Humble Bundle Thread

Clearly, that was an aberration.

I was going to reply that this was a mistake, but I'm more concerned about why you took a screenshot in the first place...

I wish I would have picked up Super Hexagon when I had the chance. I didn't realize it was the same guy who did VVVVVV. I liked that game quite a bit.
The only issue with that, of course, is that other bundle sites haven't had amazing packages of games lately, either. Groupees, Indie Gala and Indie Royale have all been coasting along for awhile.
lies grouppe receently no inide gala okay indieroyal hell no whwere bundlestars they actually differente themsleves

Damn it, I missed a fight.

re: Lewisdog

Yes, you are right, not every week is going to be a home run.  Others also need to keep in mind that when we're complaining about a bundle and say things like "it sucks" that "to me," "in my opinion," and "for me" are all inherent in our statements.  We just shouldn't feel the need to have to type that out every time.  

This weekly sucks major ass.

re: Student loans

Both me and my wife bothered with law school and ended up with about 150K student loans between the two of us.  So don't assume you can't go to law school and get into debt "on a budget!"  It's just some lawyers are more foolish than others and get into even more debt to achieve their dream of entering a job market where graduates outnumber available jobs. 

re: "and how much more taking on a wife cost you."

I commend Warreni for saving that poor woman from a lifetime of debt.  Poor women.  They can't have their own jobs or pay their own debt.  Thank god a man came along to take on her debt.  

re: the best bundle site

They all suck right now.  And when one of them gives me a bundle of games I like, it will be the best at the time.  Right now my vote goes to Bundlestars cuz sims.  

$150k between two people?  You're on easy street.  I'm over a two-thirds of that solo!  Oh man, totally forget to check the Weekly today… Recycled Frozen Byte Bundle?  Horrible.  Lol @ $6 for Trine 2 and Shadowgrounds.

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$150k between two people? You're on easy street. I'm over a two-thirds of that solo! Oh man, totally forget to check the Weekly today… Recycled Frozen Byte Bundle? Horrible. Lol @ $6 for Trine 2 and Shadowgrounds.
You must of not bothered with undergraduate school. What is that? Pre-K debt?

College debt discussion in HB thread. Must be a shitty HB.


Yeah, so I'm very fortunate in that my university is paying for everything (except my books).

tebow is my advisor, by the way.

I like when we share our personal lives with each other and the lurkers.

Is dat a game or a minecraft mod?
Introducing the Humble Voxatron Debut!

...2 years ago... still in alfalfa

So, pay what you want for the Voxatron alpha and…

Be the first to tackle this voxel-based, old-school-gone-new platform shooter. Pick up your trusty pea gun and shoot your way through more than twenty areas filled with blocky baddies, destructible toys, and palliative powerups.

Get Voxatron’s future content and gameplay updates. As a customer of the Humble Voxatron Debut, you’ll receive access to all of Lexaloffle’s future updates to Voxatron: levels, characters, and more!

Make awesome voxel levels, with monster creation tools on the way! After conquering the alpha adventure, check out the “BBS Levels” for instant-access to user-created content. Want to make your own masterpiece? The Voxde level editor is included with every purchase, granting you the ability to create mind-blowing new environments to share with the world. And soon, Lexaloffle plans to add monster creation tools for designing your own blocky bad guys to populate your creations.
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They're just coasting on their brand reputation now. They could sell jpegs of turds (the Mojam bundles were close enough) for $10 and move thousands in seconds just by nature of being "Humble" meanwhile any other bundle site could have the most amazing package of games on an excellent deal and it would get ignored by all but hardcore deal site combers.
I blame Mooby

Approximately 5 out of every 10 games released in the last 3 years have been MInecraft mods.
That's what I thought at first too, but then I realized that ashes is right. . .

Nah, they all are, even BTR1... Super Mario Brothers is a Minecraft Mod.
. . . and Minecraft is so epic that it literally rewrote the history of videogames, retroactively making 85% of all games Minecraft mods.

And, yes, that's what happens when you start talking to Doctor Who nerds. You would have been wiser to leave us in the Amazon and Groupees threads.

We're spreading now like a forumborne pathogen. :hot:

An infinite number. And you know what that means. . . .

I liked that one too. I mean they had day 1 Steam release for 50 cents and it was actually decent in a casual lighthearted romp sort of way. Avernum is pretty good too.

It had a couple of turds like Gentleman! but it was a build a bundle so you could safely ignore it
or get it just to sell the cards
A bit late to the conversation, but some friends and I had a great time playing Gentlemen! It lacks balance, but for $.50 I found it entertaining. The bundle as a whole was quite solid, IMHO.

I actually bought the voxatron bundle back in the day (right at the end of October/beginning of November 2011 if I remember correctly, but never bothered to play it.  I've only missed a few bundles so I have everything in the weekly sale, but did go in for a dollar in the HBx

Also warreni said six figures if I read correctly, which could also mean $999,999 which seems like a lot of debt for two people, regardless of profession.

I went to a trade school, and have nowhere near as much debt as a lot of people here and it still makes me crazy thinking about how long I'll be paying it so I cant imagine how it would feel to have like 200 grand in debt.

I don't think so. I think they've become so monolithic and such a brand that they've transcended all of that. It's like Starbucks could make burnt nasty coffee but the masses will still go there because it's Starbucks. Even if a minority of people with discerning tastes go elsewhere it really doesn't hurt their bottom line that much.
I think Starbucks is an example not of reputation but of cachet, and I wouldn't agree that Humble has it. Cachet only gets people to buy if they can flaunt the product. You can walk around holding a Starbucks cup in your hand; I don't think there's an equivalent for Humble.

Cachet and reputation both make people buy bad product, but whereas properly managed cachet can last forever, reputation erodes. Eventually people will wake up and see you for what you are now and not for what you used to be. Look at Capcom.

Man I would be all over this bundle if I didn't own/play more than half of theses games

Currently playing through to the moon (half hour in) and enjoying it a lot so far
bread's done