Humble Bundle Thread

Yeah, you bring up a solid point maybe if i started at the end and worked my way up it would of gone down better. You did mention something that make's me feel sadness. Where "Most of CAG doesn't actually play video games". I want to know why, why even pile stuff up in the first place. Maybe this defines consumerism at it's finest.

I am just not into that sort of thing, to buy stuff just to have it. Everyone has their own path to happiness. I mean this is why people are on this road in the first place right?
Hey DemonKysho, I hope you didn't interpret my post as an attack. I was just trying to give some insight into another perspective in this discussion. If you read my posts in these threads, you'll notice that I enjoy discussing the games I've played or complete... somehow, I completed more games last year than in the past 5! I think this has to do with the incredible amount of shorter yet enjoyable game experiences (I think I beat Gunpoint, Swapper, Guacamelee, Gunslinger, Stanley Parable, Gone Home, Antichamber and more in the time it took me to beat Assassin's Creed 2 in the past...). Also, the lack of any AAA game that I loved so much that I had to replay immediately helped with my time (I think I sank over 100 hours in Mass Effect 2 because I was trying to beat the game with every class on Insanity... sigh). We love discussing games here too! But as fox stated already, that could have been done without the initial aggressive tone of your post yesterday.

Regardless, I think we are all on the same page now :) Buy cheap games, play cheap games, backlog even cheaper games...

Non-joking --> :applause:

I know it's a joke around here that "nobody plays games", but I still feel a bit of joy when someone posts that they actually did beat something regardless. I too have been (entirely unsuccessfully) to play more/buy less, and have similarly been using my reviews as an incentive to stick with stuff and actually play more than the opening title, if not for my own enjoyment than at least to have an opinion to offer others.

So yeah, here's to playing games, something we should all probably be doing more of ^_^

Side-note: finished Long Live the Queen tonight, which was very satisfying.
Since the start of the year, I've actually been using the spreadsheet I keep for tracking my extra steam keys to also track my budget and spending habits. Some of this is to slow down the rapid growth of the backlog, but also because- at least to me- some of the numbers are interesting... I didn't start heavily using my steam account or getting bundles until about 6 months ago, but as soon as I did, my account just exploded in size... going from the 3 games in the Fallout Collection to 460 different titles by New Years Eve.

I have a ballpark idea of my spending thanks to credit card and email reciepts, but I don't have exact numbers. (Especially because some game were funded by selling the Steam Trading cards)

Having actual numbers would be nice, and takes so little extra effort.

I've also been trying to convince myself that with most games- "If it's worth playing to completion, it's worth playing to 100%". Of course, some devs have made me realize this is dumb, given some of the absolutely absurd achievements they toss in. If your game... start to finish- takes 3 hours, I'm not going to dumb 300 hours in to get 1 or 2 achievements when the other 8 can easily be hit in that first play through.

This is what the Dev said on the 31st:

Thanks Thunder! Aye, I'll be able to upload it onto Steam too later today -- although since it doesn't take an official slot, you'd have to go to To the Moon's folder and manually run the game. (It's also English-only at the moment, since it just came out!)
Huh. I didn't know this existed. I'll have to check it out.

I agree with you there. I want to be together and it is also sad we don't play as many games. I joke about the hoarding and maybe a few people actually collect for the sake of collecting. For me personally it's just a matter of my eyes being bigger than my stomach.


That said, I've been making it a point lately to buy less games and to try to play them. Cheap plug to my blog below! I've been using the blog to motivate me to play and if possible finish things and I'm on my third finished game so far this year (2014). I'm probably digging into Brothers and possible To The Moon next, though I am planning on installing a few MMOs (Defiance, TSW, and Infestation) so who knows how that will go.
Must be something in the water or that New Year smell because there's a lot of this going around. I do play games -- probably two days in a row don't go by where I didn't spend a little time at least playing something. But you can spend days or weeks on the right game and, with the rate of acquisition, still wind up with a solid backlog.

I decided the other day to try something new: Play one unplayed game a day for at least an hour going through the alphabet. Last night was Antichamber, tonight will be Brothers, etc. If I like it, I'll stay with it past the hour or pick it back up when I hit some game I don't like. I might write something up about each game briefly but I'll save sharing any of that until after I'm done. It wouldn't be an actual review or anything, just a blurb on initial impressions.

I decided the other day to try something new: Play one unplayed game a day for at least an hour going through the alphabet. Last night was Antichamber, tonight will be Brothers, etc. If I like it, I'll stay with it past the hour or pick it back up when I hit some game I don't like. I might write something up about each game briefly but I'll save sharing any of that until after I'm done. It wouldn't be an actual review or anything, just a blurb on initial impressions.
That's a kinda interesting idea. I'll keep an eye out for your reports, and may decide to do something similar.

As is, I've been hitting new games so far this year, installing and playing Defiance, Syder Arcade, Governor of Poker 2, and Skydrift since the end of the Steam sale.

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Rather tired of reading thread all the threads this morning so I'm going to skip the 13 pages in this thread... but I wanted to share this email I got:

Hi there,

Thank you for purchasing Humble Indie Bundle X! Your purchase was processed right on the cusp of when we ran out of our 1,000 Starbound keys, but we were able to secure you a copy. Head to your purchase page to find your copy of Starbound, which we've included in this email below:

Thanks again for your generous support. Enjoy your games!

Humble Bundle
I have no idea how many they did this for but I think its pretty damn awesome... :D

Good of them to set things right.  Hopefully they rethink those kind of promos and set it to a certain time limit… although as mentioned that would wreck the BTA even more!

Good of them to set things right. Hopefully they rethink those kind of promos and set it to a certain time limit… although as mentioned that would wreck the BTA even more!
Their plan has been increasing BTA, so it would definately work.

Still waiting BTA to go down...

Almost paid $10 and now 99% surely going for $1 so in the end this worked out very fine for me. :)

Good of them to set things right. Hopefully they rethink those kind of promos and set it to a certain time limit… although as mentioned that would wreck the BTA even more!
Agreed. I would like for them to lock it in my cart while I check out... My issue was that Amazon payments was down so I had to go back to paypal and prove I was human by doing a captcha.

Really wasn't that happy to have missed out... I should have been asleep long before the bundle's start time.

Slogged through the last five pages of discussion, not sure it was worth it.  I'll add my own "contribution": correct me if I'm wrong, but numbered HIBs have never really been about the latest and greatest.  How old were World of Goo, Braid, Limbo, Bastion, when they were bundled for the first time? I feel like it had to be at least a year.  The way I see it, HIB has always been about providing good dollar value for a collection of older, proven, high-quality indie titles.  By that standard I believe this bundle measures up.  I think the reason a lot of us are bummed is that we were hoping for some of the exciting titles released in the last six months, but I was happy to pick many of them up at $3 a pop from resellers during the Steam sale (practically all I bought, in fact).  You know they're all going to be bundled eventually anyway, so it's maybe a bit much to expect major indie titles this soon after release.  A big part of the original concept was finding a new way to make new profits off of products whose market value had petered out.

I am deliberately avoiding mentioning the titles of the recent games everyone was wanting because I'm not sure what their actual releases dates were and am too lazy to look them up.  I don't follow the scene THAT closely...most of the time when I hear about an exciting new indie title it's from you guys.  I'm looking forward to backlogging Joe Danger and Papo & Yo.  Maybe I'll even play To the Moon.

Went straight for the bare minimum for Steam keys ($1), hoping that the BTA price would tumble down enough for me to bolster my support... however, despite the fact that the average is now set at $5.52, they're asking me to raise my current total over $6.13 to unlock Reus, Surgeon Simulator and their soundtrack.

It's not that big of a difference and I'll pay it anyway, but I'm wondering why they want me to pay more than $4.53 to beat the average... I could understand if they locked my personal average at over $9, as it was when I bought the bundle, but this seems only a micro-tax of sorts for changing my mind...

Just curious if it has been always like that :)

Went straight for the bare minimum for Steam keys ($1), hoping that the BTA price would tumble down enough for me to bolster my support... however, despite the fact that the average is now set at $5.52, they're asking me to raise my current total over $6.13 to unlock Reus, Surgeon Simulator and their soundtrack.

It's not that big of a difference and I'll pay it anyway, but I'm wondering why they want me to pay more than $4.53 to beat the average... I could understand if they locked my personal average at over $9, as it was when I bought the bundle, but this seems only a micro-tax of sorts for changing my mind...

Just curious if it has been always like that :)
BTA has been previously locked to the moment you load bundle page. (Making using multiple tabs makes it easier to get lowest price, always refreshing highest priced tab).

Speaking of Family Sharing, does it work for anyone on the steam group now? I tried setting it up and couldn't get it to work.
It should. I think my friend told people to join the group so she'd have more people to share with and it's working for them already.

Went straight for the bare minimum for Steam keys ($1), hoping that the BTA price would tumble down enough for me to bolster my support... however, despite the fact that the average is now set at $5.52, they're asking me to raise my current total over $6.13 to unlock Reus, Surgeon Simulator and their soundtrack.

It's not that big of a difference and I'll pay it anyway, but I'm wondering why they want me to pay more than $4.53 to beat the average... I could understand if they locked my personal average at over $9, as it was when I bought the bundle, but this seems only a micro-tax of sorts for changing my mind...

Just curious if it has been always like that :)
That's weird - I tried a custom amount of $5.53 and it didn't mention anything about having to pay more to unlock BTAs. I tried $5.52 and it told me to add a penny if I wanted the other games.

Maybe your page was loaded at a higher price, like madjoki mentioned.

Where "Most of CAG doesn't actually play video games". I want to know why, why even pile stuff up in the first place. Maybe this defines consumerism at it's finest.
I'm not sure what transpired over the last few pages of this thread, but as a video game stockpiler I can answer this question. Partly I do get satisfaction from just having things, but that isn't the main reason that I buy games at a much faster pace than I play them. I love games almost as much now as I did when I got my first home system 25 years ago, but I no longer love how much of a time sink they are. Buying lots of games but playing only a small fraction of them is my totally irrational way of reconciling my love of games with my unwillingness to devote very much time to them.
Slogged through the last five pages of discussion, not sure it was worth it. I'll add my own "contribution": correct me if I'm wrong, but numbered HIBs have never really been about the latest and greatest. How old were World of Goo, Braid, Limbo, Bastion, when they were bundled for the first time? I feel like it had to be at least a year. The way I see it, HIB has always been about providing good dollar value for a collection of older, proven, high-quality indie titles. By that standard I believe this bundle measures up.
I think a lot of it stems from (A) The "super secret limited time tier" that (B) did nothing for most people but raise the average on a bundle containing some older games previously available elsewhere.

I think a lot of it stems from (A) The "super secret limited time tier" that (B) did nothing for most people but raise the average on a bundle containing some older games previously available elsewhere.
Yep, BTA is still hovering around weekly territory. Still, it's an amusing enough game to periodically load the Humble page to see where it is.

That's only because you bought BTR2 from Amazon ;)

I passed on it because all of the Bit.Trip games will get HB'd at some point.
No, I said that because I really don't think Surgeon Sim has much appeals (outside of the lulz/works-with-my-3d-stuff crowd). BTR2 is a solid game in a popular genre.

y spoder make personal attack?

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Speaking of supporting devs, I don't want to brag but I just got an email from the old Legends of Dawn Kickstarter saying it would soon have Steam cards.

This means that somebody here will soon be sittin' pretty on a sweet profit...
provided I can sell my cards for $20

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To you and any other regular...if you have a blog, feel free to plug it here. I enjoy reading what most regulars have to say, and don't mind the links/reminders to check it out
I don't have a CAG blog. I used to have one on an outside site, but lately I've just posted all my reviews on Steam, and if you ever check your friend activity you will surely see them.

I think it would have made more sense to swap the price levels of BTR2 and Surgeon SIm
Yeah uh, sorry if I was the one that convinced you to buy Runner 2 during the holiday sale. Bit of a bad call on my part, I didn't expect it to wind up in a dollar tier :oops:

Just curious if it has been always like that :)
When you buy your bundle it locks in the average at your time of purchase, so for instance if the average was $6 when you bought it but then dropped to $5, you would still need to upgrade your original bundle past $6. This comes in handy if you aren't sure you want to BTA but can still lock in a low price once the average starts rising, in case you decide you want to buy later. It is a bit of a pain though if you buy in early, so if the average drops low enough you may just want to purchase a whole new bundle and save the extras for giving away (whether to your friends or people on the forums).

This means that somebody here will soon be sittin' pretty on a sweet profit...
provided I can sell my cards for $20
You might have been able to do that, before it was bundled. :lol:

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Non-joking --> :applause:

I know it's a joke around here that "nobody plays games", but I still feel a bit of joy when someone posts that they actually did beat something regardless. I too have been (entirely unsuccessfully) to play more/buy less, and have similarly been using my reviews as an incentive to stick with stuff and actually play more than the opening title, if not for my own enjoyment than at least to have an opinion to offer others.

So yeah, here's to playing games, something we should all probably be doing more of ^_^

Side-note: finished Long Live the Queen tonight, which was very satisfying.
Oh you beat Long Live the Queen I was close last time but a magician beat me in a duel.

Re: Beating Games

My problem is, the games that I enjoy the most (Total War, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, etc) don't really ever end. 

Non-joking --> :applause:

I know it's a joke around here that "nobody plays games", but I still feel a bit of joy when someone posts that they actually did beat something regardless. I too have been (entirely unsuccessfully) to play more/buy less, and have similarly been using my reviews as an incentive to stick with stuff and actually play more than the opening title, if not for my own enjoyment than at least to have an opinion to offer others.

So yeah, here's to playing games, something we should all probably be doing more of ^_^

Side-note: finished Long Live the Queen tonight, which was very satisfying.

Must be something in the water or that New Year smell because there's a lot of this going around. I do play games -- probably two days in a row don't go by where I didn't spend a little time at least playing something. But you can spend days or weeks on the right game and, with the rate of acquisition, still wind up with a solid backlog.

I decided the other day to try something new: Play one unplayed game a day for at least an hour going through the alphabet. Last night was Antichamber, tonight will be Brothers, etc. If I like it, I'll stay with it past the hour or pick it back up when I hit some game I don't like. I might write something up about each game briefly but I'll save sharing any of that until after I'm done. It wouldn't be an actual review or anything, just a blurb on initial impressions.
You know, I hope to keep it up all year, but I have vivid memories of January last year when we did the whole backlog busting thing and everybody was so into it and we were trying to beat our backlog and then by February everybody was like fuck it let's get back to hoarding. So this year I'm hoping to stay on the wagon or get off it or whatever. I'd be interested in reading blurbs on initial impression so you should start your own CAG blog Syntax. I'm not really the one to read super long reviews.

Slogged through the last five pages of discussion, not sure it was worth it. I'll add my own "contribution": correct me if I'm wrong, but numbered HIBs have never really been about the latest and greatest. How old were World of Goo, Braid, Limbo, Bastion, when they were bundled for the first time? I feel like it had to be at least a year. The way I see it, HIB has always been about providing good dollar value for a collection of older, proven, high-quality indie titles. By that standard I believe this bundle measures up. I think the reason a lot of us are bummed is that we were hoping for some of the exciting titles released in the last six months, but I was happy to pick many of them up at $3 a pop from resellers during the Steam sale (practically all I bought, in fact). You know they're all going to be bundled eventually anyway, so it's maybe a bit much to expect major indie titles this soon after release. A big part of the original concept was finding a new way to make new profits off of products whose market value had petered out.

I am deliberately avoiding mentioning the titles of the recent games everyone was wanting because I'm not sure what their actual releases dates were and am too lazy to look them up. I don't follow the scene THAT closely...most of the time when I hear about an exciting new indie title it's from you guys. I'm looking forward to backlogging Joe Danger and Papo & Yo. Maybe I'll even play To the Moon.
Well, games like Don't Starve, Rogue Legacy, Defender's Quest, Sang Froid, etc. have all been out for a year or more and people have been saying "wait for bundle" since at least the last winter sale.

I don't have a CAG blog. I used to have one on an outside site, but lately I've just posted all my reviews on Steam, and if you ever check your friend activity you will surely see them.
I post them both on my CAG blog and on Steam when possible. A few things don't really have a place on Steam (like the Holiday Express DLC since you can only review the base game I think).

Re: Beating Games

My problem is, the games that I enjoy the most (Total War, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, etc) don't really ever end.
Tell me about it. I think I've sunk 100+ hours into Minecraft myself.

That's weird - I tried a custom amount of $5.53 and it didn't mention anything about having to pay more to unlock BTAs. I tried $5.52 and it told me to add a penny if I wanted the other games.

Maybe your page was loaded at a higher price, like madjoki mentioned.
Main page was working as you said, but I wanted to raise my donation to beat the average from my profile page, and that's where it asked me to pay about .60 cents more to unlock the other two games... I found that strange, so I was curious if it was normal for HB to ask you more than the current average in order to up your order...
Main page was working as you said, but I wanted to raise my donation to beat the average from my profile page, and that's where it asked me to pay about .60 cents more to unlock the other two games... I found that strange, so I was curious if it was normal for HB to ask you more than the current average in order to up your order...
The BTA always locks in at the time of purchase. So, I'd assume you purchased with the BTA at a higher amount.

Oh you beat Long Live the Queen I was close last time but a magician beat me in a duel.
That is one of the hardest parts of the game honestly, took me a lot of trial and error to get past it.

What I basically had to do was level up every lumen skill to around 80-90, and then my decoration skill to a similar level. Blinded him with sparkly stuff and murdered him when he was dazed. I'm sure there are other ways to get through it, but out of the dozen or so times I failed that was the only combo that worked.

I post them both on my CAG blog and on Steam when possible. A few things don't really have a place on Steam (like the Holiday Express DLC since you can only review the base game I think).
Nope, you can review DLC now, and I would recommend posting it to ward of the few lunatics considering buying it before it likely gets removed from the store.

That is one of the hardest parts of the game honestly, took me a lot of trial and error to get past it.

What I basically had to do was level up every lumen skill to around 80-90, and then my decoration skill to a similar level. Blinded him with sparkly stuff and murdered him when he was dazed. I'm sure there are other ways to get through it, but out of the dozen or so times I failed that was the only combo that worked.

Nope, you can review DLC now, and I would recommend posting it to ward of the few lunatics considering buying it before it likely gets removed from the store.
I can't find a way to add my Holiday Express review. I spent a few minutes last night trying to find it. I think maybe the TS14 DLC doesn't have that option?

When you buy your bundle it locks in the average at your time of purchase, so for instance if the average was $6 when you bought it but then dropped to $5, you would still need to upgrade your original bundle past $6. This comes in handy if you aren't sure you want to BTA but can still lock in a low price once the average starts rising, in case you decide you want to buy later. It is a bit of a pain though if you buy in early, so if the average drops low enough you may just want to purchase a whole new bundle and save the extras for giving away (whether to your friends or people on the forums).
That's what I first thought too, but I placed my order when the dust from that Starbound craze still didn't settle down and average was well over $9, and now they're asking me to pay only about $5 more... the figures don't add up! :)
Surgeon Sim has TF2 tie ins. Even if its not hats, TF2 runs shit...ya heard
​I read as far as TF2 is a competitive multiplayer FPS and promptly wrote it off.

What I basically had to do was level up every lumen skill to around 80-90, and then my decoration skill to a similar level. Blinded him with sparkly stuff and murdered him when he was dazed. I'm sure there are other ways to get through it, but out of the dozen or so times I failed that was the only combo that worked.
Things I did not expect to read on CAG today. ^ ;)

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No, I said that because I really don't think Surgeon Sim has much appeals (outside of the lulz/works-with-my-3d-stuff crowd).
Man, I played that game for like 15 minutes. I found the concept mildly amusing, but the controls were so whack that I have had absolutely no desire to go back to it ever since. I wish I would have picked it up in a bundle at the $1 tier, but since it's BTA and I have no interest in Reus, I guess I'm happy I sated my curiosity last summer when I got it for $3.67 in Steambucks.

Tomorrow better be Popcap weekly!
fuck Popcap. I know it's no relation, but I'm mildly irritated that Marvel Puzzle Quest has had me so by the balls the past month that all these great games in my backlog, some newly purchased, are going completely ignored. I spent like 6 or 8 hours or something playing a tournament on Monday (finally discovered the "skip" button, allowing me to be much more competitive than previously), held the top position repeatedly, but didn't have time to do the same thing yesterday and thus ended only in the top 250. Not worth it. I do like the game, though, I just wish it was a little less addictive...or that I was a little less compulsive... Anyway, my point is that the last thing I need right now is more Bejeweled.

You know, I hope to keep it up all year, but I have vivid memories of January last year when we did the whole backlog busting thing and everybody was so into it and we were trying to beat our backlog and then by February everybody was like fuck it let's get back to hoarding. So this year I'm hoping to stay on the wagon or get off it or whatever. I'd be interested in reading blurbs on initial impression so you should start your own CAG blog Syntax. I'm not really the one to read super long reviews.

Well, games like Don't Starve, Rogue Legacy, Defender's Quest, Sang Froid, etc. have all been out for a year or more and people have been saying "wait for bundle" since at least the last winter sale.
Really, Rogue Legacy has been out for a year already? I only first heard about it last summer. But that's precisely why I didn't list specific titles; I feel like a with a lot of indies I hear about them six months after the fact.

Regarding the backlog busting thing, I just made myself a new list to once again attempt to bring some order to chaos. See below. Quick plays are games I can complete in a couple hours or can pick up and put down easily. Investments are ones I already know I like that will demand a hefty chunk of time, more than I often have these days. Games to check out are ones I'm interested in and I need to see if I'm just going to play for 20 minutes and put them in the permanent backlog, or upgrade them to the investment category. And then there's a couple coop titles I need to familiarize myself with in case I have an opportunity to play with anybody.

The list:

Quick plays:
Dear Esther
To the Moon
Walking Dead 400 Days
Walking Dead Season 2
Midnight Mysteries
Pinball FX2

Games to check out:

Valdis Story
Eryi's Action
Revenge of the Titans
Electronic Super Joy
The Cave

Renegade Ops

Single player investments:

Strong Bad
Orcs Must Die!
Rayman Legends
The Witcher
Mass Effect
Dark Souls
Tomb Raider
I can't find a way to add my Holiday Express review. I spent a few minutes last night trying to find it. I think maybe the TS14 DLC doesn't have that option?
I don't think you can review any DLC.
You can review most DLC by doing to the games page of your profile and clicking review. Certain games don't track that you have played a given DLC though, so it varies case-by-case if you can or can't review it.

Things I did not expect to read on CAG today. ^ ;)
Clearly you didn't realize I am the prettiest princess and that is all fairly standard ^_~

Games to check out:

Eryi's Action

You can review most DLC by doing to the games page of your profile and clicking review. Certain games don't track that you have played a given DLC though, so it varies case-by-case if you can or can't review it.

Clearly you didn't realize I am the prettiest princess and that is all fairly standard ^_~
TS14 DLC doesn't have it's own listing so you can only review TS14 base game, not any of the individual DLC.

Also, double checked Rogue Legacy and it was released mid-year-2013, so that one is a little newer.

finally caved at $5.50 and gave all of it to the Joe Danger guys because No Man's Sky is gonna rock, y'all.

bread's done