"I LOVE my DS, but ..."


41 (100%)
I was browsing around DSfanboy.com and about 2 weeks ago they had a blog up about "I love my DS, but.." and just asking the people what they really didn't care for when it came to their DS. Just wondering what other CAGs really don't like.

Maybe this is OCD of me, but I really get ticked with the smudges it gets! I have the white DSL, and it's just.. so smudgey (lol, sp?) at times! Yuck! The DS Phat never had that problem.

Maybe that's a very minute complaint of me, but yeah. And it's not even a "DS" complaint. It's a "DS LITE" complaint.

Enough about me, what about you???
Blasphemy! Thou shall not speak ill of the DS or DS lite!!!!

I don't have any complaints, it's an awesome handheld. I play it way more than my Wii. I would like the included software to have a planner on it.
[quote name='lilboo']Maybe this is OCD of me, but I really get ticked with the smudges it gets! I have the white DSL, and it's just.. so smudgey (lol, sp?) at times! Yuck! The DS Phat never had that problem.[/QUOTE]
I got the Crimson DS with the matte on the bottom half instead of the glossy/smudgey stuff. But it just feels "wierd" to have one part matte and the other glossy. I would actually prefer the older material they used for the first GBA and gameboys. No smudges and it didn't feel like I was holding a big-ass brick of chalk either.
I hate using GBA games on my Lite, that extra nub jutting out looks terrible.

Also, I can only play games in the dark with my Phat DS.

Still, it's my first handheld, and I love it.
wow your complaining about the white lite getting smudges? You should of had a black one, not matter how careful you were it looked like you just got done eating bacon and playing it.... but then again simple solution are those system shell/ protector things they make for them...
I'm surprised how much I love the white DS Lite. It was what was the only color available at launch but I gave it a shot after usually going with black. It doesn't show smudge marks as much as the PSP. It has made me love the glossy exterior and I think the white looks pretty damn slick.
Smudges. Friend Codes. Turning it off every time I change settings.

And while GBA games can be annoying on it, I've found a few (Mega Man Zero series, specifically) which play better on the DS b/c of it's shape. With the dash button on the shoulders, it can feel weird/cramped on an SP, but the DS feels more like a SNES controller w/ a screen in the middle.
Although I didn't notice before it was pointed out, now that I know about it, the yellowing touch screen on the Crimson/Black DS lite is starting to bug me. :(
I love my white DS Lite, but I do have several issues I'd like to see addressed in a 2nd gen Lite:
- GBA carts stick out
- it can't play GB and GBC games
- sound quality is poor
- lousy/cheap volume control slider

The latter two aren't a big problem unless, like me, you sometimes (indeed frequently for me) play your DS with in-the-ear-canal headphones. I have Westone UM2's, which are fairly high-end, and I use them for my iPod and my DS, mostly while riding the train. Yeah, they are massive overkill for the DS, but these are what I carry with me and have in my ears from using them with my iPod - I'm not keen on the idea of carrying and switching between two different kinds/sets of headphones, not to mention that they are ideal for blocking out the noise of the train and other passengers, thus allowing me to better hear games and music. Anyway, the sound quality of the DS really is pretty bad, with hissing, whistling and other noise very apparent when using these headphones. Also, the volume slider is a problem with these headphones since it is virtually impossible to make small adjustments in volume level with it, and the headphones are highly efficient, thus even modest changes in the slider make significant changes in volume level. Also the slider itself feels really cheaply made, the one really cheap feeling part of the DS.
I'm new to the DS scene, as I just scored a new one for $70 [/brag] Only game I've played for it so far is Phoenix Wright, which is pretty cool.
[quote name='lilboo']Maybe this is OCD of me, but I really get ticked with the smudges it gets! I have the white DSL, and it's just.. so smudgey (lol, sp?) at times! Yuck! The DS Phat never had that problem.[/QUOTE]

I find the lint-free eyeglass cleaning cloth I bought for four bucks to clean my DS screen also works wonders for wiping away smudges on the body of the Lite itself.
DAMN, these are all *minor* problems. Volume sliders, smudges?

Now if we took this game to the PS, XBOX or anything else we'd be seeing more serious gripes.


I guess this is to be expected, as the DS kicks ass.
Ok, so now that the bad is out of the way, what about the good?

Touch screen, of course
No region coding - can play Japanese games on a US DS without problems
Elite Beat Agents
Ouendan 2 (Japanese, but easy to figure out if you've played EBA)

What else needs to be said? Ok, so there's lots of other good games, but EBA and Ouendan are the games I really love and couldn't be done on any other system. My most anticipated future DS game is EBA 2 (which I can only presume will be coming - it had better be!) Oh and The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, of course. I can't wait!
I love my new Crimson and Black DS Lite but:

- The screen on the white one I sold on ebay seemed brighter
- You can't get to the stylus while it's in the case
- What was the last good game to be released for it after Puzzle Quest
[quote name='crunchewy']

The latter two aren't a big problem unless, like me, you sometimes (indeed frequently for me) play your DS with in-the-ear-canal headphones. I have Westone UM2's, which are fairly high-end, and I use them for my iPod and my DS, mostly while riding the train. Yeah, they are massive overkill for the DS, but these are what I carry with me and have in my ears from using them with my iPod - I'm not keen on the idea of carrying and switching between two different kinds/sets of headphones, not to mention that they are ideal for blocking out the noise of the train and other passengers, thus allowing me to better hear games and music. Anyway, the sound quality of the DS really is pretty bad, with hissing, whistling and other noise very apparent when using these headphones. Also, the volume slider is a problem with these headphones since it is virtually impossible to make small adjustments in volume level with it, and the headphones are highly efficient, thus even modest changes in the slider make significant changes in volume level. Also the slider itself feels really cheaply made, the one really cheap feeling part of the DS.[/QUOTE]
Completely agree with this. I too use very expensive headphones with my DS, and it sounds like garbage. I'm a very aural person so this annoys the hell out of me.

Also I wish the system had more RPGs. Yeah I know there's a lot of GBA ones, but I want DS ones.
I LOVE my DS, but... does it love me back?

[quote name='IceBurgh']
What was the last good game to be released for it after Puzzle Quest[/QUOTE]

Answer: Picross
I love my DS but i haven't played it in ages... when i first got it, there were a ton of games i couldn't wait to play but nothing has come out in the past year that even peaked my interest. I'm hoping some games start coming out that will change that.
The high gloss composite of the dslite is way too smudgey. I loved the dsPHAT candy pink. Awesome metalic pink color, nice white buttons and no smudges.

The control cross of the DSlite is a downgrade from the DSphat. DSphat was a piece of cake to move diagonally.

[quote name='worshipsf']Although I didn't notice before it was pointed out, now that I know about it, the yellowing touch screen on the Crimson/Black DS lite is starting to bug me. :([/quote]That sounds like an actual hardware problem.
I love my ds but...........I wish it would do my laundry for me

jokes aside, for the crimson and black one i wish you could get the stylus out easier, and the bottom portion of the ds made smoother, besides that i'm good :)
I love my old DS Phat but,

I also hate the volume slider. Seriously, if I had to change just one thing about my DS, that would be it.

I've still got my ole electric blue DS Phat, but I've got a Pelican slide-grip attacted underneath that REALLY improves the feel of my DS. I can play for several hours without discomfort, as it feels more like a traditional gamepad instead of the awkward rectangle it is. I've got mine attached the normal way and it hasn't fallen off after at least 10+ months of play and abuse. It even stayed after abuse from my nieces and nephews when they played it. I would recommend these to any CAG who owns a Phat and groans of discomfort.
I really don't have anything against my DS , plenty to play good construction, well lit the only thing I wish they would do is to take the stylus more into consideration with the cases.

Most cases don't really have a holster or anything to slide a stylus into leaving you to pull the DS out of its case or finagle it out of the system itself in order to use the thing :/. I like keeping a spare on hand so I don't have to go through the awkwardness of getting that one out of the system itself someplace to put it on more cases would be nice.
[quote name='guinaevere']The high gloss composite of the dslite is way too smudgey. I loved the dsPHAT candy pink. Awesome metalic pink color, nice white buttons and no smudges.

The control cross of the DSlite is a downgrade from the DSphat. DSphat was a piece of cake to move diagonally.

That sounds like an actual hardware problem.[/quote]

AHA! It wasn't just me having problems with diagonal movements! All my friends told me that this was just oin my mind when I kept saying the DS Phat had a better D-pad.

And Onyx black is the most smudgey DS EVER.
[quote name='Paco']AHA! It wasn't just me having problems with diagonal movements! All my friends told me that this was just oin my mind when I kept saying the DS Phat had a better D-pad.[/quote]I thought everyone knew and acknowledged the control cross issue. (at least everyone in my circle mentioned it when the phat came out.) I'm kinda surprized your friends haven't noticed any d-pad problems. *shrugs*

And Onyx black is the most smudgey DS EVER.
This is a given. The smudges are generally oil-based and much lighter in color than the black background. Hence they'll show up worse on the onyx black.
id say my only complaints are the gba cart sticking out (on the lite) and friend codes. friend codes would be fine if it was singular and not plural, but as it is i have about 6 friend codes for 6 games.
Great system but it does have issues
-Inconsistent LCDs. I returned a couple before finding a decent display.
-Horrid speakers. Headphones are a good alternative but I feel there is alot of room for improvement.
-GBA carts sticking out. Would have been great if I could actually carry around a GBA game in my system without it looking awful.
-Shoulder button games! Maybe it's just my hands but I avoid any game that uses shoulder buttons too much.
I love my DS, but...

-It isn't a DS Lite :(
-The microphone is only useful in making me dizzy when those damn developers want to make me blow

Wow, that's really all I can think of. DS owns.

Oh. It has one dead pixel.
[quote name='Paco']AHA! It wasn't just me having problems with diagonal movements![/quote]Me, too. For a while, I thought that my little Rocket Slime could only move up/down and left/right. I just have to mash the buttons down a little harder.

[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Completely agree with this. I too use very expensive headphones with my DS, and it sounds like garbage. I'm a very aural person so this annoys the hell out of me.[/quote]I'm the same. My Super.Fi and DS Lite don't mix well, but that's OK since the gameplay more than makes up for it.
All minor, but:

-screens could be bigger
-lite could come with a nice extendable stylus
-hate the GBA games sticking out on the lite
-volume slider is annoying and hard to make fine adjustments--almost always either to quiet or to loud
-analog stick would be nice so 3D games could actually be viable
The only thing I hate is how the little nub on the stylus wears out. You know - the tiny nub that holds the stylus in the DS. My daughter's has got so much use the stylus will fall out even if you just hold it stylus side down. Ya, I know I can get a new stylus but they do not sell the DS Pink ones in the stores and she does not want any other type/color and I rather not buy it online from Nintendo.
Totally agree about the volume slider being cheap and hard to make small adjustments with.

Also, maybe my hands are too big but they cramp after any decently long period of play, especially if the game requires shoulder button usage. Drill Dozer destroyed my hands, and Harmony of Dissonance is pretty bad, too.
If you have a smudge problem (meaning you don't keep it in some sort of silicone or plastic casing), buy a full-body shield from www.bestskinsever.com for about $11+s/h.

It will not only eliminate smudging, but give it a slicker look and protect it from scratching. I always mention them and always use them on anything I buy with glass/plastic that I don't want getting scratched/smudged.
I love my DS and the huge variety of games available for the system. My only major gripe is that my hands hurt if I play it for too long (especially Mario Kart), and it's not like I have huge hands or anything. I think the design isn't very ergonomic but it is beautiful.

Also, while it's not a huge complain, the DS lite looks kinda fragile. I always have this fear that I'll drop it and the plastic bits will crack and fall off. For some reason I keep thinking GBA and GBA SP look more durable than DS Lite. Still, I wouldn't trade my DS for any other portable system out there right now.
I wish the system didn't have so many damn droughts. It's a great system to have in fall and winter, but any other time... no.

2004: DS launched, we got some stuff.
2005: Nothing decent comes out until September when Trauma Center's released. Then Castlevania, Phoenix Wright, and others.
2006: Nothing good from the start of the year until New Super Mario Bros. (I will not acknowledge Metroid Prime Hunters as a game, or a decent product.) Then another looooong drought until October or so.
2007: We get good games until February. Then... what's come out? Nothing. Thankfully, things will pick up again soon.
[quote name='Chacrana']I wish the system didn't have so many damn droughts. It's a great system to have in fall and winter, but any other time... no.

2004: DS launched, we got some stuff.
2005: Nothing decent comes out until September when Trauma Center's released. Then Castlevania, Phoenix Wright, and others.
2006: Nothing good from the start of the year until New Super Mario Bros. (I will not acknowledge Metroid Prime Hunters as a game, or a decent product.) Then another looooong drought until October or so.
2007: We get good games until February. Then... what's come out? Nothing. Thankfully, things will pick up again soon.[/quote]i call that "backlog season", best time to catch up on all those games you didn't have time for
[quote name='Chacrana']I wish the system didn't have so many damn droughts. It's a great system to have in fall and winter, but any other time... no.

2004: DS launched, we got some stuff.
2005: Nothing decent comes out until September when Trauma Center's released. Then Castlevania, Phoenix Wright, and others.
2006: Nothing good from the start of the year until New Super Mario Bros. (I will not acknowledge Metroid Prime Hunters as a game, or a decent product.) Then another looooong drought until October or so.
2007: We get good games until February. Then... what's come out? Nothing. Thankfully, things will pick up again soon.[/quote]

I thought that's the case with most gaming consoles. First year there are very few decent titles because the developers are still figuring out how to make games for the new console. After that more games come out, but most of the good stuff comes out around Christmas when consumers are at their full shopping frenzy. Kinda sucks I agree but that's how the business works.
[quote name='keithp']I hate my cracked hinge, which I still haven't sent in to be fixed yet.[/QUOTE]

Mine doesn't bother me at all....just a cosmetic flaw that's not very noticeable anyway.
Wow this is a sad thread... why is it that people complain about smudges on portable electronics? WTF did you think was going to happen? Geez...
How is this a sad thread? It's not a thread where we are going "OMG SMUDGE :whistle2:("..basically, it's showing that there are very little to no complaints about the DS. That, is VERY cool.

If the "worst" things about the DS are smudges and friend codes..it's apparent that the DS is damn near amazing :p...well that, and the sales speak for themselves.
The smudging bugs me too. I feel compelled to wash my hands before I play my DS Lite. It was the same way with my PSP. I don't understand the compulsion of game companies to produce their products with the glossiest sheen possible.

Other than that... the lack of GB/GBC backwards compatibility is a bummer. I'd love to play Megaman Xtreme without digging out my SP.
bread's done