How many Michiganders took offense to Jimmy Kimmels Comments?


I wouldn't argue that point. When rich people (in many cases white) rapidly move out of an area, and poor people (in many cases black) rapidly move into that area it does negatively affect that area. Same thing happened in Harlem NY. It's a socioeconomic issue that obviously exists. It's not an issue of one race being bad and another race being good. Being racist and hateful and blaming problems on a race isn't part of the sollution.

[quote name='danny-o'][quote name='MrBadExample'][quote name='danny-o'][quote name='jshorr']I don't suggest going to the above link....[/quote]

And why not? There isnt one thing in there thats not truth. Unless you mean by saying that looking at what happened to a once beautiful city will make you sick.[/quote]

No, it's the racism that makes people sick.[/quote]

Well its all a fact. you can keep your eyes closed to it if you want. Whites moved out and blacks moved in. I wont go any more into than that out of respect for mods. Its a fact of life. Stop hiding your head and get over it.[/quote]
[quote name='jshorr']Jimmy is a comedian, not a news reporter. He says things to get a laugh. It's not like he's the mayor of Los Angeles.[/quote]

Well stated.
I wouldn't expect Jimmy Kimmel to be P.C. any more than I'd expect it from John Stewart. It's just comedy. It's not like he tried to start a riot or anything.
And it's certainly no reason to pull him from the air. Free speech should be applicable here. If you don't like it, get up and hit the power. Or for those too lazy, turn it off via remote.
[quote name='jmcc']All I know is, after this stink being made, if even one window is broken or a single car is overturned in Detroit after a win everyone owes Jimmy Kimmel an apology. There can't be any rioting now.[/quote]
exactly. Plus its probably the truth. IF the pistons win the nba championship, they probably will riot since its been 14 years since they won one.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']"Besides the fact I'm a Lakers fan, I realize they're going to burn the city of Detroit down if the Pistons win," Kimmel said on live television. "It's not worth it."

and here are the 2 articles from WXYZ news in Detroit.,2132,WXYZ_15924_2950320,00.html,2132,WXYZ_15924_2952725,00.html[/quote]

People these days make me sick. Everyone gets so damn offended by someone looking at them! What he said wasn't even very bad at all. I actually think it's funny.

It's not like he made a joke about Reagan dying or 9-11. Geez, if I were someone like that who got so bent outta shape about some little damn thing like that, I'd shoot myself.

People need to realize that people will say things they may not like. So what. It's what they feel, so how can you say they have to apologize? Besides, Kimmel is a comedian. He is paid to make jokes and be funny. I really don't see anything he said as being out of line.
Kimmel is not a comedian. Last time I checked, comedians were funny. He is NOT. My friends and I (who all live in the Detroit/Ann Arbor area) all agree that his whole segment was just so stupid and unfunny that we were not offended, we just felt sorry for him.
[quote name='Wshakspear']Troy's nice. World headquarters to WAY too many buisness's. And they have one of those really big Targets there too.[/quote]

Target Greatland is the best!
[quote name='Machine']Kimmel is not a comedian. Last time I checked, comedians were funny. He is NOT. My friends and I (who all live in the Detroit/Ann Arbor area) all agree that his whole segment was just so stupid and unfunny that we were not offended, we just felt sorry for him.[/quote]

I think you think it's unfunny because you are offended by it. Kimmel is damn funny. There's no need to feel sorry for him.
[quote name='MisterRaven'][quote name='PsyClerk']That's it?!? THAT'S IT?!? You're pissed off about that?!? Give me a shaq-fuing break!

That's nothing to get upset about, honestly.[/quote]

I concur.[/quote]

Yeah seriously, since when is making fun of a city off limits. We are going to have to change discrimination laws to "race, creed, sex, and city" now. Also there were small riots in LA in 2000 after the lakers won the NBA title, if someone made a joke about that, I could care less and I live in LA.

[quote name='Wshakspear']Too funny:
"The Wayne Brady Show" was shown in place of "Jimmy Kimmel Live."
"White people love Wayne Brady because he makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcom X."
"Is Wayne Brady gonna have a choke a bitch"
Yeah, if Kimmel get's pulled off the air, it should be because he sucks, regardless of what he says/thinks about Detroit.
[quote name='howard'][quote name='Wshakspear']Troy's nice. World headquarters to WAY too many buisness's. And they have one of those really big Targets there too.[/quote]

Target Greatland is the best![/quote]

Its like meijers...without the food! :)


Jimmie Kimmel is funny. His way of speaking/look is that of a true 5 year old (im not one to talk..), but he is a great commedian. He's done everything from stand-up to very well reeived shows. I know its a matter of opinion, but outright saying he's not a comedian makes you an ass (not opinion)
Kimmel is damn funny? I've seen the Man Show. I've seen his bits on NFL Today. He is not funny. Please don't try to interpret my sense of humor for me. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog is funnier than Kimmel and he's just a hand puppet. Maybe Kimmel would be funny if he had somebody's hand up his ass.
You clearly have a hand up yours, so you shouldnt talk.

Triumph is funny because he's a hand puppet, and Robert Smigel is F'ing genious.

EDIT: BTW, you might as well start hating him too, He's a voice on crank yankers...a show created by Kimmel
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='howard']Honestly, who cares what a person says? When someone kicks you in the nuts or hits you in the head with a rock then you should care.

Sticks and stones....[/quote]

People care because right now people are trying to mend the tattered image of a once glorious city. Detroit has 3 major problems that have sprung from it's history.

1. There is land in the city that is so toxic that if they want to build anything there, they'll have to cap it off with cement and build everything on top of a huge cement pad.

2. Racism. The suburban flight really hurt the city, and most of that was racially motivated. The fact that Detroit had a thief for a mayor for a long, long time (making a bad problem even worse) didn't help matters either...

3. There are a glut of unqualified workers in the Detroit area, many of which don't value education. This wasn't a problem when the Big 3 needed people en-mass, but as things became more automated, people lost thier jobs, and many of them were unskilled and uneducated. Thanks to the alure of the easy money to be made working on the line, they put no value on education, and that trait was picked up by thier children as well.[/quote]

You're talking about that walking peice of shit Coleman Young, right?[/quote]

Damn straight. Detroit would be a radically different place right now if Coleman Young would have never taken office.
[quote name='Wshakspear'][quote name='JSweeney']Oh well, let the cowards stay out of the city... it keeps the clubs, sporting events and such emptier and cheaper, and cuts down on traffic.[/quote]
I dont know how much tounge was in check right htere, but thats exactly what detroit doesnt need. It needs people to go into the heart of the city and have that grow outward. My comic chain actually wants a store in downtown detroit...and i think im one of the few people that work that store (im one of the people who doesnt judge based on color, just stupidity).

Having a "Only the strongest will survive" atitude only makes the place seem like a free version of Survivor[/quote]

That was all tounge in cheek, Shakespear. I probably should have prefaced it better.
If you put a comic book shop in downtown, I'd go to it considering GM sends me down to the Ren Cen constantly... at least I get free parking, eh?
You know... what Kimmel said didn't really bother me. It's the rest of the sports media jackasses and the internet morons who think they are smarter than they really are. Kimmel's comments were stupid and unfunny.. but if anything, it stops Larry Bird's moronic comments from getting more press.

I don't need so idiot commentator that sounds like an ass every time talks to tell me whats going on in Detroit when he's in California.

I think the world would be a better place if they just got rid of sports radio. Its one of the few places where you can rant like a moron as still appear to have even a vestige of legitimacy
(Internet message boards don't count... they don't even have the illusion of legitimacy.)

I mean really, what qualifies some idiot sports announcer the qualifications to talk about racial equality and such important issues like they have any sense of legitimacy.
He's apologized now and vowed to turn his own car over if the Lakers win, so it seems like a non-issue even moreso now.
[quote name='jmcc']He's apologized now and vowed to turn his own car over if the Lakers win, so it seems like a non-issue even moreso now.[/quote]

Up until he makes a dumbass comment tonight.
You know something, I am not a Jimmy Kimmel fan but people need to chill. When Kimmel was talking about burning the town, he was NOT talking about RACE RIOTS. How the hell people assume that is beyond me. This is the second board I have been to today where people think that. He was talking about RIOTING DUE TO VICTORY. It happened with UCONN winning the mens and womens championship in basketball, it happens in College football quite a bit. It happens in alot of team sports. People get like that even when their team loses. Kimmel doesn't need to lose his job or be suspended for this. Kimmel didn't pull a John Bradshaw Layfield for crying out loud. (If you don't follow wrestling here's a link and you'll see what I am talking about.)

Now that is something to be mad at. Use logic and perspective people. But wait, this is the same country that couldn't handle a 1/2 second of exposed breast at the Superbowl either and thought that 1/2 second would bring our society further into an abyss than Eminem, Teletubbies, and Jerry Springer combined.
You know something, I am not a Jimmy Kimmel fan but people need to chill. When Kimmel was talking about burning the town, he was NOT talking about RACE RIOTS.

You can't talk about widespread riots and such in Detroit without that issue as part of it.

How the hell people assume that is beyond me.

Because you don't live in or know the history of Detroit.
Of course, I doubt they'd start Detroit on fire, considering the Pistons play in Auburn Hills... a good 45 minutes to an hour away.

This is the second board I have been to today where people think that. He was talking about RIOTING DUE TO VICTORY. It happened with UCONN winning the mens and womens championship in basketball, it happens in College football quite a bit. It happens in alot of team sports. People get like that even when their team loses.

No, that wasn't the connotation, and that was obvious. His tone of voice and mannerisms show that isn't the case.

Kimmel doesn't need to lose his jb or be suspended for this. Kimmel didn't pull a John Bradshaw Layfield for crying out loud. (If you don't follow wrestling here's a link and you'll see what I am talking about.)
Now that is something to be mad at. Use logic and perspective people

How about you learn a bit about the history and racial tension that exists in Detroit before you try to talk like an expert on the manner.
I don't really post too often on here and I'm a pretty level guy that doesn't usually assault people verbally because of something they said or overreacted to but:

dude, you're a freaking pansy. I'm from NJ. The end.
Detroit deserves any and all bad press it gets. It's a shithole. There is no compelling reason to visit the city of Detroit except for a few islands of paradise that exist in an ocean of garbage. Those islands are the comerica park/fox theatre district, greektown, and the Joe. Otherwise, there is really no reason to ever go there. I hate to say it as I grew up there but it's been mismanaged for decades, raped by politicians, and continues to be run in the same manner today.

Spoo is absolutely correct, Detroit IS a joke, and can't TAKE a joke, much less see itself in an objective light for what it is.
JSweeney, I stand by my opinions and I respect yours, I hope you can do the same for me. I am bi-racial, my mom from VA, and dad from Mississippi. So, believe it or not, I am aware of certain tensions. I just choose not to add to them by reacting to everything. That's how stuff moves from generation to generation. I seriously doubt that clown Kimmel is really that aware of the history of Detroit. That's my point. It's not like David Duke made the comment. If the community of Detroit can unite over this comment and work through the tension, maybe some good will come of it.
You know, if those racist bastards were so concerned, they put thier damn money where their mouth is and spend the money to rehab some of the buildings instead of trying to make lame ass excuses about the minorities taking over the city.
weren't there celabratory riots after both Pistons championships in the late 80's? I remember there being problems. I really don't see what is so wrong with what he said, especially when I've heard far worse on TV... The mention of reagans' passing on theonion this week, is totally wrong....and totally funny. I've always liked cynical humor, though.
I'm really amazed this is a contoversy. It's like all of broadcast TV is being reduced to a elementary school playground. I'm pretty sure you could scan the archives of SNL Weekend Update and find several variations on this gag over the years. Hell, you could probably find some from Johnny Carson monologues. But today Detroit is having a hissy fit because a guy on late night TV said it has cooties.

When it comes to massive property damage in relation to sports victories and defeats its arguable that Detroit does, in fact, have cooties. Just like every other major city in America if you know which subject to ply. (Interestingly, a lot of the jokes that arose after the King trial riots here in Los Angeles had to do with Detroit and mistaken identity.)

Guess what? They aren't real. They only exist in your head if you let someone plant them there. If you want to shed the bad reputation try to get through the rest of the night after the last game without anyone setting a car on fire or turning it over. No amount of crybaby behavior will matter if the cars are wrecked.
And you should try not talking down to people so much. Not everyone on this board is of the same age, education and experience. Being insulting is not going to get your point across better....probably the opposite.

[quote name='JSweeney']You know something, I am not a Jimmy Kimmel fan but people need to chill. When Kimmel was talking about burning the town, he was NOT talking about RACE RIOTS.

You can't talk about widespread riots and such in Detroit without that issue as part of it.

How the hell people assume that is beyond me.

Because you don't live in or know the history of Detroit.
Of course, I doubt they'd start Detroit on fire, considering the Pistons play in Auburn Hills... a good 45 minutes to an hour away.

This is the second board I have been to today where people think that. He was talking about RIOTING DUE TO VICTORY. It happened with UCONN winning the mens and womens championship in basketball, it happens in College football quite a bit. It happens in alot of team sports. People get like that even when their team loses.

No, that wasn't the connotation, and that was obvious. His tone of voice and mannerisms show that isn't the case.

Kimmel doesn't need to lose his jb or be suspended for this. Kimmel didn't pull a John Bradshaw Layfield for crying out loud. (If you don't follow wrestling here's a link and you'll see what I am talking about.)
Now that is something to be mad at. Use logic and perspective people

How about you learn a bit about the history and racial tension that exists in Detroit before you try to talk like an expert on the manner.[/quote]
[quote name='GuilewasNK'] Kimmel didn't pull a John Bradshaw Layfield for crying out loud. (If you don't follow wrestling here's a link and you'll see what I am talking about.)

Now that is something to be mad at..[/quote]

I've been folowing that. hes a fucking jackass and HE has lost all my respect for doing fucking Nazi salutes in Germany. he should be thrown in jail(it is illegal.)
bread's done