I Got Robbed Today..I now own nothing..

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I can only express my condolences.... when stuff like this happens it sucks.

this happened to my friend a few months ago, someone broke into his place and stole all of their stuff (except for a crappy pentium 3 computer that was there... guess the thief had standards)
one of the guys in the house had renters insurance... but it only covered his stuff, so they got some of their stuff covered. (they had some receipts, and said a few of the things were for his birthday a few weeks before). but man, that sucks.
this is all public info (just in case someone donates and he is a liar which i hope isnt the case)

1up profile:


Christian Griffiths

XBox Live: Spoondamonkey
AIM Name: spoondamonkey

Sex: M
Age: 21
Location: Atlanta , GA

Where I work:
Assistant Manager at GameStop

Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Counter-Strike: Source
Day of Defeat: Source
Day of Defeat
Call of Duty 2
Unreal Tournament 2004

Katamari Damacy
We Love Katamari
Shadow of the Colossus
Resident Evil 4
Beyond Good and Evil
SFA Anthology

Elder Scrolls IV
Rainbow Six: Vegas
Ninja Gaiden Sigma

Halo 2
Jet Set Radio Future

Xbox 360
Gears of War
Burnout Revenge
Forza 2
Guitar Hero 2

team xbox profile:


Date of Birth:
April 3rd, 1986

Myspace (how come none of your friends have commented about your robbery?):


21 years old
Macon, Georgia
United States

Status:In a Relationship
Here for:Friends
Body type:6' 2"
Ethnicity:White / Caucasian
Religion:Christian - other
Zodiac Sign:Aries
Smoke / Drink:No / Yes

Christian Griffiths's Schools
Berkmar High School
Graduated: 2004
Student status: Alumni
Degree: High School Diploma

2000 to 2004

Christian Griffiths's Companies
Macon, Georgia US
Sept 2007-Present

Lilburn, GA US
Asst Manager
October 2004-April 2007


[email protected]
Sorry to hear about the robbery OP, that really blows. It will be difficult to keep pawn shops and the like checked in in a big city like Atlanta as well. Did you by chance register your consoles or anything with MS? maybe they can give you the serial number back for ID purposes for police reporting and the like... just a thought. Good luck to you bro!
[quote name='lilboo']So..what was the point in posting his 1up profile..??[/quote]

just in case someone/people donate and he turns out to be a fake which i hope isnt gonna happen.....i just find it funny that he is acting all melancholy about it...the average 21 year old gamer would say something like "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck those people! If i EVAR see them i'll fucking murder their fucking bitch asses.."

also i find it odd that NONE of his friends on myspace have commented about the robbery

im what I call a realist (my friends say hater...whatever)
The last comment was in November.. so that doesn't really say much. I could see if people were actively commenting him and there were several comments between the day he posted and now and not one mentioned it.. then yes. But really, myspace doesn't say that much.

Also, he NEVER asked for donations. I really don't understand why people are "calling him out" on this or saying they aren't donating anything...when he never asked? :whistle2:k
If someone here decides to donate something to him, that is because they felt the urge to do something...and it's not so much the OP's fault..since..he never asked for anything..
I will be watching this thread with great interest.

Also--totally off-topic here--I crack up everytime I see this in Negative's signature. It's just CheapyD's expression of 'C-List Internet Celeb in B-Movie Horror Film'. It's almost like there's some Bizarro Universe version of Night Trap out there featuring him and Wombat (amongst others).
[quote name='lilboo']The last comment was in November.. so that doesn't really say much. I could see if people were actively commenting him and there were several comments between the day he posted and now and not one mentioned it.. then yes. But really, myspace doesn't say that much.

Also, he NEVER asked for donations. I really don't understand why people are "calling him out" on this or saying they aren't donating anything...when he never asked? :whistle2:k
If someone here decides to donate something to him, that is because they felt the urge to do something...and it's not so much the OP's fault..since..he never asked for anything..[/quote]

last comment was in december....

also he doesnt directly ask for anything but he throws it out there that he is now looking specifically for a laptop

he alse reiterates that he guesses he will try to get a DS so he can do some sort of gaming...which i find funny cause that is one of the things he didnt own before...if money is an issue you can get a ps2/xbox and a few games off ebay for the price of a ds by itself.....i dont know..i guess im just an asshole
How can someone work for Geico and have no insurance?!?!?!

are you by chance using an australian accent geko?

If a fund is setup, I am in for something, not sure what yet, but something. Will of course require solid evidence of robbery and all, scanned Police Report or something. But i am happy to help out a CAG in need!
[quote name='Malik112099']just in case someone/people donate and he turns out to be a fake which i hope isnt gonna happen.....i just find it funny that he is acting all melancholy about it...the average 21 year old gamer would say something like "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck those people! If i EVAR see them i'll fucking murder their fucking bitch asses.."

also i find it odd that NONE of his friends on myspace have commented about the robbery

im what I call a realist (my friends say hater...whatever)[/QUOTE]

not really, im 22 years old and if i lost all my electronics, i would just shrug. It's all replaceable through time, it's only physical items as opposed to anything else important in my life. So personally, i would be pissed, but not pissed for long. Besides, i've had worse things happen to me that getting games or dvds stolen.

on another note, sorry you got robbed man :(
[quote name='AshesofWake']not really, im 22 years old and if i lost all my electronics, i would just shrug. It's all replaceable through time, it's only physical items as opposed to anything else important in my life. So personally, i would be pissed, but not pissed for long. Besides, i've had worse things happen to me that getting games or dvds stolen.

on another note, sorry you got robbed man :([/quote]

well..im 27 and i would be pretty fucking mad if someone not only violated my personal space but also took all my shit
The thing that gets me from my first read through is that he says his buddy roommate called to Say he was robbed. I would think his roommate would have called and asked "are you moving, and wheres my shit" moreso than hey look we were robbed.

Plus an apartment is pretty hard to steel all that shit from with no signs of anything. I mean a TV and all that shit?
[quote name='AshesofWake']not really, im 22 years old and if i lost all my electronics, i would just shrug. It's all replaceable through time, it's only physical items as opposed to anything else important in my life. So personally, i would be pissed, but not pissed for long. Besides, i've had worse things happen to me that getting games or dvds stolen.

on another note, sorry you got robbed man :([/quote]

So if someone stole thousands of dollars worth of stuff that you busted your ass for, you wouldn't be the least bit upset?

Man, you must be the Million Dollar Man to not be upset over losing shit loads of stuff.
how did none of your neighbors notice people making multiple trips in and out of your house with all your shit?

[quote name='spoondamonkey']i called Microsft to cancel my xblive subscription[/quote]

if your xbox live subscription is cancelled can you still see the person's profile or add them as a friend?




[quote name='SkeletonBrute']are you by chance using an australian accent geko?[/quote]

Somehow I knew that was coming.... :)
[quote name='lilboo']FYI, logging into Xbox.com can be considered "Last Seen" so that doesn't prove much either.[/quote]

im not referring to "last seen" im referring to the fact that i looked at the profile and sent a friend request which is now pending AFTER he said he cancelled the account

there is also a pretty good run down of what happened on the bottom of page 4

[quote name='viewdrix'] For those out of the loop, here's what's happening here:
What a wonderful, wonderful coincidence.[/quote]
[quote name='lilboo']omg.. Malik.. why are you like.. e-stalking this guy?????[/quote]

haha i think its fuckin crazy the shit you can find out about a person from just one name they used on a forum
conspiracy theory? put ur goggles on boys...we're about to sam fisher this shit.

lol really tho shit happens. Nothing is ever promised tomorrow today so just be happy it was only material items.
In 2-4 days I have a feeling this thread will be bumped from Malik posting pics from inside the house.. :shock:

"Woah! That's a perfect spot for a TV..I guess he WAS robbed!"
[quote name='lilboo']In 2-4 days I have a feeling this thread will be bumped from Malik posting pics from inside the house.. :shock:

"Woah! That's a perfect spot for a TV..I guess he WAS robbed!"[/quote]

".... but i won't be entirely sure until i process his DNA and semen sample"

:hot: Damn Malik your sick
[quote name='PyroGamer']After reading the letter in EGM where the guy talks about people starting a PayPal and game donation fund to restore his collection, I started imagining floods of these threads popping up everywhere. Like a brilliant con that nobody realized until just then: kind of like the million dollar homepage.[/quote]Shitty, but I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING. I don't deny that this thread could be legitimate, but wow, what a great scam idea :)

Unfortunately, it's only great once.
it is kinda creepy finding all this stuff about me..lol.photobukcet,myspace,blah blah..yeah..and what the hell was tha dating looking thing? Anyways..like i said,once i get the police report ill try to find a way to post it.E-Stalking...weird..
[quote name='spoondamonkey'] Anyways..like i said,once i get the police report ill try to find a way to post it.[/quote]

You can get it scanned at a kinko's for cheap, or another similar copying store. G'luck and I hope you get your stuff back.
Sorry to hear this, OP. Stay strong.

And at least no one was at the place when it got robbed or one of y'all may have gotten hurt. ...preferably the robbers, but you know what I mean.
[quote name='help1']So you were robbed yesterday, on Martin Luther King Jr. day?

Assuming that the robbers were black, I would find that ironic that on the day they are supposed to celebrate being one step closer to being treated equally, they go and rob someone.

Not saying that they were black, but the possibility is still there.[/QUOTE]

Before, you were just a dumbass. Now, you're a racist dumbass.

To the OP, how did the thief get into your house? How trustworthy is your roommate? Could he have taken all the stuff to his dad's house or something? What all did he have and what all did they take from him, just the dvds? Just keep an eye out on what he lost and see if it ever pops up again in the house.
Everyone should get one of those markers with the ink that's only visible in blacklight so you can id your stuff easily. The thieves would never know.
[quote name='gokou36']Before, you were just a dumbass. Now, you're a racist dumbass.

To the OP, how did the thief get into your house? How trustworthy is your roommate? Could he have taken all the stuff to his dad's house or something? What all did he have and what all did they take from him, just the dvds? Just keep an eye out on what he lost and see if it ever pops up again in the house.[/quote]

Okay. Do you think that all my past experiences with black people are going to magically disappear because you are being politically correct and saying I am a racist?

You act like you are perfect, and hold no prejudice against races. Don't bullshit me.
[quote name='E_G_Man']Not to be an ass, but would it be possible to get a photo or scan of your copy of the police report? Just as a little added validity before anyone jumps to conclusions, since unfortunately what we read on the interenet is not always true.[/quote]Why does it matter? Was the OP asking for funding or charity?

[quote name='help1']

Not saying that they were black, but the possibility is still there.[/quote]That's exactly what it sounds like you're saying.

I don't care if you're a racist or not, I don't care if you assume the folks who stole the stuff were one-legged czechoslovakians or whatever. I don't care if you were trying to be funny or just offensive. What goes on in your mind is your own business. But never do I want to read blatant race-based idiot talk on these forums from you again. Clear?

And Malik et all, please stop with the stalker type stuff. Again, I couldn't care less if you want to google this guy for your own entertainment, but keep the findings off the boards. It's just wiser.
Guinavere your in Atlanta..come to Macon and ill show you..you can be my witness..lol j/k...Well guys I ordered a DS to have some games.i wanted a portable b/c im paranoid now.I can take it with me.
[quote name='help1']Okay. Do you think that all my past experiences with black people are going to magically disappear because you are being politically correct and saying I am a racist?

You act like you are perfect, and hold no prejudice against races. Don't bullshit me.[/quote]

Hmm.... I'm not perfect in any way... and let's see, i'm not prejudice against any race.
Wow i must be one of those made for TV miracle cases.

ok what did those evil black people do to you? beat you up? robbed you? stole your girlfriend?

Whatever it was ... lets judge the actions of those selected fews upon the entire race of origin.

Fact is ... the OP gave no edvidence or said anything at all the even hinted what the race of the burglarers were, nor anything to the contrary.
You just pulled out black from nowhere and now you post about past experience with black people, which of course means ALL black people because evidentially they are all the same.

Just shows that you are indeed ignorant.
political terms or not.
Either you think all people of a certain race can/should be generalized or you don't.
Theres no in between.
[quote name='Layziebones']Im still in awe how the hell someone could break into your house (apartment?) in broad daylight and jack an HDTV, Computer, and all your other stuff. Did they steal your dresser,bed etc too?[/quote]

You've obviously never watched the Discovery Channel show 'To Catch A Thief', have you? In a couple of the episodes, the neighbors were helping the thief carry the stuff out to their waiting van. Hell, I think a few of them were oblivious that it was a thief. I think the guys from the show said they 'were movers' or something.

Oblivious neighbors might just stand there and watch while the stuff is carted out into a waiting van, thinking 'ohhhhh they're just moving out'. Well, unless there's a huge amount of noise and the thieves just broke the door in.

Worst part were the hidden cameras on the show, which showed MANY neighbors just standing around watching the thieves on the show put the peoples possessions in their van.
[quote name='help1']So you were robbed yesterday, on Martin Luther King Jr. day?

Assuming that the robbers were black, I would find that ironic that on the day they are supposed to celebrate being one step closer to being treated equally, they go and rob someone.

Not saying that they were black, but the possibility is still there.[/quote]
And you called me a douche?

[quote name='Malik112099']i lol'd at the first reply[/quote]
Me too, but mostly because it was so damn unexpected. Tragilarious.

I really don't see why the OP is getting his asshole chewed raw by this thread. He didn't stick his hands out as far as I could see. Am I missing something?
well, it's subtle stuff. like him mentioning needing a new laptop. and also saying that the first thing he wanted to get was a ds. even if his house really was burglarized, the fact that he's posting on multiple forums to "vent" sorta makes me thing he's copycatting this month's EGM letter of the month, in hopes of receiving some handouts (which he has, through goomba).

EDIT: i want to elaborate. so it's like this. user has year old CAG account, but is inactive. has a new 1UP account just started a couple days ago. he has never interacted with either communities, and yet all of a sudden claims that he needs to "vent." i dont know, maybe i'm being overly judgmental but for some reason his posts just really bothered me. the guy in EGM had been an established and well known forum member for quite some time, whereas, this guy's scenario is akin to me walking into a random group of strangers and going "oh sigh, my stuff was stolen, i have nothing anymore, boo hoo. need to look for a new laptop, where can i get one cheap?" i mean, seriously, wtf?
[quote name='Malik112099']well his car really did get totalled....i guess he might be telling the truth ;-)


Looks like a car with some work done to it. Just by the picture alone I can see new rims and (can't tell which because the view doesn't show enough) either a Turbo or cold air intake. More then likely a cold air intake do to the size of it but who knows .. I've seen some crazy crap on cars. All in all ... it more then likely wasn't to cheap all together.
im not trying to recieve handouts..i said i wanted to get a laptop and a DS...a few posts back i said I had just oredered a DS..and i plan on getting a laptop....this after i get a new car since mine was totalled..(pic was posted earlier by one of the e-stalkers..lol)
[quote name='guinaevere']That's exactly what it sounds like you're saying.

I don't care if you're a racist or not, I don't care if you assume the folks who stole the stuff were one-legged czechoslovakians or whatever. I don't care if you were trying to be funny or just offensive. What goes on in your mind is your own business. But never do I want to read blatant race-based idiot talk on these forums from you again. Clear?[/quote]

I can sympathize. I had my apartment robbed a couple years ago.

You lose a lot of stuff, but hey, it's just stuff. You get over it soon enough.

In terms of games, it was really frustrating for a while to no longer have a good collection of games to always lean upon. But then I realized that I can put my time toward beating games all the way through and keeping a lean collection until I have to. A positive lesson out of a negative experience.
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