How Circuit City Ruined My Weekend - A long short story by billg

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OP, it would definitely help if you stuck to the details when telling your story instead of filling it with fluff. For example, there's a chunk in there where you insist on explaining to us why you chose to by the Mario game. We don't need to know why. It is irrelevant to the point of the story.
Very well written and mildly entertaining, despite your frustrations. I like that someone is actually making an effort to put those jerks in retail in their place.
From my experience in working in retail, no one want's to do anything to help the customer that may get them in trouble with corporate, and corporate doesn't want to give clear rules on what managment can and can't do. So the managers have to refuse, refuse, refuse, going off these ambigious rules, because they know they'll quickly be replaced if corporate so sees it fit.

And I'm going to have to agree with some about the DS bundle. They don't have to price match the Black Friday price for you just because you didn't wan't to buy it without being able to use the coupon.
Just finished reading your long frustrating experience but one thing that many have already pointed out you were trying to buy things at the advertised price on their website? I could have told you that just because the price is lower on their website doesn't necessarily mean it will be same in store.

Another thing I noticed is that you tried pm the ds bundle after bf had occured. Now I'm confused why you think they should adjust the price of the ds bundle when it was advertised for a lower price during bf hours and it clearly states that after a certain time the price would revert back to its regular price. It didn't help that you went the day after black friday and still wanted the ds bundle at the same price it was on bf.
I've frequented CAG and lurked on its forum for quite some time but this is my first time posting.

I was inspired to post a congratulatory response to billg's thread and wish him the best holiday season. He most certainly deserves it and we should all commend his patience and determination!

I actually had an experience very similar to this one a few years ago when the car stereo department managed to destroy the dash on my newly purchased Honda Civic. I can attest to the seemingly innate ability of Circuit City's employees to pass the buck.
Boo on you. Your entire (see: lengthy) post is full of bullpoo.

1) You were CLEARLY trying to avoid going out in the craziness of Black Friday by shopping online. Any sane person would, I don't blame you.

2) No way you could actually beleive that the store would have _everything_ you were looking for on the Saturday AFTER Black Friday. I mean, come on. Unless you've lived under a rock for the last five years, you know that these types of places (see: electronic stores) are completely raided by customers on BF.

You clearly went shopping with high expectations and threw a fit when things didn't work out. Personally, everyone I know has been at either BB or CC when their computers show "in stock" and they can't find it. Hell, I've been in Blockbuster when the computer shows "in stock" and they still can't find a movie. It's not bad customer service, it's the mere fact that computers aren't reliable GODS. They're machines programmed to do something. They're not fullproof.

You missed out on a deal. Who cares. Maybe had you actually gone out on BF you wouldn't have had such an ordeal.
[quote name='Mex25']Just finished reading your long frustrating experience but one thing that many have already pointed out you were trying to buy things at the advertised price on their website? I could have told you that just because the price is lower on their website doesn't necessarily mean it will be same in store.

Another thing I noticed is that you tried pm the ds bundle after bf had occured. Now I'm confused why you think they should adjust the price of the ds bundle when it was advertised for a lower price during bf hours and it clearly states that after a certain time the price would revert back to its regular price. It didn't help that you went the day after black friday and still wanted the ds bundle at the same price it was on bf.[/QUOTE]

Uh oh. You pointed out the obvious in the issue again. Now we'll get more ppl blustering that CC was in the wrong, and even when Bill's fault is raised it becomes one of those "butbutbut z0mg!!!11 CC sucks!!!!!!" arguments.
[quote name='Davestation']You know with your logic I'm surprised that you are not contacting the Department of Weights and Measures. Many consumers are aware that sales end on Saturday's and the manager even fixed the thumb drive issue for you as well. I understand that your upset with your experience, but the legality of the issue they did nothing wrong. From a customers relations point of view you got screwed though, they tried to make ammends with the flash drive and even did it after the sale.

I had an experience with Circuit City about a month ago. There ad had "Every PSP $9.99, Buy One Get One Free" I went to a store (Rosedale, MN) and picked out Pursuit of Happyness and Casino Royale. They both rang up for $19.99 and the cashier said "Ok sir, the total today is foing to be $41.81"

I told her no, the ad says all PSP movies $9.99, buy one get one free. So she said "Oh, okay" and took off Casino Royale and made it .01. "Your new total is going to be $20.96 please" "$20.96, how do you get that?" I replied "I gave you Casino Royale for free, and the other one is $19.99." she said. "Let me read your ad to you like your my 4 year old son to see if you get this this time" I read the ad to her and she did not like my demeaning way of doing it. She still was obliviouse to the term ALL PSP MOVIES $9.99. So I told her to get the Manager.

The manager came over and told me that only the $9.99 PSP movies where the deal. Than I showed him the word "ALL" in the ad. He than said it was only the ones shown, than I asked him to show me where in the ad this was. He than said it was a misprint, and that he could not honor the price. Than I told him that if he was not going to honor the price and I drove from Wisconsin to come here I was going to call the Department of Weights and Measures. At this time there was a guy by me speaking very loudley saying "Yo man, thats messed up, they aint giving that guy the ad price, jeeze" and he ended up leaving. I than told the Manager that we are arguing over a mere $10 and my pay scale is $23.96 an hour at work and I have spent more time on this than desired so I will take it up with higher authority than him. As I was walking towards the door he said "Ok, I'll honor the price this time." I than replied, "If you are aware of a typo in your ad, it is your responsibility to the consumer to place a correction on the front door or on the product."

Bottom line, to do the right thing takes a lot of time, and is not worth it. After all that my time was better spent doing other things. I have won every fight using logic. Circuit City owes you nothing at this point, the issue should have been resolved before the sale ended, and they even tried to honor a substitue at the sale price, after the sale.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if this story is a joke or not.

If it isn't (which I would find hard to believe, but given other people in this thread and who I have met, it is a possibility), the wording probably said something like "All $9.99 PSP Movies B1G1" which would mean only the ones that were 9.99 in the first place. I'd have to see the ad of course. Then your complete dick attitude towards the employees...

I'll just say I'm glad I don't have to deal with people like that often.
Three questions:

1.) Just how is this franchise still drawing breath, again?

2.) Why did the topic poster, knowing their rep, allow himself to get tempted into pursuing this coupon?

3.) No matter what the outcome, with all the time invested (read: wasted) at this point, haven't 'they' already won?

Nevertheless, maybe this topic cost them one future customer, so in that regard, your suffering would not be entirely in vain.
[quote name='quest1962']Here is a link to Consumerist .com. It goes directly to a list of their corporate email addresses.:bouncy:

Good Luck![/QUOTE]

Those e-mail address now block all incoming letters. Tried earlier.

And for the last time, I was not trying to get them PM a Black Friday price. The website showed the DS bundle in-stock, in the store, for $139.99, on SATURDAY. I was in the store on Saturday, and could have bought the item for that price, except Circuit City's mismanagement bungled the transaction, and it needed to be completed on Sunday. I simply want to have the item for the price it was at when it was in my hands that day, at point of sale. This is not unreasonable.
Wow. If anything Bill, your custom title matches your motivation: Never loses battles! I applaud and admire your steadfastness! I ran into a similar situation at Walmart but I quickly gave up since I wanted to make purchases elsewhere that day. Good luck with your quest and hopefully you will get help somewhere. If not, you could always become a short story novelist. A very entertaining read to say the least.
I used to work retail and was the manager of the electronic department at Wal-Mart 10 years ago. I got to tell you man, if you went through all that trouble over two days to get these items, I would have let you take them. Granted I wasn't a prime example of Wal-mart employees.

You seemed to have kept your cool under the circumstances so at least you didn't get all in their face. I can't remember the amount of names I was called before I even had a chance to talk to the customers. I saw a comment earlier saying that you are the type of customer that they were warned about? What the hell? Have these people never really met a bitchy customer? Anyway, good luck to you and I hope you get a bigger gift card or something.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Which is the #1 wrong thing about retailers and their websites. As a customer, you should be able to assume that an item you can order for in-store pickup at a certain price should be that same price when you go to the store. Don't give me the two things are different companies corporate bullshit, if you can't get it at that price in-store, don't make it available for in-store pickup.

It's yet another example of how retailers skirt the laws to try and get you in the store.

That said, you are investing WAY too much time on this subject, as if it was personal.[/quote]
If you're so upset about being able to pick-up a discounted online item in-store then shut up and choose to get it shipped. Retailers should be able to have sales on their website and vice-versa. Be glad you have to option to pick up a discounted item at your local store instead of having to pay for and wait for it to be shipped.

[quote name='billg']
And for the last time, I was not trying to get them PM a Black Friday price. The website showed the DS bundle in-stock, in the store, for $139.99, on SATURDAY. I was in the store on Saturday, and could have bought the item for that price, except Circuit City's mismanagement bungled the transaction, and it needed to be completed on Sunday. I simply want to have the item for the price it was at when it was in my hands that day, at point of sale. This is not unreasonable.[/quote]

But it's easily argued by Circuit City that the price being wrong on the thumb drive has nothing to do with you not buying the DS Saturday while it was still on sale. You can't expect them to reduce the price after the sale was off just because you refused to buy anything Saturday without being able to use your coupon.
[quote name='outlawmoogle']If you're so upset about being able to pick-up a discounted online item in-store then shut up and choose to get it shipped. Retailers should be able to have sales on their website and vice-versa. Be glad you have to option to pick up a discounted item at your local store instead of having to pay for and wait for it to be shipped.[/QUOTE]

Not surprisingly, you completely missed the point.

If they have an item advertised as on sale with in-store pickup, the store merchandise should reflect the same price. Or, do we not want the consumer to benefit?
to the op and also to dave17 and roymustang, thanks for your stories. Not shopping at circut city (not that I really did to begain with) but now im going to acticly avoid them. So you did make a diffrence albeate a small one.
If you haven't already I would send your story to, you've covered everything else. I had a similar issue with KMart and I'll never go there again, even though the time in question was the first time I had been in a STL KMart in the 4 years I've lived here and the first time I'd been in a KMart at all since my college years.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Not surprisingly, you completely missed the point.

If they have an item advertised as on sale with in-store pickup, the store merchandise should reflect the same price. Or, do we not want the consumer to benefit?[/quote]

Having the item marked in-store pick up has nothing to do with buying the item though. It's just an alternative to shipping. You still buy the item online, during an online only sale. So no, just because your local store happens to have an item in stock that has an online only sale doesn't mean that the item should then be on sale in the store.
[quote name='outlawmoogle']Having the item marked in-store pick up has nothing to do with buying the item though. It's just an alternative to shipping. You still buy the item online, during an online only sale. So no, just because your local store happens to have an item in stock that has an online only sale doesn't mean that the item should then be on sale in the store.[/QUOTE]

Here's the problem: being a seperate entity than Circuit City. The only people that benefits is the stockholders, because I sure do still have to pay tax on any online purchases from any major retailer with a B&M store in-state.

It shouldn't only be one-way. Cut out the tax (because by their definition, they aren't related), or have it be the same company, same sales. If you make them be related, you can have the prices be the same. The profits all go to the same people, and you have to account for the inventory at the store.
You're being a pain in the arse.

You want to pay fast food prices and recieve 4 star service.

If I was working at that store I'd probably treat you the same so you wouldn't come back. I mean the business they lose from you not shopping at CC is not that big of a loss since you don't buy retail anyways right? Hell if anything you are causing them to loss money on the time they spend with you.

It all comes down to the big retailers are evil but we love their prices arguement.

As the cliche goes, can't h ave your cake and eat it too. Let it go and find something better to do with your time.
[quote name='MSUHitman']If you haven't already I would send your story to[/QUOTE] has been alerted, but feel free to pass along your support for the story getting posted.

Also, to the poster who wished to contact corporate and express his disapproval, here's the real number you want to call. I did and am finally getting somewhere. Update late tonight.

[quote name='kulsechsky']You're being a pain in the arse.

You want to pay fast food prices and recieve 4 star service.

If I was working at that store I'd probably treat you the same so you wouldn't come back. I mean the business they lose from you not shopping at CC is not that big of a loss since you don't buy retail anyways right? Hell if anything you are causing them to loss money on the time they spend with you.

It all comes down to the big retailers are evil but we love their prices arguement.

As the cliche goes, can't h ave your cake and eat it too. Let it go and find something better to do with your time.[/QUOTE]

It's easier to keep ten customers than gain one new one, I believe the story goes.

Now his story is all over the internet. Whether you agree with him or not, some people will now be influenced by it.
I believe the TC is right in complaining about how he was treated in trying to resolve the matter. The passing of the buck and refusing to give out contact information of superiors was way off. That right there made at the very least seem like they wanted him to just go away. And the phone system was bad.

But the rest of it, I'm sorry but I think you're in the blame for a lot of it. The part about you moving, I can't say whether you're in the wrong or not because I wasn't there to see everything. I've had simliar experiences where someone has gone to the back and never returned and I stayed put. Also if you moved after 20 minutes, that's certainly reasonable. But if you left right after that, I don't know. Still, sounds like he could have done a better job in trying to find you, but again, I wasn't there.

Your complaining about the prices, can't say I agree with you there. Sounds like you didn't take the time to examine the deals and such. If it said it was a 6 hour sale and you went well after the 6 hour window, that's your fault. The thumb drive thing, sorry but it wasn't the same product. Even if to you it was "just another color", it's still a different product.

So again, I think you have a beef with how you were treated some of the time, but I also think you got mad, your anger has stewed, and now you think EVERYTHING they did is wrong. And sorry, I can't agree. Part of getting these deals was your resonsiblity, not theirs.
[quote name='swissx1']This same gripe I got. How do you open a brand new store and their is no FREAKIN' body at the register. I have been to 5 CC in my area and you have search for somebody to check u out. I bet if I walk out the door without paying somebody would be there.[/QUOTE]

HAHA Sorry I only read the first page of posts. This is how it it at the CC near me. 2 people near the door and no one at the register. LOL.
Kudos to you billg for having the fortitude to see this through to the end.
If more consumers took complaints to this level there would be a complete industry change.
I also experienced a problem at CC on 11/23.
But I just said fuck-it and spent my cash somewhere else

I will never shop there again.

:applause: to you sir.

[quote name='CocheseUGA']Now his story is all over the internet. Whether you agree with him or not, some people will now be influenced by it.[/QUOTE]

And that's all that matters...whether it's right or not. :roll:
I read most of it and it was hilarious. Not because of your dilemma, but because of the truths to such a story on a retail level. I seriously hope everything works out for you man, best of luck. I'm glad to see someone taking action for what they believe in!
[quote name='CocheseUGA']It's easier to keep ten customers than gain one new one, I believe the story goes.

Now his story is all over the internet. Whether you agree with him or not, some people will now be influenced by it.[/quote]

I seriously doubt CC is going to feel the impact of his little crusade. There are deffinately worse things retailers have done that people haven't gotten behind.

All that really happened was, store 700 had phone problems, the thumb drives weren't instock (big surprise) with incorrect inventory figures (another big surprise), and they had different pricing for the DS. Big deal.

The guy just took it personal and all he had to do was go to a different store. Also, why didn't he talk to the manager about all of the other items he wished to purchase before going back the second time???

Boo Hoo :roll:
[quote name='billg'] has been alerted, but feel free to pass along your support for the story getting posted.

Also, to the poster who wished to contact corporate and express his disapproval, here's the real number you want to call. I did and am finally getting somewhere. Update late tonight.


well you better record the conversations or it's going to be your word vs theirs.
[quote name='billg'] has been alerted, but feel free to pass along your support for the story getting posted.

Also, to the poster who wished to contact corporate and express his disapproval, here's the real number you want to call. I did and am finally getting somewhere. Update late tonight.


Have fun with these CC Executive emails:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
While I think this story went on for far too long (in terms of events, not the post length), I would be very interested to see the results of a (hidden camera) 'undercover investigation', where a normal guy/frumpy, middle-aged woman and a hot, nubile 18-25-year-old chick go to the same store for the same discount/'item hunt scenario.

My point is not that retail store guys think with their dicks (not news, semi-understandable), but that it's usually not that they really can't (per strict regulations and the penalty of immediate termination), but that they just don't want to. They can make a lot more happen than they concede to most of us. Hell, they'll risk their job to hook their 'brah' up with a Wii they pulled, e.g.
To the OP:

Your expereince really did suck, but a lot of it was unavoidable due to the structure of retail electronics sales. Circuit City, CompUSA, and most other retail stores have completly eliminated comision sales positions in their stores to be able to offer lower prices, increase add expenditure, and offer more door busters to get people in the door. While it certainly helps CAGs, the guys on Fatwallet, and others in their ilk, it completly kills customer services, knowledagble help, and customer satisfaction with the expereince.

Stores have also severly cut their operations and managment budgets down to a sliver. Outside of the top managers (GM, Sales Manager, and Operations Manger) most retail store managers make next to nothing which hurts the potential talent pool.

The cuts in operation bugets means fewer CSRs, fewer Cashiers, and fewer warehouse and inventory people (so stock doesn't get put out in a timley manner and finding items is difficult). The ones that are there are underpaid, undertrained, and over worked. By the end of the day it is nearly imposible for them to service each customer in the manner they deserve.

The lack of commision sales means that consumers are not going to talk to intelligent sales people who understand and know about the product. You may assume commision sales people might lie to get you to buy a certain product, while that certainly does happen, it is no different than talking to a non-com person at BB or CC. They are evaluated on the number of warranties, monster cables, etc etc they sell and if they want to keep their job, they better push more and more. Most commision sales people on the other hand belive in building relationships with customers so they will give sell them the products that will make the customer happy in the hopes that the customer will come back and buy from them again. Commision sales people are rewarded for hard work and good customer service in the form of higher pay. Non-Com people in retail are punished if they don't meet expectations. It is the whole attracting more flies with honey mentality at work. No CC or BB sales person cares enough about a customer to go the extra mile to help or try to get a manger to get them a better deal. Back in the day, when I worked commision retail sales, I always saw myself as an advocate of the customer in getting him the best deal instead of an instrument of the store in extracting the most money out of him. That kind of attitude inspired loyalty from my custoemrs.

Also, the low wages prevent anyone who has a clue from working at these stores due to the ability to make much more money elsewhere and CC and BB get the high school kids instead.

That is in a nutshell why you get the crappy service that you do. Is it great? Of course not, but it is a side effect of getting $40 of $200 coupons and great door buster prices. Retail stores know that in this day and age, if the in store prices are too high, people will just buy off the internet. The retail model is dying and i doubt we will see any retail electronic stores in 2020. A store like Walmart may still sell electronics in store, but the decicated retail electronics store is all but dead.
[quote name='jza1218']Have fun with these CC Executive emails:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected][/QUOTE]

Again, those do not work. However, you can Circuit City's Corporate Office and tell them what you think:


Press 1, wait for prompt.
Press 1 again.
Dial extension 724666.
Choose "Phil Schoonover" - CEO
Leave message or ask to be transferred to your department of choice.
[quote name='billg']Again, those do not work. However, you can Circuit City's Corporate Office and tell them what you think:


Press 1, wait for prompt.
Press 1 again.
Dial extension 724666.
Choose "Phil Schoonover" - CEO
Leave message or ask to be transferred to your department of choice.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure they dont work, because I just tried emailing one of them, and it hasnt bounced back or anything. Those emails were just posted 3 weeks ago as well.
Hey OP read ur story feel ur pain and I support your cause. Circuit City personally has always been prone to having problems wheter its the mentally challenged employees who work there or the lack of good deals. You can always price match as best buy but they are just as bad. Id say if you getting any consoles go with best buy or even frys but for the budles look online. I personally have stopped buying games retail as it doesnt make sense. Places like Family video offer pretty good deals ud just have to wait to receive ur stuff which I feel is far better then paying 60 and tax for a game. I mean not many games are even worth 60 bucks... Kane and Lynch I dont think so.... So I'd encourage you to try shopping online at least then you wont need to waste ur gas money trying to pick up stuff u'll be questioning later if its gonna actaully be there...
[quote name='billg']

He grabbed one of the purple Alzheimer's charity thumb drives and manually overrode the price to match that of the black thumb drive, $15, perhaps figuring that they won't remember being shorted in a few days.


Now that is funny.
[quote name='billg']Again, those do not work. However, you can Circuit City's Corporate Office and tell them what you think:


Press 1, wait for prompt.
Press 1 again.
Dial extension 724666.
Choose "Phil Schoonover" - CEO
Leave message or ask to be transferred to your department of choice.[/QUOTE]

Try this:Take the format of those emails, and plug these names instead:

Philip J. Schoonover > Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer

Bruce H. Besanko > Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

George D. Clark > Executive Vice President - Multi-Channel Sales

William E. McCorey > Senior Vice President, Chief Information Officer

Peter C. Weedfald > Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer

Reginald D. Hedgebeth > Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary

Philip J. Dunn > Senior Vice President, Treasurer, Controller

Eric A. Jonas > Senior Vice President - Human Resources

Marc J. Sieger > Senior Vice President, General Manager - Services

Kelly E. Breitenbecher > Senior Vice President - Supply Chain and Space Planning
[quote name='Heavy Hitter']Yeah, harass a CIO or a Controller with this. That's a good idea.[/QUOTE]

Why not? When the lower levels of CS refuse to care/help they need to be spurred into action. And I've read enough consumerist to know it works when done right.
Anyone who's ever taken two journalism classes knows that this has no chance of reaching The Consumerist, unless about half of it was cut out because it's too wordy and the arguments aren't supported enough.

The only change that is going to result from this is that those employees will probably be fired, even though they were right. I feel sorry for them to have to go look for new jobs just because someone raised a big stink over nothing.

If someone tells you the sky is green, saying it over and over again and getting other people to support his cause does not make it so. I would have refused to give you the personal information of the higher ups as well because I wouldn't want to listen to someone telling me the sky is green while I'm at work trying to get things done.

I really lost respect for your argument when you asked if Tim was some sort of Grinch. That was a personal attack on his character, and as a manager, I wouldn't allow people to talk badly about the people who work under me.

Everyone did their job correctly and should be told so, although a simple apology to the customer would have been nice. They offered compensation to correct the problem and you refused it because it wasn't "good enough." But what would have been good enough? Handing you fists of dollars? If CC game out discounts to everyone who asked for them, they'd be out of money. Then they'd go out of business, and BB would be free to raise their prices and stop offering deals.

Lastly, I want to suggest that you let things go and not let them stress you out so much. Learn that stuff happens, learn from it, and move on.
Man. Go fig it was at Circuit City. They messed up my black friday last year. Even throughout the year, all the stores in the immediate NYC area are horrible. Just moved to Austin and it's the same deal. I'm surprised they're still in business.
I doubt anyone's going to get fired. CC's are ruthless.

It's a very shitty situation. Last year I grabbed 4 games that were "on sale" for 5 hours at a circuit city... 1 hour into the sale and they did not ring up as on sale. First, they tried to tell me that if you buy "more than one" you're not eligible for sale price. I mentioned that the ad stated "one of each". The second trump (and the one that made me abandon CC forever) was when they said that they RAN OUT OF STOCK AN HOUR EARLIER AND THAT THIS WAS PART OF A DIFFERENT SHIPMENT. Hugest bait and switch I have ever seen. There was no way in hell that a truck came at 5-6am on Black Friday/the ad did not state this. I went to talk to the manager and he told me that I should "save myself an hour of complaining and give up before I waste our time". I wish I'd known about Consumerist then, as I would have attempted to raise the biggest stink I could have.
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