Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - Nobody Wants This Game To End... Ever...

[quote name='bingbangboom']The thing that was fun with Pheonix Wright is that it was compelling but fun. I like more adventure games that are fun and funny.[/quote]
For what it's worth, there's a lot more humor in Hotel Dusk than there was in Trace Memory. It's not the wacky, over-the-top comedy of Phoenix Wright, but some of the dialogues had me laughing out loud, particularly thanks to the characters being so well developed and endearing.
Yeah, I think that it is that whole interactive novel thing. Problem is after a while I am just tired of reading it or waiting for stuff to happen. Just not real exciting. I was hoping for more gameplay. Seems right now there is an utter lack of point and click adventures which alot of people were hoping for. I think LucasArts should really port some classics to the DS or make some new ones. At least they had voice acting and were fun.
It took me awhile, but I finally beat it. The game is decent, probably because I tired myself out of that genre (Phoenix Wright:JFA, Touch Detective, and now Hotel Dusk). The story is great, but after awhile it felt like a chore to go through all the actions.

Now, I don't feel like playing it again for a different ending (and get those vending machine stuff as well), or at least for awhile. Time to start PoR now.

Although, a second game about some of the related characters would be fun.
finally got this game last night played for about 5 min then my ds ran out of power ,and i dont know were the charger is but it was a good 5 min...
Played a few more hours last night (for some odd reason I woke up at 2 AM and couldn't get back to sleep for another 4 hours), and it's still really good.

I also laughed my ass off when I was escorting someone (for spoiler's sake) around. The 8> looked like a penis.


C'mon you know you were thinking it too.

Also I have a question (hope someone can answer): I'm playing this on a DS Phat, and it is really, really hurting my eyes after a while. The combination of the somewhat reflective screen and the lower light output can give it this "shiny" appearance.

The DSLite resolves this kind of problem, yeah? 'Cuz if so, it might be enough of an argument to make me go out and get a DSL. 'Cuz this can be really annoying to play with and feel like I have to shift around a lot to get the best viewing angle.
[quote name='Strell']Played a few more hours last night (for some odd reason I woke up at 2 AM and couldn't get back to sleep for another 4 hours), and it's still really good.

I also laughed my ass off when I was escorting someone (for spoiler's sake) around. The 8> looked like a penis.


C'mon you know you were thinking it too.

Also I have a question (hope someone can answer): I'm playing this on a DS Phat, and it is really, really hurting my eyes after a while. The combination of the somewhat reflective screen and the lower light output can give it this "shiny" appearance.

The DSLite resolves this kind of problem, yeah? 'Cuz if so, it might be enough of an argument to make me go out and get a DSL. 'Cuz this can be really annoying to play with and feel like I have to shift around a lot to get the best viewing angle.[/QUOTE]

I'll be the first to say that since this game uses so much white, a DS Lite is almost necissary. Also the long play times arent as hard since the screen is easier to see. I say invest in a Lite. Yes it will set you some bucks back, but in all honesty it makes everything twice as good.
I played Hotel Dusk all the way through with the original DS, and thought it was fine. Now I'm playing it through a second time with a DS Lite that I recently purchased and regret not having it from the beginning!

It's easier to hold, opens up almost completely flat so it's much more like a notebook. And the screens... the screens are amazing! Colors are nice and crisp, you'll wonder how you played the original with how blurry and bland everything is.

The only complaint I have with the DS Lite, is that the speakers are not nearly as good. It's definitely required to use ear buds with the DS Lite.
Well damn.

What are the chances Nintendo might bring over a Navy DSL? 'Cuz I want a Navy one so badly.

I'll settle for white if I have to, but damn. This game is really making it difficult to resist.
I beat it a second time for the extra goodies, and if you want my opinion, it's not really worth another 15 hours to do so. Yes, you can get into Room 220, but there's nothing in there except for an item to pick up and give to someone at the end, but you don't even get to find out what's in the box! All it grants you is a couple extra lines of text, to the effect of, "Hey, is this yours?" "Oh! Yes it is! Thank you!"

Yeah, that was pretty anti-climactic.
[quote name='Vegan']I beat it a second time for the extra goodies, and if you want my opinion, it's not really worth another 15 hours to do so. Yes, you can get into Room 220, but there's nothing in there except for an item to pick up and give to someone at the end, but you don't even get to find out what's in the box! All it grants you is a couple extra lines of text, to the effect of, "Hey, is this yours?" "Oh! Yes it is! Thank you!"

Yeah, that was pretty anti-climactic.[/quote]

You didn't get a different ending?
I just picked this up today. I'm kind of having buyers remorse, but I think that will pass, just based off of what I read on this page alone. I'm really close to the end of the first Phoenix Wright, and I don't want to over kill myself of Mr. Wright, so I'm gonna tear through this before I pick up JFA. But do you think my "buyers remorse" going to pass once I play for a bit?
[quote name='Ahadi']I just picked this up today. I'm kind of having buyers remorse, but I think that will pass, just based off of what I read on this page alone. I'm really close to the end of the first Phoenix Wright, and I don't want to over kill myself of Mr. Wright, so I'm gonna tear through this before I pick up JFA. But do you think my "buyers remorse" going to pass once I play for a bit?[/QUOTE]

hells yes. I was worried I made a bad choice when I picked it up since I was on a tight budget, but it was totally worth it. The whole experience took me by surprise. No matter what the press says, I consider this a revolutionary game proving 2D games can truely emote human emotion. Also, best writing I've read in a long ass time.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']hells yes. I was worried I made a bad choice when I picked it up since I was on a tight budget, but it was totally worth it. The whole experience took me by surprise. No matter what the press says, I consider this a revolutionary game proving 2D games can truely emote human emotion. Also, best writing I've read in a long ass time.[/QUOTE]

That's good to hear then. I'm gonna crack it open in a few minutes then. I'll probably post again tomorrow with my impressions. Thanks for that push towards the game.
I'm in the first hour of the game and I'm bored to tears. The dialogue drives me nuts, since it's kinda slow speed wise and extremely slow content wise. stuff that can be shown and accomplished in 5 minutes is drawn to about a half hour in the beginning with aimless conversation.

I guess adventure games like this aren't my thing...same thing happened with Trace Memory. Can't see any reason to play this over reading a genuinely challenging mystery novel written by a good writer.

cool "A-ha" graphics though
[quote name='Apossum']I'm in the first hour of the game and I'm bored to tears. The dialogue drives me nuts, since it's kinda slow speed wise and extremely slow content wise. stuff that can be shown and accomplished in 5 minutes is drawn to about a half hour in the beginning with aimless conversation.

I guess adventure games like this aren't my thing...same thing happened with Trace Memory. Can't see any reason to play this over reading a genuinely challenging mystery novel written by a good writer.

cool "A-ha" graphics though[/QUOTE]

I will say, if you (ie anyone like this) like games that have immediate and quick results, the game isn't appealing. I am just glad that this game takes its time with the player and gives the layer things only when it's really important.

It's both good and bad due to player prefs, but I love it. I am tired of all the fast paced games and want more slower toned games. Modern games are overly rewarding IMHO.

though, your points are valid.
I'm with you, Rolento. I thought the pacing of Hotel Dusk was fine, any faster would of made it terrible. I hope we'll see a sequel, and with the good sales of the Phoenix Wright series (and Hotel Dusk... I think) hopefully we'll see more of this genre.

Damnit, I miss the classic point-and-click adventure games. Speaking of which, what's Tim Schafer up to? He needs to start working on a DS game, seriously.
[quote name='yukine']
Damnit, I miss the classic point-and-click adventure games. Speaking of which, what's Tim Schafer up to? He needs to start working on a DS game, seriously.[/QUOTE]

I know that he luvs the DS and the Wii and Nintendo in general. has a little blog running, and the man makes quite hilarious posts all the damn time on there.

I imagine he does want to get on board with Nintendo platforms, but for odd reasons has not. He even made a comic about how Psychonauts appeared on the PS2 and Xbox, but not the GC. So the man has a sense of humor about it.

Right now he's working on something undisclosed. Psychonauts didn't bomb, but it didn't sell in the US as well as the UK, where it received a ton of awards and recognition. Doublefine has enough money to keep a project running at the moment, and I hope it gets revealed soon.

Would be nice if Ron Gilbert and Al Lowe were around. Gilbert supposedly has some kind of RPG in the works, and Al Lowe appears to have called it quits. A shame, really.

I'm sure we'll find out soon. One of my friends e-mails Shaefer quite a bit, to the point where Tim actually recognizes his name. 'Course, having a distinctly Russian name sort of helps that.

Anyway, I'm sure we'll find out what he's doing soon enough. In the meantime, check out his blog. It really is goddamn hilarious.
[quote name='Apossum']I'm in the first hour of the game and I'm bored to tears. The dialogue drives me nuts, since it's kinda slow speed wise and extremely slow content wise. stuff that can be shown and accomplished in 5 minutes is drawn to about a half hour in the beginning with aimless conversation.

I guess adventure games like this aren't my thing...same thing happened with Trace Memory. Can't see any reason to play this over reading a genuinely challenging mystery novel written by a good writer.

cool "A-ha" graphics though[/quote]

Nothing big really major happens until about Chapter 3, and things don't start falling into place until the very end, obviously.
[quote name='yukine']
Damnit, I miss the classic point-and-click adventure games. Speaking of which, what's Tim Schafer up to? He needs to start working on a DS game, seriously.[/quote]
Well, he came out with Psychonauts in 2005. Doublefine is working on a new project but nobody knows what it is. I hope, after Psychonauts, that it isn't a point-and-click adventure (or at least a straight point-and-click), because clearly his talent transcends genres and I'd like to see what else he can do. Also, I'd like Doublefine to actually make money.

Anyways, I'll be buying anything the guy creates. He's a god. Same with Gilbert too, and I know fr a fact Gilbert loves Nintendo products (I heard an interview in which he went on for like 5 minutes about the DS and Animal Crossing).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I will say, if you (ie anyone like this) like games that have immediate and quick results, the game isn't appealing. I am just glad that this game takes its time with the player and gives the layer things only when it's really important.

It's both good and bad due to player prefs, but I love it. I am tired of all the fast paced games and want more slower toned games. Modern games are overly rewarding IMHO.

though, your points are valid.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to keep going with it, despite how turned off I was last night. I am interested in the's just that I don't feel like the story has really started yet :lol:
[quote name='Apossum']I'm going to keep going with it, despite how turned off I was last night. I am interested in the's just that I don't feel like the story has really started yet :lol:[/QUOTE]

The first chapter mainly just sets you up for the environment... nothing too important happens at all even then... once you have your first investigation things take off nicely.
My wife just got me this game for my birthday. WHAT A WIFE!
Unfortunately I am busy with Splinter Cell on my 360, then I'll be getting Samuari Warriors... but this game should keep me busy in the near future!
I'm through Chapter 3.

I don't see a problem with the pacing at all. I actually was expecting worse (as in slower).

As it is, I think it fits right in with almost any point and click type adventure game, aside from the more linear/trigger/handholding aspect. I think they dialed that part up a bit more than I've played before (though not much different than PW).

Was doing some reading, and I'm wondering how people knew about the closing the DS for the puzzle? I had no idea, it showed the empty table a few times, then made me put the puzzle back together again backwards. Was this somewhere in the manual?
Yea, I just finished Chapter 7 a few days ago (having to work my way slowly because of school and everything else), and I agree. The pacing isn't bad at all, not nearly as slow as I was expecting given the complaints I've heard. The thing that is bothering me is, yup, the handholding. It more or less negates the notebook because after you finish up somewhere they "suggest" where you need to be next.
[quote name='clockworkgreen']
Was doing some reading, and I'm wondering how people knew about the closing the DS for the puzzle? I had no idea, it showed the empty table a few times, then made me put the puzzle back together again backwards. Was this somewhere in the manual?
[/quote]There was a similar puzzle in Trace Memory if I recall. That was one of the coolest moments in Hotel Dusk as far as hardware use I think. :)
[quote name='daroga']There was a similar puzzle in Trace Memory if I recall. That was one of the coolest moments in Hotel Dusk as far as hardware use I think. :)[/QUOTE]

I guess I appreciate the use of the hardware, I just don't know what tips you off to that movement. Unless maybe you played the previous game.
[quote name='clockworkgreen']I guess I appreciate the use of the hardware, I just don't know what tips you off to that movement. Unless maybe you played the previous game.[/quote]
I probably would've had to look it up, if I hadn't played Trace Memory first. Since I did, I immediately knew what to do. In fact, I was waiting for it. I had heard in podcasts, "Hotel Dusk makes really good use of EVERY feature of the hardware, but I won't say any more," and I just knew that it would be in there somewhere.
[quote name='clockworkgreen']I'm through Chapter 3.

I don't see a problem with the pacing at all. I actually was expecting worse (as in slower).

As it is, I think it fits right in with almost any point and click type adventure game, aside from the more linear/trigger/handholding aspect. I think they dialed that part up a bit more than I've played before (though not much different than PW).

Was doing some reading, and I'm wondering how people knew about the closing the DS for the puzzle? I had no idea, it showed the empty table a few times, then made me put the puzzle back together again backwards. Was this somewhere in the manual?

The only reason I knew, was because the GameSpot review of the game spoiled it. :lol:
Havent played Hotel Dusk but im pretty sure i know what you guys are talking about since i beat Trace Memory...yeah dont know how they expected people to know this without clues(in trace at least).
[quote name='Vegan']I probably would've had to look it up, if I hadn't played Trace Memory first. Since I did, I immediately knew what to do. In fact, I was waiting for it. I had heard in podcasts, "Hotel Dusk makes really good use of EVERY feature of the hardware, but I won't say any more," and I just knew that it would be in there somewhere.[/QUOTE]

Makes me feel kinda smart. I shook the system around, pressed a bunch of buttons, and then thought, "well, might as well try this."

Without reading the thread, has the absurdity of a pager in 1979 been beaten to death yet?
[quote name='daroga']There was a similar puzzle in Trace Memory if I recall. That was one of the coolest moments in Hotel Dusk as far as hardware use I think. :)[/quote] I think the coolest use of the hardware was END SPOILER
If you didnt pick up the black light, you could just tilt the DS at an angle to see the number on that paper written in the fancy ink
[quote name='mykevermin']Makes me feel kinda smart. I shook the system around, pressed a bunch of buttons, and then thought, "well, might as well try this."

Without reading the thread, has the absurdity of a pager in 1979 been beaten to death yet?[/quote]

I'm pretty sure the pager was in use in 1979, whether it would of been able to reach him from that far of a distance is probably unlikely.

It would of been more absurd if he whipped out cellphone. :lol:
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I think the coolest use of the hardware was END SPOILER
If you didnt pick up the black light, you could just tilt the DS at an angle to see the number on that paper written in the fancy ink

I'm still trying to figure out how that works.
[quote name='Vegan']I'm still trying to figure out how that works.[/QUOTE]

I had it with me but if I didn't, I don't know how the hell you're suposed to figure that out
[quote name='Milkyman']I had it with me but if I didn't, I don't know how the hell you're suposed to figure that out[/quote]

No, I mean, how did they make the artwork physically do that? How can something on your screen be invisible at one angle, but visible at another?
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I think the coolest use of the hardware was END SPOILER
If you didnt pick up the black light, you could just tilt the DS at an angle to see the number on that paper written in the fancy ink

...there's a black light? I had no idea, I just found out by tilting (which was fucking incredible!).
[quote name='Blind the Thief']
...there's a black light? I had no idea, I just found out by tilting (which was fucking incredible!).

Trace Memory had the
DS closure trick and the tilt the DS trick
so I knew what to do in both cases.

The Trace Memory
DS tilt trick was actually even cooler since it actually superimposed the images from each screen on the DS to tip you off to the location of one of the items. The screen was just pure black with white symbols so the screens reflected off each other - really cool.
[quote name='lebowsky']Trace Memory had the
DS closure trick and the tilt the DS trick
so I knew what to do in both cases.

The Trace Memory
DS tilt trick was actually even cooler since it actually superimposed the images from each screen on the DS to tip you off to the location of one of the items. The screen was just pure black with white symbols so the screens reflected off each other - really cool.

:lol: but your missing the point where you get to mouth a hot ass chick... ;)
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']:lol: but your missing the point where you get to mouth a hot ass chick... ;)[/quote]

Whoa there, at a quick glance what I read was "mouth to ass."
After reading this thread I am going to get this game. (I know I should have gotten it a long time ago, I'm looking for a deal) Anyways anybody know if there is a good deal on this game? I see a seller on ebay selling new ones for $22 shipped. Guess that is the best I am going to do on this game at the moment.
[quote name='addicted2games']After reading this thread I am going to get this game. (I know I should have gotten it a long time ago, I'm looking for a deal) Anyways anybody know if there is a good deal on this game? I see a seller on ebay selling new ones for $22 shipped. Guess that is the best I am going to do on this game at the moment.[/quote]

Hey, that is pretty good.
Alright, I've had this for about a week now and I gotta say, I'm very impressed. But when I'm walking around, I tend to look at the map screen than the actual game screen. But I'm still not too far into the game. I just
opened the package Louie effed up delivering, and now I think I'm on the hunt for something to open my briefcase with.
[quote name='Ahadi']But when I'm walking around, I tend to look at the map screen than the actual game screen.[/quote]

Me, too. The 3D view may as well not be there. I feel like I'm playing one of those ASCII dungeon crawlers.
bread's done