How do you support your habit?

Freelance Camera Man, Video Editor, Sound Tech.

Though I dislike freelance. I am looking for a staff job at some production house.
I'm still a college student and not working. I got rid of 300+ video games around the summer, so that gave me some money. Usually I work over the semester, but I lost my job working for a Professor grading his papers for two classes (I use to use that money to buy video game related stuff and eat).

It sucks right now because I don't have much money left over, so I starve myself a lot to save money, can't afford getting contacts maybe (to correct my current vision problem causing me headaches daily), barely afford my project for college I must complete, etc. I don't have a credit card either to get myself into debt.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm still a college student and not working. I got rid of 300+ video games around the summer, so that gave me some money. Usually I work over the semester, but I lost my job working for a Professor grading his papers for two classes (I use to use that money to buy video game related stuff and eat).

It sucks right now because I don't have much money left over, so I starve myself a lot to save money, can't afford getting contacts maybe (to correct my current vision problem causing me headaches daily), barely afford my project for college I must complete, etc. I don't have a credit card either to get myself into debt.[/quote]

Credit cards aren't the devils people make them out to be. If you have some willpower and self restraint, credit cards can be quite helpful especially if you're on the verge of graduating. It's not a total necessity but it is pretty essential for living in a modern burg. Plus it's easier to space out your payments and you don't need to necessarily starve.
[quote name='jaykrue']Credit cards aren't the devils people make them out to be. If you have some willpower and self restraint, credit cards can be quite helpful especially if you're on the verge of graduating. It's not a total necessity but it is pretty essential for living in a modern burg. Plus it's easier to space out your payments and you don't need to necessarily starve.[/QUOTE]I agree about it being nicer to space out payments, because it kind of sucks going to the ATM every single week getting the cash, or having to carry lots of cash in my wallet at once. I just don't want to be like my sister who has around $10k-$15k in debt on all her credit cards (and she still has a low paying retail job).

[quote name='GuilewasNK']I am currently a college bookstore manager.[/QUOTE]I guess you like to charge outrageous prices for books don't you. :p
Lawyer currently getting paid very little to get some great courtroom experience clerking for three PA judges.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I agree about it being nicer to space out payments, because it kind of sucks going to the ATM every single week getting the cash, or having to carry lots of cash in my wallet at once. I just don't want to be like my sister who has around $10k-$15k in debt on all her credit cards (and she still has a low paying retail job).[/quote]

Which is where the willpower and self-restraint come in. I never carry a balance more than $1500 a year on any one card. And I pay it off by tax time.

Your sister has several options. She can consolidate them all onto 1 or 2 cards or if it's quite severe, pay off each of the cards one by one, starting with the highest interest rate first working her way down until she only has, at most 2-3 cards left. And while she's doing this to the highest interest card, she'll just pay min. balance on the rest. Once she's finished off a card, cut it up and take whatever she's paying on the previous card and apply to the next high interest rated card. A $10K-$15K on a minimum wage job can be knocked out in 3-5 years, depending on diligence and willpower. Less, if she's willing to forgo a lot of things.
[quote name='jaykrue']Credit cards aren't the devils people make them out to be. If you have some willpower and self restraint, credit cards can be quite helpful especially if you're on the verge of graduating. It's not a total necessity but it is pretty essential for living in a modern burg. Plus it's easier to space out your payments and you don't need to necessarily starve.[/QUOTE]

I'll give you that credit cards have a purpose. I charge almost everything, and pay it off at the end of the month in full. I like doing this because I get cash back, but it also forces me to look at all the charges I made for a month. Seeing stuff twice, it really has you question whether you really needed that impulse buy or not, which helps me.

That being said, I actually think that it might be better to starve for a day or 2 than to go into debt. It is very hard to get out of ccard debt once you have it. If you are making minimum payments, you are going to pay for 30 years or so. It's just an ugly way to go. The interest rates kill you. So, basically, if you can't afford $10 for stuff today, why are you so sure you have $30 to pay for that item later?

I'm not saying they don't have a purpose, just that it's worth avoiding it as much as possible.

Plus, I'm an accountant.
[quote name='lordxixor101']I'll give you that credit cards have a purpose. I charge almost everything, and pay it off at the end of the month in full. I like doing this because I get cash back, but it also forces me to look at all the charges I made for a month. Seeing stuff twice, it really has you question whether you really needed that impulse buy or not, which helps me.

That being said, I actually think that it might be better to starve for a day or 2 than to go into debt. It is very hard to get out of ccard debt once you have it. If you are making minimum payments, you are going to pay for 30 years or so. It's just an ugly way to go. The interest rates kill you. So, basically, if you can't afford $10 for stuff today, why are you so sure you have $30 to pay for that item later?

I'm not saying they don't have a purpose, just that it's worth avoiding it as much as possible.

Plus, I'm an accountant.[/quote]

Again, it's about will power which is where most people who have outstanding cc debt fail. And anyone who pays min balance all the time instead of only when they can't afford to probably shouldn't have a cc in the first place.
Currently, I don't have a job because I just graduated from college. I'm looking for a job in the game industry as a level designer.
Credit card debt is the absolute WORST kind of debt there is. Especially when you use it to buy alcohol and lap dances at strip clubs.
Too many accountant in one place (I'm one too - Life Insurance). I usually used a credit card for videogames or food purchase. I get cash back. Currently, since I bought Orange Box I'm planning to not buy any new games. I'm waiting for new games that should come for my b-day gift. Mostly looking though my backlog if could complete my games. Credit card debt fluctuates from around $150 - $650. I alway pay in full. No finance charges for me. I might be some games from goozex from time to time.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']

I guess you like to charge outrageous prices for books don't you. :p[/quote]

:lol: Nah, I remember what it was like paying for books out of my own pocket.

I think people would be surprised how much it costs to get new books from the publishers though. I can't say the exact percentage of our markup, but it isn't much for new books. Bookstores are very much like game stores in that the money is made via used product. If instructors would stay away from package bundles, access codes, and use textbooks for at least three years, it would benefit everyone tremendously. It would certainly make my job easier because it is hell 90% of the time just due to paperwork.

Unfortunately, bookstore work is the only thing I have any longtime experience in, but the management side is new to me. I have been doing this for 11 months.
Well mostly I am just a H.S. Student which makes no money. However I also repair people's computer locally and I am trying to start writing tech aritcles for a local newspaper.
Well for the past 7+ years (Finished school in May) I've been working at a Dairy Queen (Decent money but I reached the limit of how much I can make). I did however give my 2 weeks yesterday because starting in November I'm going to be a Software Engineer with a tele-com company. Looking forward to earning way more then ever before.

Also I've been selling off a lot of games and other random crap lately. I do however have a few games that I'm going to be putting up for sale in the form of a trade list here simply because I know that they're going for a little bit on e-bay and I just want them gone :)
I sell and trade to try to be somewhat balanced with games. I fail, but it still saves me a lot of money. Other than that it's loan money bitch, I have around 18k or so in college loans (which is actually pretty low comparatively). I worked summer jobs and got somehwere around $3-5k each for the past 3 summers, which I've used to keep the loans down.

I use a credit card for the bonuses and convenience, but pay it off each statement.
Well, I used to have a job in a cafetiria, where I'd serve food and clean it up. I guess that's food service. I don't have that job now, but I'm looking for something similar. I'd rather be the gu who gets paid to clean up McDonalds than the guy who gets paid to deal with the assholes who go to to McDonalds. Plus that's not very hard work. Of course, this isn't what I want to do when I'm done with college.

Now I buy new games by turning in old ones for credit.
[quote name='SpazX']I sell and trade to try to be somewhat balanced with games. I fail, but it still saves me a lot of money. Other than that it's loan money bitch, I have around 18k or so in college loans (which is actually pretty low comparatively). I worked summer jobs and got somehwere around $3-5k each for the past 3 summers, which I've used to keep the loans down.

I use a credit card for the bonuses and convenience, but pay it off each statement.[/QUOTE]I've been kind of selling and trading myself, but I'm at a point where most games I want to get rid of are PS2 games, and can't get much back from them at Gamestop. :whistle2:(

When I finish college, I should be an Electrical Engineer or Computer Programmer. I badly want to finish my stupid senior project so I can graduate, get a good job, and finally have money to take care of lots of stuff (such as finally eating right, solve my headache problems, etc.).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I've been kind of selling and trading myself, but I'm at a point where most games I want to get rid of are PS2 games, and can't get much back from them at Gamestop. :whistle2:(

When I finish college, I should be an Electrical Engineer or Computer Programmer. I badly want to finish my stupid senior project so I can graduate, get a good job, and finally have money to take care of lots of stuff (such as finally eating right, solve my headache problems, etc.).[/quote]

Just outta curiousity, what's your senior project about?
[quote name='Aberforth']Just outta curiousity, what's your senior project about?[/QUOTE]It's a wireless weather alarm clock, with a bunch of other features I prefer not to disclose in a public forum (for various reasons). I just got 100% checked off (I'm two weeks ahead) and trying to integrate everything together (I have just over 6 weeks to get that, having some issues now).

My first project I tried to make was a robot that could search around a room finding coins (it could also be controlled by voice recognition), but that project was a mess and I ended up dropping the class. I tried talk to Professors last year on new ideas, but they kept trying to get me to do something expensive, crazy hard, never been done before stuff, etc. all because I was considered to be one of the top students. I ended up just thinking of something I could really use when getting up in the morning, so that's what I stuck to. I failed last semester (in the Spring) because I missed the 50% and 100% deadline (only got 70% complete by the end of the semester), and even if I got integration I still failed (I missed the checkoffs due to blowing up my power supply, my microcontroller quit working out of no where, analog voltage to serial data wasn't working right, and the touchscreen I needed was discontinued).
bread's done