Humble Bundle Thread

Oh the humanity. Maybe the next bundle should put the charity money towards a donation drive to help everyone afford the BTA tier.
I'll admit it, I laughed.

But let's not pretend the donations are purely altruistic. The people who donate a large amount get to have their name on the "bragging rights board" and it's good for PR/attention. Hence why they post their Twitter handles.

Edit: Otherwise, yes, like Blade said, they can donate directly. Unless they really want the games for their trouble (and the lack of a write-off since Humble isn't considered a charity organization) or are too lazy to do so.

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Oh the humanity. Maybe the next bundle should put the charity money towards a donation drive to help everyone afford the BTA tier.
Or the people who are buying it at high prices to donate to charity can simply give the money to that charity outright and write it off on their taxes instead? Hm, novel concept, donating the full amount straight to the desired charity instead of going through a third-party.

Or Kickstarter links. Such a humanitarian.

I bet he set the slider 100% to Humble anyways.

HAH, it's $4.19 now!
I'm going to be pissed if it drops below my $4.11 tab, thus invalidating my sweet ninja F5 skills.

Well, not really pissed, since I hate roguelikes and am only doing this because humble has conditioned me to do this a few times each week.

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Guess I'm in for the bta or something. I don't know. who cares. so many Crap sales and bundles for so long that I don't know what's good anymore. At least I haven't started sleeping with my xbox yet like blade
Hmm. The only two I need are a Wizard's Lizard and Road Not Taken. I have a two tabs at $4.12... Decisions, decisions...

This is seemingly what every Thursday lunch hour has turned into lately.  :whee:

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Unless ITAD is missing another bundle Vertical Drop HD was in (it only mentions one prior Humble Weekly), looks like I don't already have it.

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Heavy Bullets has some heavy color.  I own VD HD and that's it so not a bad bundle for me.

Average is now at $4.10.

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I already own this, so it was definitely bundled.
Yeah, it was bundled in another Humble Weekly, which is what he said. I have it and The Nightmare Cooperative, so I'm interested in the BTA tier. But at over $1 per game, I'm not so sure.

Unless someone wants to split the bundle? I could buy the full bundle and send someone Vertical Drop Heroes HD, The Nightmare Cooperative, and Heavy Bullets for $5 Paypal. PM if interested?

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Hmmm, price is still dropping.. and I still can't make myself interested in this weekly...

Looking at the trailers provided, I just don't feel it.. they seem to have started as cheap flash games/clones of other games (Desktop Dungeon, Isaac..).. only Road Not Taken looks like it had any production value invested..

Also, sorta hate that every other game with some procedural generated level is calling itself a rogue-like.. esp. when it's more of a fps.. maybe I'm missing something, but why is that game in the highest tier again?

Hmm.. well a couple for the 'ol wishlist anyway. Too many repeats to consider a purchase. An interesting selection of games though.

Looks like when you redeem Heavy Bullets, it gives you an additional copy in your Steam inventory to give to a friend. So you get two copies of Heavy Bullets at the Top Tier.

The only game I want from this bundle is Road Not Taken. I've had Delver from the dev and don't have or want any of the $1 tier.

It was nice to see the price still dropped a few cents after I came back from lunch.

EDIT: Thank you, LN3000!

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It's fun. Isaac:Rebirth is much better, though.
I'm still going through BoI:R. I've been playing the Vita version and have about 1 more challenge to go currently...than to unlock the rest. One of my favorite games....I just don't want to be disappointed is all. It's not a huge gamble for a dollar though. I'm probably just buying too many games when I should finish the ones I have first haha....but that's just a CAG thing.

bread's done