How did gaming come into your life?

TV Scoreboard by Radio Shack (aka Radio Shack Pong). It also came with Skeet shooting.


Besides this, the first games I remember playing were on the Atari 2600 in daycare (age 5 I think). Games like Freeway, Bowling and Basketball.
I think I have everybody beat:

My parents both worked in a video arcade when I was little. Instead of getting a babysitter they brought me to work and swiped an assload of tokens to keep me busy. My favorites were Time Pilot, Moon Patrol, Joust, and Galaga (damn I'm showing my age). I basically lived in an arcade over the summers and on some weekends. I remember when Dragons Lair first came it blew everybody away and there were lines to play it.

It was fucking funny being a 6 year old telling an adult playing Moon Patrol that he needs to speed up or he's going to get blown up by the flashing mines. He didn't and he did :cool:

Come to think of it, I was lucky to be tall because when I started playing most kids my age probably couldn't reach the controls / see the screen.
[quote name='wageslave']I think I have everybody beat:

My parents both worked in a video arcade when I was little. Instead of getting a babysitter they brought me to work and swiped an assload of tokens to keep me busy. My favorites were Time Pilot, Moon Patrol, Joust, and Galaga (damn I'm showing my age). I basically lived in an arcade over the summers and on some weekends. I remember when Dragons Lair first came it blew everybody away and there were lines to play it.

It was fucking funny being a 6 year old telling an adult playing Moon Patrol that he needs to speed up or he's going to get blown up by the flashing mines. He didn't and he did :cool:

Come to think of it, I was lucky to be tall because when I started playing most kids my age probably couldn't reach the controls / see the screen.[/quote]

I remember playing those game in the arcade too. Those games are among my favorite arcade titles. The earilest arcade games I remember playing are Rally-X, Turbo, Kangaroo, Ms. Pac-Man... good times.
Got a NES in '90 and loved The marios, Contras, and various other deliciousness (Captain Skyshark FTW). Later, I played the SNES at a Service MErchandise and was blown away.

Stuck with me ever since.
One year for Christmas, "Santa" brought a NES with Mario/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet. It came with the light gun and the power pad. My dad also built a stand for a TV and the NES with storage for games and accesories. Those were the days
My dad bought me a NES one day about 10 years ago. It was my first video game system. Now of course he hates me gaming, but he started me on it so its his fault :lol:
[quote name='lordxixor101']I got an Atari 2600 in 1983 I believe (or early 1984)(I believe it was part of the $50 sale which had the catchy commercial).[/quote] This video brings back memories... and reminds me that I'm fucking old :oldman:
I had a great boyfriend who was a gamer, so in trying to be a good girlfriend, I became as interested in it as I could possibly be. ::picked up guitar hero and strummed::

Top that.
I loved Arcade games, Late 80's/early 90's my cousin got a NES and he lived around the block so I spent all of my free time playing games with him, or going to the store with him buying games. Then that Christmas my sister and I got a NES the rest is history as they say.
I've been a gamer since childhood. My parents just brought it us one christmas. It was their way of keeping us in the house instead of running the streets all the time.
My older sis played SNES with me when i was around 7 we played Super Mario Bros. Afterwards got hooked started playin other games.

My dad used to hold me up so I could play it.

After that, my dad bought an Atari 64 from one of his friends. We had something like 50 games. It was insanity.

First I would have to say Pong. Probably around 79-80. Wish I knew what happened to it.

Then one day (maybe 83) my dad comes home with a Colecovision and 10 games. Lionel Playworld was clearing out since TRU just opened near by and was taking all the business. Paid $100 for all of it.

Then one christmas I got the NES. I was excited as hell. Besides Mario and Duckhunt, my dad also bought Zelda. Loaded it up only to find my dad already saved a game to it. :shame: :razz:
My dad's friend bought me an NES for my 4th birthday. When my parents got stable jobs a year later, they split with 2 friends and bought a computer...which I promptly took over playing games. I think that not being able to speak English and thus not having many friends had something to do with it...

Who knew that at that moment, my life would be changed forever.
Well the NES in 85, and the arcades. I still remember playing mario/duck hunt, and karate kid for the 1st time.
Definitely a mixture of the arcades and the Atari 2600. I started with games like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong but those quickly lost out when Punch-Out, Vs. Baseball, and Star Wars hit the arcades. As for the 2600 my brother and I would try to beat out each other in Laser Blast. Combat was a shit ton of fun as well. I can't believe some gamers will never experience the true arcade experience. When Dragon's Lair came out it was so unbelievable that it was a game. It looked too awesome.

I also had a 5200 which got a lot of play time from my brother and I. Jungle Hunt and Vanguard are 2 games I remember playing a lot.

I'll never forget the first time seeing the NES at my brother's friends house. I thought gyromite and SMB were cool but I almost completely lost it upon seeing Zelda. I saved up my money and bought a NES. Some great memories were getting games like Zelda, Zelda II, Super Mario II, and Punch-Out for Christmas.

For the 16 bit generation I went with the Genesis but I didn't even get that until the 2nd model was out. At the time the only game I really was upset about not being able to play was Zelda: A Link To The Past. I'm glad I got to play through it on the GBA...I also finally see why people love it so much as well.

Next I got a playstation but really only gamed a little bit. I got Metal Gear Solid after soooo many people said how good it was. I think it helped to get me back into gaming a bit.

I followed with the PS2 and later a Cube.
I remember begging my dad to let me play Pong on his Telegames system and the joy of finally getting a chance to play. From there it was on to the 2600 in 80 and the real beginning of my love of gaming.
[quote name='wageslave']I think I have everybody beat:

My parents both worked in a video arcade when I was little. Instead of getting a babysitter they brought me to work and swiped an assload of tokens to keep me busy. My favorites were Time Pilot, Moon Patrol, Joust, and Galaga (damn I'm showing my age). I basically lived in an arcade over the summers and on some weekends. I remember when Dragons Lair first came it blew everybody away and there were lines to play it.

It was fucking funny being a 6 year old telling an adult playing Moon Patrol that he needs to speed up or he's going to get blown up by the flashing mines. He didn't and he did :cool:

Come to think of it, I was lucky to be tall because when I started playing most kids my age probably couldn't reach the controls / see the screen.[/quote]

Have everyone beat?? didn't you read my post on the first page? My dad was VP of Atari, not only the home consoles from the day I was born, but the coin-op arcade games, plus pinball all IN my house (yes, Atari pinball, they had a secret sister company, Keygames, who came out with other type games)
[quote name='Electrox3d']Have everyone beat?? didn't you read my post on the first page? My dad was VP of Atari, not only the home consoles from the day I was born, but the coin-op arcade games, plus pinball all IN my house (yes, Atari pinball, they had a secret sister company, Keygames, who came out with other type games)[/quote]
*Cappy hands over cookie*
I think I just got my partner back into gaming, as I got him Guitar Hero for his 50th birthday yesterday. He just got done playing it for the first time for 2 hours about 10 mins ago.
bread's done