I moraned the annual sub for the monthly. I have not received the survey, but it seems like I pick things like building steam credit or humble credit only for it to not be worth it. I have be able to buy steam credit here and there from people willing to sell at a discount. However, it still costs real money. The problem that I mainly have had with steam is that they and the devs/publishers have lost the will to put things on sale like in the past. Yes, I realize that the market has changed and moved on. It is still a pain in the neck when other sites beat steam pricing during a steam sale.
So, I moved to building credit with humble. At least when buying from the humble store, there is a slight discount (with exceptions) when you are a subscriber. If I remember correctly, by buying the top tier on some game bundles, you can build credit. During steam sales and also during humble sales, the store price with discount can beat steam prices.
This issue of modifying the monthly will not please everyone. The main jest is people want a heck-of-a-deal. I posted already that I think humble/IGN has been testing the upper ceiling of what we will pay for a weekly i.e. $10 going to $12 going to $15. Now it appears that they want to raise the price of the monthly and change terms. The terms should benefit the buyer ie keep the store discount. Are they really losing money over the discount? Trove - honestly I have not tried it out as I have bulk of the games already and I do not need to download DRM free games that I already have through steam. However, some people that don't have something like Torchlight 2 might like Trove. My general opinion on Trove is that you can generally find a demo for a game to try on steam ie Torchlight 2 demo to test drive a game per se.
The monthly has been hit-or-miss with the headliner and/or the unlocks, with generally people liking the headliner or the unlocks more than the other for any given monthly. Choosing titles and/or having tiers? So, if the monthly is revealed and then they are 2 options to upgrade/buy ie $5 more gets you abc game(s) and $10 more gets you abc plus xyz game(s)? That will inflame some people. Also, once a game gets listed for bundling, we generally feel it will be bundled again. So is the better plan for something that is in the top tier to wait for the second time the game is bundled? We have seen this happen with monthly games being in a weekly later on.
Picking the games you want? First, some of us (hand held up high) are hoarders and have the gotta collection them all mentality. Selecting the games that I would want out of a bundle might work but it goes against the pre ordering a mystery bundle. So, if I select only half the games, is my account credited with half the bundle price (humble credit not credited to my credit card of course)? I think (like IkedaTeramusa) that this is signaling a lock down - trying to cut out gifting (they already do not condone selling) items you do not want or already have.
This and the recent announced change to paypal is just a headache. Sorry, I do not trust IGN to have the consumer as the priority.