Humble Bundle Thread

Gotham Knights is part of it!?!? Like The Gotham Knight?!?! Everyone was talking about this game not too long ago and you guys aren’t excited to get it as part of Humble Choice!?!?

We’ll see you all change your tune when Suicide Squad is added, just watch…

Bought it a while ago for $10 on GamesPlanet, way before Humble starting bundling this one. It's solid - but it ain't great. All the other Batman Arkhams - AA, AC, AO, AK - are better than GK.

For me: AC > AA > AK > AO > GK.

Investigations are cool - wish there was more of them, more depth to them, and more types of these.

GK could be great, if it wasn't so repetitive. Main missions and special missions rock - but the grind hurts this game. "Nightly" doing the same grindy missions, in the same areas, with often same enemy lay-outs - yeah, repetitive. And in the later part of the game, fighting the same mini-boss tons of times in a ROW...yeah, that gets old quick too.

Still, if you like Batman Arkham games - GK's solid; especially when it's dirt-cheap on sale...or if you want GK and other stuff (like Sifu and/or High on Life) in Humble Choice here.
I was initially excited for this month when I saw the list.

Looks like Gotham Knights is still unplayable on deck.

I watched a trailer for High on Life and it makes me just want to replay Oddworld Stranger's Wrath.

That only leaves Sifu, which doesn't justify the month, especially since I'm pretty sure I have it from an Epic giveaway.

EDIT: no idea why I thought that I had sifu already. I don't, and I might be back in on the month as a result.
Sifu was one of the monthly PS+ games earlier in the year if you have that
Humble Capcom Summer 2024 Bundle

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record

$10 TIER
Street Fighter 5 Champion Edition
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition

$20 TIER
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle
Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package

$30 TIER
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Capcom Fighting Collection
I LITERALLY bought The Great Ace Attorney Collection yesterday from Fanatical, and I already redeemed the key and started playing.

You're welcome. LOL
If it's any consolation, GAA Chronicles is one of my favorite VNs, and worth it at MSRP. Enjoy the game.

For me, this is a pretty solid bundle to pick up pc versions of games I already own physically to play on steam deck. I guess I'll need to figure out if I should just buy Ghost Trick or just do the bundle and try to sell off the dead rising & fighting games.
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If you already have the Capcom Arcade Stadiums from the previous Capcom Hamble/Fanatical bundles, you already own all the games in the Beat Em Up and Fighting collections other than Red Earth and maybe one or two versions of Darkstalkers, can’t remember for certain offhand.

Granted, those don’t have online multiplayer, and I think these collections might.
Tier 1 and 2 = a wash for me; own all of that.
Tier 3 and 4 look good,, not sure at those prices. Gonna have to weigh in if I want to drop $20 or $30 on all that.

$20 TIER = See below.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy = MISSING
Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle = MISSING
Dead Rising 4: Frank's Big Package = Only have DR4 base, so....maybe this for the DR4: Complete? [shrug]

$30 TIER = I'm MISSING ALL of this
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Capcom Fighting Collection
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Shockingly I own 2 of the 30$ tier titles for once ghost and attorney iirc and the 5$ tier dragons dogma dark arisen. So the only thing I'd want is Phoenix Wright bundle in the 20$ tier and that's readily 15 in like every sale ever.
An actual bundle where I own nothing. The co-op ones for the moment are a wash, but $10 to try out something I'm not sure I'll like (Escape Room Puzzles), is probably an okay get.
Just completed all the Lego Star Wars games. Only the complete saga required file modification. Clone Wars III, The Force Awakens, and the Skywalker Saga all worked just fine at 4k 120hz, although I experienced two crashes in The Force Awakens. Clone Wars was pretty fun, mostly pure action and tons of enemies on screen. The Skywalker Saga was a mixed bag. Had some humorous moments, significantly improved visuals + HDR and followed the stories pretty closely, but a lot of pointless walking segments in between missions to make the world seem bigger, quick time events with button mashing, and rarely there was massive slowdown/stuttering during a few cutscenes despite a great PC.
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Just completed all the Lego Star Wars games. Only the complete saga required file modification. Clone Wars III, The Force Awakens, and the Skywalker Saga all worked just fine at 4k 120hz, although I experienced two crashes in The Force Awakens. Clone Wars was pretty fun, mostly pure action and tons of enemies on screen. The Skywalker Saga was a mixed bag. Had some humorous moments, significantly improved visuals + HDR and followed the stories pretty closely, but a lot of pointless walking segments in between missions to make the world seem bigger, quick time events with button mashing, and rarely there was massive slowdown/stuttering during a few cutscenes despite a great PC.
Not enjoying those walking segments either - super unnecessary...
Just tried out LEGO 2K Drive, and the handling seems pretty clumsy. Not nearly as fun to play as Forza Horizon, Mario Kart 8 or Sonic All Stars Transformed, so far. And Clutch Racington? Come on... and requiring a 2kgames account to play online? fuck that.
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Just tried out LEGO 2K Drive, and the handling seems pretty clumsy. Not nearly as fun to play as Forza Horizon, Mario Kart 8 or Sonic All Stars Transformed, so far. And Clutch Racington? Come on... and requiring a 2kgames account to play online? fuck that.
The handling didn't bother me, but I agree that it's way less fun than the major kart racers or Forza Horizon. I don't think any have been as addictive to me as Mario kart or Sonic all stars transformed.

Wish they'd release a true sequel to Sonic all stars transformed, I'd buy that on release. Not sure why they haven't honestly, unless the first one wasn't a success for SEGA? and no I'm not counting Team Racing as a sequel
$35? This is no longer the Humble Indie Bundle. It is now the Greedy Indie Bundle.

Well, Rogue Trader is recent and ain't even been really below $32 on normal digital key stores, so.... [shrug]
Link -

I guess if you're missing all of this, a lot of this, or say you really want & need Rogue Trader and Wrath: Season Pass 2 (that's what I'm missing here), it'd be alright [shrug]

But, I do think I can wait on both Pathfinder: Wrath Season Pass 2 and Rogue Trader. I still need to finish Pathfinder KM (all of it) and Pathfinder Wrath (I have bad & Season Pass 1).

Yeah, I can wait.
Pathfinder Wrath Season 2 is available in the $15 tier also so basically it’s another $20 for just Rogue Trader in the $35 tier.

Personally, I think this is an instance where the highest tier serves to detract from the offerings in the lower tiers. Specifically, the $15 tier has a lot of value that I wouldn’t have noticed initially if I didn’t specifically look at it and just wrote off the whole thing because the highest tier feels like such a poor value.
I'd be after PF: Wrath Season Pass 2 and Rogue Trader, if they were say in the $15 tier.

Heck, even a $20 Tier with me only needing those two: I'd so be in.

Does Rogue Trader plan to have DLC's and/or Season Passes?
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Beamdog & Owlcat: RPG Masters Game Bundle

$35 Tier

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader

$15 Tier

Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass 2

$10 Tier

Neverwinter Nights: Complete Adventures
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

$7 Tier

Baldur's Gate: Deluxe Edition
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Pathfinder: Kingmaker -- Enhanced Plus Edition

$4 Tier

Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition

* 85% OFF Mythforce Coupon (whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you've bundled it before!!!!!)

An amazing bundle if don't you own anything and less good if you own some of these, and they've been bundled a decent amount other than the top tier. Think I'm missing Season Pass 2 and I know I'm missing the top game. A likely pass but the lower tiers are decent value.
From the $15 tier, I’m missing all of WotR and I think a couple Beamdog EEs, I don’t remember offhand which ones I own. I’m tempted, it’s a pretty good price for WotR with both season passes, even ignoring everything else, but not having the commander pack too is gonna bug the hell out of me.
Another Kobo eBook bundle for those interested.

Shannara By Terry Brooks eBook bundle

$18 Tier

Angel Fire East
Armageddon's Children
Bearers Of The Black
The Elves Of Cintra
The Gypsy Morph
The Heritage Of Shannara
Knight Of The Word
The Measure Of The Magic
Running With The Demon
The World Of Shannara

$10 Tier

The Druid Of Shannara
Elf Queen Of Shannara
First King Of Shannara
The Scions Of Shannara
Talismans Of Shannara
Wishsong Of Shannara

$3 Tier

Dark Wraith Of Shannara
Elfstones Of Shannara
The Sword Of Shannara
The same for me. I think I got the first trilogy used, but never read them other than I think all the first (it was back in college and I haven't been in college for a while). I'm reading more on an eReader, so I'll check them out again.
I watched the TV series presumably that was based off the books. it was extremely dumb. Especially the pompous jacka druid guy who acted like he was better than everyone else but completely incompetent the majority of the time. It Especially annoyed me since he could supposedly read minds yet never noticed when villains were present who he specifically couldn't read the minds of.
I watched the TV series presumably that was based off the books. it was extremely dumb. Especially the pompous jacka druid guy who acted like he was better than everyone else but completely incompetent the majority of the time. It Especially annoyed me since he could supposedly read minds yet never noticed when villains were present who he specifically couldn't read the minds of.
The TV show was shite
Tower Defense Bundle

$13 Tier

Diplomacy is Not an Option
Isle of Arrows
Paper Planet

$8 Tier

Element TD 2 - Tower Defense
Exodus Borealis
Kingdom Rush Vengeance - Tower Defense
Necrosmith 2

$2 Tier

GemCraft - Chasing Shadows

Not as much into these games anymore, but the price is alright and I know people on here like tower defense.
The Sword of Shannara was really boring, and an obvious rip-off of Lord of the Rings.

The sequel trilogy was actually pretty good, til it ended a quadrillogy in... half a page.

I didn't really read Shannara after that.
I actually just got done with a deckbuilding TD and was in the mood for another in the genre, so I claimed that. Thank you!
I've got maybe the best two out of the $8 tier of the TB bundle (Gemcraft and Kingdom Rush). I like the genre, but that also means I've already got a lot of TD games and I want more from a $13 bundle. That's definitely one thing I like about Fanatical's Build a Bundle.
I might have bought the Resident Evil bundle if RE7 had the season pass. As is, I have to think about it more since the season pass would be another $10-20 depending upon future sales.
Resident Evil Decades of Horror Village Gold Bundle

$30 Tier

Resident Evil Village Gold Edition

$20 Tier

Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

$10 Tier

Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 4 (2005)
Resident Evil 5 GOLD Edition
Resident Evil 6 Complete
Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition

$3.00 Tier

Resident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTER
Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode One: Penal Colony

There is a lot of DLC not in the bundle (RE2/3 especially). Kind of wish we got RE7 Gold as well.
Only thing I really need here is RE Village Winters Expansion, since I already have RE Village base.

Also, RE7 Gold is awesome - so it stinks the DLC's ain't in here either.

A lot of RE here, if you're missing a lot. For me, easy pass; own too much here.

Probably too new and different store and all, but RE1 OG is missing too from the bundle, which is on GOG - already have that too. I wouldn't expect OG versions of RE2 (coming in a few weeks) and RE3 from GOG (that ain't out yet) here either.
Man, wish I had held off on the Fanatical RE bundle from the end of last month. An extra $10 and I could have gotten 2, 3, and Village. Ah well, they’ll drop, they always do…
Humble Detectives Bundle

$10 Tier

Call of Cthulhu
The Darkside Detective
The Darkside Detective: A Fumble In The Dark
Killer Frequency
Paradise Killer

Missing 3 in the list. I wasn't a huge fan of Telling Lies and haven't played Her Story, so not sure about IMMORTALITY. Overboard does look pretty fun though.
bread's done