I Got Robbed Today..I now own nothing..

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[quote name='cochesecochese']I really don't see why the OP is getting his asshole chewed raw by this thread. He didn't stick his hands out as far as I could see. Am I missing something?[/quote]

Well he's getting his sphincter gnawed on, from what I can tell, because 99% of the people on this forum are experts at playing angles. We almost all play angles of some kind or other to get discounts and shady YMMV deals to go through. That is, after all, why the majority of us joined this forum in the first place. So posting a story like this, especially since the Letter of the Month in the latest issue of EGM just dropped, makes the angle detectors of its members go off -- too much potential scam factor.

People on the forum are "heading him off at the pass" by going to question the potential end result of this post -- which, in a less skeptical forum, may lead to an overwhelming outpouring of money, games, systems, etc. I guarantee that if he had waited to post with scans of the police report, photos of his broken-in apartment, coupled with other evidence and was also an active member of the forum, the response would have most likely been different -- we are obviously a giving community, look at the Christmas charity drive for example.

[For the ultra skeptics amongst us, yes, all of the abovementioned evidence can be very easily falsified; nothing a phone call to the police or media in his town could not fix.]

All of that being said, many of us including myself, offered him words of encouragement. He is going to be fine because nothing happened to him or his roommate. He really should be counting his blessings. Ten years from now when the Xbox 1080, PS6, PSPP, DS2, and the RiiRii are all out, he will look back at this and it will be nothing but a faded memory.



P.S. God bless the person who tires to pull a fast one on a CAG.
[quote name='blaked569'] EDIT: i want to elaborate. so it's like this. user has year old CAG account, but is inactive. has a new 1UP account just started a couple days ago. he has never interacted with either communities, and yet all of a sudden claims that he needs to "vent." [/quote] It's fine to be cautious, nothing wrong with that in the least. You and a couple other CAGS point out valid red flags, but again, unless you were planning on PMing the OP asking or a paypal account you could donate to, I still don't see why anyone is too concerned.

In other news, everyone stop with the race issue. I know we all want to get the last word in, but the last word has been spoken. Any more about it and the posts are getting deleted and you'll be handed a time out. Not trying to be a witch, but we're 1000% better off moving forward. When it's continually rehashed, it pulls the entire thread and the community involved down.
damn, and here i felted pissed when someone broke into my house and stole only my cell phone & camera (in broad daylight, while i was upstairs sleeping no less).

i can't even begin to pretend to understand whats going though your mind.
im trying to get over it.Im not one to get super upset,but I do think about it alot.The way i look at it is my shit is gone.No point in staying angry/upset for something I cant change.All I can really do is start fresh.Also please everyone stop saying Im asking for handouts.I asked where to get a good deal on a laptop(this is CAG..a site for deals).I did not say "Boo hoo im sad! Someone send me a laptop."Also my 1up account nor my CAG account is "brand new".Im sorry guys decided to rob me around the time a guys letter went in EGM.They didnt ask me ahead of time for the most convenient time to ruin my life.Also a low post count dosent mean I'm not on a site a good amount or that I cant be burglarized.
[quote name='guinaevere']It's fine to be cautious, nothing wrong with that in the least. You and a couple other CAGS point out valid red flags, but again, unless you were planning on PMing the OP asking or a paypal account you could donate to, I still don't see why anyone is too concerned.

This is exactly why I don't know why everyone is getting ignorant with the OP! Never once did he ASK for ANYTHING. All he did was say he had to get a new laptop and wanted a DS..But he said HE has to get it. In fact I don't even see the *HINTS* of him asking for it. It's a shame when someone can't just share a bad/unfortunate story without having to OVERLY explain themselves.

I've been a member since the very beginning of CAG. If I were to post a story similar to this, would I get less heat from people? I'd only think it would be more suspicious if he started posting for the first time on CAG.. shared his story..and asked for help. Then I'd suspect a scam. But I agree with Gwen.. some people DO hint at red flags..but..again..it was never hinted nor asked by the OP for help :lol:

I'd just like to see more updates from him now about what's going on with the whole situation to be honest.
[quote name='lilboo']Oh GOD QFT QFT QFT!
This is exactly why I don't know why everyone is getting ignorant with the OP! Never once did he ASK for ANYTHING. All he did was say he had to get a new laptop and wanted a DS..But he said HE has to get it. In fact I don't even see the *HINTS* of him asking for it. It's a shame when someone can't just share a bad/unfortunate story without having to OVERLY explain themselves.

I've been a member since the very beginning of CAG. If I were to post a story similar to this, would I get less heat from people? I'd only think it would be more suspicious if he started posting for the first time on CAG.. shared his story..and asked for help. Then I'd suspect a scam. But I agree with Gwen.. some people DO hint at red flags..but..again..it was never hinted nor asked by the OP for help :lol:

I'd just like to see more updates from him now about what's going on with the whole situation to be honest.[/quote]

it's the whole "angles" thing (i forget which page it's on). i'm on enough forums to have encountered enough scammers and dishonest folk that i'm on my toes the entire time. even now, i can say that at best i am neutral as to whether the OP is telling the truth or not. to the contrary, i dont know how you can immediately assume he's in the clear.
that sucks OP. My Car had its stereo,my wheel lock to my rims, and all my CDs stolen. I know its not the same magnitude you had but i know how it feels. i was about to install all new system the next day..and was contemplating just leaving the stuff inside the car.

If they hit other houses..they will find them eventually. Trust me,cops always keep a lookout for clues. These 2 carjackers hit 20 different cars besides mine. he even hit my neighbors car and took for OEM Honda Civic Rims using my Jack and donout. The robbers then hit another car that had a Digi Cam in it with pictures from a previous accident. It had the VIN # and Licence plates on it.

These guys lived in Perth Amboy,NJ which is about 2 hourse from where i live. It took them a month but one of the cops there saw a description of the camera and these guys didnt delete the pictures. They caught and i got retribution from the criminals. File that police report..and start to put a Value to all your goods. because once these guys are guys are caught...they will owe you in thousands. to bad there is not a way to keep track of serial numbers or anything else like that.

So basically..dont lose hope....the cops will find them eventually..
[quote name='blaked569']it's the whole "angles" thing (i forget which page it's on). i'm on enough forums to have encountered enough scammers and dishonest folk that i'm on my toes the entire time. even now, i can say that at best i am neutral as to whether the OP is telling the truth or not. to the contrary, i dont know how you can immediately assume he's in the clear.[/QUOTE]

He may be lying. But if he's lying for the sake of telling a story for attention..well then.. what harm is done?
Again he has NOT asked for anything so again.. no one should feel obligated to donate anything. If Goomba is going to send him a PC (or whatever it was) that is Goomba's choice and his choice alone. The OP never asked Goomba for anything and the OP never ASKED for a PC. Just for a good deal on that and a DS.

I do understand where you are coming from. Believe me. There's lots of crazies on the internet and scamming happens all the time.. but it's not like the OP had a "ChipIn" widget asking for some help :rofl: All he wanted was to share a story, get some feedback. I guess just to talk it over/discuss it with people. That's ALL. Where's the harm?
Yeah hopefully Ill be buying a car this weekend.Car pooling is not too fun. I will transfer my rims from my wrecked Accord and hopefully be good for a while.Its been crap so far,but hopefully getting the car will start everything fresh. If my stereo,rims,or subs/speakers get stolen im gonna go off the deep end.ha.Youll see my on the News punching kids in the face asking for my stuff.Nah..i couldnt do that,but i would be very upset.About the whole police report..its kinda up to my roomate to pick it up since he has the car now.Then if i find away you can all see my misery in .jpeg format.
Question: I live with my folks and I currently own over 400 games spanning PS2, PSX, XBOX, 360, GC, WII, PSP, DS, GBA, NES, SNES, N64 and said systems. What kind of insurance do I need and how do I prove I own all this in case the unthinkable ever happens? I also own a lot of DVD's. Is there a specific insurance company that is better with these kind of things?

---------------- Now playing: Wolfmother - Tales via FoxyTunes
WTF OP! WTF?[/quote]

Is that your impression of the "skeptics"? lol

EDIT: sorry..fun to mess with yur quote
[quote name='l_unico']Question: I live with my folks and I currently own over 400 games spanning PS2, PSX, XBOX, 360, GC, WII, PSP, DS, GBA, NES, SNES, N64 and said systems. What kind of insurance do I need and how do I prove I own all this in case the unthinkable ever happens? I also own a lot of DVD's. Is there a specific insurance company that is better with these kind of things?[/QUOTE]
Your parents' home owner's insurance should cover anything of yours. In order to document it, your best bet would be to index all the games you own (say, in a spreadsheet or such) and take pictures of the total collection.
Yeah, take pictures of your collection and then upload them some place like Photo bucket incase you ever need them.
[quote name='l_unico']Question: I live with my folks and I currently own over 400 games spanning PS2, PSX, XBOX, 360, GC, WII, PSP, DS, GBA, NES, SNES, N64 and said systems. What kind of insurance do I need and how do I prove I own all this in case the unthinkable ever happens? I also own a lot of DVD's. Is there a specific insurance company that is better with these kind of things?

---------------- Now playing: Wolfmother - Tales via FoxyTunes[/quote]
Basically, contact your parents insurance agent. Tell him/her you want to insure some specific property (all your gaming stuff) and that you need guidance on how to do this. They will probably ask you to get your collection catalogued and appraised and then quote you a rate. It never hurts to take photographs of everything and have a database of serial numbers for all your items. Remember, the appraised rate is based on fair market value, not how valuable you think it is. That being said, you can insure certain items to any dollar amount you would like but your premium will be higher.

Good luck and smart move.

-- Alex

P.S. If your parents have not already done so, get an alarm system installed in your house. It brings their insurance down and gives you all protection. Criminals tend to stay away from houses that are clearly marked with security system signs.
I definitely sympathize with having all your games stolen. My apartment got robbed in August and they stole my 360, PS2, and game collection of over 500 titles it took me years to collect, including some super rare games I'll likely never be able to get back.

I did have renter's insurance and needed to prove I actually owned all those games. Thankfully, I've saved EVERY receipt I've ever had, so they covered a large portion of it, even though I did have to fight them for it. Be careful though, some policies exclude games and movies, so read the fine print. I know I had to pay extra for the policy that covered EVERYTHING with no exceptions.

What sucks worse though is I know who did it: four thugish black guys always hanging around my apartment. GameCrazy had video tape footage of them trying to trade in my stolen stuff and I recognized them. The employees got suspicious that those type of thug guys were trying to trade in stuff like Karaoke Revolution and Kingdom Hearts, so the guys knew something was up and bolted. Yes, it's racial profiling, but even they know that thugish guys are not going to be big on RPGs and singing karaoke.

I did find some of my games at GameStop and fye and I talked to the employees about it who also found it strange that they had stuff like DDR and Final Fantasy games. They described the same people I saw around my apartment. They said they couldn't give me their names, but I told them to contact the police. The police said that there was no way to prove that the games they had were mine and it could be a coincidence they had the same stuff I did. Are they kidding? Somebody happens to own the same exact games I did and was trading them in the same week mine were stolen less than a mile from my apartment??? A**holes! Even the game store employees know how super rare a mint Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 is and found it strange that these guys were trading in 20+ mint rare games. So basically the police refused to pursue it further and those bastards are free to rob again since the police will dismiss it as a coincidence. I should go rob their apartment so I can get away with it since the police won't do a damn thing. Afterwards, I talked to other residents and two other people had been robbed in the past three months and my guess is it was the same guys. The landlords never even posted bulletins that there were robberies going on and for tennants to be careful when they should be informing everyone.

Definitely check local pawn shops and game stores though. You'll more than likely find one of two of your things and if you have some distinct way or serial numbers to prove it's your stuff, the police MIGHT do something.

I did call Microsoft and gave them my Xbox Live ID and serial numbers, but so far no log ins or word from them.

Best of luck to you.
Man I really need some Ice Cream my roomates just ate mine. I could really really go for some Ice Cream. I just want some rockie road.......that would do the trick right...its just depressing staring at my empty freezer. I wish it was full of ice cream.

hmmmm what I am trying to do.....ask for ice cream, but alas, I never actually asked for Ice Cream. Its the same tactic I used to get video games from my mom when I was kid. Then when shed get mad and yell...I would throw my hands and say I nver asked for anything.
Maybe the burglars saw the article on EGM and decided to copy that crime stealing all of this guy's electronics, ever think of that!

Seriously though, sucks OP, and if you come through with the proof I think Malik should be first in line with donations.
[quote name='l_unico']Question: I live with my folks and I currently own over 400 games spanning PS2, PSX, XBOX, 360, GC, WII, PSP, DS, GBA, NES, SNES, N64 and said systems. What kind of insurance do I need and how do I prove I own all this in case the unthinkable ever happens? I also own a lot of DVD's. Is there a specific insurance company that is better with these kind of things?

---------------- Now playing: Wolfmother - Tales via FoxyTunes[/quote]

Stop buying so much shit and move out and get renters insurance.

And after reading this whole thing, I see both sides but I think he was going the EGM route but that was blown so hes covering his tracks here. He is being accused by multiple people and he just keeps rambling on about the same stuff. For a fun treat read his posts as eeyore from winnie the pooh.
[quote name='gareman']Man I really need some Ice Cream my roomates just ate mine. I could really really go for some Ice Cream. I just want some rockie road.......that would do the trick right...its just depressing staring at my empty freezer. I wish it was full of ice cream.

hmmmm what I am trying to do.....ask for ice cream, but alas, I never actually asked for Ice Cream. Its the same tactic I used to get video games from my mom when I was kid. Then when shed get mad and yell...I would throw my hands and say I nver asked for anything.[/quote]

i used to do the SAME SHIT for sega master system games!!!!
Apartment dwellers' advice (better late than never):

1) document your shit. Record any serial/model numbers, and keep receipts.


OP, some good advice in this thread about notifying Microsoft about your gamertag/profile, checking Craigslist, area pawnshops, etc., asking neighbors and keeping on the police about this crime. They never found any prints?
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']If I got robbed of everything I have. The last thing I would be doing is posting about my video games on CAG. But thats just me.[/quote]

I probley would't live after I got everything stolen probley just go into a state of shock.
Um..not too much of an update right now.havent gotten the police report yet.I got my DS today..so i have something to do.HOpefully ill get a car this weekend also.
[quote name='help1']I apologize to anyone I offended. My comments were childish, stupid and insensitive.


I don't get why the hell people are SOOOOOOOO sensitive and easily offended anymore. Political correctness is the garbage that's going to lead to this country's downfall if you ask me. No one will be able to do anything without being afraid they're going to 'offend' someone.

People have to apologize for every little thing anymore, out of fear that Jesse Jackson and his homie Al Sharpton will swoop down and make a big stink about it on a local or national news channel.

Give me a break. Grow a brass pair, America and learn to say NO to being apologists.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I don't get why the hell people are SOOOOOOOO sensitive and easily offended anymore. Political correctness is the garbage that's going to lead to this country's downfall if you ask me. No one will be able to do anything without being afraid they're going to 'offend' someone.

People have to apologize for every little thing anymore, out of fear that Jesse Jackson and his homie Al Sharpton will swoop down and make a big stink about it on a local or national news channel.

Give me a break. Grow a brass pair, America and learn to say NO to being apologists.[/quote]

Did you even read what he wrote?

I give props to help1 for making the apologies b/c it's not easy to do sometimes.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']You've obviously never watched the Discovery Channel show 'To Catch A Thief', have you? In a couple of the episodes, the neighbors were helping the thief carry the stuff out to their waiting van. Hell, I think a few of them were oblivious that it was a thief. I think the guys from the show said they 'were movers' or something.

Oblivious neighbors might just stand there and watch while the stuff is carted out into a waiting van, thinking 'ohhhhh they're just moving out'. Well, unless there's a huge amount of noise and the thieves just broke the door in.

Worst part were the hidden cameras on the show, which showed MANY neighbors just standing around watching the thieves on the show put the peoples possessions in their van.[/quote]

That was an episode of beavis and butthead.

Funny one too
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']Did you even read what he wrote?

I give props to help1 for making the apologies b/c it's not easy to do sometimes.[/quote]

Yeah, I did, but I STILL think people are too quick to apologize over petty garbage anymore. So, he assumed something about the possible thieves, WHO CARES?!?!?!!?

Does it affect you directly? If you think it does, you need to seriously lighten the fuck up, since I didn't see anyone directly insulted. People are gonna give themselves major coronaries worrying about if they're offended or offending people.

Smoke a blunt and relax, America, it's not something worthy of making a capital case out of every time someone says something that's 'omg politically incorrect'.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I don't get why the hell people are SOOOOOOOO sensitive and easily offended anymore. Political correctness is the garbage that's going to lead to this country's downfall if you ask me. No one will be able to do anything without being afraid they're going to 'offend' someone.

People have to apologize for every little thing anymore, out of fear that Jesse Jackson and his homie Al Sharpton will swoop down and make a big stink about it on a local or national news channel.

Give me a break. Grow a brass pair, America and learn to say NO to being apologists.[/QUOTE]

Wow. Wave the banner for people to make racist comments unapologetically.

Personally, I'd rather people be able to be called on their shit. If they say something racist, if they say something stupid, they, and others, deserve to know about it.

help1, thanks. If there's one thing more uncommon on the internet than anything else, it's someone genuinely apologizing or admitting they were wrong. You're a rarity.
Iamcheapassgamer .... Seriously .... READ ... because you obviously didn't.
Its the way he said it, not the words it was said with.
Black is not a "political incorrect term" i use that word ... but saying all of them are thieves is, thats why we jumped on his ass.

also guinaevere said to not mention this topic again .. so i'm saying no more and just gonna walk away ... walk away....

Plus help1 apologized so i give him props ... hmmm unless he was being sarcastic lol
Sorry, my past experiences with blacks have just jaded me as a person. I had a friend who I lent money to(thought they were a true friend, so I didn't get collateral, stupidly)who was black, he never repaid me, he and his gf kept threatening me when I went over to get repayment, so I stupidly threatened them back.

But guess who went to court and had to deal with fines and a mark on my record that will NEVER go the hell away and has lost me numerous jobs because of? I did.

So believe me, in my eyes, they ALL ARE THIEVES or potential thieves. I trust very few due to that black mark on my life, let in even fewer and I just laugh that for every even half 'politically incorrect' term, people apologize forever about it.

I'm not easily offended, but two things that irk the shit out of me are people being apologetic over such minor crap and the illegal immigrant situation(I think they should all be deported via catapult).

I apologize to Gwen for starting this nonsense back up and if a week's ban is in order or so for it, so be it. But, these are MY words, like em or not, I don't give a crap either way.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']So if someone stole thousands of dollars worth of stuff that you busted your ass for, you wouldn't be the least bit upset?

Man, you must be the Million Dollar Man to not be upset over losing shit loads of stuff.[/QUOTE]

no i would be upset, but it wouldnt be like something i would be depressed for a long time about, i dunno. i've gotten pretty expensive shit stolen from me...and honestly all i could do is shrug it off...eh, i guess i just feel that i can eventually replace shit. If it was a sentimental item though, even a 20 dollar locket my girlfriend gave me, that shit would infuriate me more than hundreds of dvds i got jacked.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Sorry, my past experiences with blacks have just jaded me as a person. I had a friend who I lent money to(thought they were a true friend, so I didn't get collateral, stupidly)who was black, he never repaid me, he and his gf kept threatening me when I went over to get repayment, so I stupidly threatened them back.

But guess who went to court and had to deal with fines and a mark on my record that will NEVER go the hell away and has lost me numerous jobs because of? I did.

So believe me, in my eyes, they ALL ARE THIEVES or potential thieves. I trust very few due to that black mark on my life, let in even fewer and I just laugh that for every even half 'politically incorrect' term, people apologize forever about it.

I'm not easily offended, but two things that irk the shit out of me are people being apologetic over such minor crap and the illegal immigrant situation(I think they should all be deported via catapult).

I apologize to Gwen for starting this nonsense back up and if a week's ban is in order or so for it, so be it. But, these are MY words, like em or not, I don't give a crap either way.[/quote]

Wait a second? You think all blacks are thieves because you loaned someone money and they didnt pay you back? Then you threated him and went to court and its black peoples fault? You should have went to the police and filed a actually report. You know like a smart person would after all that is what the afternoon court tv shows are for.

That the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard.

I lent a guy money...he didnt pay me back so now I hate his entire race? That is actually racist as hell and that does make you an ignorant fool on so many levels.

Shit, my white friend never gave me my PSX video game back. I guess I should start my anti-white rant now. :roll:
Come on guys.I don't want anyone to get banned or anything.No more race talk please.Racisim is bad.So yeah.(not trying to be a jerk,just dont want anyone to get in trouble)
[quote name='Soodmeg']Wait a second? You think all blacks are thieves because you loaned someone money and they didnt pay you back? Then you threated him and went to court and its black peoples fault? You should have went to the police and filed a actually report.

That the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard.

I lent a guy money...he didnt pay me back so now I hate his entire race? That is actually racist as hell and that does make you an ignorant fool on so many levels.

Shit, my white friend never gave me my PSX video game back. I guess I should start my ant-white rant now. :roll:[/quote]

Yes, I did it the wrong way, but the problem with the police report idea was the fact that NO ONE ELSE BUT THEM WAS AROUND TO HEAR THE THREATS THEY MADE.

So, it would've been hearsay, it would've been laughed out of court and I would STILL be out the $$ I lent him.

It wasn't much and I should've just let it go, but it was the principle of the thing. I believed in honor and actually repaying what you owe back then, but obviously my beliefs and his didn't match. Yet, when he showed up to court, he had on some nice new clothes. He couldn't be bothered to repay me, but could get some new threads.

Oh the thoughts that went through my head in the courtroom that day and do go through my head every damned time when I am forcibly reminded by being denied a job because of that black mark. So yeah, if I have more than a little hatred in my heart over that, can you blame me?

I know not everyone of that race is bad, but I'll be damned if I take another chance on befriending anyone I haven't known for a VERY long time. The guy I went to court over was a 'friend' from work. I rarely make friends I want to hang out with from work and should've listened to my own instinct to keep to myself then too.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Wait a second? You think all blacks are thieves because you loaned someone money and they didnt pay you back? Then you threated him and went to court and its black peoples fault? You should have went to the police and filed a actually report.

That the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard.

I lent a guy money...he didnt pay me back so now I hate his entire race? That is actually racist as hell and that does make you an ignorant fool on so many levels.

Shit, my white friend never gave me my PSX video game back. I guess I should start my ant-white rant now. :roll:[/QUOTE]

It's the idea that blacks, as minorities, are "representative of their race at all times." It's not a choice, and of course it doesn't always hold true - but it does more often than many/most other races.

As a white male, I don't have to worry about it. Nobody is going to think all white folks are big jerks on account of me not being very nice. Nobody's going to change their opinions of whites one bit no matter what I do, y'know?

I'm not defending Iamthecheapestgamer. I think such a perspective is shortsighted, naive, and very, very racist (as are any sort of "all (fill in race/ethnic group here) are (fill in with stereotype, like "lazy," "on welfare," "good at math" and the like)" statements). What I would say is that, lamentably, the structure of society is such that minority stereotypes are more well known and recognizable than those of whites (which is why people can quickly recall what "black food" might be, or "black music" - and why they would balk at the idea of thinking such broad swatches would apply to whites).

I've had experiences, good and bad, with all kinds of folks. The only time I ever had a gun put in my face was by a white kid in a middle-class neighborhood. The only time I ever had neighbors who I knew by name, and knew their business and saw block parties and things resembling a "community?" That was when I lived in an extremely poor part of the city I live in (which, of course, was predominantly black). OTOH, my wife and I moved away from that neighborhood after two years because of the drug sales on our block, but also the two murders that happened on our block.

I'll spare you my "rainbow coalition" resume and simply say that anyone who broadly thinks of any group in any sense, good or bad, is racist and naive.

And I don't even feel like getting into the immigration issue, other than to say, if you think 12-20 million people can be deported in a cost-efficient manner, keep on dreamin'.

EDIT: Oh, that's right: I also have an ex-friend who owes me $540. As a result, I hate all punk rockers. Well, the white ones, anyway.
Ya know, I'm just gonna delete all of my posts, even though the quoted responses will remain. It's not worth arguing this crap again, since I know I'll be called 'racist', etc.

I really don't care what people think of me, though on here I guess that might be a bit of a problem, huh? You like me or don't like it, whatever. You think I'm racist because I dislike certain people because of what ONE person did, so be it. It doesn't matter because this is the internet, where opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, you just may not agree with them.

EDIT: OK, I deleted the offending ones, but now you all know that I am 'racist'. Actually, it's not so much I hate every member of that race, it's just the person I lent the $$$ to and myself for being such a stupid fuck and going against my better judgement to lend the $$$.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Ya know, I'm just gonna delete all of my posts, even though the quoted responses will remain. It's not worth arguing this crap again, since I know I'll be called 'racist', etc.

I really think I'm about 2 more of these 'incidents' from going back to lurking on here, since people get so pissed off over each others opinions. What I think doesn't mesh with modern bullshit society, when will I learn to just not say anything? lol[/QUOTE]

Quoted. ;)

I'm not here to delight in some "oh, you're so racist" nonsense. I do think you know better. *Far* better. That's what gets me. You know you know better, too - otherwise you wouldn't be framing it in an "I'm not meshing with modern bullshit society" manner.

Is it "racist" to distrust people when you see that they're black? Oh, I suppose - but that's the difference in stereotype and racism in action. You're not going to get very far trying to change your stereotypes. That's quite true. But it's definitely possible to halt or fight letting your stereotypes guide your behavior. Especially when you know it's a stereotype, and not the truth of the matter.

That, and don't lend money to folks. Shit never works in your favor.
Also we don't flame or call you out on your racist comments to change you or somehow make you think like us.
A couple of posts on a internet forum is not gonna change a person's mind state.
We do it just to make our community seem more socially advanced to others that come here.
If we all thought like you then we would be back in the early 1900s when it was socially ok and encouraged to hate on blacks and other races.
I just want to think that we are beyond that now.
I understand the stereotypes and alot of times they are true and they do stem from truth alot of times.
I'm Asian and god knows i know all the stereotypes for us lol.
You mean like the one they used on Family Guy with Peter trying to do his SATs? And, as I said above, it's not so much a complete 'hatred', but just for that one person and my own stupidity for lending the $$$. Although, I do have a genuine distrust of most people I meet, which I'm working on trying to break free from.

Anyone watch The Boondocks on Adult Swim by any chance? I'm guessing I'm the only one who found it funny in its irony.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Ya know, I'm just gonna delete all of my posts, even though the quoted responses will remain. It's not worth arguing this crap again, since I know I'll be called 'racist', etc.

I really don't care what people think of me, though on here I guess that might be a bit of a problem, huh? You like me or don't like it, whatever. You think I'm racist because I dislike certain people because of what ONE person did, so be it. It doesn't matter because this is the internet, where opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, you just may not agree with them.[/quote]

No its because your are very much a narrow minded fool. Deleting your post wont change that. And just taking the very childish like approach of saying "I dont care its the interweb" doesnt change the fact that you are indeed foolish.

You stupidly lent a person money (when the old saying goes "never lend money you can not afford to lose) then you dont take the proper avenues of resolving that issue.

So like a middle school child you bitch and complain and decide just to hate that entire race and blame every problem you have afterwards on people you never meet before.


I agree 100% I dont know why it is...or how to change it but that shit needs to end NOW!

I am very very sick of white people acting like blacks are a collective mind. Just because that idiot Jesse Jackson goes on a tangent about something doesnt mean all black people now agree with it. I hate Jesse Jackson...I really really wish him and Al Sharpton would just die already. Their wild crazy speech just furthers the division of blacks and white would all this useless talk of things that are not really that racist.

But I still have to chuckle when white people ask me..."Hey hum....soodmeg....how/why do black people......" like we as black people have a book of standard answers.

But the real problem is that there still is "something" I am not going to call it racism but its something. Just flip through the channels on your tv and notice how many black people you see. Hardly any. How about in your classes? Almost none. Look at all the high ranking officials at any business and you will notice a lack of blacks. Hell I was 1 of 8 blacks in my entire college.

I have been all over the place as I started my career in broadcasting and the only thing that is always the same is that there are not a lot of blacks in high ranking positions. I see blacks all the time and they are usually washing dishes...parking cars...cleaning up.

I honestly dont know why that is....but it makes me sad. I think it has to do more with us as a race just being stupid as hell and having or priorities all wrong then its whites keeping us down.

Hell I dont know.
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