Humble Bundle Thread

Is this the first time Humble is actively directing you to their weekly, or did they do that during their comedy bundle as well?


It's basically like "Yeah, we fuck ed you with our Humble Bundle, look over here instead".


severe hilarity and happiness immediately followed by depression

this would be the bundle the one day i have off on a tuesday

waiting for that guy who always sucks bundlestars off and insinuated that everybody who doesn't like gone home has never read a book in their life to come in and proclaim this the best bundle evar

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Soon to be followed up by the Humble Webcomic Bundle. Pay what you want for crap that is free.

As someone who has spent years and years listening to audiobooks with his kids, I can say that this isn't bad. I'll throw in a couple of bucks, esp. if the BTA goes that low. Of course, you could also most likely get these from your library for free anyway...

As someone who has spent years and years listening to audiobooks with his kids, I can say that this isn't bad. I'll throw in a couple of bucks, esp. if the BTA goes that low. Of course, you could also most likely get these from your library for free anyway...
Yeah. I'll skip this one, as I don't really enjoy listening to books, but this is a decent idea in terms of categories of bundles that Humble can try out. It's certainly a better idea to try out some new things instead of just taking a couple of weeks off. I'm still expecting the Humble Indie Film Bundle at some point.

As someone who has spent years and years listening to audiobooks with his kids, I can say that this isn't bad. I'll throw in a couple of bucks, esp. if the BTA goes that low. Of course, you could also most likely get these from your library for free anyway...
You should've just read real books to your kids. Talk about zero effort parenting.

Well...they figured out a way to avoid repeats I guess? lol. Wow...I can appreciate variety...but man, what a waste of two weeks this is going to be. Oh some point, you really do have to try to play your games.

You should've just read real books to your kids. Talk about zero effort parenting.
I realize you're joking, but I did also read to them like a maniac. The audiobooks were for daily car trips back and forth from school and after-school activities, on long car trips and plane rides, and so forth. It's amazing how much a good story READ BY A GOOD READER (I can't emphasize this enough) will not only keep the kids quiet and fascinated (zoned out is more like it), but also keeps the adults interested - my wife and I have listened to some amazing "junior/teen" stories this way.

Damn... they should have thrown in an ebook edition too. I tried audiobooks... they're not my thing. (I used to chew through 2-3 novels a week though. For a while growing up I didn't have a TV...)

I realize you're joking, but I did also read to them like a maniac. The audiobooks were for daily car trips back and forth from school and after-school activities, on long car trips and plane rides, and so forth. It's amazing how much a good story READ BY A GOOD READER (I can't emphasize this enough) will not only keep the kids quiet and fascinated (zoned out is more like it), but also keeps the adults interested - my wife and I have listened to some amazing "junior/teen" stories this way.
Unfortunately with roads around here, I really can't concentrate on that if I'm driving. Music works, some podcasts work (ones where if I don't play attention for a couple minute I'm not totally lost).

Reading while cycling is even worse... :whistle2:

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Damn... they should have thrown in an ebook edition too. I tried audiobooks... they're not my thing. (I used to chew through 2-3 novels a week though. For a while growing up I didn't have a TV...)
Have you noticed that the more video games you play, the harder it is to concentrate enough to actually read a book? Or is it just me? Maybe I'm just getting older and my mind is getting even more decrepit...

Have you noticed that the more video games you play, the harder it is to concentrate enough to actually read a book? Or is it just me? Maybe I'm just getting older and my mind is getting even more decrepit...
I don't have that experience. It's really the other factors (like getting more busy, not taking the bus) and more so filling that reading time with technical reading, news, science, and history instead of novels.

When playing a game I like it to be very active/twitchy.

Is this the first time Humble is actively directing you to their weekly, or did they do that during their comedy bundle as well?


It's basically like "Yeah, we fuck ed you with our Humble Bundle, look over here instead".
I think they do this every time they have a non-game Humble.

It's not a bad idea, but at least half of these books look like romance novels you couldn't pay me to listen to. On A Pale Horse is a terrific read (or it was 20 years ago when I read it). The Cormac McCarthy book looks like it might be okay. I've been looking for a good excuse to get into Salman Rushdie's work. The rest of these selections don't look too great.

I think they do this every time they have a non-game Humble.

It's not a bad idea, but at least half of these books look like romance novels you couldn't pay me to listen to. On A Pale Horse is a terrific read (or it was 20 years ago when I read it). The Cormac McCarthy book looks like it might be okay. I've been looking for a good excuse to get into Salman Rushdie's work. The rest of these selections don't look too great.
I'd imagine On a Pale Horse also sounds like a romance novel, to certain individuals

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Well...they figured out a way to avoid repeats I guess? lol. Wow...I can appreciate variety...but man, what a waste of two weeks this is going to be. Oh some point, you really do have to try to play your games.
It's true, a part of me is grateful to Humble for giving me two weeks off to actually try to address my backlog.

Have you noticed that the more video games you play, the harder it is to concentrate enough to actually read a book? Or is it just me? Maybe I'm just getting older and my mind is getting even more decrepit...
I have, and I don't think it's just videogames but the prevalence of visual media in general. Visuals convey so much information, whereas with a book your imagination has to really work to achieve a similar effect. I'm a very slow reader, so my mind tends to wander if I don't find the plot or characters in a book really gripping. It sucks. I haven't finished a book in like half a year at least.

Nothing by Piers Anthony is great but On a Pale Horse is as close as you're going to get.  Nifty concept, too bad the rest of the series fell apart in fairly short order (War was good-ish, Time was bleah, Fate and Nature were a hot mess and the Devil/God ones were pretty dull, especially Satan since it was largely just retelling the previous five books).

As someone who has spent years and years listening to audiobooks with his kids, I can say that this isn't bad. I'll throw in a couple of bucks, esp. if the BTA goes that low. Of course, you could also most likely get these from your library for free anyway...
Is there anything you don't do?

And I can't get into audiobooks. Any time I've tried the first thought is "I could be listening to music, why am I doing this?"

In fact I can read a book while listening to music so that tells you right there that music is just so much superior.

Nothing by Piers Anthony is great but On a Pale Horse is as close as you're going to get. Nifty concept, too bad the rest of the series fell apart in fairly short order (War was good-ish, Time was bleah, Fate and Nature were a hot mess and the Devil/God ones were pretty dull, especially Satan since it was largely just retelling the previous five books).
Actually I quite enjoyed most of the Incarnations of Immortality series, although I will agree that the last couple got really weird. The Xanth books started out interesting but I lost track of them after number 432. I think there are now fewer stars in the universe than there are books in that series.
Actually I quite enjoyed most of the Incarnations of Immortality series
Well, obviously you're wrong since I disagreed ;)

I don't recall specific issues with most of the original five except that Nature was only "Nature" for about three pages which was hella lame since she's so hyped up in the previous four books. It wasn't actually a book about what it meant to be the Incarnation of Nature.

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Is there anything you don't do?
Get off the fuck'in computer, according to my wife.

And I can't get into audiobooks. Any time I've tried the first thought is "I could be listening to music, why am I doing this?" In fact I can read a book while listening to music so that tells you right there that music is just so much superior.
Maybe you need to be doing something mundane like driving a car or reading CAG while listening to audiobooks?
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Get off the fuck'in computer, according to my wife.

Maybe you need to be doing something mundane like driving a car or reading CAG while listening to audiobooks?
There's no way I'd ever choose to listen to a book vs. music when driving a car. That's prime music listening time there.

Meh, own it all.

Getting to 500 games was fairly quick and easy. Getting to 1000 seems less so.
It's not looking like as long of a slog as I thought. (826 atm)... I was a little over 500 when they started the badge thing. (Though I did go through an redeem a lot of old bundle keys.)

bread's done