Humble Bundle Thread

Some CAGs collect bad games. I collect bad coupons.

At least bad coupons go away when their time is up, bad games stick to you for life.

Late to the party… but these bonuses… HOARD, really?
You are physically late but Mooby's jinx travels faster than the speed of light. :bow:

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damn the only one i don't have is toki tori 2, not sure it's worth the 5.50 bta

thanks djbooba for tit strip running deux :D

thanks neuro for e.y.e. 

Isn't it mostly a multi-player game (with lolbots) whose multiplayer is long since dead?  That said, Toki Tori 2 is a good bonus.  Strike Suit Zero… meh, it's not bad.  Overall had the $1 tier games be appealing to me I'd have thought it's a great deal for $5.  Since I mooched Reus I'll just wait for another steep TT2 sale.  Although I even passed on it during the Steam sale because the first one, while okay, didn't really hold my interest.  It's a fun little platform puzzler but it gets tedious after awhile.  I know 2 is 'open world' but the demo felt frustrating to me -- your movement is highly limited given that it's a puzzler.

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Isn't it mostly a multi-player game (with lolbots) whose multiplayer is long since dead? That said, Toki Tori 2 is a good bonus. Strike Suit Zero… meh, it's not bad. Overall had the $1 tier games be appealing to me I'd have thought it's a great deal for $5. Since I mooched Reus I'll just wait for another steep TT2 sale. Although I even passed on it during the Steam sale because the first one, while okay, didn't really hold my interest. It's a fun little platform puzzler but it gets tedious after awhile. I know 2 is 'open world' but the demo felt frustrating to me -- your movement is highly limited given that it's a puzzler.
Most of you guys know far more about indie games than I, but yeah, Hoard is ancient. I remember messing with it (or some form of it) a few years ago.

I don't get all the hate about it, is it a bad game? I mean I played through the demo and screwed around with it on my friend's computer a bit and while it's no Cave Story it seemed like a fun little game, that's more than I could say for Toki Tori 1. It does seem very old to be in this bundle but it's a game I don't have yet so it's new to me :).

Besides, I'll support almost any multiplayer game today that has bots, what I thought would become standard in online gaming is quickly dying out :cry:

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HOARD Complete Pack was in one bundle...[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]and it is from the bundle that everyone loves and hates - Bundle Stars. [/SIZE]

HOARD Complete Pack was in one bundle...[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]and it is from the bundle that everyone loves and hates - Bundle Stars. [/SIZE]
So it's a repeat? Well that sucks for y'all I guess.

Oh come on, Hoard is fun.

I am, again, disappointed that this does not include any DLC. Doesn't Strike Suit Zero have a bunch of DLC?

y u want dat? it's a digital rip off uv theez
We speak English on this forum sir. You would do well to learn it if you plan on making friends.

And I've never played Surgeon Simulator, but I was under the impression it was basically Trauma Center for the PC which sounded great to me. New Blood aside, Trauma Center is a fantastic series, and if it is half as good as those games then I will move it to the top of my backlog.

I finally got in for Toki Tori 2, since I did enjoy the first one.  Also wanted Reus, Joe Danger and Papo, and I didn't have Hoard or Surgeon Simulator.

The average has creeped up a little.  It was down to $5.23, and now it's at $5.25.

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Surgeon Sim is the only title I don't own in the BTA tier. Not sure if I care one way or the other about it anyway.

I'd have bought in had I not owned Strike suit, as it was one of those titles that always looked interesting to me. Unfortunately, I bought it from Amazon during their last sale, and Trade-bux mean as little to me as gaben dollars do, so no big loss, I suppose.

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Not understanding the hype around SSZ, it's mediocre at best and it's been in atleast 1 if not 2 bundles before. To each their own I guess. 

We speak English on this forum sir. You would do well to learn it if you plan on making friends.

And I've never played Surgeon Simulator, but I was under the impression it was basically Trauma Center for the PC which sounded great to me. New Blood aside, Trauma Center is a fantastic series, and if it is half as good as those games then I will move it to the top of my backlog.

We speak English on this forum sir. You would do well to learn it if you plan on making friends.

And I've never played Surgeon Simulator, but I was under the impression it was basically Trauma Center for the PC which sounded great to me. New Blood aside, Trauma Center is a fantastic series, and if it is half as good as those games then I will move it to the top of my backlog.
Surgeon Simulator is nothing like Trauma Center.. It would have far more praise if that was the case. I thought New Blood was good, but Trauma Team was the worst game in the series.

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Surgeon Simulator is nothing like Trauma Center.. It would have far more praise if that was the case. I thought New Blood was good, but Trauma Team was the worst game in the series
Not necessarily, I've seen games praised on console, and seen similar games shat on on PC.

I'm sorry to hear they are nothing alike though. I do still plan on giving SS a try at some point, but if the reviews are really that poor then it probably won't be for awhile.

Hoard is pretty fun, even in single-player. 10 minute bursts of flying dragons around a small map, burning up towns, kidnapping princesses, and hoarding gold. The AI is no genius but not terrible either. However, I also find it an odd choice for a HB - I'm guessing they got it for cheap and it was easy to port to Linux.

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hmmm i'm cool w/getting toki tori 2. don't have strike suit zero or hoard, either, but i have no interest in those.

Looks like i'm gonna sell to the moon, papo & yo, surgeon simulator, ssz, and hoard in the trade threads. if i can sell them for an average of fifty cents each, that makes the bundle 3.26 for me. Not the best bundle, but I'm okay w/paying 3.26 for Joe Danger 2, Bit Trip 2, Toki Tori 2, and Reus

Throw in card money, and it's not too bad at all

It's a fun game.  I wish it had a little more depth although apparently the husband/wife dev team is working on some free DLC.

Hoard is a good game if you don't own it already. Toki Tori 2+ is very underrated and it's a shame that the developer is having trouble because I've enjoyed all their games so far... Edge, Rush, Toki Tori. 

Damn bundles. ;) 

Dynamite Roll and Sandwich Pack are showing up in my DLC tab.
Hey, lookie that. Thanks for pointing that out.

Hoard is a good game if you don't own it already. Toki Tori 2+ is very underrated and it's a shame that the developer is having trouble because I've enjoyed all their games so far... Edge, Rush, Toki Tori.

Damn bundles. ;)
I liked edge... I haven't given their others a try yet.

Papers Please



Dont Starve


Rogue Legacy


Samurai Gun


Gone Home






just wanted to see what these names looked like next to each other, what a good bundle would look like - maybe this week's bundle  =P

uhg why even get excited for it, just gonna be disappointment

Papers Please



Dont Starve


Rogue Legacy


Samurai Gun


Gone Home






just wanted to see what these names looked like next to each other, what a good bundle would look like - maybe this week's bundle =P

uhg why even get excited for it, just gonna be disappointment
Oh, you're giving those away? I'll take them all, thanks.

bread's done