I love you, OTT

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This Hitler and nazi shit is disgusting. People complained when Bush was compared to Hitler, but this is even worse. Swastikas being painted on the offices of officials? Come on...
Well, I do have a Zune. (Actually it is my mom's but she never uses it.) But I am actually downloading it so I can purchase just 400 MS Points. If I can get my dad to pay me back the money he owes me...

I really, really want Shadow Complex. :lol:
Damn. This fat piece of shit on Hells Kitchen has to go to the hospital again? Jimmie shoulda punched him in the balls while he was laying on the gurney.

[quote name='Bioshocked360']For Maklershed:



[quote name='darthbudge']Do any of you guys know of a good .mp4 to .wmv converter?[/QUOTE]

Do you have media monkey? I think it can do that.
[quote name='flowery']Half the jobs I have applied for at Lockheed Martin have been cancelled...

Time for some grilled Nathan's...[/QUOTE]

My brother works there, he was just telling me how a lot of them are cutting employees.
[quote name='seanr1221']My brother works there, he was just telling me how a lot of them are cutting employees.[/QUOTE]
Word around Marietta is that our Skunk Works department is getting gutted and the new SR-x is getting canceled by the Dems.

Along with the F-22 cancellation it's in trouble.
I wanted to clarify the supposed “news” coming out of GameCom this morning regarding no MW2 Beta.

First, nothing has technically changed by this news. As I’ve told you many times in the past, expect no Public Beta unless we announce otherwise. That is still the case. We would never say something as definitive as “No Beta Ever!” as that’s simply not how we work. We’ll do an internal beta, if we feel a public one is needed, we’ll explore that route as well.

It is true that we have not announced a Public Beta for MW2, and that remains true unless I announce otherwise.

However, while no Public Beta is currently announced we do plan on running an extensive Closed Beta among Infinity Ward, Activision, and possibly 1st party partners worldwide. The internal beta will allow us all the benefits of a public beta test without the impact it takes on the time required to prep, distribute, & manage a public beta during this crucial time in development.

Remember, Multiplayer has been in development since Day 1 of working on Modern Warfare 2, and this is the essential run up to launch when we’re playing everyday, hammering away on it to make sure it’s as polished as can be by launch. As always, our internal QA team has daily multiplayer tests in addition to company-wide nightly MP tests we hold from the moment MP is in a running state throughout development.

Once the internal beta is completed, if for any reason we feel we didn’t receive the feedback, address the issues, or have the result we expect. We would consider pushing forward with a public one, however at this point only an internal Closed Beta is planned.

That said, any fears that no Public Beta will result in any quality loss in the final multiplayer game is completely unfounded; Multiplayer has always been and will always remain a major focus for the team at Infinity Ward and we would never ship a product we didn’t feel lived up to the high standards we hold ourselves to.

While we love public betas for all the obvious reasons, an internal Closed Beta allows us the extra freedom and flexibility to give the entire multiplayer a chance to be widely beta tested without requiring excess development time simply to prep the game for public release instead of an internal beta test which is ran on dev kits / test kits. That fact alone, allows us to have a smoother and faster process of iteration when addressing issues and pushing fixes out to beta participants.

This decision allows us to deliver a more polished experience, which in the end, is what we all want.

Stay informed on Multiplayer

We’ll be filming plenty of Multiplayer videos for you to get a glimpse of new perks, features, killstreak rewards, and other additions you can look forward to in Modern Warfare 2’s Multiplayer. Keep an eye on our Twitter feed (@fourzerotwo) for when we post new videos and subscribe to the Official Infinity Ward YouTube channel.

In addition to the official multiplayer videos and features we release, we’ll be doing more and more multiplayer press from now until launch so you can get your fill of intel before jumping online day 1.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']They sound pretty badass, not at all like Linkin Park, you can check out their first single on their myspace:


Not sure why they went with the gothic look though.[/QUOTE]

If by "not at all like Linkin Park" you mean the first single sounds like new linkin park with a punk/grunge riff in the background, then yes, by all means, they are not at all like linkin park.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']If by "not at all like Linkin Park" you mean the first single sounds like new linkin park with a punk/grunge riff in the background, then yes, by all means, they are not at all like linkin park.[/QUOTE]

It's the same lead singer so the voice will of course sound the same but the music is totally different. The guitar riffs sound more along the lines of 90's rock, the speed and flow of the song is a departure from LP.
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[quote name='st0neface']Don't you like Linkin Park, corrosivefrost?[/QUOTE]


1st and 2nd albums. Remix album.

Anything where Mike Shinoda is heavily involved.
With a goth image and a name like Dead By Sunrise, they clearly went for the "fat kids who cry" niche that Linkin Park's bro-ey douchebaggery couldn't quite reach.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']It's the same lead singer so the voice will of course sound the same but the music is totally different. The guitar riffs sound more along the lines of 80's rock, the speed and flow of the song is a departure from LP.[/QUOTE]

Sounds, to me, like Dave Hahn decided to sample whatever music that was instead of Chester wanting to take a new musical direction. Lyrical content seemed to be generic Chester. Vocal range/rhythm/cadence seemed exactly like generic Chester. For how to sing in multiple bands, your boy chester should be talking to Mike Patton. Maybe Maynard. :lol:
[quote name='JJSP']With a goth image and a name like Dead By Sunrise, they clearly went for the "fat kids who cry" niche that Linkin Park's bro-ey douchebaggery couldn't quite reach.[/QUOTE]
Ha. Pretty much nailed it. It's Chester Bennington (who sounds a lot like DP's albino friend Thaddeus Roosevelt Bunkleford III) and the daywalkers who used to call themselves Orgy.

Unsurprisingly, they used to be called Snow White Tan.
If you like metroidvania games in the slightest, it's worth it.
That Dead By Sunrise song is god-awful. The lyrics had to be written by a 7th grader.
Shadow Complex.

I just purchased it, but there is this interesting bug. I am just in those first few rooms you enter, and I can still hear the waterfall really loudly... am I supposed to be hearing that still?
[quote name='darthbudge']Shadow Complex.

I just purchased it, but there is this interesting bug. I am just in those first few rooms you enter, and I can still hear the waterfall really loudly... am I supposed to be hearing that still?[/QUOTE]

I'm sorta SC'ed out though... I mean, I've gotta be about 50% through already, given what upgrades I've already acquired...
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