i scored a FREE gta:sa today!

[quote name='dpatel']part of me that wanted to keep it but I was just thinking about the deep sh** the bank teller would be in for giving out an extra $700.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. I'ts not about Karma or Darma or Larma or any other mystical concept. It's about not being a douchebag and getting a person potentially fired for a game that's going to be $20 in a few months if not sooner. If you found the game outside on the sidewalk, fine, but you know where it came from and that there is a very real chance the person who made the mistake will get a royal screwing.

Oh, and Dpatel, yes they have a big chance of being fired even for $50. I've worked enough retail to know that, including seeing someone fired for not ringing up a magazine.
A couple of weeks ago, during my trip home for my birthday, my family and g/f and my best friends family and fiance all went out to eat at a BBQ joint in Huntington, WV. They had this sweet "date" deal for $25 where you could get an appetizer, 2 platters, a dessert and $2 bucks off 2 tickets at the local theater with reciept. My g/f and I, my best friend and his fiance, and both sets of parents took them up on their offer (my little bro and my best friend's little sis were there too, but we couldn't talk them into it). Jenn and I had a huge order or loaded potato skins, 2 platters consisting of a half rack of ribs, pulled pork (she had pulled chicked) hush puppies, and two sides for each of us, plus a huge apple crisp at the end.

Anyway, the point of the story and how it relates. At the movies (Episode III of course), my friend goes up to pay for his tickets (2 for $10.50) and pays with a $20. I'm up next, and I pay the exact same way. As I watch her count change, she shuffles out two quarters, 4 $1's and a $10. She pauses... looks at me and switches the $10 for a $5 so I get correct change. While she's handing me my money back, she mentioned she thinks she gave the guy in front of me too much change. I told her I knew him and I'd go get him. He had no qualms about giving back the extra. My little brother then goes up (he's using my parents discount receipt) and pays for 1 ticket ($5.25) with a $50. She deals him out a ticket and change and he looks at her funny and tells her he paid with a fifty. She gives hia look like "you're kidding me." At first I thought she had shortchanged him. Turns out she had given him change for a hundred!

I'm kinda proud how we handled the situation. She was obviously new to her job or schooled in WV (Zing! :) ). With the free game though... I dunno. I don't know what I'd do. I wouldn't look bad on you for keeping it at all, but you'd get some respect knuckles for being honest too.

And this karma crap is just that. If you kept it and something bad happens, it's bad karma, if nothing bad happens, you don't get a free game is all. On the other hand, if something bad happens after you take it back, it just something bad happening, and if something good happens, good karma. You know what I mean? I think the use of karma on the CAG boards stems from some joke about the GameFAQs board's rating system (which are horrible btw; boards and rating system).
Reality's Fringe] Oh said:
I guess they can't really tell if its an honest mistake or theft.

If it were me, I don't think I could stand to keep the game knowing that someones job could be on the line. Just think of it this way, if you give it back, you would've lost nothing since when you originally planned on going to EB, you weren't going to get GTA:SA.
[quote name='dpatel']I guess they can't really tell if its an honest mistake or theft.

I'm not gonna tell you what to do with the game but if it were me, I don't think I could stand to keep the game knowing that someones job could be on the line.[/QUOTE]

exactly. how would they know i didn't steal it??? anyways to end this conversation i traded it in...i didn't get the full value but i got somce credit. i went to another eb and just traded it in. so thats the end of the story
I actually meant on the employees part. Reality mentioned that an employee could be fired over that. I think normally it wouldn't be that serious of a problem but the manager might suspect that the employee and you were working together and stealing instead of looking at it as an honest mistake which it was.
[quote name='Kuma']keep it, no one will get fired or anything[/QUOTE]

That could be true, perhaps nothing will come of it, but what if the person gets his ass fired? Suddenly it's no longer "just a $50 game", it's the potential earnings this employee could have made and the fact that he would have a problem trying to find another job in the event that he's referenced checked. No one ever stops to think ahead. He's already traded in the game, so it's pointless to bicker anymore, but I personally think it was a very lame and thoughtless thing to do.
[quote name='rafissaying']exactly. how would they know i didn't steal it??? anyways to end this conversation i traded it in...i didn't get the full value but i got somce credit. i went to another eb and just traded it in. so thats the end of the story[/QUOTE]

Could you have gotten into trouble with that?
Do the stores report it as stolen or anything?
bread's done