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CAG Veteran
Here's how to get your FREE Nintendo Dual-Screen (DS):

Sign up for one offer using the the TOP link, then post your link here. We'll get three other people to sign up under you. When the top link has 3 referrlas, we'll move the next person to the top.

My second post is a quick guide

The Conga Line
McBradd - (2 referral)
urielduma -
era5000 - (1 referral)
Link127 - (2 referrals)
pimp tyranny -
MenuBoy -
smalien1 -
camelkgames -
heffaji -
CocaineReaver2k -
luke -
slimymeteor - (1 referral)
miJinator97 -
Terabyte7 -
TheMuz -
AzN_BaLLeR -
Zarkon -
ChessPieceFace -
ptcruiser9roc -
Minger -
hmbtnguy - PM me your link
Pezdro -
fudgemonkey89 -

People with all their referrals:

People Missing in action:
sblymnlcrymnl - please pm me your link
mousin - pm me your link
jbroush99 - pm me your link
zewone - pm me your link
onetrackmind - please pm me your link (the one in the previous thread is wrong)

The original thread can be found HERE
McBradd's Free Nintendo DS Guide

This guide is step by step. The entire process takes less than 10 minuites.

*You Must live in the US
*You Must be over 18
1) Click on a Free DS Referral link


2) Enter your email address and Click to continue


3) Enter your REAL contact info


4) Click NO to all these pages


5) When you get to this page, Copy down this link, it's your referral link which you'll need later. Then click on "Skip and Return Later."


6a) When you get to this screen, you must complete one offer on this page or the next. Ebay is the only truly free offer, other than the credit cards applications, but for those you must be approved and make some transactions. If you register for Ebay with a 'free' email address (Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail), they'll require you to provide a credit card. [Go to to create a new email account if you don't have one.] To get ebay credit you must A) Confirm your account through email verification, B) Become the High bidder on an item valued over $10. You will recieve credit for signing up within a week of the auctions end.


6b) If you already have an ebay account, do not try to register a second one, unless all the information you use is different, otherwise you will get no credit.

6c) Another offer you can do for free is the AOL 9.0. There's a catch though - Do not get eh music net service, or they will charge you. The Music net trial is only 30 days, so If you cancel it you will get no credit. You can cancel the AOL trial after 32 days and still get credit.

6d)The next best deal is to sign up for Blockbuster Movies. You Must keep your account active for 32 days however. This means paying for one month of service. You'll typically get credit as soon as your 14 day trial ends.


7) Now come back Here and leave a post with the following two things:
-Your referral link (Remember the one I told you to copy down?)
-The verify ID# in the link you clicked on

in this example the number would be 1576127.

8a) To check the status of your order, click on anyones link, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, and click on "Redemption Center"


8b) Enter the email address you registered with


8c) As your referrals complete their offer you'll see them here. When you have 3 referrals listed here you can order your FREE DS!


You can find the complete terms and conditions here:

9) When the person at the top of the Conga get three confirmed referrals I'll remove him/her from the list and move the next person up.
@ Levi333 - Updated the list properly for ya.

@ Gojtron - Go Flame somewhere else. In terms of intellegence requirements, Flaming falls somewhere between throwing a temper-tantrum, and wetting yourself.

@Vanlandw - Eh. It takes less than 10 minutes. I put the guide together to simplify it completely.

@ Everyone else - Ledhed brought this to my attention:

[quote name='Ledhed']
One thing I wanted to point out. You say that, besides the ebay deal, the Netflix is the next best. The AOL one is free as well, as long as you only sign up for AOL 9.0 and not the Music Net service. The Music Net trial is only for 30 days, but the AOL 9.0 trial is for 50 days. I signed up with that one and spoke to someone at AOL to make sure I wouldn't be charged. Downloading and installing AOL 9.0 will not install Music Net. So technically, that one is free as well. :wink:[/quote]
are you GUARANTEED to get the ds if you get all the referrals and everything right?

like...could you sue them if they didnt give you a ds or something?

i just dont want to take a chance of doin this w/o knowing that a ds would be guaranteed in my hands for free
I have a friend that did something else through this "giftFox" place and she regrets it now, because they farm your email address out to every spammer on earth. She says that she get so much spam now that she wants to change her email address. Weeding through hundreds of spam emails a day takes up too much time to be worth it. It's alot of work reading and deleting. I would do it myself if it wasn't such a hassle...I would just rather pay for the DS and not deal with all that trouble....You know the old saying "Aint nothing for Free in this world" comes to mind right about now. So either way you gotta pay. Use your best judgement I guess...
goodtone wrote:
I have a friend that did something else through this "giftFox" place and she regrets it now, because they farm your email address out to every spammer on earth. She says that she get so much spam now that she wants to change her email address. Weeding through hundreds of spam emails a day takes up too much time to be worth it. It's alot of work reading and deleting.

Hundreds of spam.- i never get any spam from them. Alot of work reading and deleting.- you should use a different email addy or if u have hotmail or gmail account (i do) it should be caught in ur spam folder, so why would u be reading and deleting hundreds of spam emails in ur spam folder it automatically gets deleted.

It comes out in just a month. Why wait to get it? When you could just make a stand with the gaming masses by buying one during the release date.

because i wasnt planning on getting one for $150 cause i dont feel like payin that much for one but if i can get it free then hell yea. my email is fine, if i get spam its already in the spam folder so i dont have to deal with it. and u can always get a new email address if yours gets filled with spam so no big deal.
Question: Is Netflix better or worse than the one?

Also, what about the CC applications? Can't you just apply for them and get credit, or do you have to get -approved-?
For the credit card I'm almost positive you have to get approved. Word is Netflix is slightly better than BB on movie selection.

My question is... If someone signs up for the AOL do they have to install the software or can they just sign up for it then cancel without ever using/installing the software?
Yawn... Another lame-ass matrix scheme. So, who wants to bet on when this whole thing will fall apart? :roll:
[quote name='swetooth9']are you GUARANTEED to get the ds if you get all the referrals and everything right?

like...could you sue them if they didnt give you a ds or something?

i just dont want to take a chance of doin this w/o knowing that a ds would be guaranteed in my hands for free[/quote]

I wonder if it'll be like the Ipod Conga where some people didn't get their Ipods. :?
how it sounds it takes 4 to 6 months or even longer to get the items. I mean that June 2005 i would rather spend 150 and play it for 6 months then to wait
I did the ebay offer. I made a new account and bid on an item. In fact, I made several bids on several items. I have never gotten a confimation (I was using punqs referral). I don't think it went through for me and I don't want to mess around making another account.
You can take me off the list.
Yea sooner or later this "scheme" is goin' to fall apart. After a while there are so many people that sign up, they can't keep track of everything and they close it down to start another one. I'll just pay the $150.
[quote name='Supernothing']My question is... If someone signs up for the AOL do they have to install the software or can they just sign up for it then cancel without ever using/installing the software?[/quote]

I signed up using the AOL deal. I'm pretty sure that to create your account, you must install the software. You can cancel it after 32 days. I installed it, and just deactivated all the AOL crap and end all of its running processes on startup. I'm going to uninstall it right after my 32 days are up and I've cancelled my account. Just make sure that you DO NOT INSTALL THE MUSIC NET SOFTWARE OR MAKE A MUSIC NET ACCOUNT. Sorry for the caps, just wanted to drive that point home.

BTW, I just need one more referral. The first 3 people to sign up under me get a crisp, smiling Lincoln for their efforts. :wink:
@ swetooth9 - If you read the terms of the agreement, it's a contract of advesion. so as long as you completely fufil your part they garantee you the 'consideration' which in this case refers to the Nintendo DS. They do however reserve the right to revise the original contract. But who's going to sue over a $150 product? Maybe a class action suit, but the made good one everyone who got 5 referrals for the free Ipod, so I don't see why this should be any different. They're a reputable company that's been doing this for a while now.

@ Eastsidecracker - Yep. You sign up using the link at the top of the page, then get in line and we have other people sign up under you.

@ Goodtone - If you only have one email address, I'd recomend using a junk account to sign up. If you need a free gmail account pm me.

@ Zarkon - As far as Netflix vs blockbuster, They're basically the same but Netflix has been doing it a lot longer and has more obscure/imported films.

For the Credit card deals, you must get approved to get credit. They're the strictest, But if you need a credit card, they are free.

@ slidecage - Their customer service says that they will ship out the first wave of free DS's on the DS release date to everyone with three confirmed referrals.
[quote name='slidecage']how it sounds it takes 4 to 6 months or even longer to get the items. I mean that June 2005 i would rather spend 150 and play it for 6 months then to wait[/quote]

32 days = 4-6 months

I just completed an offer for levi. Had to whip out my email addy for ebay. Hopefullly I'll win the Ninja Gaiden, too! :)
are you GUARANTEED to get the ds if you get all the referrals and everything right?
If you notice, there's an asterisk next to the FREE, and when you go down the page you'll see this:
"*Participation in our program is required. You will need to meet all of the gift eligibility requirements as outlined in the Terms & Conditions before you can receive your FREE Nintendo DS®. Eligibility requirements include signing up and confirming your membership and the completion or purchase of one offer."

And here are some interesting quotes from their Terms & Conditions:
"5. Receipt of Product. Giftfox does not guarantee receipt of any product regardless of offers completed or referrals accumulated. We will take measures to ensure that the user receives orders within a reasonable amount of time. However, we do not make any guarantee on delivery or availability of product."

"7. Availability of Product. Giftfox does not guarantee the availability of any product on our website: on occasion, products may be back ordered from our supplier or their manufacturer. In cases involving backordered products, we do not guarantee that the products will ship within any given period of time."

"10. Changes, Deletions and Modifications. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change, delete and or modify any term and/or condition associated with the Nindendo DS Offer at anytime without notice to you."

like...could you sue them if they didnt give you a ds or something?
It takes a lot of money and time to get a lawyer, go to where this web site is, and bring up a lawsuit. It would cost far more than what you would get from them. And, not to mention, these types of sites usually have some back-up plan, just in case. Then again, if someone even threatens to sue for not getting their item, they'll just shut the whole place down and move on to something else.

i just dont want to take a chance of doin this w/o knowing that a ds would be guaranteed in my hands for free
Yeah sure, if you want:
1. Your personal info being sold to spam sites
2. Signing up for things you may regret later
3. A small chance of actually getting the prize before the matrix falls apart and they stop sending prizes to everyone.
Yes, yes... As everyone who's participated in the Free Ipod's conga knows, the final power rests with the sponsoring company, but ask anybody who participated and followed the steps correctly, and they'll tell you it's the easiest $250 piece of hardware they ever got.

Hey Guys! To move the Conga along faster we need to generate more traffic to this thread!

Here's some Ideas to help you get your DS Faster:

1)If you participate in other forums, link them to this thread
2)Put a link to this thread in all your signatures.
3)Find out if you have friends or family that actually want some of the stuff they're looking to get people to sign up for. There are people who'd like an ebay account, a new credit card, or a membership to netflix.
I'm going to go for the BMG music, myself. Because I could really use CDs, after all, and I only ahve to buy 1, which I can do soon. :)
I see one big whole with this one. All the other programs worked, yes, but they also weren't giving away things that were brand new. Giving away Ipods and flat screens is entirely different than giving away a DS.

Nintendo has said they are only shipping out roughly 1 million units. If you think about it, that's not very much and a lot of people have already got their preorders in.

My guess is there will be very few people, who've completed their referral list, who get their DSs close to when they should and a lot of people left out. I just don't see buying enough DSs to cover everyone. Especially when a lot of these analysts have been saying the DS is going to be the "Can't Miss" gift this holiday season.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']DS is going to be the "Can't Miss" gift this holiday season.[/quote]

if you can ignore tot total crap they call a launch lineup ^^
I was skeptical of the free ipod and flatscreen stuff too at first. Once somebody actually gets this and posts pics from this place, like people did for the ipod, I will jump in and try to get it too. Is Giftfox registered with the Better Business Bureau like Gratis Internet is, because that would really help legitimize this offer?

When it asks for CC info, look right. See the box where you can sign up if you have a certain email address? Go to and make an account. That email will work, allowing you to sign up without a credit card.
These are never for real.....haven't been with me anyways. I've done: Free Green XBox, Free Halo 2 LE, Free IPod and none of them have ever worked.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']DS is going to be the "Can't Miss" gift this holiday season.[/quote]

if you can ignore tot total crap they call a launch lineup ^^[/quote]

Meh. I don't think it's too shabby. Mario and Madden will have me busy until Animal Crossing comes out.
@ AzN_BaLLeR - Which link did you click on to sign up?

@ GTZ_NSR - Did you complete your offer and get the required number of referrals without cancelling any of them early? You have to kind of hound these guys, but in my experience they come though if you do your part to a 't.'

@ Zarkon - List updated
Hm. I may give this one a try out of curiousity. Just create a new username on eBay or something.

EDIT: I just tried doing the thing, but i didn't go through like your guide has it. When I enter my e-mail address, it goes straight to "Last Step!" where you choose the offer. Is something wrong?
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