I hate eStarland (PayPal issue)


1 (100%)
I know this isn't an auction issue, but it's PayPal, so hear me out.

So I pre-ordered Tales of Vesperia (SE) from eStarland and paid via PayPal. However, they called me the next day and told me they wouldn't be able to fulfill my order, because they didn't get enough copies of the game. That's fine. I just told them to cancel my order and issue a refund.

However, it's been more than 24 hours, and I still haven't gotten a refund. They told me it should be in by the end of the night (yesterday), and it's still not here. Worse yet, I checked some merchant reviews, and apparently, they have taken up to 6 months to properly refund people and are really, really shady. I am not waiting that long to get my $73 back. I'm going to call back today and try to get them to do it right over the phone, but if it's not in by tomorrow, should I go ahead and file a dispute with PayPal? I've never done it before. I really regret buying from this company.
cripes.... it's only been 24 hours?

are people getting that much impatient....

Give it time.... even if you wanted to disput it... you'll have to wait 10 days more...

You could escalate it but for what reason.. they didn't hit the refund immediately after you hanged up?

I know you want your money back, but geez, they are not there just for you... they probably have a process and that takes awhile... and considering Paypal... it just makes it more difficult.

It's not like a cc charge...
xycury, I'm not being impatient; read my post. I've heard horror stories about eStarland and their refunding process. I'm just wondering if anyone here has had any trouble with them and how long I should wait before getting impatient. So go away.

I've heard they ignore e-mails; make empty claims; take forever to do anything; etc. etc.., so I'm wondering when I should start getting worried.

The reason why I'm a bit frustrated with them--should have clarified this in the first post--is that they called me asking me to call them back regarding the order. Every time I called them back, though, they were closed, and this was before their closing time. Then, I sent them an e-mail, saying I got the message, and just to cancel the order, and they replied with "we cannot fulfill your order. Do you want the regular version instead?" I replied, again, with no, asking for a refund. I guess they didn't read my two e-mails, because they later e-mailed me again asking me to call about the order; there were problems, yadda yadda. The next day, I kept trying to call from 12-1, and their phone lines were still closed, even though their hours are 12-6 EST. I work during these times, so I needed to get in touch with them as early as possible. When I finally did get through to them, over an hour after their opening time, I was passed to two people before they finally canceled the order, after bugging me to get the regular edition. Reading other people's comments around the net furthered my suspicions that they're not the best when it comes to customer service and refunds. I'll just have to wait and see.
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I've never had any issues with them either.
Just call back and get a status.
They are a honest bunch so I don't know where these stories are coming from.
Most of the issues people have had with them, according to some reviews I've read, is trying to get refunded promptly. When items are in stock, they seem to be fine. Good to know people here have had good experiences.
You should have paid by Credit card instead of Paypal.

Error 1

You should have went to a completely different company if you had any doubts.

Error 2

Keep calling back, verify the times that they are open, it could be because of Labor day sales/promotions, the holiday itself that lines could be full or customer service is smaller than usual.

Emails would be nice but really doubt anyone is going to answer if they can't pick up the phone.

Honestly, if refunding was such an issue... Credit card would have been the way to go because you would have had that instant chargeback feature.

Best to just quit discussing about it, and wait for it and keep calling back... they simply can't ignore you. You might as well start a disput in Paypal since it'll take 10 days anyways. You can escalate it and always cancel it before the due date. (You just won't have that much proof to say they won't refund you).

It could take more than 24 hours, especially over a holiday weekend...
1) I didn't have any doubts going into the sale.

2) Refunding wasn't an issue, until they told me they wouldn't be able to fulfill my pre-order. I never planned on needing a refund. They should have stopped taking pre-orders for the item.

3) I paid through my PayPal balance because a) I didn't want to give them my credit card information, and b) I have extra money in my PayPal balance, and I'm trying to pay off my credit card.

4) It's not a holiday weekend yet.

I should have just asked this from the beginning: has anyone had any experience with eStarland regarding refunds? I am going to call back to verify, but I figured I'd check if anyone here has had problems getting their money back in a timely manner.
Email never works with eStarland. I've not once gotten a response from an email question/problem.
Chat seems to suck as well, as I haven't been able to talk to someone either.
Only way I've ever gotten anything done is over the phone.

as far as getting paid by them, I've done a 'cash out' once with my trade credit (70% of trade credit sent to you via check/paypal)
That took about 5 months to get to me. In the between that time, i continually bugged them over ("Ok, sir it will be there shortly") and even asked for them to just turn it back to credit so i could use it.

Thought this thread needed a bad experience =]
I hate to say it, but it IS a holiday weekend.... what are business hours? M-F.... people do take off on a friday, hell people will take extra days, even next week will be a holiday since they will pad their week and take off 4 more days.

If one would work in retail/or service with retail to customers you'd see that right away....

considering the bad experience, I'd deal straight with phone, open up a ticket with paypal and hopefully they'll do something before 10 days.

But it sucks because right now, nothing will be done about it, since I doubt no one will take a look till Tuesday.
I've done business with eStarland a few times, and never had any problems. But 1) I live near them and go pick up anything I purchase, and 2) I've never had to get a refund. They do seem pretty nice though, and have always replied to me promptly. It might just be because of the holiday.
Well, after 2 callbacks, they finally put the refund through. The first time I called today, they said they had voided the sale, but not refunded me, to which I responded with "..."

The guy then said he'd "put a note on the transaction for them to put the refund through" and that he'd call me if "there was any trouble" and to call back around 5 if I didn't see anything. Well, I didn't see anything, so I called back again, and they still hadn't done anything. I got to the manager, who said he had just put it through. A couple minutes later, it was in my account.

I feel like they gave me the run-around, and that I shouldn't have had to call them back for them to give me my refund. Kind of shady that they would cancel my order, yet not refund my money. Oh well, I won't be ordering from them anytime soon again.
Seeing as how PayPal is 'instant transfer' I believe that as soon as you called them, they should have refunded it. They either are too lazy to do it, or they are swamped with refunds waiting to be given back.
[quote name='Access_Denied']Seeing as how PayPal is 'instant transfer' I believe that as soon as you called them, they should have refunded it. They either are too lazy to do it, or they are swamped with refunds waiting to be given back.[/quote]

Rightly so, that's why I never pre-order online with Gamestop... they did that once and never recieved it till at least a month later.
Yes, doing a refund through Paypal takes literally 1 minute and the money would show up in your account instantly. It just sounds like bad customer service or apathy.
[quote name='Zing']Yes, doing a refund through Paypal takes literally 1 minute and the money would show up in your account instantly. It just sounds like bad customer service or apathy.[/quote]

Yeah, that's what it was. I had to nag for my refund for an order they couldn't fulfill. I shouldn't even have had to ask. Oh well.
bread's done