Humble Bundle Thread

I know this is offtopic for the Amazon Prime discussion thread but do you think we get 1 game bundle this week or 2? With the way Humble has been recently I am kinda thinking 1.
Stick to the topic, please


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I wonder what early access survival game will show up in a future  Humble monthly? Perhaps The Forest, 7 Days to Die, or Space Engineers. 

Humble Staff Picks Bundle: Glen

  • Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
  • Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
  • Ultimate General: Gettysburg
  • [coupon] 10% off Humble Monthly for New Subscribers
BTA (lowest $5.00)

  • Tropico 5
  • GRAV (Early Access)
  • Victor Vran
week 2 additions:

  • Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
  • Knight Squad

  • Homeworld Remastered Collection
Steam key ...
DRM-free ...
soundtrack ...

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Oops, guess I should have waited to buy the monthly.  Muh $1.20!  I'm not really a Tropico fan so I'll wait and see what unlocks in the $5ish tier.

The BTA's all weird on this one... it started at $6, then dipped down to $5, then it went back up to $5.50... keep an eye on this one, it might end up going for less than $5.

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Brothers seems good for $1. Also maybe in for Victor Vran.

Does anybody else think Victor Vran looks like a reskin of Van Helsing, though?

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Chivalry = not bad but now essentially requires an expansion.  Plus the community might be dwindling at this point.

Brothers = 2deep4u art house trash

Gettysburg = decent budget RTS but reviews make it seem shallow compared to most Civil War games

Tropico 5 = mountain of DLC plus same as Tropico 4 and 3

GRAV = crappy perma-early access survival game about dancing

Victor Vran = one of a bajillion arps with perhaps too much emphasis on platforming

Mystery unlocks = you know they'll be bad.

Brothers seems good for $1. Also maybe in for Victor Vran.

Does anybody else think Victor Vran looks like a reskin of Van Helsing, though?
Brothers and Chivalry make the $1 tier a no brainer if unowned. Brothers is short but very well done, so yes, throw "seems" out.

Victor Vran Im interested in, but its the only game I don't own besides the Gettysburg game and Im not interested enough to get the bundle as it stands now. May be a kneejerk purchase later, but I dont really care at the moment and I dont expect the bonuses to change my mind.

Chivalry = not bad but now essentially requires an expansion. Plus the community might be dwindling at this point.

Brothers = 2deep4u art house trash

Gettysburg = decent budget RTS but reviews make it seem shallow compared to most Civil War games

Tropico 5 = mountain of DLC plus same as Tropico 4 and 3

GRAV = crappy perma-early access survival game about dancing

Victor Vran = one of a bajillion arps with perhaps too much emphasis on platforming

Mystery unlocks = you know they'll be bad.
Chivalry does not "essentially require an expansion". We just played it last week (Bro Night) and were able to play it enjoyably without Deadliest Warrior + theres still a ton of people and a ton of servers playing the base game. Fail. + the expansion is regularly on sale for $3 - $5 and still may be $3 on Bundle Stars.

Yea this bundle not doing it for me really. I own Brothers. Chivalry seems pointless without the expansion. Coupon doesn't work for me anymore unless I want to start a new account. Maybe I will just grab Victor Vran from a split or the cesspool. 

I only want Brothers and Victor Vran, Homeworld is a Gearbox game so it'll be very cheap or bundled in the future anyway. The rest... eh.

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I use to play chivalry from time to time. The community is well and alive, I usually find matches on the main game, not that much on the DLC

Played Grav during that free weekend and liked it. Is not a game I'll sunk 300+ hours like ARK... But I may try xD

Brothers is fantastic.
Chivalry does not "essentially require an expansion". We just played it last week (Bro Night) and were able to play it enjoyably without Deadliest Warrior + theres still a ton of people and a ton of servers playing the base game. Fail. + the expansion is regularly on sale for $3 - $5 and still may be $3 on Bundle Stars.
Bro night Chivalry = will never be repeated. And the fact that it's 'only' an additional $3 to upgrade it to get use out of the $1 sort of undermines the fact it's the $1 tier.

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... Coupon doesn't work for me anymore unless I want to start a new account...
So if you cancel your subscription and immediately try to renew it, the discount still won't apply? I know the previous coupons said "New subscribers" in the title only but they'd still work if you canceled/renewed. Curious if these newer coupons work differently now.

Bro night Chivalry = will never be repeated. And the fact that it's 'only' an additional $3 to upgrade it to get use out of the $1 sort of undermines the fact it's the $1 tier.
Baloney. For someone who doesn't own it, the fact the base is in the $1 tier when theres plenty of people playing the base game doesn't change the fact its fine value in the $1 tier and the base game is perfectly playable with multiple modes and maps immediately available. Very few are going to put hundreds of hours into Chivalry anyway. In the BTA tier? Sure, that sucks. Hell, Deadliest Warrior could be one of the bonuses too.

Baloney. For someone who doesn't own it, the fact the base is in the $1 tier when theres plenty of people playing the base game doesn't change the fact its fine value in the $1 tier and the base game is perfectly playable with multiple modes and maps immediately available. Very few are going to put hundreds of hours into Chivalry anyway. In the BTA tier? Sure, that sucks. Hell, Deadliest Warrior could be one of the bonuses too.
You are hereby demoted to clergymen.

Bro night Chivalry = will never be repeated. And the fact that it's 'only' an additional $3 to upgrade it to get use out of the $1 sort of undermines the fact it's the $1 tier.
not sure if srs. The chance of it being repeated now is greater than it was before because it's been bundled.. I'll probably schedule it again later this month or next month.

So if you cancel your subscription and immediately try to renew it, the discount still won't apply? I know the previous coupons said "New subscribers" in the title only but they'd still work if you canceled/renewed. Curious if these newer coupons work differently now.
IIRC the older coupons didn't actually say new subs in the terms of the coupon. Just the title.

Victor Vran was great fun for the first few hours I spent with it. Bang whack smash. Then it just kinda got a bit stale. I was playing solo though.

I'd welcome people to play with as it is worth playing to some degree. Think of Diablo 3's adventure mode and give it the Van Helsing re-skin look - that's Victor Vran for you.

Thanks for the warning about Tropico, Mooby. Nearly fell into that trap.
First game bundle I'm buying for myself in awhile.

Been wanting Homeworld, so getting it plus a bunch of other stuff (like Tropico 5) is a no brainer for me.

Victor Vran was great fun for the first few hours I spent with it. Bang whack smash. Then it just kinda got a bit stale. I was playing solo though.

I'd welcome people to play with as it is worth playing to some degree. Think of Diablo 3's adventure mode and give it the Van Helsing re-skin look - that's Victor Vran for you.

Thanks for the warning about Tropico, Mooby. Nearly fell into that trap.
Well, if you like Tropico 3 and 4 it's.... more of the same. Not necessarily a bad thing? Re: VV I'd rather just get Grim Dawn for $5ish less.

I am interested in Victor Vran. Already got GRAV from a trade from someone who got the Humble Monthly. I guess this means monthly games will end up in regular bundles afterwards. Only paid a dollar something for Brothers, so it's not surprising that it got bundled.

This makes me glad I didn't go in on the Victor Vran 4 packs awhile back, if I can grab it for around $2 I'll be happy.  Gettysburg is tempting me to add it to my pile of strategy games I never play but if the monthly coupon only works with brand new accounts I'll probably pass.  Seems like the BTA games for the past few months have been mostly hot garbage so they're not luring me in with that anymore.

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oh ya? did u get that Borderland the Prequel Season Pass for cheap?
2K publishes Borderlands. Gearbox pubilshes this game. (Also, Borderlands the Pre-Sequel is not a Gearbox game, it was by 2K Australia.) 2K can be stingy with season pass discounts but I suspect Gearbox won't be, especially with all the money they've spent on Duke Nukem and related franchises.

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2K publishes Borderlands. Gearbox pubilshes this game. (Also, Borderlands the Pre-Sequel is not a Gearbox game, it was by 2K Australia.) 2K can be stingy with season pass discounts but I suspect Gearbox won't be, especially with all the money they've spent on Duke Nukem and related franchises.
last I look, you are Foxhack, not gilby. :speaktothehand:

It does look interesting but RTS is an area where I know I enjoy those games but rarely actually play them. Only played a little of Ashes and haven't even touched Grey Goo.

It does look interesting but RTS is an area where I know I enjoy those games but rarely actually play them. Only played a little of Ashes and haven't even touched Grey Goo.
Same. Haven't touched Ashes, SC2 or expac, or some other ones I bought recently lol
Don't know about the remake, but the original Homeworlds weren't too RTS-y. They're no where near as fast/twitchy as StarCraft and what most people generally think of when they think RTS. It's closer to controlling carriers in StarCraft.

I do not know if there is a defined time limit like there was prior of 30 days after purchasing that you could increase your amount to unlock more tiers, but it has only been 2 week since Jumbo 6 closed and there is no option for me to increase my amount.  Live and learn I guess.

I do not know if there is a defined time limit like there was prior of 30 days after purchasing that you could increase your amount to unlock more tiers, but it has only been 2 week since Jumbo 6 closed and there is no option for me to increase my amount. Live and learn I guess.
They changed it a while back, you have 7 days after the bundle ends to increase payment.

They changed it a while back, you have 7 days after the bundle ends to increase payment.
Thank you for the update. 7 days is reasonable (even if I wanted 14)

On an different note, humble seems to be pushing more for the monthly with the selection lately in the regular bundles.

Don't know about the remake, but the original Homeworlds weren't too RTS-y. They're no where near as fast/twitchy as StarCraft and what most people generally think of when they think RTS. It's closer to controlling carriers in StarCraft.
Yeah I just played through both remastered games recently and really enjoyed them both (I never played them back in the day). Some of the missions were a bit difficult until I discovered you can pause the game and issue orders, almost making it turn-based if you choose.

I'll probably skip this one since I have Homeworld and all of the $1 tier. Playing the remastered games made me really want to get Deserts of Kharak though!

bread's done