Humble Bundle Thread

Gifting a steam link removes your DRM-free version... this is annoying when you already own the game on steam... and especially when it's an Android bundle.
It does? I sent a link earlier and it still lets me download the DRM-free version.

EDIT: From what I can see, gifted links only give the Steam redemption, gift recipients don't get the DRM-free version.

EDIT 2: I'm not sure how gifts work with mobile bundles since I don't think I've bought any of those.

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It does? I sent a link earlier and it still lets me download the DRM-free version.

EDIT: From what I can see, gifted links only give the Steam redemption, gift recipients don't get the DRM-free version.

EDIT 2: I'm not sure how gifts work with mobile bundles since I don't think I've bought any of those.
Someone mentioned it does, and I'd been reluctant to try. Thanks for sharing your experience. =)

Wait, isn't the humble bundle's purpose for a good cause and to show developers some kind of support based on if you care? I don't see why people are still getting worked up over something so trivial. I am getting tired of seeing the same damn set of cycles on cag, with this one being "I didn't get x thing of stuff that was limited to a few" or "x price is too high"

Well what given item is EVER like that, hell water isn't available to most and you would think so with this damn planet being soaked in it. Or think about it like any given deal on cag, its always amazing to see the mindset when deal is alive versus dead. Are people even thinking about the dev's or the charity anymore? The game's are a bonus and it's damn near offensive to think an operation like this owes anyone anything.

Also the steam redeem thing is brilliant. Where i can give them money and in turn they offering the ability to redeem one thing, but to continue the damn concept of giving and gift games. I don't know how people can be mad at that, but you can be mad at whatever you want. I hate Hugh Jackman, Brett Ratner, the ending of the new DmC game, the 360's d pad,  Assassin's Creed III, Not toasted bread, the 'general audiences', dark matter, fetuses with phd's. I could go on

You know what the cheap ass part of this site is usually exemplified immensely across these forums, Hardly people ever talk about the damn games

This is where i do something DRASTIC talk about the games.

I could not recommend Surgeon Simulator any harder then i am right now.  It's a qwop like game that literally puts you in the hand of someone that is not and should never be a surgeon in any way. As difficult the learning curve is, once you get it down the next step is flailing about with a laser gun and somehow saving a life.

For those that got starbound, good for you. You get TERRRARRARARA AAA INNNNNNNNNN SPAAAAAAAACCEEE, Which alone is enough for some,

Papo & Yo without giving much away is really a story about a dysfunctional family dynamic made into a game. It can be a very deep experience for some or a solid ride for others.

I can't really talk bad about the runner game's they are fun and specifically his character has shown up in multiple games to save my ass. Also you say what you will about rhythm games, they may not be fired up often but the value is high on it's enjoyment factor.

I didn't play the rest and i wanted to check out reus for a long time.

With that said, if you don't want it don't buy it. No one is putting a gun to your head forcing you to anything. I know the bulk of you people backlog games till the end of time. I for one have tamed that wild beast or was forced too, that's a story for another time. When it comes to humble or childs play or general game charities. Its hard to pass up the opportunity to take something i love and i enjoy doing and have it do a little bit of good. I am not gonna continue the perpetuating evil that floats around here, the madness has to stop somewhere.

Too Long; Didn't Read? Too freaking bad.

Ah well. carry on then cag's.

Thanks! I actually got in on Papo & Yo. I'm likely going to buy the $1 tier myself though, so I'll just end up paying that forward when I get it.

Oh yeah, I clearly fear for my life around these guys:

Guys, I've been telling you… Humble Squeenix Bundle is finally here!!!!!!!!
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Devs and charities can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.  I come to CAG for cheap games.  As cheap as possible.   If I cared about devs I'd pre-order and kick start them.  If I cared about charities I'd donate on my own or volunteer.  I just care about hoarding games for cheap.

I can't figure out how to do a heart transplant. HOW DO YOU DETACH THE HEART, I STAB AT IT BUT NOTHING HAPPENS. Stupid stomach gets in the way.

Speaking from the perspective of someone who plans charitable donations and gave far more last year than I've spent on games in the last 15 years, I find your point about charity moot. I'm a cheap-ass in certain parts of my life to be able to allocate where it matters to me.

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Yeah, Cheap Ass Gamer isn't just a place I visit for the friendly banter.  It's a mentality.  I want games, but don't want to pay a lot for them.  The developer is still being supported because they're actively putting their game on sale.  It's not rocket science that a developer is doing better for himself if he sells one game at $2 instead of no games at $10.  If they don't want their game being sold cheap, don't put it in a bundle.

Yeah, Cheap Ass Gamer isn't just a place I visit for the friendly banter. It's a mentality. I want games, but don't want to pay a lot for them. The developer is still being supported because they're actively putting their game on sale. It's not rocket science that a developer is doing better for himself if he sells one game at $2 instead of no games at $10. If they don't want their game being sold cheap, don't put it in a bundle.
Humble bundle isn't really a place where I'm too worried about the developers anyway...most of the games sold in humble bundles are ones that have already sold pretty well. They're just in bundles now because they've pretty much exhausted a lot of their sale potential already.

Although I personally don't have a problem with this humble bundle (though several other bundles HAVE been subpar as of late), I completely agree with the kitty. I don't look at bundles in terms of charity; my wife and I give over 20% of our income to charity every year but we are very careful to research each charity (via charity navigator or personal interviews) to validate their veracity and trustworthiness. I surely do not presume that giving a couple dollars to some random charity via bundle is going to make a difference.

That being said, I do believe in the value of supporting developers, which is why I don't mind paying half price or more (gasp) for games I'm truly excited about... If the game exceeds my expectation, I don't mind gifting copies to friends so they can experience it and so I can support the developer some more.

I don't think there's anything wrong with people being stingy with their purchases so they can spend more money on things that are truly important to them. Although there is negativity at times, a lot of it is pretty tongue in cheek, and often the criticism has merit.

I bought this bundle but I don't think it's as amazing as previous numbered humble bundles. Maybe if star bound was part of the regular bta instead of some gimmick but as it is, these are some good indie games but not the gems that HIB used to have (HB5, HB9, Humble THQ and EA bundles really spoiled me). Although I already bought most of the indie games I'm interested in, I was hoping HB10 would have killer indies like gunpoint, swapper, brothers, guacamelee or gone home... If only for the ability to gift them to all my friends and force them to play them :)

Oh well, there's always humble activision bundle....
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I don't look at bundles in terms of charity; my wife and I give over 20% of our income to charity every year but we are very careful to research each charity (via charity navigator or personal interviews) to validate their veracity and trustworthiness.
If you give 20% of your income to the pasports31 charity, I can assure you it will be spent entirely on myself. I can send you financial documents throughout the year to prove so.

I haven't allotted Humble a Penny since they switched from steam-keys to steam-links. The poorly managed 1k limited game is an odd gaffe for HIB.
Aside from one or two bundles that I thought were especially good, I haven't ever given Humble any of the money. I don't think they're doing a good enough job getting great games to be paid by me.
Although there is negativity at times, a lot of it is pretty tongue in cheek, and often the criticism has merit.
I agree with all of it, but I think you touched on an overlooked point here.

On CAG there is sort of a metagame of building as big (and interesting) of a game library as possible for as little money as possible.

When the "rules" of this meta-game get trashed you get things like Fox disrespecting me for my $30 Assetto Corsa purchase. ;) (Although I think if it had zombies, he'd partially forgive me.)

The switch to "You only get the later bonus games if you BTA" rubbed me the wrong way.  I used to regularly give more than the average just cause but I don't like the feeling of being coerced into it by taking away an aspect of the sale (anyone who bought in early gets the bonus).  So now I just pay the buck and settle for the bottom tier unless some amazing AAA publisher sale comes along.

I agree with all of it, but I think you touched on an overlooked point here.

On CAG there is sort of a metagame of building as big (and interesting) of a game library as possible for as little money as possible.

When the "rules" of this meta-game get trashed you get things like Fox disrespecting me for my $30 Assetto Corsa purchase. ;) (Although I think if it had zombies, he'd partially forgive me.)
First rule of the CAG metagame is you don't talk about the CAG metagame ;)

my wife and I give over 20% of our income to charity every year
Sunasun's Home for Inebriated Tramps appreciates the contributions you and your wife so graciously made last year. Can we count on your continued support in 2014?

Your personal

Adopt a Slut Status

Your adopted tramp Charity is pregnant again and really could use your support.

I agree with all of it, but I think you touched on an overlooked point here.

On CAG there is sort of a metagame of building as big (and interesting) of a game library as possible for as little money as possible.

When the "rules" of this meta-game get trashed you get things like Fox disrespecting me for my $30 Assetto Corsa purchase. ;) (Although I think if it had zombies, he'd partially forgive me.)
If it had zombies I would just point out how you overpaid, but at least it was a good game.

Re: Charities.  Seems like a lot of the Humble Bundles these days default to the EFF and Child's Play.  The EFF isn't really a charity, it's a political action committee of sorts.  I mean… it's a charity in as much as the ACLU or NRA is a charity.  Child's Play… pfft… a tax shelter for Penny Arcade.  Nearly every time I buy a Humble (and it's around 60-70% of the time) I just give it to the developers.

Re: Pricing.  I don't mind the fact they added the requirement of beating the average to get the future bonus games.  $1 for half a dozen solid indies was fairly crazy.  $5ish for the whole shebang is still a great deal.  That said I do bristle when they start with these wacky 'limited amount' schemes to jack up the price artificially at the start.  At this point they might as well just do locked pricing tiers like they do in the weekly.

Re: Multi-platform (although no one really mentioned it).  They're already slacking off on this even for the numbered bundles.  Papo & Yo (Mama) doesn't have a Mac version (yet?).  Reus is apparently still working on one (the dev even says this task was outsourced to the Humble itself?).  So… meh.

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Well apparently i incited a damn riot against beings more powerful then my own. I wanted to talk about games and a mostly a something i particularly don't like in this community, but really the intent was more so about the games. Hell, what is this thread actually about?

God damn it fox, i looked up to you. I wanted to be like you. I thought when i grew up i could be a fox like you, maybe even half as cheap i would of been ok with that. This is why people shouldn't meet their heroes.

Well this is what happen's when you look into the void.


Speaking from the perspective of someone who plans charitable donations and gave far more last year than I've spent on games in the last 15 years, I find your point about charity moot. I'm a cheap-ass in certain parts of my life to be able to allocate where it matters to me.

So on that note, I will point out that the bundle has dropped to $5.67.

$5 is looking like a possibility. I think lots of people must be skipping the BTA since those titles really should be a bit stronger. 

Well apparently i incited a damn riot against beings more powerful then my own. I wanted to talk about games and a mostly a something i particularly don't like in this community, but really the intent was more so about the games. Hell, what is this thread actually about?

God damn it fox, i looked up to you. I wanted to be like you. I thought when i grew up i could be a fox like you, maybe even half as cheap i would of been ok with that. This is why people shouldn't meet their heroes.

Well this is what happen's when you look into the void.



Also, if you want the attention to focus on the games it's best to just post stuff about the games. I mean, we're all entitled to our opinion and we all can post what we want, but if your point was really just to bring attention to the games you had to know your introduction was going to distract from all that.

There's a section here for people to discuss morals and ethics of being a CAG if that's what you want to discuss. Most of us don't play games so its hard to discuss the games itself. The other thing is these games don't really inspire much talk, mostly because they are so old.

The hype for stuff like Papo Y Yo and To The Moon came and went a long time ago and even then, we already discussed them when To The Moon was bundled and Papo Y Yo hit $1 on IGS. For the other games, there really isn't much to discuss about Surgeon Sim. Bit Trip Runner 2 is much like 1 and not too many people have played Joe Danger. Reus was discussed a lot when it came out too, but again it's old now and it was free on IGN Prime. From what I've played, it's a neat looking game, but basically resource building in a circle as opposed to a flat land.

I went ahead and BTA for Humble Indie Bundle X.  I rarely am disappointed with the games and soundtracks provided, and even though at this point I usually have at least one or more games in my Steam Collection already, the fact that I can still gift the new Steam Key to a friend is perfectly satisfactory.  I am one of the folks who tend to slide the ratio bar fully towards Charity, but that has more to do with the fact that while there are other charities I personally focus on more (Worldbuilders, Teach for America, etc.), I still find the purposes of EFF and Child's Play as worthy of attention. 

I am looking forward to playing the holiday DLC for To the Moon.  Has the Steam version been patched with it yet?  Does anybody know? 

I went ahead and BTA for Humble Indie Bundle X. I rarely am disappointed with the games and soundtracks provided, and even though at this point I usually have at least one or more games in my Steam Collection already, the fact that I can still gift the new Steam Key to a friend is perfectly satisfactory. I am one of the folks who tend to slide the ratio bar fully towards Charity, but that has more to do with the fact that while there are other charities I personally focus on more (Worldbuilders, Teach for America, etc.), I still find the purposes of EFF and Child's Play as worthy of attention.

I am looking forward to playing the holiday DLC for To the Moon. Has the Steam version been patched with it yet? Does anybody know?
This is what the Dev said on the 31st:

Thanks Thunder! Aye, I'll be able to upload it onto Steam too later today -- although since it doesn't take an official slot, you'd have to go to To the Moon's folder and manually run the game. (It's also English-only at the moment, since it just came out!)

Re: Multi-platform (although no one really mentioned it). They're already slacking off on this even for the numbered bundles. Papo & Yo (Mama) doesn't have a Mac version (yet?). Reus is apparently still working on one (the dev even says this task was outsourced to the Humble itself?). So… meh.
They've been slacking off multi-platform in numbered bundles for over a year (Limbo in V, Dear Esther in 8, both of which used wine, I'm sure I'm forgetting others). And sever times Bundles have launched with missing versions (Vessel in 6 comes to mind).

Then, when game devs use Humble to port a game, it's sometimes half assed and never receive updates/never comes to steam.

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Yeah, you bring up a solid point maybe if i started at the end and worked my way up it would of gone down better. You did mention something that make's me feel sadness. Where "Most of CAG doesn't actually play video games". I want to know why, why even pile stuff up in the first place. Maybe this defines consumerism at it's finest.

I am just not into that sort of thing, to buy stuff just to have it. Everyone has their own path to happiness. I mean this is why people are on this road in the first place right?

P.S. I think we should be together


Yeah, you bring up a solid point maybe if i started at the end and worked my way up it would of gone down better. You did mention something that make's me feel sadness. Where "Most of CAG doesn't actually play video games". I want to know why, why even pile stuff up in the first place. Maybe this defines consumerism at it's finest.

I am just not into that sort of thing, to buy stuff just to have it. Everyone has their own path to happiness. I mean this is why people are on this road in the first place right?

P.S. I think we should be together

I agree with you there. I want to be together and it is also sad we don't play as many games. I joke about the hoarding and maybe a few people actually collect for the sake of collecting. For me personally it's just a matter of my eyes being bigger than my stomach. I see a ton of games that look great and I want to play and then they come up for a "crazy" price or in a bundle and I feel like I have to get them now or I'll regret it down the line. Even if I don't have time to play them right away, I fret the moment I do have time months down the line and then I can't find it for 75% or for a $1 as part of a bundle. The cheap prices don't help things I guess. If $19.99 was still the lowest older games would go, my collection would definitely be a lot smaller. For me, I just don't end up having enough time to game as much as I want to :(

That said, I've been making it a point lately to buy less games and to try to play them. Cheap plug to my blog below! I've been using the blog to motivate me to play and if possible finish things and I'm on my third finished game so far this year (2014). I'm probably digging into Brothers and possible To The Moon next, though I am planning on installing a few MMOs (Defiance, TSW, and Infestation) so who knows how that will go.

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That said, I've been making it a point lately to buy less games and to try to play them. Cheap plug to my blog below! I've been using the blog to motivate me to play and if possible finish things and I'm on my third finished game so far this year (2014). I'm probably digging into Brothers and possible To The Moon next, though I am planning on installing a few MMOs (Defiance, TSW, and Infestation) so who knows how that will go.
Non-joking --> :applause:

I know it's a joke around here that "nobody plays games", but I still feel a bit of joy when someone posts that they actually did beat something regardless. I too have been (entirely unsuccessfully) to play more/buy less, and have similarly been using my reviews as an incentive to stick with stuff and actually play more than the opening title, if not for my own enjoyment than at least to have an opinion to offer others.

So yeah, here's to playing games, something we should all probably be doing more of ^_^

Side-note: finished Long Live the Queen tonight, which was very satisfying.

Buying cheap ass bundle games.
This. I automatically turn off all allocations to charity when I pay for games. The dev gets 80%, the site (Humble et al) gets 20% and that's it. Like the skitty and imac our family donates a % of our income to charities that we choose. Entertainment budgets are for our personal enjoyment, and I want to stretch the game buying part of it as far as I can hoarding games as per the CAG "meta" game. :)

As for "supporting" devs, I think buying their games even if we have no intention of playing them (hello A:CM from Amazon for $2) is pretty supportive! The ultimate would be Kickstarting a game, which I'm sure a lot of CAGs have done (and would theoretically be totally against the CAG mantra, as a form of preordering with a risk of complete non-delivery of the game).

Non-joking --> :applause:

I know it's a joke around here that "nobody plays games", but I still feel a bit of joy when someone posts that they actually did beat something regardless. I too have been (entirely unsuccessfully) to play more/buy less, and have similarly been using my reviews as an incentive to stick with stuff and actually play more than the opening title, if not for my own enjoyment than at least to have an opinion to offer others.

So yeah, here's to playing games, something we should all probably be doing more of ^_^

Side-note: finished Long Live the Queen tonight, which was very satisfying.
Most of the time, things will sit in my library unplayed for a while, but I'm getting better at playing what's in my backlog. I only buy the games/bundles that have games that I think I'll play - I passed on Aliens: Colonial Marines at $2 because I'll never play it. I rarely post anywhere about a game I've played though (except for the AC:NL thread in the 3DS section - I think about 1/4th or more of my posts are in that thread alone :p).

I got Papo & Yo from IGS and finished it within a few days after buying, so seeing it as part of HIBX didn't bother me too much since I did get around to playing it before it was bundled. I also got Reus during the Holiday Sale and played it too and a friend was able to borrow it from my library. I also played & 100%'d Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons via family sharing. My Steam hours are actual playtime, not idling for cards - except for a couple of games, because I wanted to see how the whole card thing worked.

Thanks to Steam family sharing, I don't have to spend as much on games since I used to buy multiple copies of games/bundles just so friends could play them too. I'd ask first if it's something they thought they'd play so I don't waste my money getting them something they don't want. Now I only have to get multiples of multiplayer games and only buy one copy of single player games and they get shared. :) So even if I don't get around to playing some of these games anytime soon, at least someone else can.

That's the whole point, to enjoy something maybe even learn a little. I feel the same way for any medium that gets piled up, books or unused art supplies etc. It's like you have all these undiscovered worlds, some better then others yes waiting to be experienced. I would play Aliens: Colonial Marines if i had it and try my to the best of my ability to get that dancing alien glitch, cause who doesn't love space balls.

I beat a lot of games last year, i think maybe the most i've beaten ever or in a long time. Tough year too, all that was missing is maybe getting struck by lightning and being hit by a meteor instantly afterwards. That saga looks like it will spill over into this one. That is for another time and another place. I did feel something though that i haven't felt in a long time and i think its the closest thing to nirvana that i'm gonna get to at the moment. It's like how i used to feel as a kid doing something i really liked.

I was doing the same thing fox and i think a lot of people do, I remember hearing how if you tell your goals to people, you feel more motivated to complete it. So i've been screaming at the top of my lungs and it's fine if no one hears it, i know i said it so i'll do it. Not literally. 

The internet is a vast canvas, put whatever you want on it. It will last longer then you will so keep that in mind.

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Joe Danger isn't really like Trials and is a ton of fun, as is Runner 2. See below...

Both are great, see below...

I very much disagree. While TTM is great, and I'm excited to play Papo & Yo, Runner 2 and Joe Danger 2 are both fantastic games well worth more than a slice of what this bundle costs.
The former is an excellent rhythm runner, very much like the original but far more accessible (in a good way) with more variety, loads of replay value, and tons and tons of charm poring out of it. It's just good fun, and is easy to pick up for a few minutes or hours depending on what sort of gaming mood you are in. It's far and away the best game Gaijin has ever made, and one of my favorites from last year.
Joe Danger looks a bit like Trials but it's really not. It's far more forgiving and easy going, and is less focused on crazy speed runs and courses, and more collecting hidden stars and pulling off stunts. It's like Excitebike had a baby with a platformer (though you needn't be a fan of the genre to enjoy it). There's a ton of content, nicely assorted objectives, and like Runner 2 is perfect for either pick up and play or longer sessions.
I played them already on PS3 and loved them enough I will be going back to 100% them again, quick as the bundle will drop...
We seem to have very similar tastes, based on other games you've recommended, and I ended up loving.

So what do you think of Reus and Surgeon Simulator? Worth the BTA price?

Oh, and thanks for everye else's feedback too!
Most of the time, things will sit in my library unplayed for a while, but I'm getting better at playing what's in my backlog. I only buy the games/bundles that have games that I think I'll play - I passed on Aliens: Colonial Marines at $2 because I'll never play it. I rarely post anywhere about a game I've played though (except for the AC:NL thread in the 3DS section - I think about 1/4th or more of my posts are in that thread alone :p).

I got Papo & Yo from IGS and finished it within a few days after buying, so seeing it as part of HIBX didn't bother me too much since I did get around to playing it before it was bundled. I also got Reus during the Holiday Sale and played it too and a friend was able to borrow it from my library. I also played & 100%'d Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons via family sharing. My Steam hours are actual playtime, not idling for cards - except for a couple of games, because I wanted to see how the whole card thing worked.

Thanks to Steam family sharing, I don't have to spend as much on games since I used to buy multiple copies of games/bundles just so friends could play them too. I'd ask first if it's something they thought they'd play so I don't waste my money getting them something they don't want. Now I only have to get multiples of multiplayer games and only buy one copy of single player games and they get shared. :) So even if I don't get around to playing some of these games anytime soon, at least someone else can.
Speaking of Family Sharing, does it work for anyone on the steam group now? I tried setting it up and couldn't get it to work.
bread's done