazing how much my opinion of the show changed in one season. I was really excited at the season starter, but after the winter break, things just went downhill...Doesn't mean I won't stop watching though. I'd love to see it get one more season, just to see where things go.

I was also hoping Samuel's powers would be...well, cooler. Instead of just causing sinkholes and dust storms, why not raise spikes of rock and stuff like that? Shoot a pillar of earth underneath someone and let them drop from 50 feet in the air! I understand the budget and special effects limitations, but...seriously? A little mole-tunnel pushing contest for a final showdown? Weaksauce!
[quote name='JolietJake']What a shitty ending, it's like no one gave a fuck anymore and just let her do it. It was nice to see Ando finally get to do something, dude is the most useless sidekick ever.[/QUOTE]

I love how Hiro seemed confused at Ando's suggestion of supercharging him. It was like capturing the audience's collective thought of, "Oh yeah, I forgot Ando could do that since they haven't mentioned it since Volume 3!"

[quote name='coolsteel']That is what really bothers me, Peter of all people should have been the first screaming no like a madman; I mean shit he literally went to a future like the one she was creating and it was a damn mess.[/QUOTE]

Someone should've been screaming like a madman. If someone is climbing to the top of a tall structure like that, don't tell me the thought of them jumping wouldn't cross your mind. I just love how Claire says she'll tell them what really happened, then goes to climb the ferris wheel for seemingly no reason and no one raises an eyebrow. Even better, was how she jumps off, and the press just runs over as if hoping for some really gory shots to show on the evening news.

[quote name='craven_fiend']The ending was weak sauce. I mean seriously, why not have Peter turn or something and just destroy Samuel. [/quote]

It would've been a cool ending to have Samuel kill Emma, and have Peter snap and kill Samuel in rage. I said on another board, but this show could really use an anti-hero. They spend so much time swinging Sylar from one extreme to the other. It'd be nice to have a character who was a little "shade of grey".

[quote name='poison_SHADOW']Whatever happened to Sylar's sidekick from season 3? I missed one episode from that season, I think, and it was apparently the one where they did away with him. Did Sylar kill him before getting to his father's house?[/QUOTE]

Whatever happened to Molly? Suresh and Parkman were raising her in the earlier seasons. When Matt went to the future, he saw himself and Daphne taking care of her. Now, Matt is with his old wife and son and Suresh is in India. So what, did they just leave her on the side of the road or something?

[quote name='coolsteel']1. Plot Hole, huge stinking plot hole[/QUOTE]

While it never was explicitly stated in the show, my firm belief is that when Samuel can't use his powers to generate sinkholes, they can still generate massive plot holes. And that, my friends, makes him the most evil villain of all.
I think the funniest joke about heroes ive heard so far is that suresh's ability is actually the ability to rip doors off of their hinges. I laughed pretty loud when i first read that lol.
I thought it was the best season finale since the first season personally. Though, that may not be saying much.
If there is another season, I hope they keep Sylar good. It'll piss me off if they suddenly make him evil again.
I just watched the season finale on hulu, and I have to say I really enjoyed it.... UNTIL THE LAST 10 MINUTES! OK, so seriously, claire of all people should know that people knowing about specials isnt exactly the greatest idea. As I recall, season 3 saw her getting drugged up and put on a plane to a concentration camp. So does that mean that season 5 is going to be a rehash of season 3? It seems like its well on its way. And what was with Tracy Strauss being in the show for all of 5 minutes? The only line she should have been given was " I am contractually obligated to push the plot forward".

All in all, I can't see myself getting onboard to watch another season, it is just the same plot devices over and over again.
Eh, I watched a few of the Heroes motion comics at nbc.com earlier. One in particular made me feel a little better about the finale--the one that showed what Tracy was up to just before heading out to save Noah and Claire.

Still, the show shouldn't need something like the web comic to fill in plot holes. Getting at least half-decent writers would go a long way for this show.

Also regarding the web comics:
Damn. The old time traveler from Samuel's carnival got royally screwed.
[quote name='ImLuhkee']The actor went on to go do Cougar Town, so that is probably why he isn't on heroes anymore.

Cougar Town? Way to move up in the world.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Cougar Town? Way to move up in the world.[/QUOTE]

Cougar Town is legitimately awesome. Funniest new show of the year (with Modern Family - great hour of TV).
[quote name='ChibiJosh']I thought it was the best season finale since the first season personally. Though, that may not be saying much.
If there is another season, I hope they keep Sylar good. It'll piss me off if they suddenly make him evil again.[/QUOTE]

Same, it was great but was decent at least.

The ending of the Samuel story was a let down. But I liked the rest of the ending. Next season has some potential with the fact that there are [spoilers]heroes/specials finally out of the bag to the general public[/spoiler].
Well... It has officially been canceled. I'm not surprised, but I am disappointed. I was hoping for one more season to wrap things up. I actually really liked the series as a whole, except for season 2.
After that terrible season finale i'm not too shocked here, i've been reading a lot of people say oh they wish it could have a proper wrap up etc, etc. Well my thing is that last season practically was the wrap up, most of the characters had moved on and tried to lead normal lives and even throwing in Claire's batshit insane decision none of that really would effect them unless they bother to out themselves.
If they want a proper wrap to the series, they should reshoot the last episode of season one and make it a series finale... it was awful after that episode. I hung in there until 3 episodes into this season, and that seemed like forever ago.
[quote name='DestroVega']If they want a proper wrap to the series, they should reshoot the last episode of season one and make it a series finale... it was awful after that episode. I hung in there until 3 episodes into this season, and that seemed like forever ago.[/QUOTE]

Same here. I watched a few episodes of the current season dealing with those carneys then I stopped. Heroes was so good in the beginning then it took a huge nose dive.
Not shocked the show was canceled.

Last season was suppose to be THE season that got the show back on track and it was an epic fucking failure and thats comming from a hardcore fan.

Last seaons finale was a complete abortion.
I never got hooked on this show until I started watching it on Netflix last summer...then my gf got hooked on it. Yea season 4 was just bad... oh well time to buy the blu-rays when they go cheap :) but honestly, would not be surprised if there is a campaign to bring the show back.... it might work...then again it might get the jericho treatment...7 episodes and that's it. :|
[quote name='Pookymeister']i was a little curious where they were going to take it after the claire thing.[/QUOTE]

Knowing the show.... they would have used Hero to go back in time and stop Claire from doing it.... this show has pressed the reset button more times than voyager :|
[quote name='Matt Young']Hopefully, Hayden Panettiere's career will careen downward after this, forcing her to do porn.[/QUOTE]

Why not just wish for Escorting?
[quote name='Matt Young']Hopefully, Hayden Panettiere's career will careen downward after this, forcing her to do porn.[/QUOTE]

Maybe if she had Hiro go back in time to season 1 when she was actually hot.

I stopped watching this show like halfway into fugitives or whatever the hell that garbage was called. Season 1 was absolutely amazing; Season 2 wasn't that bad either. My lord though, this show sucks more dick than... well, a dick sucking machine.
bread's done