I dont like GTA


I know, I know what your thinking how can i not like GTA. Well im about to tell you why. First they had the same graphics since the thrid one and when you pick up a hooker you do nothing in the car but sit there. The only big leap that GTA had was from GTA 2 to GTA 3. Why would you want to play a game with the same type of game play with a few added things here and there. You shoot, you kill, you do missions, you screw hookers, out run the cops here and there. The graphics are horrible for todays graphics when you got games like resident evil 4 and Doom 3. This game is way over rated for the title it is. People are afraid to say i dont like this game. Rockstar needs to do something with this series,because i dont think it will last if they dont. So i say to GTA and Rockstar WTF?
seriously though, i know what you're getting at....ive never played 1 or 2, but they obviously made a HUGE jump from 2 to 3....i played 3 because it was the first of its kind and the best game around at the time...4 was more of the same, but i bought it because i could shoot through car windows and shoot out tires (seriously, i'm an idiot)...just when i was done with buying them at launch (i will always at least buy them after they're $20 or less), they came out with part 5 where you get to be a black guy in the hood...which i had to have...i don't know what they'll come up with next, but the stupidest things bring me back....so i'm sure i'll be there...though after the new features wear thin on each new GTA that i buy, the rest of the game gets boring fast...ive never followed the stories more than half-way through any of them
Thats what im saying. I thought the third one was the best but it also got boring and stupid to me after awhile.
[quote name='RomanCohort']Well i gusse im not well liked well gusse what i dont give Shit.[/QUOTE]

You have to be the best person in the world. Not only do you have NO idea what the English language is supposed to look like, but you think your some kind of outspoken poet because you don't like GTA. Re-do your post so it's at least legible, and maybe somebody will want to listen to you, bud.
You are now my favorite person in the entire world. Not only do you have ANY idea what the English language is supposed to look like, but you think you're some kind of outspoken poet because you don't like GTA. Re-do your post so it's at least legible, and maybe somebody will want to listen to you, bud.
No one is afraid to say GTA sucks, mater a fact I know lots of people that hate GTA. You can't please 100% of the people your proof of that. I myself like GTA more for the open ended gameplay than the single player story, I love being able to jump in a car drive around, do different things, play mini games ect. for 15 minutes than turn it off and go to work. The gameplay is more than just hookers and considering you have total control on what to do, why are you picking up hookers anyways? I picked up a hooker twice, once to see what happend and the second to show a friend and thats since GTA 3. Other than that, I don't see your deal with the hookers. Graphics, yeah it's not exactly eye candy but it's a great engine to do what they want to do with the hardware they have to work with. The bread and butter of GTA is the story and the cities, and is the reason why people keep coming back to it. I don't think GTA has reached it's limits yet, trust me new hardware will change that. I mean you can hate it if you want, I don't care, I'm just relaying my thoughts towards your comment.
[quote name='RomanCohort']Thats what im saying. I thought the third one was the best but it also got boring and stupid to me after awhile.[/QUOTE]

I don't know if your just new to this particular message board or to video game message boards in general but on both this site and other video game sites the "GTA is boring, it sucks" opinion is old and we've already heard it a million times.

Making an entire thread to a commonly held belief is really annoying. We don't care if you don't like iPods, reality TV, Halo, or GTA, there's plenty of other people around here who don't like them either and they all feel like they're the only people with this point of view...
[quote name='RomanCohort']Well i didnt know that because well you gussed it im a noob.[/QUOTE]

Then I rescind my earlier comment, and we'll all consider this a freebie.

Welcome to CAG by the way.
The GTA games change way more than any sports games do (aside from going to the next gen) and I'll be damned if I have to go back and play NHL 2001.
I'm not going to post about how stupid you are, just because you are well-endowed 16 year old.

Welcome to CAG. Please leave at any time.
You're perfectly entitled to not like GTA. For me personally, Vice City is one of my favorite games of all time. It was my introduction to the series, and the open-endedness of it blew me away. I loved just riding around the city and always finding new things to try. The humor was a big part of the fun for me as well. I used to listen to the talk radio stations over and over. I was still playing around with that game five months after I started, and in all that time I never even got around to going off with a hooker.

But that's me. If you don't like the series, you're hereby absolved of all obligation to give Rockstar any more of your money in the future. You're welcome.
I dont like GTA or Halo.. Too overrated because of casual gamers...

Dont get me wrong they are decent, but nothing like Resident Evil 4 (the best game of this gen)
[quote name='RomanCohort']If you like open endedness you should play Morrowind if you havent.[/QUOTE]

i feel like the biggest ass for asking this, but do you need live for morrowind? i have it and i still don't even know :lol:
[quote name='dricachamp']I dont like GTA or Halo.. Too overrated because of casual gamers...

Dont get me wrong they are decent, but nothing like Resident Evil 4 (the best game of this gen)[/QUOTE]

im not sure that resident evil 4 could possibly be over-rated...but if it could be, it hasnt been yet because it has only been released on the gc so far
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']im not sure that resident evil 4 could possibly be over-rated...but if it could be, it hasnt been yet because it has only been released on the gc so far[/QUOTE]

Is it going to be realesed for the ps2. Sorry about the double post.
Just wanted to say, I don't hate GTA but I don't really like it. It just gets boring for me after some mindless killing and exploring. It's not bad, but I don't know....
Well Halo 2 is a good game,but should have been nocked out of the spot light by Doom 3,but there are way to many halo 2 fans. I cant understand why good games are unreconized.
[quote name='RomanCohort']Is it going to be realesed for the ps2. Sorry about the double post.[/QUOTE]

i know that...but since you're a noob, you didn't already know that im the most educated motherfucker that you'll ever come across...so its all good....but yeah...i knew that, i said "it has only been released"...its not yet released on the ps2, though it will be
Seriously, this is the one and only time I was actually looking forward to reading a Scrubking post, and it's nowhere to be found.

[quote name='Ledhed']Seriously, this is the one and only time I was actually looking forward to reading a Scrubking post, and it's nowhere to be found.


people never show up in the threads you'd think they'd be in
[quote name='RomanCohort']Whats a Scrubking? So could some one tell me what it is.[/QUOTE]

You'll know soon enough, God willing...
[quote name='RomanCohort']Well Halo 2 is a good game,but should have been nocked out of the spot light by Doom 3,but there are way to many halo 2 fans. I cant understand why good games are unreconized.[/QUOTE]

Halo 2's multiplayer is great...that's why Doom 3 was overlooked. Plus the game is so much better for PC.
GTA's great stuff, one game where your not forced to follow the story and can spend hours just doing whatever you want. Emergent gameplay is abundant in this series. The only thing I miss from the 2D versions is the Elvis impersonators that you'd notice every so often in GTA 2. Vice City does the best job of creating an atomsphere in an era, the 80's, where a fun time can be had by just driving around listening to some 80's radio just watching the world pass you by. San Andreas did a good job with the atmosphere, but it's not as appealing of an era as Vice City had. The graphics are only important to those that want the best in every game, and Rockstar's done a pretty good job with their graphical presentation with all of that stuff going on at once, which can chug if the graphics put a strain on the engine. It's all about working within your means, and Rockstar knows how far this engine can go. Why do people keep playing these games? Simple, they enjoy the freedom; the ability to not be forced to go through the story if you don't want to; the ability to finish missions in several different ways; the abililty to do what the fuck you want to do when you want to do it.

Nobody here's going to flame you for not liking GTA, as it's your opinion. As long as you can back it up with good reasons, they will most likely accept it and not flame you.
[quote name='RomanCohort']I know, I know what your thinking how can i not like GTA. Well im about to tell you why. First they had the same graphics since the thrid one and when you pick up a hooker you do nothing in the car but sit there. The only big leap that GTA had was from GTA 2 to GTA 3. Why would you want to play a game with the same type of game play with a few added things here and there. You shoot, you kill, you do missions, you screw hookers, out run the cops here and there. The graphics are horrible for todays graphics when you got games like resident evil 4 and Doom 3. This game is way over rated for the title it is. People are afraid to say i dont like this game. Rockstar needs to do something with this series,because i dont think it will last if they dont. So i say to GTA and Rockstar WTF?[/QUOTE]
I flat out agree. Fight the power!
[quote name='RomanCohort'] The only big leap that GTA had was from GTA 2 to GTA 3. Why would you want to play a game with the same type of game play with a few added things here and there. [/QUOTE]

Ever heard of Megaman 1-8? Sometimes people like the basic gameplay, and they don't need to completely revamp it for every sequel. It's fine to not like GTA (I love it but it obviously has several flaws), but I'm a bit tired of people complaining just because Rockstar didn't make a completely new game for part 4 or 5.
[quote name='paintballers']I also dont like GTA I got the double pack as a gift never opened it.[/QUOTE]

How do you know if you never opened it?
GTA isn't a horrible game it's just an okay game. It just never really pulled me in but more powere to people who like it. the reason you probably think you are the only one who doesn't likes it is because there is so much hype around the game. That's the problem with hype, you end up expecting a lot out of the game and when it doesn't deliver you end up hating it a lot more than if no one really talked about it. That's what happened with me and Halo 2. P.S- I do not want to get into a discussion why I don't like Halo 2, I posted on a thread once about not liking Halo 2 and somehow pissed off half of the CAG members.
People expected far too much from Vice City & San Andreas. There are tons of series that add much less in their sequels than the GTA series. The problem was that GTAIII was revolutionary and people expected Vice Ciy & San Andreas to both be revolutionary as well instead of just improving upon GTAIII's gameplay. If you don't like any of the games, fine. If you were bored of the series by VC, fine. But I can't understand the people who still really like GTAIII, but not the other two.
bread's done