Hey FGT #11, Go home and sleep. You suck.

[quote name='panzerfaust']Yeah, Sak's cr.hp link after tatsu either loses or wins me games online. It wins me games because people have no idea it's a true link, and it loses me games because I drop it half the time online and eat a DP > Ultra.[/QUOTE]

Mashy, mashy! Last time I played online in ranked, I won games just by doing cr.lp x2 then blocking their DP and throwing. Some of them eventually figured out I was just baiting them, but by then it was too late.
I've been trying to play less online (minus again CAG, SRK and actual friends) because of what it does to my Seth play.

I end up playing Day 1 basic-ass Seth because I can't hit any of my links, odd/weird setups or OS' online. Playing like that is boring, predictable and sometimes effects my offline play.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I want to get better and learn combos, but the trials are generally useless and uninformative. [/QUOTE]

[quote name='panzerfaust']Well, SRK is a good place to ask around -- but their forums are so shitty you won't be able to simply find a good guide post. All their combo guides are dated back to 2009 and most have not been edited. It's a very annoying place.[/QUOTE]real talk, these are the 2nd and 3rd dumbest things Ive read all day.

first off, the trials are not useless. They give you situations which are possible within the SF4 engine and thus provide the player the opportunity to learn the execution to perform said combos, ultimately granting the player a better understanding of the system overall.

in regards to the info on SRK, all coz something was discovered in 2009 doesnt mean it doesnt work today. It's not like time evolves the input for a freakin hadouken o_O

if u wanna improve at fighting games or anything for that matter all u need is two things, foundation and experience. If you can build those two then from that point on you'll be able to figure out on your own how to step yourself up.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I'm still fucking around with MvC2, Jimbo. Strider/Capcom/random. I think I'm getting better with Strider.

I've been playing SF games since 1992. Especially as Ken. I've adopted Chun and Cammy recently and do okay with them, I'm decent at moving and blocking and punishing and the like... but in order to win against the people who are kicking my ass, I need to be able to to more than jump in and pull a small time combo like jumping roundhouse to crouch short x2 to crouch forward... or jump in > fierce SRK.

Because of linking, this shit is much harder than the old jump in roundhouse, crouch fierce, fierce hadoken that I could do in SFIITHDR...[/QUOTE]
i don't like it when people say they've been playing SF since whenever.

there are people who have been playing since last year that are already way better than people who played SF since it started.

combos: nothing has really changed since the game came out. you should be able to do trial mode combos easily. some of them are impractical but generally combos take like an hour to learn and then you can already play against people. ken's basic one is something like c.lpx2 - hp shoryuken, don't do the shoryuken if the opponent blocks.

honestly to be better than most people all you need to do is--
1- know your combos
2- know how to tech throws and use throws
3- anti-air whenever they jump in for free
[quote name='kainzero']i don't like it when people say they've been playing SF since whenever.

there are people who have been playing since last year that are already way better than people who played SF since it started.

combos: nothing has really changed since the game came out. you should be able to do trial mode combos easily. some of them are impractical but generally combos take like an hour to learn and then you can already play against people. ken's basic one is something like c.lpx2 - hp shoryuken, don't do the shoryuken if the opponent blocks.

honestly to be better than most people all you need to do is--
1- know your combos
2- know how to tech throws and use throws
3- anti-air whenever they jump in for free[/QUOTE]

thanks you

[quote name='JEKKI']real talk, these are the 2nd and 3rd dumbest things Ive read all day.

first off, the trials are not useless. They give you situations which are possible within the SF4 engine and thus provide the player the opportunity to learn the execution to perform said combos, ultimately granting the player a better understanding of the system overall.

in regards to the info on SRK, all coz something was discovered in 2009 doesnt mean it doesnt work today. It's not like time evolves the input for a freakin hadouken o_O

Thanks JEKKI, I'll go bash my head against a brick again for the next twelve hours. That'll surely make me a better SF4 player. :rofl:

I maintain that the trials are useless, because there's no indication of timing or your inputs, so it's hard for them to TEACH you anything. You either have to figure it out by brute force of 1200 tries in a row or hope someone put something up on youtube to help you try to glean the timing you should be aiming for. At least the older Tekken training modes had training to show you the timing for the moves or combos... I believe the newer Blazblue does too. But SF4 and SSF4? Good luck, man.

As an example, I was attempting trial 10 with Chun and I can do the first part of the combo, but I can't figure out the timing on the m.sbk. Without fail, I jump, hold down, execute the first two hits and immediately try to buffer the m.sbk, but I can't get it and I've been too annoyed to try to check anything timing-wise on youtube. Meanwhile, I moved on to trial 11 and I can do the entire thing up to the EX.sbk. I suppose I've learned (as stated below) a string which I *can* use in normal play, but still, I want to learn how to do complete combos, not half-assed partial combos.

Besides, while you may figure out portions of things that could be used in actual gameplay, the general consensus I've read on the trials (SRK and elsewhere) is that most of the trials don't teach you viable combos for actual use -- they might teach you theory or timing, I suppose... but without something to help you figure out that stuff, you're still probably effed in the a.

[quote name='kainzero']i don't like it when people say they've been playing SF since whenever.

there are people who have been playing since last year that are already way better than people who played SF since it started.

combos: nothing has really changed since the game came out. you should be able to do trial mode combos easily. some of them are impractical but generally combos take like an hour to learn and then you can already play against people. ken's basic one is something like c.lpx2 - hp shoryuken, don't do the shoryuken if the opponent blocks.

honestly to be better than most people all you need to do is--
1- know your combos
2- know how to tech throws and use throws
3- anti-air whenever they jump in for free[/QUOTE]

That's the problem. From everything I've read about SF4 combos, they're much different than the old SFIIT(HDR) combos because of the whole linking frames rather than having inputs cancel into the next move in most cases. When I end up open and someone decides to combo with Ken and it's got a bunch of jabs/shorts/tatsus and takes 1/3 of my life -- that's what I'm looking to learn. The best thing I found so far was the event hub character pages for the game... for some reason the stuff I found in the character forums at SRK are usually either hard to understand or too complex for my current skill level. Though if what Uraizen/distgfx and panzer has been saying is accurate, I'd have enough input lag in online play to not be able to hit the links half the time anyway, so I'm not sure why I'm bothering at this point... ^___^

And I only mentioned that I've been playing for x amount of years so that Jimbo would know I wasn't new to the SF basics. I in no way intended that to come out as "I'm really fucking good at older SF games because I'm old and played them since they came out." Sorry. :)
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Concerning trials, the first 10-12 trials for each character have things that are viable in any general match. The rest are just things for flair. This doesn't mean they're useless, though.
[quote name='corrosivefrost'] Though if what Uraizen/distgfx and panzer has been saying is accurate, I'd have enough input lag in online play to not be able to hit the links half the time anyway, so I'm not sure why I'm bothering at this point... ^___^[/QUOTE]

Oh, I can hit links online, they just miss every once in a while because of laaaaag. Depending on the character, it's almost impossible to miss them, even online. If we're talking about 1-frame links here, then yea, it's gonna suck balls, but it's still manageable. So it's still worth practicing, especially if you feel like stylin' for the sake of stylin'.
fuckin' light SPD range buff. RAGE. I'm sure Kado is laughing his ass off.

And that stinks about Ibuki's neckbreaker nerf. But I'm glad that's the only "real" nerf she's got.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']I know, right!? Seth's health and stun got increased, although what that means without his stretchy limbs, I haven't a clue.[/QUOTE]

Depends on how you personally play Seth.

Without stretchy limbs, match-ups that require a lot of keep-away and zoning (Gief, Honda usually) will get harder. Though it's a lot easier to rush down Honda with Seth compared to Gief because of OS/Safe Jump and well timed Headstomp beating out all Honda's wakeup options. Against Gief, without j.hp Seth won't really have any good keep away options since Booms are slow and Teleport (when getting rushed down) to get out can easily be OS Green Hand. Also Seth doesn't really have a lot of good/relatively safe options to get in on Gief anyway. Non-Wall Dive Headstomp, Dive Kick, Cross-up, are all stupid decisions to get in on Gief. Also Seth has terrible footsies, so look for lots of cr.mk guesses and s.hp.

I don't really care about the health and stun increase. Been playing the character for almost 2 years now knowing I had shit health and dealt with it. Giving him an increase in both but not really giving anything great really makes it a moot point.

Also who knows what the U1 (nerf?) means. Could it mean I could get hit out of U1? Does it mean that a player can "clash" Ultra similar to timing Ryu's U1 to clash with Sim's U1 to null? We won't know until it comes out.

Headstomp Mixups/Weird Setups are more part of my game than j.hp is, so I really don't care about the j.hp possibly being gone. Just don't fuck with my Headstomps/Dive Kick anymore.

What I do know is that Capcom really wants Seth players to switch :)
Well his multi-kicks are getting a power increase, if that helps.

My guess with U1 is that it'll get stopped dead if it comes into contact with another projectile. U1 has a really fast startup though, so you could probably work with it still.

Or maybe it DOES mean that you can get hit out of it. Shit needs a proper translation, badly.

Ibuki's Neckbreaker nerf sucks (120 damage, 200 stun, down from 140/250). The damage I could care less about, but the stun, that's huge.
[quote name='PhrostByte']You know which game had a solid training mode? Virtua Fighter 4...[/QUOTE]

True, probably the best training mode in a fighter ever. It's got such a steep learning curve but the game gives you everything you need to overcome that. It even has videos of pros playing so you can study their technique and apply it to your own.
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[quote name='Mr. Beef']GGs AxC. I dunno what was happening; one minute I'm on, the next I'm off. :lol:[/QUOTE]

GG's to you too. Playing you and Option, I was seriously waiting around for you guys to pick someone I was 5-5 against, or had an advantage against. Oh well :)

A lot of times you lost, it was mostly because you were timid where as the times you won you smartly pressured me. Like there were so many times it was showing that you were thinking a little TOO much.

Ibuki owns Seth so much in that matchup.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']fuckin' light SPD range buff. RAGE. I'm sure Kado is laughing his ass off.[/QUOTE]

It's great the jab SPD is getting a buff, but I'm still not sold on EX green hand not knocking down on hit anymore. Sure, it's +1 on hit now, but without a knockdown, a major part of Zangief's game is taken away from him. Knockdowns lead to crossups, fake crossups, meaties, and option selects. EX hand is Gief's most used move to score a knockdown, and now it's getting taken away from him.

I don't know, I guess I'll just have to see it in action.
This week's Arcade Edition changes blog.


-st.HP has longer range

-LP and HP SPD do more damage, LP has slightly more range
-EX Banishing Flat doesn't knockdown on normal hit against grounded opponents, but it leaves you in range for LP SPD (according to Arcadia magazine, it's +1 on hit)
-No changes to either Lariat

Ultra Combos
-After the UC2 Ultra flash and until active frames, you can manipulate the Ultra forward or backward. The forward movement is considerably greater than before, so it's easier to catch opponent back jumps
-UC2 has greater landing recovery


-st.LK does more damage when both hits connect (we already know the 2nd hit does 30 damage, up from 10)
-st.LK is still only cancellable on the first hit

-Tiger Uppercut does more damage on deep hits (reported to be 120, up from 100)
-Angry Charge now done with kick commands


-cl.LK startup is 3 frames (1 frame faster), cr.MP startup is 5 frames (2 frames faster)
-cl.LK, cl.MP, cl.HK, st.LP, cr.LP, cr.MK all have less recovery, allowing for new combos
-Examples: st.LP → cr.MK; cr.MP → cr.MP
-nj.HP now juggles (can do follow-up attacks), knocks opponent to ground

-The damage distribution on MK, HK Dankukyaku has been changed, HK does less total damage
-Is considered mid-air on Koryuken trade

Ultra Combos
-UC2's invincibility has been reduced to 8 frames after the Ultra flash. It's now possible to stuff the Ultra, preventing the fireball from releasing at all


-cr.MK now has 5 active frames (up from 3)
-st.HK has less recovery; no greater advantage on hit, but is +0 on block (improved from -3)
-j.HK knocks air opponents to the ground, is easier to use air-to-air

Unique Attacks
-Stomach Blow (F+MP) now has a 7-frame startup (2 frames faster), improved hitbox; can now hit some characters' low attacks
-Dart Shot (F+HK) has an improved hitbox, making it easier to land from a distance

-EX Ducking added. In contrast to normal Ducking, it has complete upper body invincibility during movement, follow-ups can be done on the 3rd frame
-Light normal → EX Ducking → Ducking Straight/Upper is now possible

-On blocked Jet Upper FADC forward, Dudley is now -2
-The issue that some characters had when trying to throw a stunned Dudley has been fixed

Next week is Guile, Seth, Dee Jay and Hakan.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']... hi people... been working every day all this month till today >_<

anything I should know?[/QUOTE]
Yes. Terrorists have kidnapped a pug!

[quote name='Jimbo Slice']WTFFFFFFFFFFFF

※ Jab SPD range and damage has been increased.[/QUOTE]

As for the EX glove no-knockdown issue, I've heard it works out well for Gief.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Yes. Terrorists have kidnapped a pug!



Save the Babies (puppies)!!!!!

err... >_<

actually, I was suprised to see Rival Schools stuff on PSN 0_0, I thought capcom didn't have full rights or something? is this a glimmer of hope of a PSN release or no, am I being overly optimistic?
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Yes. Terrorists have kidnapped a pug!


Ahahahahahahahahaha, freakin' beef. What an awesome picture.
Stupid question:
Will Capcom release an inclusive total ultra pack for SSFIV costumes? I want them, but refuse to buy them all individually.

Random thought:
Niitsuma is a fucking moron.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Stupid question:
Will Capcom release an inclusive total ultra pack for SSFIV costumes? I want them, but refuse to buy them all individually.

04/26/2011 - Complete Ultra Costume Pack, All Characters - 1440MS/$17.99
[quote name='asianxcore']04/26/2011 - Complete Ultra Costume Pack, All Characters - 1440MS/$17.99[/QUOTE]

Thanks -- I hadn't seen that. A bit more expensive than last time, but I suppose there's more characters this time around... it just sucks that I already have the pack with guile/blanka in it. :(

Shame it's 5 months out.
I might not splurge on that if I'm busy playing MvC3 instead. :(
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Thanks -- I hadn't seen that. A bit more expensive than last time, but I suppose there's more characters this time around... it just sucks that I already have the pack with guile/blanka in it. :(

Shame it's 5 months out.
I might not splurge on that if I'm busy playing MvC3 instead. :([/QUOTE]

I thought the pack with Blanka is the last one released before the mega-pack?

12/07/2010 - Adon, Cody, Ibuki, Juri, T.Hawk - 320MS/$3.99
12/21/2010 - Abel, E.Honda, El Fuerte, Rufus, Zangief - 320MS/$3.99
01/11/2011 - Balrog, M.Bison, Sagat, Seth, Vega - 320MS/$3.99
01/25/2011 - Blanka, Dhalsim, Fei Long, Gen, Guile - 320MS/$3.99
04/26/2011 - Complete Ultra Costume Pack, All Characters - 1440MS/$17.99
[quote name='PhrostByte']I thought the pack with Blanka is the last one released before the mega-pack?

12/07/2010 - Adon, Cody, Ibuki, Juri, T.Hawk - 320MS/$3.99
12/21/2010 - Abel, E.Honda, El Fuerte, Rufus, Zangief - 320MS/$3.99
01/11/2011 - Balrog, M.Bison, Sagat, Seth, Vega - 320MS/$3.99
01/25/2011 - Blanka, Dhalsim, Fei Long, Gen, Guile - 320MS/$3.99
04/26/2011 - Complete Ultra Costume Pack, All Characters - 1440MS/$17.99[/QUOTE]

I got confused... turns out there is a Super combo pack already -- I just never caught wind of it. Now that I know about it, I might have to pick it up. Seems it's $18 too...

I just remembered seeing that the next set (Ultra, I guess) of costumes was going to have a collected pack but hadn't seen any info about a Super combo pack.

Sorry for the confusion. One too many blows to my head... :bouncy:
[quote name='PhrostByte']It's cool since you're the Other Phrost. :lol:[/QUOTE]


It'd be even cooler if PSN wasn't being a douche and hiding the combo pack for some reason (this probably is why I was asking, now that I think about it...).

If I go look at add-ons for disc based games under super street fighter 4, it has all the super packs and some of the ultra packs, but not the super combo pack.

If I search on "super street" the combo pack is in the first 10 results, but when I select it I'm told "no content found".

What. The. fuck.

Edit: It's because Sony hides it from my user account since I have the pack that I got from preorder? Are you fucking kidding me? So they don't want my $18 because I got an individual pack for free? This is such bullshit. If only Amazon actually sold the download codes for the complete pack...
[quote name='corrosivefrost']:lol:

It'd be even cooler if PSN wasn't being a douche and hiding the combo pack for some reason (this probably is why I was asking, now that I think about it...).

If I go look at add-ons for disc based games under super street fighter 4, it has all the super packs and some of the ultra packs, but not the super combo pack.

If I search on "super street" the combo pack is in the first 10 results, but when I select it I'm told "no content found".

What. The. fuck.[/QUOTE]

Did you already buy or redeem one of the super packs? If so, you're fucked, gotta buy 'em separate now.
[quote name='distgfx']Did you already buy or redeem one of the super packs? If so, you're fucked, gotta buy 'em separate now.[/QUOTE]

Yup. Was given a free "classic pack" voucher for preordering with amazon. This is absolutely retarded. I guess PSN/Capcom don't want my $.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Yup. Was given a free "classic pack" voucher for preordering with amazon. This is absolutely retarded. I guess PSN/Capcom don't want my $.[/QUOTE]

It is indeed retarded, it's something that they need to address eventually. By "they," I mean Sony.
Bro that's fucked up.. I didn't know Sony did that. What's ironic is that it would still be cheaper to get the super pack (in addition to the one you already have) than getting all the other ones separately..
[quote name='PhrostByte']Bro that's fucked up.. I didn't know Sony did that. What's ironic is that it would still be cheaper to get the super pack (in addition to the one you already have) than getting all the other ones separately..[/QUOTE]


I'm willing to give Capcom (and Sony by proxy) $18+tax worth of my hard earned cash.
I am not willing to give them $23.94+tax.

I've opened email complaints to customer service at Capcom and Sony. I've also queried Amazon as to whether or not they will ever sell the voucher code for the pack. If I could buy it through Amazon and just enter the code, the stupid store wouldn't be able to deny me.

Oh well, fuck 'em for the moment.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I don't think I've ever played a game with Evil Ryu and Shin Akuma?

What's the big deal?[/QUOTE]

Nothing's particularly wrong with them, they're just a waste of two character slots. Hank just wants to see something in SSFIV broken and I can't blame him, LOL!
[quote name='distgfx']Nothing's particularly wrong with them, they're just a waste of two character slots. Hank just wants to see something in SSFIV broken and I can't blame him, LOL![/QUOTE]

Capcom wasting character slots? Naaaah. They're not known for doing that... *cough* marvelvscapcom3isrifewithwastedslots *cough*
bread's done