Humble Bundle Thread

So there's less than 360 bundles left before the Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 hits 50,000 sold. Was there a number mentioned for what is considered "limited availability?"

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Don't worry. We can all raise the charity slider to 100% for the next $30 worth of Humble BTAs and just consider that our Cheapass Jingle Jam.

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Yeah, if anyone here bought this bundle they'd probably be pretty disappointed.

But I'm sure no one here did.
It is December, my wife and I always bump up our charitable giving this time of year. This one was an easy give, not disappointed but hoping for an awesome bonus.

Been working a ton lately and finally got some free time so I went ahead and bought the Yog bundle. I'm sure there will be at least a couple more decent titles included in it. So did I miss anything last few days?
Just think how number 50,001 is gonna feel after passing $30 and not getting all the crap.
They still haven't sold 50,000 $30 bundles. Once that happens, there will be a notice added to some games, saying they are no longer being included - at least according to the Yogspeoples.

They were also supposedly negotiating more keys, but who knows if that is true.

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They were also supposedly negotiating more keys, but who knows if that is true.
...or cares.

Kind of stupid to say "We only have 50,000 bundles!" and then have a counter that includes non-bundle donations. But then, everything about this bundle has been stupid so far so why start doing better now?

Out of all the upcoming adds, the only one I wont play is Rocket Riot. So, I am pretty happy with them :D I am probably doing it wrong tho.

So I got the Dragon's Dogma bundle at the eleventh hour and haven't yet 'unsubbed' because I want to keep that 10% discount through December.  When do I have to cancel so I don't get charged for the Rat-4-Dead bundle?  End of this month?

So I got the Dragon's Dogma bundle at the eleventh hour and haven't yet 'unsubbed' because I want to keep that 10% discount through December. When do I have to cancel so I don't get charged for the Rat-4-Dead bundle? End of this month?

The charge will process seven days before new content unlocks.
You should have enough time to watch Vermintide on Moobtube before then. ;)

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Thanks.  I guess I might have to cancel prior to any kind of Humble Christmas promo then.  I've seen enough of Vermintide to know it's not something I'd pay money for...

I have actually been enjoying my time with vermintide. Its very similar to l4d but it's differences allow it to stand on its own. The melee combat is more enjoyable and the maps/atmosphere are superb.

That said the bots are awful so if you don't have people to play with it will severely hamper your enjoyment. If anyone is sick of bots and wants to play feel free to hit me up on steam. I am probably not any good but I've been having fun running through the maps on normal with some friends and more people can only make it better.
Logged on expecting to see a new bundle, only to see the current one still running for 5 more hours.

EDIT: NVM their countdown was borked. Looks like no new one for 2nd straight week as of now.

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No new bundle. Not really a surprise. Humble obviously telling me to buy the SE mystery crap.

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Humble Book Bundle: Code Your Own Games

$1 for:

  • Learn Unity3D Programming with UnityScript: Unity's JavaScript for Beginners by Janine Suvak
  • Swift Game Programming for Absolute Beginners by Arjan Egges
  • Android Studio Game Development: Concepts and Design by J. F. DiMarzio
  • Irresistible Apps: Motivational Design Patterns for Apps, Games, and Web-based Communities by Chris Lewis
  • Learn Pixi.js: Create Great Interactive Graphics for Games and the Web by Rex van der Spuy

$8 for

  • Beginning RPG Maker MV by Darrin Perez
  • Make a 2D Arcade Game in a Weekend: With Unity by Jodessiah Sumpter
  • Build your own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games: Using HTML5, JavaScript, and WebGL by Kelvin Sung, Jebediah Pavleas
  • Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS by James Goodwill, Wesley Matlock
  • The Business of iOS App Development: For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch by Taylor Pierce, Dave Wooldridge
+ Second Week Bonuses

$15 for:

  • Beginning RPG Maker VX Ace by Darrin Perez
  • The Game Maker's Apprentice: Game Development for Beginners by Jacob Habgood, Mark Overmars
  • Pro HTML5 Games by Steven Goodwin
  • Polished Game Development: From First Steps to Final Release by Steven Goodwin
  • Program Arcade Games: With Python and Pygame by Dr. Paul Vincent Craven
  • Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX by Lee Stemkoski
December 15 Crusaders of the Lost Idols dlc
December 17 Tales Across Time
December 23 Frozen Synapse
December 24 Eisenwald: Blood of November

Yogcast stuff?

December 15 Crusaders of the Lost Idols dlc
December 17 Tales Across Time
December 23 Frozen Synapse
December 24 Eisenwald: Blood of November

Yogcast stuff?
Secretly I was like, don't worry, Christmas eve and Christmas unlocks are going to be really good, it's Christmas after all. Deep down I knew that was false tho. I knew.


bread's done