Humble Bundle Thread

The monthly for November looks like an interesting mix - Hitman (sorry, but unsure what actual DLC this includes) stealth/action, 7
It's the "complete first season," which means it includes all the original "episodes" that came out, but does not include things like outfit packs or the "patient zero" piece, which from what i've read is more a remix of past maps than an actual new episode

Thanks to Lone Spear for American Truck Simulator -- now I can finally realize my dreams of pretending to be a trucker while I pretend to be a lawyer.

Re: November Monthly. Now that they own the IP, the devs tend not to put the new Hitman games at massive sale prices like you'd see under Squeenix so $12 seems like a solid value for Hitman Season 1 (or w/e they're calling it). On the fence about Hollow Knight.

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Re: November Monthly. Now that they own the IP, the devs tend not to put the new Hitman games at massive sale prices like you'd see under Squeenix so $12 seems like a solid value for Hitman Season 1 (or w/e they're calling it). On the fence about Hollow Knight.
Getting Hitman is a really good monetary value, Hollow Knight is a great game but reality is it's only 15 dollars msrp so it's not a fantastic deal, but the game is apparently so good that I'm more than fine with it being an early reveal.

Then there's 7 days to die which is...whatever.

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Hitman is a great deal, given the weak discounts it normally gets. Overwatch was a good deal for me, as some traders were willing to trade it for not that much in return. But it had relatively poor trade/resale demand compared to its compatriot Destiny 2. Surprising that Just Cause 3 hasn't been in a Monthly yet, given how deep its goes on sale nowadays. Deus Ex Mankind Divided had a deep discount and was Monthly'd right away, but that hasn't been the case with Just Cause 3 yet.

Surprising that Just Cause 3 hasn't been in a Monthly yet, given how deep its goes on sale nowadays. Deus Ex Mankind Divided had a deep discount and was Monthly'd right away, but that hasn't been the case with Just Cause 3 yet.
I was thinking the same thing. Quite a few western-developed games that they've published have shown up in a Monthly Bundle (TR 2013, RotTR, Sleeping Dogs, Mankind Divided, Life is Strange). I figured they might add JC3 to get people hyped for JC4 in two months. Then I remembered JC3 was a technical train wreck and maybe they would just prefer we forgot about it.

Humble isn’t budging on refunding me despite me putting my membership on pause, so I have all of the unlocks. If anyone wants the whole thing for 10 bucks PayPal or has anything for trade, PM me.
That is some straight up bullshit on their part.

It doesn't give me a lot of hope for my refund request. If they refuse me, I might just be done with Humble. Not that that would be much of a sacrifice given how much they've gone downhill over the past few years.

Good luck reselling the bundle.

Wtf ever happened to that Humble rep, Hamble who was here for like 3 weeks and was like "WhAt WoUlD U LiKe 2 SeE in BunDLeS sO HuMbLe CaN TOTTTAAALLLLY BrInG DaT FoR U?"

He might've been able to help with the refund refusal...maybe

Hollow Knight, 7 Days to Die, and Hitman Season 1? You kidding me? Unreal.

And I was just thinking yesterday how I might wanna give ATS a try now that Oregon DLC was released. Great job by Humble today.
My rig wouldn't run Hollow Knight without stuttering, so I congratulate anyone who has a PC that can run it. Knowing that, it probably won't run the others either.
My rig wouldn't run Hollow Knight without stuttering, so I congratulate anyone who has a PC that can run it. Knowing that, it probably won't run the others either.
you had me worried that I wasted my money but it ran just fine on my 6700k 1070 combo. I didnt think my rig could handle such a graphically demanding game.

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Is that the same basement where they're keeping Motoki?

It's like a shittier Humble Monthly where you don't have to wait a few weeks to be disappointed.

Also, 2013 GOTY Kentucky Route Zero still isn't completed.

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It's the Humble "Discovering if we should scrap monthlies and just sell $10 bundles instead" bundle.

It's not gonna work, you don't have people buying stuff without seeing what they're paying for, so you don't get human nature working for you to help people come up with justifications to themselves for throwing their money away.
Where's the $1 and BTA Tiers?

This looks like a Monthly, except there's no real killer headliner here or 2 (or more) to make me want to jump in...

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100% knew IGN would ruin Humble Bundle. It's not that the bundle is bad (I bought it) but rather the whole business model is changing to "this is how much we think you should pay" instead of "name your own price."

Real talk: Who here doesn't give 100% of their bundle purchase to charity? I do for all of them, even if I buy the $1 tier.

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100% knew IGN would ruin Humble Bundle. It's not that the bundle is bad (I bought it) but rather the whole business model is changing to "this is how much we think you should pay" instead of "name your own price."

Real talk: Who here doesn't give 100% of their bundle purchase to charity? I do for all of them, even if I buy the $1 tier.
The whole model is changing to not have multiple decent games for a tiny price. What makes you so sure that Humble/IGN are the ones pushing for that and not the publishers not wanting to see their games bundled, especially not at $1?

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I hate to be the anti-Chicken Little here (does that make me Trump?), but I don't think this means what you think it means. Yes, it's obviously something new, but that doesn't mean it's going to replace anything. More likely than not, Humble thought, "Why not make a bundle series for PC noobz?" That's what it looks like to me. I don't see this supplanting anything other than one of the other random (and as you've already observed, not always very good) game bundles they're producing. We've all observed the increase since IGN in the overall quantity of bundles while more of them have been book and software bundles than game bundles. Nobody's wigging out because we just got our 1000th "Make" bundle, so why should this be any different?

I'm wigging out over the 1000th Make bundle. A lot of their book bundles are recycled content these days, and it's not like we're at a lack of digital print authors. But you're right, maybe this will be another game bundle series they run. They've been doing at least 2 concurrent book bundles for months and barely do game bundles, so anything is better than their store discounts.

And they're doing a Build Your Own TInyBuild Bundle on the store. Lukewarm prices that get discounted if you buy 3-5.

I'm wigging out over the 1000th Make bundle. A lot of their book bundles are recycled content these days, and it's not like we're at a lack of digital print authors. But you're right, maybe this will be another game bundle series they run. They've been doing at least 2 concurrent book bundles for months and barely do game bundles, so anything is better than their store discounts.
Yep. (A lot of the software ones do the same thing.)

And personally I think the Make ones are hot garbage, but I recognize there is a demographic to which these appeal, and there are people who think the banned book, SF, and Doctor Who bundles are hot garbage.

I would buy a proper Doctor Who Big Finish audio bundle but they haven't had a good one in years.
My biggest problem with the BF bundles is that Big Finish won't let you redeem the purchase on its site. I've gotten accustomed to listening to the audios in the Big Finish app, which is pretty good for what it is, and I like having my BF library all in one place. I know I can use any audio player to listen to the DRM-free Humble downloads, but it's sort-of like digging through your old Indie Royale library for a Desura key for a game that is sold on Steam. It's pretty much just easier to say, "to hell with it," and buy it on Steam.

What makes you so sure that Humble/IGN are the ones pushing for that and not the publishers not wanting to see their games bundled, especially not at $1?
Because that was the whole model, publishers/developers wanting to release their games at $1 for charity.

Because that was the whole model, publishers/developers wanting to release their games at $1 for charity.
Do they still want to do so? Charity or not? I really don't think that publishers are clamoring to be in $1 tiers and Humble/IGN is stopping them.

This is he illuminati reprogramming you guys.  Humble first reprogrammed you when they dropped the first HiB.  The plan was to get fools to channel money to illuminati charity of choice through the guise of doing something good and getting games in response.  Video games, indie and aaa, are well know to be illuminati propaganda.  And it worked.  Too well!  Instead of just feeling good about donating to a "good cause" this served to reprogram us to want things dirt cheap.  It was an unintended consequence that got out of control.  

With IGN (Illuminati Game Network - look it up) buying Humble it was a concerted effort to reduce the trend.  Illuminati members were fine initially but then this started bleeding them dry both personally and organizationally.  So now the trend is towards higher price/less value bundles to get money flowing back into the illuminati members personally.  It's just a reverse of what they originally did and you guys are falling for it.  Complain all you want but you still clamor to chomp on their propaganda buffet every chance you get like the little sheeple that you are. 

Do they still want to do so? Charity or not? I really don't think that publishers are clamoring to be in $1 tiers and Humble/IGN is stopping them.
Maybe not, because it wasn't as popular as it once was, but when I used $1 in my last comment, I meant just a low number. In the very first Humble Bundle (maybe first few), you didn't even have to pay $1 for the lowest tier. You could literally pay anything you wanted (meaning 1 cent, which I'm sure some did.)

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100% knew IGN would ruin Humble Bundle. It's not that the bundle is bad (I bought it) but rather the whole business model is changing to "this is how much we think you should pay" instead of "name your own price."

Real talk: Who here doesn't give 100% of their bundle purchase to charity? I do for all of them, even if I buy the $1 tier.
I don't always if the dev is deserving of some, but in any case I wonder if Humble honors it. Is there an auditor to confirm is Humble is actually donating/giving to the dev when we ask it to?

In for $2 credit.
You jest but with that $10 I will get one game Im interested in (that probably sucks), a third copy of a fun game I already have, and what looks like some anime games with a $2 credit.

Downside, the credit doesn't seem to be showing up right away. Upside, Humble store has an extra 10% coupon for Blops 4 the RoyalBattle-ing which takes it down to $45 with credit. Winning!

God help me.

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You jest but with that $10 I will get one game Im interested in (that probably sucks), a third copy of a fun game I already have, and what looks like some anime games with a $2 credit.

Downside, the credit doesn't seem to be showing up right away. Upside, Humble store has an extra 10% coupon for Blops 4 the RoyalBattle-ing which takes it down to $45 with credit. Winning!

God help me.
Should show up instantly.. you have to go to the bundle purchase page to claim it.

With IGN (Illuminati Game Network - look it up) buying Humble it was a concerted effort to reduce the trend. Illuminati members were fine initially but then this started bleeding them dry both personally and organizationally. So now the trend is towards higher price/less value bundles to get money flowing back into the illuminati members personally. It's just a reverse of what they originally did and you guys are falling for it. Complain all you want but you still clamor to chomp on their propaganda buffet every chance you get like the little sheeple that you are.
Somebody call CheapyD. It looks like Alex Jones has hacked Fox's CAG account.

Could we at least get a cool Illuminati, like hip-hop?

Maybe not, because it wasn't as popular as it once was, but when I used $1 in my last comment, I meant just a low number. In the very first Humble Bundle (maybe first few), you didn't even have to pay $1 for the lowest tier. You could literally pay anything you wanted (meaning 1 cent, which I'm sure some did.)
You say that as if prices at potentially 1 cent will somehow make publishers more inclined to put their desirable games into these bundles.

bread's done