How is Mortal Kombat:Deception?

Any idea if the EB Games B&M have the KE editions in stock? Will I have trouble finding one tomorrow afternoon.
im so mad i preordered my copy from ign gamestore with free overnight and i did not receive it today....i was waiting for it all day
According to StealthySeal:

"fuckING BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!!"

I'd say you should get it. I'm going to go get it at Target soon for $40 after $10 off coupon, plus you get a free $10 giftcard. Which means I can get this game for $30, technically.
[quote name='Othergods']Any idea if the EB Games B&M have the KE editions in stock? Will I have trouble finding one tomorrow afternoon.[/quote]

YMMV. Mine had two extras for PS2.

I'm getting this tomorrow.. dunno if it'll be the CE or not. Probably not.
It is a very fun game! I would like to know if anyone finds any fatalities that aren't listed in the strategy guide.
I thought it was just average. The fighting almost seemed like 2D to me in a 3D world. Maybe I got used to Def Jam:FFNY too much. MK is good, but not great.....yet. However, I don't know ANY moves or fatalities that could have some factor. I'm not the biggest fighting game guru anyways...more of a sports guy.

Graphics are good. Gameplay is good...I just have to learn more. I also have to unlock the 12 other characters....anyone know what koffin they are in?

Puzzle Kombat was fun.....repetitive, but fun.

LIVE play was excellent...only played one match, but no lag whatsoever
Yeah, I thought the fighting system was lacking also. Although, as I said, I know NO moves or anything yet...I'm not buying any guide either. I'll get them off the Internet eventually. Although, a button masher can get pretty far in the game.

I'm still undecided on how I like the THREE fightining styles also. I guess it gives more variety....oh well, glad I got it cheap through a pre-order at GameRush.
Yeah, I wasn't to impressed with the game either!!!
I actually got into the Konquest mode and thought that was intersting, but I would rather play Fable.
The fighting was very lacking but I am in the same boat as DoubleDown I don't know any moves yet.
If you liked Deadly Alliance, you'll like this one. Just know that the core fighting system isn't that different, so don't be expecting a huge overhaul. They added bells and whistles like interactive stages, but it's similar to the previous game other than that.

I couldn't disagree more with the people who think the fighting style is lacking in this game. learn... when drunk after Twins win.

Played Puzzle for a while, but was getting beat because I didn't know any special moves.

Lots of fun. Get it at Target for $30-$40 with coupon and/or $10 giftcard.
Mine is in the mail.
Hopefully, you can setup tournements online and we can get some hot CAG on CAG action going.
[quote name='CheapyD']Mine is in the mail.
Hopefully, you can setup tournements online and we can get some hot CAG on CAG action going.[/quote]
I believe there is some option where you can get a bunch of players together, and take turns in one-on-one matches while everyone else spectates. Don't quote me on that though, as I've only gotten to play a little bit and haven't read through the manual yet. As I understand though, it isn't a proper "tournament" setup, but rather an old-school arcade "I've got next" setup. I hope that's the case. :lol: If I'm wrong though someone please correct me (I know DOA has this so I hope I'm not just mixing it up with that).
[quote name='BustaUppa'][quote name='CheapyD']Mine is in the mail.
Hopefully, you can setup tournements online and we can get some hot CAG on CAG action going.[/quote]
I believe there is some option where you can get a bunch of players together, and take turns in one-on-one matches while everyone else spectates. Don't quote me on that though, as I've only gotten to play a little bit and haven't read through the manual yet. As I understand though, it isn't a proper "tournament" setup, but rather an old-school arcade "I've got next" setup. I hope that's the case. :lol: If I'm wrong though someone please correct me (I know DOA has this so I hope I'm not just mixing it up with that).[/quote]

That would be cool too.
Just picked up my KE from EB, are all of the Special covers just slip covers? If so, does anyone think that just the covers will be come collectable or traded for. That way people will not have to drop $60 multiple time for the different covers?
Not sure. Either way though the DVD sleeve is still different for each one (it will match the specialized slip cover rather than the "normal" cover). Awesome packaging, although I am disappointed that we just get a crappy paper sleeve for the bonus disc. :evil:
I don't know ANY moves or fatalities yet.

If you hit Start, there should be an option for you to look at the Moves. As for fatalities, you'll have to look it up on the internet.

***Possible Spoilers below***

The game was worth it to me. A few problems I have is the Konquest mode. After playing a while of it, i get motion-sickness. Also, Noob-Smoke are cheap. I played on Normal mode and its pretty hard. Dragon King is SUPER cheap!!! I couldn't throw him, my special moves barely hurt him if it *ever* lands. I don't like how you need to touch the orbs(?) around the arena just to get cheapshots in on him.
I thought DA was okay. I plan on getting this one. Are there more fatalities this time? I thought it was pretty bad that each character in DA only had one Fatality.
i heard each one has two...dont quot me on that one tho...

oh yea, how is the ps2 online play for this game?

any lag, bugginess?

thanks :)
[quote name='swetooth9']
oh yea, how is the ps2 online play for this game?

any lag, bugginess?

You should post this question in the PS2 forum
The latency is really low, it's like playing on the same tv. I was pretty shocked.

This is the first game in a very long time that I actually owned before I got home. :)
I agree with the previous poster Noob-Smoke are punks. But I enjoyed what I played of it last night. I can not wait to get the xbox adaptor for my X-Arcade controller, this will make the game even better.

I looked at the menu for the combo moves but in the heat of the fight I found my self mostly button mashing since I could not think of the combos that fast. I relied alot on Sub-Zero's special moves, which I do not like to do.
I think this game is well worth it because it's like 4 games in 1. You have Kombat mode which is the classic fighting, konquest mode which is like an RPG kinda, a chess type game and a Dr Mario type game. And the online is cool too.
[quote name='gokou36']Dragon King is SUPER cheap!!! I couldn't throw him, my special moves barely hurt him if it *ever* lands. I don't like how you need to touch the orbs(?) around the arena just to get cheapshots in on him.[/quote]
Wow, I didn't even realize those orbs did anything. What I did on the Dragon King though was to find a reliable ground combo with like 5 hits or so. Do the combo, then sidestep and repeat. Cheap and repetitive but it worked pretty well. Combo, sidestep, combo, sidestep, combo, sidestep, combo, etc. until he dies. That's pretty much the same thing I did against Moloch in MK5.

[quote name='Othergods']I agree with the previous poster Noob-Smoke are punks. But I enjoyed what I played of it last night. I can not wait to get the xbox adaptor for my X-Arcade controller, this will make the game even better. [/quote]
I hear ya, I just got an XBOX so I need the new adaptor for my X-Arcade. Supposedly there is some controller lag with the Xbox adaptor though, but I'm not sure how noticable it will be if you're not some elite SFA3 tournament player. I emailed a guy from the company about it and he said they they just completed a new adaptor with no lag and he will notifiy me when it is available. Hopefully they will release it soon.

Heh, you have to be careful where you mention X-Arcade on the internet though. Haters tend to flame away and make you feel inferior for not having the custom import convex 360 degree Hori Slik shaft ball-top whatchamahoozits. They miss the point and fail to realize that many people want a good stick for their PC, and not everyone wants to buy a new stick for every console they own (and I own plenty). Right now I use the X-arcade mainly for Kaillera (the online version of the MAME arcade emulator), but lately I've also been using it for Project Justice on DreamCast and King Of Fighers 00/01 on PS2. Since I lack the money (and desk space) to invest in two arcade sticks for each of those three platforms, the X-Arcade is ideal.
[quote name='BustaUppa'][quote name='gokou36']Dragon King is SUPER cheap!!! I couldn't throw him, my special moves barely hurt him if it *ever* lands. I don't like how you need to touch the orbs(?) around the arena just to get cheapshots in on him.[/quote]
Wow, I didn't even realize those orbs did anything. What I did on the Dragon King though was to find a reliable ground combo with like 5 hits or so. Do the combo, then sidestep and repeat. Cheap and repetitive but it worked pretty well. Combo, sidestep, combo, sidestep, combo, sidestep, combo, etc. until he dies. That's pretty much the same thing I did against Moloch in MK5.

[quote name='Othergods']I agree with the previous poster Noob-Smoke are punks. But I enjoyed what I played of it last night. I can not wait to get the xbox adaptor for my X-Arcade controller, this will make the game even better. [/quote]
I hear ya, I just got an XBOX so I need the new adaptor for my X-Arcade. Supposedly there is some controller lag with the Xbox adaptor though, but I'm not sure how noticable it will be if you're not some elite SFA3 tournament player. I emailed a guy from the company about it and he said they they just completed a new adaptor with no lag and he will notifiy me when it is available. Hopefully they will release it soon.

Heh, you have to be careful where you mention X-Arcade on the internet though. Haters tend to flame away and make you feel inferior for not having the custom import convex 360 degree Hori Slik shaft ball-top whatchamahoozits. They miss the point and fail to realize that many people want a good stick for their PC, and not everyone wants to buy a new stick for every console they own (and I own plenty). Right now I use the X-arcade mainly for Kaillera (the online version of the MAME arcade emulator), but lately I've also been using it for Project Justice on DreamCast and King Of Fighers 00/01 on PS2. Since I lack the money (and desk space) to invest in two arcade sticks for each of those three platforms, the X-Arcade is ideal.[/quote]

Awesome, thanks for the info on the new adaptor. Yeah I use the X-Arcade for my Mame Cabinet (still under construction). I looked into building my own stick but that was way to much work. I also found the X-Arcade suited my needs better since I can use it on all of my consoles and PC. I have quite a few fighter emulators on the Dreamcast that it is great with.
[quote name='CheapyD']They should bring back Friendships, Babalities, and the like...[/quote]
I gotta say, Hara-Kiris are the best thing to happen to finishing moves since the classic Friendships and Babalities of MKII. In MK3 they just repeated those back and introduced the Animality, which didn't really satisfy anyone. UMK3 added Brutalities, which most people didn't bother with (I'm an MK3 nut and to this day I still haven't done one of those).

Hara Kiri is so sweet though, it is totally new and brings a whole new element to those "Finish Him!" moments. It's sweet to steal a guy's thunder after he beats you. In one fight last night on XBL, this guy narrowly beat me. He was about to do one of the Fatalities for the first time and he was all excited. So I input my Hara Kiri and the screen goes dark. Over the headset he's all like "yeah, I DID it!" But then my guy just kills himself, and I can hear the guy getting all pissed over the headset. Priceless! :p Bringing back Friendships and Babalities would be nice though because it REALLY stings when you realize you just got beat and they guy didn't even block (or use Punches if it's MKII)... that would bring some serious pwnage in online battles. But I'm glad they at least came up with something brand new!
I'll chime in and say that some of the mega cheap single player fights (vs Noob-Smoke, vs Dragon King, vs Shang Tsung in the quest mode) would make me score the game lower. It's fine to have a challenge. But when you stack the odds so heavily against the player that it takes far more luck than skill to win, what's the point?
[quote name='Xevious'][quote name='swetooth9']
oh yea, how is the ps2 online play for this game?

any lag, bugginess?

You should post this question in the PS2 forum[/quote]

oops, sorry heh...i didnt realize this was in the xbox forum...i usually only read the topics from the front page... :lol:
I thought it was good, but not much different from Deadly Alliance. They even seem to have removed some combos, like the ones that switch throughout the styles (at least, they weren't in the in game moves list)
I didnt think it was all that great. I feel bad shelling out $50.00 gamerush credits for it. IMO Its too much like Deadly Alliance, I dont see anything really impressive, plus the CPU can be really cheap.
Yeah, I haven't touched the game since release day. Although, I DO have other games to take my interest now, but this was just average in my opinion. Just got FAble I've been screwing around with that a bit.

I guess once I get a complete list of MOVES and KRYPTS (so I can unlock more characters) it may become a bit better.

Anyone know where ANY unlockable characters are located?
[quote name='Zmonkay']I thought it was good, but not much different from Deadly Alliance. They even seem to have removed some combos, like the ones that switch throughout the styles (at least, they weren't in the in game moves list)[/quote]

The style switching combos are still there. You have to execute them while going through the quest mode.
oh... rumor has it that shao kahn, motaro, and goro are all playable

if motoro or goro are playable, i will cream myself most likely lol
[quote name='manofpeace20']I bought the strategy guide, and i can't figure out how to do fatalities. What do the numbers mean?[/quote]

There should be a guide for those.

1 = Attack 1 and so forth. The buttons vary from XBOX to PS2 so its simpler for them to put them in as numbers.
[quote name='doubledown']Anyone know where ANY unlockable characters are located?[/quote]

The only characters you can unlock with coins (I refuse to use 'koins' as the game does) are Jade in crypt OI, and Noob-Smoke is in...uh, some crypt that takes 3600+ onyx coins to unlock. Maybe E something.

All other characters must be unlocked by going through the quest mode. You can get Kira and Kenshi in the first area (Earthrealm) easily.
I have heard it said that you can never return to the village once you leave. Are there any major unlockables back there (characters, etc.) that I am now screwed out of? And if something is in one of the other worlds that I missed, can I just use the Nexus to go back and get it later?
bread's done