Humble Bundle Thread

Psst! Hey buddy. Wanna know how to get them for free with the game?

Open the games install folder and copy the BGM folder. The files are in .ogg format but free programs out there let you convert those into MP3 or Flaac or whatever.

You're welcome
You're better off just listening to the .ogg format with VLC or something than incurring further losses by transcoding. FLAC is a -lossless- format... only the King of Morans would convert a lossy format to FLAC.

You're better off just listening to the .ogg format with VLC or something than incurring further losses by transcoding. FLAC is a -lossless- format... only the King of Morans would convert a lossy format to FLAC.
Yeah but I figured he wants it the way they sell it so shitty quality was the way to go.

You're better off just listening to the .ogg format with VLC or something than incurring further losses by transcoding. FLAC is a -lossless- format... only the King of Morans would convert a lossy format to FLAC.
I convert 320 CBR to V0 VBR, too.


(note: I don't upconvert, even I know that would sound like shit)

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I encode all my FLAC albums in 48000Hz Surround Sound 7.1 multichannel format.

So what if I'm converting old mono recordings from CD? The extra 6.1 channels and 3900Hz make all the difference!

Who are you people!?!

I'm all for high fidelity, but not enough to take the time to manage what isn't lossless in my collection. I use to be more of an audiophile until I settled on really good quality over excellent quality. Too much management to justify the time spent when I have a game backlog that I can't even tackle.

This Humble Weekly is a giant pass... not a very good bundle week from humble.

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It seems like Humble is automatically claiming bundles to your account when you buy them, even if you're not logged in. I'm never logged into my account when buying from them and I bought one earlier while on a private Chrome tab.

When I went to my download page, it showed the page as it normally would. Usually, when a page is "claimed" it just gives you a message showing it's claimed. But when I tried to click to reveal a key, it told me I had to login and that's when I noticed "this purchase is claimed" in the corner where it normally either has the button to claim the bundle or says, "This purchase is claimed by you" if you're logged in.

If bundles are now automatically claimed whether you're logged in or not, it prevents people from pennying in low prices and then giving the links to other people to claim them so they can BTA.

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Hmm... I need to try it... I haven't bought a humble in over 48 hours.

I wonder what happens when buying to an email address that doesn't have a HB account.

If there's separate Steam keys for the Wrack / Freedom Planet OSTs, I might trade for those.
Add me to that list. It's the only reason I bothered waiting around for the low BTA.

It seems like Humble is automatically claiming bundles to your account when you buy them, even if you're not logged in. I'm never logged into my account when buying from them and I bought one earlier while on a private Chrome tab.

When I went to my download page, it showed the page as it normally would. Usually, when a page is "claimed" it just gives you a message showing it's claimed. But when I tried to click to reveal a key, it told me I had to login and that's when I noticed the "this purchase is claimed" in the corner where it normally either has the green button to claim the bundle or says, "This purchase is claimed by you" if you're logged in.

If bundles are now automatically claimed whether you're logged in or not, it prevents people from pennying in low prices and then giving the links to other people to claim them so they can BTA.
Ah ha! So it's not just me.

I bought a batch of 3 cheapo bundles the other night for a friend and they auto-claimed and I thought that was just because the first time I looked at them I was signed in (I was signed out when I bought them in another browser).

I bought them under another email, but hadn't looked at them yet just in case. I guess this confirms that it's not auto-claimed just by looking at them with your account, but rather when you buy them with your account's email.

I assume this is for "convenience" (there's a claim past purchases button for the same reason) but it's probably because they know about the trick.

Hmm... I need to try it... I haven't bought a humble in over 48 hours.

I wonder what happens when buying to an email address that doesn't have a HB account.
It's fine. I tried it out last night and they're able to claimed by others again.

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Man, those Might & Magic prices are terrible. Both items on sale are available in the bundle for far cheaper per game (Heroes 6 Complete, Legacy).

If anyone is looking for some past Humble games and doesn't want Aerena, I'm your man. Let's trade. 

EDIT: is different game than I though. Up for any of current weekly games though. Just not as happy. 

PM on CAG or Steam

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If anyone is looking for some past Humble games and doesn't want Aerena, I'm your man. Let's trade.

EDIT: is different game than I though. Up for any of current weekly games though. Just not as happy.

PM on CAG or Steam
Which game did you think it was? Or do you just mean that the game play/description is not what you expected?

If anyone is looking for some past Humble games and doesn't want Aerena, I'm your man. Let's trade.

EDIT: is different game than I though. Up for any of current weekly games though. Just not as happy.

PM on CAG or Steam
I think he saw Arena in the current Humble Weekly and thought it was Aerena.
That's what I was wondering and should have just asked. And that is the game in the new Groupees bundle (WDN)? Can you confirm Greenday?

Two free issues of indie game magazine? Not fit to serve as my toilet paper. Take that away, Humble.

Boy you know what I love more F2P indie online-focused games. Because those are a winning market, yes sir. If fuck ing Rise of Incarnates can't manage a playerbase on Steam, these nerds do not stand a chance.

I liked Wrack but I just ended up going back and playing Zandronum random Doom levels after playing it and I couldn't even bring myself to finish the whole episode of Wrack.

Freedom Planet is the other obvious winner but weren't these both bundled cheaper already?

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New Humble Mobile Bundle - 12:

  • The Last Express
  • Spaceteam Premium
  • Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous
Beat the Average for:

  • Monument Valley
  • Blek
  • Joe Danger
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Reasons to penny-in: The Last Express

Reasons not to buy the BTA: Joe Danger (which is a decent game, but not $3.82 decent)

Honestly Blek seems to be the only must want from this bundle. Monument Valley is cool but I already have it from Amazon....the first tier games i'd rather not mess with other than The Last Express, which I own on GOG. It's not often I skip an Android Humble Bundle,  but there is not enough here to ante up the money. 

Honestly Blek seems to be the only must want from this bundle. Monument Valley is cool but I already have it from Amazon....the first tier games i'd rather not mess with other than The Last Express, which I own on GOG. It's not often I skip an Android Humble Bundle, but there is not enough here to ante up the money.
What else are you going to spend your $.01 on? You have a source for more metro last lights?

The Last Express is one of the greatest adventure games ever made. If someone asked me, "Can games be art?" I would show that person TLE.

Cool, I was hoping they'd add 5's expansions.

DRM-free version of the first one is a surprise, but I guess that means they included all the Heroes game (besides 7 which is out later this year). Can't exactly complain about the selection of games, the issue is just the DRM they use.

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For anyone who doesn't know, Tribes of the East is stand-alone and the definitive version of HOMMV if you're just going to play single scenarios.  The base game and Hammers of Fate have their own campaigns, but if you can put up with the awful writing and voice-acting you're a more tolerant man than me...

Is the Might and Magic bundle worth it? Cause I only played Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff on PS2 years ago. So this would be my blunging into the Might and Magic world of games. Should I go for it?

disappointing unlocks/add on for the might and magic bundles.  when the claim is more games, I want different games, not basically Vs DLC/expansion and the first game.  Ok, done with venting.  What is coming Thursday?

Not only is Tribes of the East standalone, if you JUST bought it by itself, it is actually trivial to find and download the campaigns of the first two games in HOMM5 for it, from an HoMM fan site no less. No shady trekking required. 

Of course I couldn't even get through those campaigns before I decided that the HoMM gameplay isn't for me. But even with just the TotE campaign you should have all the free play in the world to muck around with.

Is the Might and Magic bundle worth it? Cause I only played Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff on PS2 years ago. So this would be my blunging into the Might and Magic world of games. Should I go for it?
GO FOR IT! I wish I have waited. I paid about the same price as this bundle (minus a few games) from a Russian dealer last year. This is TREMENDOUS value for $15

That's if you're okay with owning most of this on Uplay, anyways.
oh you are right, Bobby. I totally forgot about it. The DRM of this bundle is all over the place.

oh hell, just forget it.

It's not the Ubisoft bundle that we want.. but the one that we deserve..

now I am glad I got my Steam Might and Magic bundle from Putin reseller

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I'm mainly missing the $15 tier and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic....not really sure worth paying $15 for I heard most of the new games aren't too good (X Legacy and HOMM VI). Any opinions?

bread's done