Humble Bundle Thread

which puzzle game did your avatar photo come from? :whistle2:
something involving rock paper scissors, or vacation on beach, or decapitating heads. puzzled yet? :p
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Your avatar is from Hyperdimension Neptunia a series in which characters grow larger breasts when they transform. Do you really have a problem with this?
Yes I know Uni's actually get smaller.
That was in regards to the "debate" earlier in the thread in the past few days on this thread lol.

And actually the only HN game I like is the spinoff MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune vs. Zombies which isn't really like the others lol...I personally just like games with art that's similar to Atelier series, Rune Factory and the like tho.
That was in regards to the "debate" earlier in the thread in the past few days on this thread lol.

And actually the only HN game I like is the spinoff MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune vs. Zombies which isn't really like the others lol...I personally just like games with art that's similar to Atelier series, Rune Factory and the like tho.

I personally couldn't give two fucks whatever deviant games people buy or play, and I'm sure the Sakura games (although it pains me to say this) probably has more going for it than the average titty game given it's popularity, but it always amuses me how bent of out shape people get when I call them perverts for buying/playing these games. 

Maybe I struck a nerve? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I personally couldn't give two fucks whatever deviant games people buy or play, and I'm sure the Sakura games (although it pains me to say this) probably has more going for it than the average titty game given it's popularity, but it always amuses me how bent of out shape people get when I call them perverts for buying/playing these games.

Maybe I struck a nerve? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Sakura dungeon has one, Hunie Pop has one, I would assume the other Sakura games also have one. I believe I found the patches through the steam community forums for each of the games. I'm not playing the games of course, I'm just doing research.

rcsample (Nitrosmobs sock-puppet account)
Nitrosmob, do you know if any of the Sakura games have X-rated patches and, if so, where they're available?
Any and all Sakura games that have adult patches can be found here.

You do not have to be a Patreon backer to download the patches just click the games you wish to have patches for.

There are also some games available to download for free.

The games are Sakura Maid 1,2,3, Sakura Christmas Party and Sakura Valentine's Day all with adult scenes.

Any and all Sakura games that have adult patches can be found here.

You do not have to be a Patreon backer to download the patches just click the games you wish to have patches for.

There are also some games available to download for free.

The games are Sakura Maid 1,2,3, Sakura Christmas Party and Sakura Valentine's Day all with adult scenes.
Somehow I knew you'd know about this.

Also, there's some "Get Me A Job" Humble e-book bundle that just went live. Bunch of For Dummies books.

Humble Capcom X Sega X Atlus Bundle

Pay $1 or more!

  • Rollers of the Realm
  • Zeno Clash 2
  • Sonic Adventure 2
  • Bionic Commando
  • Citizens of Earth

  • Renegade Ops Collection
  • Sonic Generations Collection
  • Resident Evil 4
  • Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
$12 or more:

  • Motorsport Manager
  • Devil May Cry® 4: Special Edition

This bundle has no second week bonuses. Humble Hunie Sakura did not get any second week bonuses either.

Edit: The only thing I need outta that bundle is Dead Rising 1. :(

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Lots of repeats in the BTA level.  And Dead Rising for those that were bummed it wasn't in that bundle a few months ago.

Is Rollers of the Realm worth the $1?

EDIT: Actually, I somehow don't have anything in that $1 tier.  Easy buy there.

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I finally decided Rollers of the Realm wasn't getting rebundled and bought it in the summer sale.  Well, at least I've played it some.

Was actually thinking about buying Citizens of Earth on PSN cause it's only $3 this week but I guess now I don't have to. Always wanted to try out Rollers of the Realm too.

I always knew I'd end up buying Bionic Commando at some point.  Does anyone know if it's worth the time to actually play it?

All I need is Dead Rising and Sonic Generations. Not sure if I'll find anyone selling Sonic. Also need Bionic Commando, but I'll just $1 for that if I need to.

If anyone is still sitting on Hyper Light Drifter and willing to trade it for Bionic Commando and RE4, please PM me.

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Muh $8 Dead Rising purchase sacrifice paid off for all of you.  Not too miffed since it looks like the BTA was around $6+ and I spent $8 in fake Gabe money.  The others games aren't really interesting to me or I already own them.

For people only needed Dead Rising I'd say just keep waiting.  If you've already got DR2/DR2 OTR which has been sub $5ish multiple times just play that instead.

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I bought the BTA got dead rising. If anyone needs anything besides that pm me
Me too. And I can't seem to get it going on W7 64-bit desktop PC.

Tried all kinds of stuff - running the redist's and everything.

Gonna try on my W10 64-bit laptop.


Yup, it's working on W10. Go figure.

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$6.59 for DR1 and RE4?

Anyone knows if the RE4 is the newer version and not the old broken orignal window's version?
When it came to steam it had a rough launch but it got fixed a few months later and was never the original PC version. u been living under a rock?

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This new "fixed" RE4 everybody's talking about? They're lying. The game is broken. Due to some unfixable engine bug, if you're playing at 60fps you have to hammer the QTE buttons twice as fast in comparison to playing in 30fps. The solution? Oh, just play with a controller. Or play with 30fps lock. Neither work, and fuck that, those shouldn't be solutions in a PC game in 2017. I got to the boss in the lake and had to quit there because the QTE was unbeatable by me, a mere mortal.

I played the Steam version of RE4 back in September-October 2014 (before it got bundled). Didn't have any issues with it and played with KB/M. No frame drops, everything was pretty consistent. Completed the main campaign but I don't think I played through the Ada stuff. I think I was using a Radeon HD 7970 at the time along with an i5 2500k IIRC.

I've played through the game on GC, Wii, and played a bit of the PS3 HD version. Steam was the best by far. Maybe they didn't optimize it for newer hardware though.

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bread's done