How do people have such large achievement scores?

i did not know that you can edit things with a hex edit on the 360. New to me. Gee, that explains why some people i have seen have all at 100%.
I think the closest i came in a game to have 100% was dead space. I just can not get the shooting in the asteroid field. Not that good at it. So screw that. :)
I have like 20k. I had a 360 since launch and played alot of games back then. Now I just stick to a few of them.
[quote name='McNutsack']He wont get banned. Trust me, I know from experience that the risk of a properly modded gamer profiles GS is pretty rare. Of course, this is only accounts I modded for friends; I'd never touch my legit 71k Gamertag, risks of ban or not. Over 3 years, over 6 gamertags modded, no bans.

And for the OP, the simple answer to people with 400,000 GS is that they used a program to mod their game collection and GS. It literally takes a minute. Those people eventually get banned, because someone is bound to whine to the xbox police about it. However, if they are a little more MODEST, and give themselves like, 1,000GS a day, for like a year, they won't likely get banned.

Then there's the kids, who in my opinion are WORSE than "hex editors" and cheaters that use programs; achievement wh0re boosters. Not the boosters that get together on Battlefield to nail some hard achievements with friends, no, I'm talking about the scum of the earth; the guys who play nothing but Disney and kid games. Hannah Montana, etc. I have a friend like this. He use to play good games with us, like MW and, his existence is spent boosting easy games. He buys some for cheap, gameflys others. Every one has stopped playing games with him, and respecting him in general.

It's okay to be somewhat obsessed with getting 1k on every game you play. But when you play TERRIBLE games that there's no way you can actually ENJOY, just for achievements...then you need to find another hobby.

The irony is that these people do it for a bigger "xbl peenis", but absolutely no one but themselves is thinking "wow! good job!" or anything positive. There's just no respect, not even amongst most achievement whorez. So in the end, it's like they're suffering these bad games for nothing, because no one respects their e-peen. It's like, yeah, his XBL peen looks big from far away, but if you get closer, you'll notice that it's just a 3 inch peen with a 5 inch silicone extender attached to the end. it looks big, but it gets absolutely no respect; it's fake, and wasn't earned in a respectable, hard way.

Get the I Am Bad Company achievement. That cancels out 50 Disney baby games right there in terms of awesome GS.

And yes, I too am guilty of playing Avatar. But who wouldnt be? It takes 30 seconds, there's no suffering involved. And, a burned dvd costs about $1. All my lady friends borrow it too, they think guys will make fun of them if they have a low GS. Ahh, such silliness.

Conclusion: I actually respect the people that cheat for their GS with a program that takes 30 seconds. It shows me they at least don't enjoy wasting their life with mediocre games. Most games take on average 20 hours to get a full 1k. It's really no shock that people have a high GS; 20 hours is a weeks worth of gaming in most peoples free time after work. That's not too long, and add to the fact that not everyone buys a new game weekly, you'll understand how they have time to 1k so many games until they purchase a new one. 50k a year sounds about normal for most.[/QUOTE]

So you respect douche bags that cheat, but people that play "kiddie" games to try and honestly raise their GS are the scum of the Earth? Yeah, that makes alot of sense. We should all cheat because damn, it takes too long to get 1k GS.

Oh and I never played Avatar. No desire to. Easy 1k points? Who cares? I have 34k points I earned without hacks or cheats.
[quote name='nnthomas']Yeah that guy hacked his profile. Just reported him though, thanks for the heads up.[/QUOTE]

Why do you care enough to take time to report him? He hasnt hurt you or anyone else. A fraudulent gamerscore means less than piss.

[quote name='McNutsack']
The irony is that these people do it for a bigger "xbl peenis", but absolutely no one but themselves is thinking "wow! good job!" or anything positive. There's just no respect, not even amongst most achievement whorez. So in the end, it's like they're suffering these bad games for nothing, because no one respects their e-peen. It's like, yeah, his XBL peen looks big from far away, but if you get closer, you'll notice that it's just a 3 inch peen with a 5 inch silicone extender attached to the end. it looks big, but it gets absolutely no respect; it's fake, and wasn't earned in a respectable, hard way.[/QUOTE]

But people who cheat for a high gamerscore in many ways are much worse. At least the Disney-booster feel like the gamerscore is something worth earning. The cheater want to have the score and put forth no effort. In the end, both are fucked in the head as there is ZERO benefit to having a high gamerscore. Hex editing or "Disney-boosting" are just a waste of your own time on something that just doesnt matter at all. kinda sad really.

I own one 1000/1000 (CSI: Hard Evidence) and may one day get a 200/200 XBLA game (Battlefield 1943). Not because I specifically tried for it, just happened (will happen). With out looking I couldn't tell you wht my GS even is (I think it's between 12K-13K).
[quote name='hostyl1']Why do you care enough to take time to report him? He hasnt hurt you or anyone else. A fraudulent gamerscore means less than piss.[/QUOTE]

Just reported your tag too. Enjoy your ban.
If I get a new game, I always feel the need to 100% it. I have to obtain all the collectibles and get all the achievements. It's a good way to feel your purchase hasn't been in vain also ^_^
I don't have the patience to try and 1000/1000 a game but I play a lot of games and I try to complete the main story in most of them. Usually if you beat a game you end up with around 500 points out of it.
[quote name='n4styn4t3']I don't have the patience to try and 1000/1000 a game but I play a lot of games and I try to complete the main story in most of them. Usually if you beat a game you end up with around 500 points out of it.[/QUOTE]


I was all about achievements then got rid of my 360 for a PS3. Since I bought a new slim 360, I've decided not to care too much about achievements. I 1000'd Madden 11, but that was WAY easy. I might 100 Halo Reach, if it's not too hard. I'm a bit OCD, so I used ot discern getting a game if I couldn't or didn't want to 1000 it. But I'm getting over than now. I just won 3 games in the Ultimate Lowball, and I doubt I'll 1000 any of those. But we shall see ... haha.
I will put in the extra work to try to get achievements in a game that I bought, but I never buy games just because it has easy achievements.

Its funny to think of how great achievements are from a business standpoint though. So many people are obsessed and will buy even the shittiest games just to get a couple hundred extra gamerpoints.
[quote name='jimjom']i just recently got over the achievement obsession, at least a little bit.[/QUOTE]

That's what they all say... I actually find getting the full gamerscore in a game fun, so I'll continue doing it. I'm not going to try to 1k crazy games like Ninja Gaiden 2 though. Those games can go fuck themselves.
[quote name='nnthomas']Just reported your tag too. Enjoy your ban.[/QUOTE]

I really hope you were being sarcastic, or that you quoted the wrong person, because the person you quoted pretty clearly said they don't cheat and hardly has a score that shows evidence of that if you look at his gamercard.
If there's one thing I hate, it's getting one achievement on a game you don't want to play and then it's there forever and you can't get rid of it. That's why I only have 8,000-something out of 80,000-something, the ones I care about I already got, so my GS is never going to be any better than that. It's ugly, now everyone in the world can look at my 10% completed and think whatever they think about why it matters at all.

If there's another thing I hate, it's finishing a game and only having about 9 achievements on it. ....Gears of War.
[quote name='animalspinners']I really hope you were being sarcastic, or that you quoted the wrong person, because the person you quoted pretty clearly said they don't cheat and hardly has a score that shows evidence of that if you look at his gamercard.[/QUOTE]

He's obviously doing something to warrant interest in what I did. Trust no one DTA Stone Cold STUNNAH

btw, reported.
[quote name='Survivalism']If there's one thing I hate, it's getting one achievement on a game you don't want to play and then it's there forever and you can't get rid of it. That's why I only have 8,000-something out of 80,000-something, the ones I care about I already got, so my GS is never going to be any better than that. It's ugly, now everyone in the world can look at my 10% completed and think whatever they think about why it matters at all.

If there's another thing I hate, it's finishing a game and only having about 9 achievements on it. ....Gears of War.[/QUOTE]

I might be wrong, but can't you delete games from your game history? I'm pretty sure you can.
[quote name='Organ Donor']I might be wrong, but can't you delete games from your game history? I'm pretty sure you can.[/QUOTE]

Only if you have zero achievements in that game.

Looks like people are stuck with those Hannah Montana achievements. ;)
[quote name='GuardianE']Only if you have zero achievements in that game.

Looks like people are stuck with those Hannah Montana achievements. ;)[/QUOTE]

I stopped caring after I hit 100k and honestly, its been a great summer :)

Haven't even been playing 10 hours a week, which is insane for me, I used to do 10 hours in a day easily.
[quote name='freshzen']I stopped caring after I hit 100k and honestly, its been a great summer :)[/QUOTE]

I'm probably going to do the same thing. 10 hours is average for me too!
[quote name='GuardianE']Only if you have zero achievements in that game.

Looks like people are stuck with those Hannah Montana achievements. ;)[/QUOTE]
really never knew you could delete your game history. how?
[quote name='helluvagood']really never knew you could delete your game history. how?[/QUOTE]

Go to your game history and anything with 0 achievement points will have an option to press X and delete it.
I played Avatar when I first got my xbox and now really regret it. I enjoy getting a tough 1000 game completed (I'm looking at you Mile High Club) rather than playing a game just for the easy points.
I have had a 360 since around launch and have like 40k right now. I have a few friends that compete with me, so it acts as a fun little side thing. I don't play games just for achievements though. I haven't played Avatar despite knowing I could get a 1000 in just a few minutes. I do have a handful of kids games, but most of them aren't very high since my son just goofs around. If anyone should have a 1000 in a game, its him in Lego Star Wars. He probably put over a hundred hours into that game, just perfectly content in replaying the same levels over and over.

I could care less if people have 400 or 400,000 though. If that is what a person gets enjoyment in, go for it. It doesn't hurt me.
Avatar actually takes a few days to complete. Multiplayer trophies that require boosting... and finding all collectibles is a lil tough on the avatar side...
I have right around 28k I've seen higher though. I usually just go through a story mode and get whatever is convenient and what doesn't take me out of my way too much to get. If I really like the game, I go back and do the necessary sidequests because it adds playability for me. I did that especially with Fallout 3-by far one of my most favorite games.

Velo: Avatar:Burning Earth takes literally minutes to get all 4 achievements.
Most really high scores are either people who have hacked them or have copious amounts of free time due to the fact they are rich and don't have to work, or aren't adults and don't have to work.
First off, the 360 has been out since late 2005. So many of those people have had it for 4-5 years.

If you average 1000 gamerscore in a week, that's about 200k in gamerscore after 4 years. I'd guess you're renting them, buying these games used or something. Or borrowing them from friends.
i have over 50,000. and i have to admit when i first started and got hooked onto GS, i was playing a bunch of easy games, kids games, and regular games. I got to the point now where I'm pretty specific on which games i play and GS doesn't mean much to me anynmore. GS is such a time waster, and i'm proof of it.
I hate collecting crap. I like doing fun ones like doing headshots or something like that and I actually like doing online achievements. I'm stuck on doing the 10 ranked wins in a row on Super SF4. I did it easily on SF4 somehow....
I'm a completionist, but I only complete games that I feel like completing. If there's a collectable achievement that's too much work, I just say screw it. I just play good games when I can, and I have an okay Gamerscore.
I don't get the big deal about gamerscore. I used to be all about it, wanting to hit 10k so bad, even thinking about popping in kung fu panda/lego indiana jones to hit it faster.

Now I really don't care. It's just a number. I don't think someone is a badass or better than me if their score is higher. I usually check the achievements to just see what they are and if there looks like a fun one I'll do it. If it won't be fun, or make me go out of my way to get it, then I for sure won't do it.

I also don't understand how people will pay money to get people to do gamerscore hacks for them. Not only that, but they'll give a complete stranger their account info, just so they can have 1k on a game/games.

With that being said, I do love that sound when an achievement pops up.
GS is kinda point-less. But, if you want to increase yours, try the easy XBLA games and the kid games, like Avatar and some of the sports games. You could do something better in your free-time instead of trying to get a higher GS, like going out with friends, work/school (whatever one you go to), working out, etc...
bread's done