How should I quit Best Buy?

question for anyone who works at best buy.. whats the employee discount.. im looking to hire on probably this next week (last interview will be tomorrow) and was just wondering how much it was exactly.. i was guessing its prob around 10%...
[quote name='Cornfedwb']You could take a page out of RealityFringe's playbook and act like an immature ass. Or you could act like a man, be mature about it, have some responsibilitym and give a two-weeks notice, work out your remaining two weeks and leave with a simply goodbye.

Unfortunately, with the way our society is rapidly crumbling.. people seem to think they're owed something and feel the need to act like chimpanzees when they leave a job.[/quote]
Bravo...I totally agree..
[quote name='deathcabforcutie']question for anyone who works at best buy.. whats the employee discount.. im looking to hire on probably this next week (last interview will be tomorrow) and was just wondering how much it was exactly.. i was guessing its prob around 10%...[/quote]

The discount when I used to work there was that you had to pay 5% above wholesale cost. A lot of items like audio and video got decent discounts. Stuff like computers and multimedia didn't get too much off. I quit BB last November a week before Thanksgiving. That kinda pissed them off. I just told them I found a better job. My sales manager tried to get me to stay cause a lot of the PC dept. were new employees and didn't know how to do stuff the Best Buy way (lie about products as someone mentioned earlier). I always tried to tell the customers the truth and that seemed to work for me. The sales manager's salespitch to me to stay on was to keep my discount. Funny thing is though, I quit in November, but my discount was still active until February! Needless to say, all my friends and family got a discount from Nov.-Feb. I must've bought about $5,000 worth of stuff from BB in that time period. I knew I was gonna quit BB a month in advanced and slacked off that whole time. I would show up late everyday and not really care about selilng anything. I never got in trouble at all because the BB I worked at was so disorganized, they didn't know what was going on in their store. After I quit, I heard stories from employees I knew that still worked there that the place was cleaned out of roughly $1 million worth of merchandise by a recently fired manager.
[quote name='danh920']How about reliving this classic scene:

shaq-fu you

shaq-fu you

shaq-fu you

You're cool

shaq-fu you

I'm out

(then throw a big mac at the managers head followed by your exit)[/quote]

Don't forget the "I thought of you in the shower"....
I used to work there and they will make you push all these other products like extended warranty and such...the only good thing about BB is the discount and at some stores the break rooms are sweet. The one I was at had a big screen, surround sound, leather couch with NFL Direct I loved working Sundays...

For those of you looking to work...don't expect to stay long...employee turnover is high at BB and its pressure sales without the commissions.

For OP, just leave with dignity and class and use the suckers for a good reference.
Beat up that Idea Box guy until he begs for mercy and starts throwing 10% off coupons at you, begging you to stop. And say over and over again, "Who's your daddy....(clap clap clapclap clap) WHo's your daddy....(clap clap clapclap clap)"
The right thing to do is to give your notice and be a responsible person about it.
If you do something stupid it just reinforces them treating employees shitty.
The better person, better employee would be responsible abotu it.

that said. do something fun. a friend at my lil bros work got a toy machien gun on his last day and ran around playing commandos, shooting at the customers, jumping out from behind racks. just generally being a completely obnoxious moron. the show lasted about 20-30 minutes and customers in the store were just dumbstruck.

I was nto there to witness it but from the stories it sounded quit good.

good luck.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Just start telling all the customers about better deals at other stores. Problem solved.[/quote]

And tell all the gaming customers about the GGC.
1st things 1st, I would exit gracefully. Just a normal quitting w/ 2 weeks notice.

But, if you dont want to take my advice on's a decent flashy exit.

Wait until November 8th and the Halo 2 shipment comes in. Get back there by yourself. Open the boxes w/ H2...and place all of the copies in other boxes. Like, switch copies of H2 with CDR's that aren't gonna be stocked forever or w/ memory sticks, etc etc. Place all of the crap switched out into the H2 boxes. Seal them up *good*. Make sure they look like they haven't been opened. Then get the hell out of there, ninja-style. Wait to see the chaos of Midnight madness or Nov 9th, whenever you guys are selling it. This is a far smarter idea than stealing the shipment as previously mentioned, cause involves no jail time :)

Also, post up here which BB you'd be doing this at, so we can make sure to avoid it :lol:
If you must create beef, piss on the cars of the people that you do not like on your last day. DO NOT fuck with management, give them your 2 week notice.
[quote name='guessed'][quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Just start telling all the customers about better deals at other stores. Problem solved.[/quote]

And tell all the gaming customers about the GGC.[/quote]

or mention that coupon for $5 off of any xbox live software if the game is under $20 and your store still has them.

although i stand by my original opinion of buying everything you want and just quit the normal way, i also support the idea of actually helping customers get a better deal. for instance, let's say you see someone who is going to purchase 24 season 1 on dvd, you could simply suggest to them that they check out, where, as most of us know, you can currently purchase it for $15. you know, stuff like that. then you would be helping the unsuspecting people out, plus you'd be sticking it to the man, as they say.
I already have a better job. I was working Best Buy as a second job. At my other job, I am, in fact, a manager working full-time. I'll be completely set there and don't need to worry about whether or not Best Buy will give me a good reference.

best buy didn't do me a 'favor' by hiring me. they were just trying to use somebody to, in turn, use other people. long story short, they've screwed me like a porn star for a long time. it's gratuitous to go into all of the actual specifics, but, it happens, bigtime. it's not just one manager doing the screwing, it's ALL of them. management at best buy is just absolutely horrible.

unfortunately, i don't work in the media department, so i am unable to change any prices on any products. if i could help CAGers, i would.

the only positive to working at best buy is the discounts. ill give them that. it's 5% above the cost of the products, some being higher than others, of course. video games are what i buy the most of, as well as dvd's, and you don't save jack on those. in fact, the only things you really save on are cellular phone accessories, digital camera accessories, digital media, and all car audio. computers, cameras, and all that kinda stuff has small mark-up.

thanks for all of the input, haha. sure, some people are saying that i can be a "man" about it and give proper two weeks notice, but pissing them off would be much funner, especially considering the fact that they deserve it.

anyway, i was thinking of printing out a bunch of little price inquiries of my employee price on high mark-up products and handing them out to various customers, saying, "hey, wanna see how much we're ripping you off?"
[quote name='slimymeteor'] sure, some people are saying that i can be a "man" about it and give proper two weeks notice, but pissing them off would be much funner, especially considering the fact that they deserve it.

Geez, where are you a full-time manager?
[quote name='Backlash'][quote name='slimymeteor'] sure, some people are saying that i can be a "man" about it and give proper two weeks notice, but pissing them off would be much funner, especially considering the fact that they deserve it.

Geez, where are you a full-time manager?[/quote]

I was worried about the same thing until I remembered what people consider a full-time manager. I know many people who work as shift managers at Mcdonalds and call that a Full Time Management position...
Come into the store manager's office, piss on his desk, zip up, have a seat, then very professionally say, "I'm thinking about quitting".
[quote name='howlinmad']Come into the store manager's office, piss on his desk, zip up, have a seat, then very professionally say, "I'm thinking about quitting".[/quote]

I like that
Steal all the GGC 's and send them to BB 's that dont have them, like mine. That way I can enjoy the savings that most of you CAG 's do
Do you have to ability to order? If so then order a ton of something that doesn't sell very well.

Best advice though is don't burn any bridges. You never know when you may need to use Best Buy again.
I don't work fast food.

I can be responsible or mature when I want to be, but I feel that Best Buy is no longer the place to do so. So, as far as suggestions go, immaturity is a must. All my life, I've been a practical joker, and it's been fun. At other jobs I've had, I've been mature and respectful because I was treated with respect so I had returned it.

So, I like pissing people off if they piss me off first. Not that big of a deal. Treat others the way they treat you.
I don't think it's "acting like a chimpanzee" to do something memorable when leaving an employer. All of the employers I've had have been pretty kind to me, so I've had no motivation to do so. Perhaps if I did have a bad experience working somewhere, I'd desire to make an extravagant exit. I do know that if I didn't have the balls to do something crazy, I wouldn't belittle others for wanting to do something fun, as long as they aren't hurting anyone.
I've got nothing.
Getting vindictive and ridiculous just isn't my bag.
Before I'd do anything, I'd probably remember that every manager has a district manager that is probably pissing on them twice as hard as they are pissing on you. Shit cascades downhill through an organization. Even the CEOs and such end up getting shit on by the shareholders.

People suck. That's about the long and short of it.
You doing something extreme will just end up with your peers getting pissed on even harder.

Of course, if you do decided to do something, just make sure you do something that's tame enough that it doesn't get you arrested.
bread's done