Humble Bundle Thread

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Just a word of warning on catan. It is not the full version, there are IAPs to complete it, plus its also buggy.  I grabbed it a few months ago during a play store sale and I couldnt even complete the first section of the tutorial as it said to touch something on the screen and would never register any touches.  Apparently the dev is notorious for not fixing any bugs on any version of catan, so just buyer beware.  It could of course be my model of phone I guess, but the nexus5 is well supported for most things

For a buck going to charity I guess why not, but if catan is the main thing your looking for just be careful it may not work completely

Catan shouldn't have IAPs - Humble actually requires developers to take the IAPs out for their mobile bundles. We had to for Breach & Clear - so all the DLC is free in the Humble version.

Since it seems like there are people here who actually pay a fair amount of attention to what the organizations Humble donates to do, is there anything juicy I should know about the EFF?

Since it seems like there are people here who actually pay a fair amount of attention to what the organizations Humble donates to do, is there anything juicy I should know about the EFF?
Other than its not a charity, no. I mean it's a political action group that uses the money to promote their agenda. Their agenda likely fits the beliefs of most CAGs so...

Catan shouldn't have IAPs - Humble actually requires developers to take the IAPs out for their mobile bundles. We had to for Breach & Clear - so all the DLC is free in the Humble version.
Did not realize you were the B&C dev, very cool. That is the only game on my phone at the moment. I'd much, much rather play it on PC, but a fun game for great clips waits nonetheless. Mighty Rabbit has quite the genre range so far.

Other than its not a charity, no. I mean it's a political action group that uses the money to promote their agenda. Their agenda likely fits the beliefs of most CAGs so...
Well, yes, I'm aware of that much. I meant more in the sense of whether they're really using that money mostly in order to promote those beliefs, or if they're just lining their pockets, using it for kickstarters for terrible movies, funding cow-tippers in India, etc.

Catan shouldn't have IAPs - Humble actually requires developers to take the IAPs out for their mobile bundles. We had to for Breach & Clear - so all the DLC is free in the Humble version.
If you click on catan its at the bottom if its description that you can buy iaps from their in app store for the 'expansions'
Did not realize you were the B&C dev, very cool. That is the only game on my phone at the moment. I'd much, much rather play it on PC, but a fun game for great clips waits nonetheless. Mighty Rabbit has quite the genre range so far.
Thanks! The PC version is actually coming out on Steam soon (probably in the next few weeks) - along with a bunch of new content.

B&C was actually something we built as contract work, which is why it is such a radical shift in genre and tone from Saturday Morning RPG. It was a challenge to design and create, but I think we did a pretty good job and we're really proud of it.

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helping out red cross and child play is worth the buck
Red Cross?

As said, EFF actually helps fight a lot of things CAGs would be interested in, including things ilke net neutrality.

And I don't have any beef with Child's Play. Compared to most charities, they take almost no overhead. However, they do help Amazon get profits.

If you click on catan its at the bottom if its description that you can buy iaps from their in app store for the 'expansions'
Interesting - maybe that's why it isn't a BTA game. We were actually asked to remove all our IAPs - so I figured that would be the case for all the other devs. The Humble version of B&C has something like $20 worth of extra content unlocked (one extra mission, four customization packs, and all the stat boosting patches).

There really needs to be a charity to help support all the disgruntled internet folks who get mad about charities.

We could call it Charities Are Gross...

Threw in $3 to support the Doomstink charity.  Hope my Chinese knockoff phone will run these games.

If you click on catan its at the bottom if its description that you can buy iaps from their in app store for the 'expansions'
It looks like that is also in the description on the Google Play store where the game is $3.99. I wonder if they are modeling the way the physical board games are sold.

Interesting - maybe that's why it isn't a BTA game. We were actually asked to remove all our IAPs - so I figured that would be the case for all the other devs. The Humble version of B&C has something like $20 worth of extra content unlocked (one extra mission, four customization packs, and all the stat boosting patches).
If possible, you might want to update your B&C description on the Humble Bundle page to include this info. Badland Premium specifically makes note of how much content is added, and it might get more people to beat the average if they know you've done a similar amount of work with your game.

*Note: This premium, special edition of BADLAND comes with all in-app purchases unlocked! This includes the Day II Pack (40 new levels, 120 new missions, 17 new achievements), Multiplayer (17 new levels, 3 new characters), and all ads and waiting removed!
If possible, you might want to update your B&C description on the Humble Bundle page to include this info. Badland Premium specifically makes note of how much content is added, and it might get more people to beat the average if they know you've done a similar amount of work with your game.
Good point! Brought this up with our publisher, and hopefully they'll put in a request to change it.

Interesting - maybe that's why it isn't a BTA game. We were actually asked to remove all our IAPs - so I figured that would be the case for all the other devs.
It may depend a bit on exactly what game is being talked about. Settlers of Catan is a pretty big name.

I was going for the jinx.  Also, depending on the BTA price this might be the bundle Mooby gives back!  Only want Hell Yeah, Typing, and Binary Domain... and I guess the Genesis stuff.  Rest would go to the masses.

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I was going for the jinx.
Well what were you trying to jinx?

Because "Wonder if that Sega bundle will be the weekly?" makes it seem like you were jinxing Sega being the weekly, while

" Probably not since it's Sega." makes it seem other wise.


Now that HB 11 (a bundle us CAG's thought was pretty solid) is over, I was curious how it stacked up to HB X (a bundle us CAG's thought was utter rubbish).  It turns out, HB 11 only sold around $550K more than HB X, $2.32 million to $1.77 million.  Obviously, $550K isn't insignificant, but considering the difference in quality, I would have expected it to do better than that.  For example, HB 9 did $3.50 million, and that was another solid bundle IMO.

Really, I just hope it means that Humble doesn't think they can throw lower quality games into a major HB bundle and still sell around $2 mil regardless of quality.

Actually, $1.77 million is awfully low for a main Humble bundle.  The only one lower is HiB 1.  HiB 2 is slightly higher.  The rest are all at least $2 million.

I don't think that Humble sees the sales on HiB X as a positive.

I was going for the jinx. Also, depending on the BTA price this might be the bundle Mooby gives back! Only want Hell Yeah, Typing, and Binary Domain... and I guess the Genesis stuff. Rest would go to the masses.
If its a weekly, then the "BTA" is a fixed price, 6$.

Now that HB 11 (a bundle us CAG's thought was pretty solid) is over, I was curious how it stacked up to HB X (a bundle us CAG's thought was utter rubbish). It turns out, HB 11 only sold around $550K more than HB X, $2.32 million to $1.77 million. Obviously, $550K isn't insignificant, but considering the difference in quality, I would have expected it to do better than that. For example, HB 9 did $3.50 million, and that was another solid bundle IMO.

Really, I just hope it means that Humble doesn't think they can throw lower quality games into a major HB bundle and still sell around $2 mil regardless of quality.
I find it odd that HB 9 crushed HB 11. I think HB 11 is the best indie bundle humble has ever had. For it to finish 1.2 million behind HB 9 is pretty crazy, imho

I was going for the jinx. Also, depending on the BTA price this might be the bundle Mooby gives back! Only want Hell Yeah, Typing, and Binary Domain... and I guess the Genesis stuff. Rest would go to the masses.
5 bucks says you still don't buy it.

I find it odd that HB 9 crushed HB 11. I think HB 11 is the best indie bundle humble has ever had. For it to finish 1.2 million behind HB 9 is pretty crazy, imho
Looking at the list of main bundles and their totals, the only reason HiB 9 doesn't look like an outlier is because HiB V is even more of an outlier.

I know it was pretty much a given that it would happen, but Wildlife Park 3 was just greenlit and there's a day left on the bundle. I like Theme Park style building games so the $1 tier was worth it if just for that.

bread's done