I think I got scammed by this fucking dude (EB related)...

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Actually shit like that is the definition of racism.

Anyway this thread is pretty hilarious. OMG a store wouldn't let me return something, I got scammed!!! From your OP it sounds like you didn't have the receipt? (Since you mention he should know it was used from the case it was in.) That may have been part of your problem.

My EB puts the sticker seals on used games.
[quote name='wubb']Actually shit like that is the definition of racism.

Anyway this thread is pretty hilarious. OMG a store wouldn't let me return something, I got scammed!!! From your OP it sounds like you didn't have the receipt? (Since you mention he should know it was used from the case it was in.) That IS YOUR problem.

My EB puts the sticker seals on used games.[/quote]
[quote name='Lord Draconus777'][quote name='Trakan'][quote name='Lord Draconus777'][quote name='Trakan']You didn't get scammed, you're just retarded, especially if you think minorities are more likely to scam you. If the guy really did open the seal, I'm sure if you explained all of this to the manager, he would have done something for you. [/quote]

In essence, you're the retarded one, as you basically confirmed that I was scammed with that last setence.[/quote]

Also, if it really bothered you, why didn't you just have him reseal it with another EB sticker?[/quote]

I wasn't aware of this policy before I tried returning the game, as I almost never shop at EB, or return games in general. Now stop with your aggresive attitude.[/quote]

Well, problem solved. You didnt know of the policy. There is a sign posted in all EBs and on your receipt. It is not up to EB to state the return policy with every purchase. Its up to you to find out what it is and follow it.
[quote name='jimmyshadow']Why'd you buy the game in the first place if you didn't want it, dumbass?[/quote]
if you don't mind, i will put the line in my sig. Thanks jimmyshadow!
YOU WERE NOT SCAMMED. Listen up. I work at EB, and the policy is as such:

You have 14 days to return a used game if it is defective; it will be replaced by another used copy of the same game if one is in stock, otherwise you be given store credit. If you broke the seal on a game, and just don't like it, too goddamn bad. Trade it in. If your EB isn't putting seals on their used games, ask for their district manager's number and call the corporate office. Or just ask them to put one on. It's pretty simple - if you want to rent a game, go to Blockbuster - why would a corporation allow a policy which basically gives the green light for people to scuff up their used games further without a profit?

EDIT: Furthermore, the policy is stated on the receipt, so you can't play dumb. Most store managers who are halfway decent people would let you return an awful game, but they don't have to - it isn't policy.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']YOU WERE NOT SCAMMED. Listen up. I work at EB, and the policy is as such:

You have 14 days to return a used game if it is defective; it will be replaced by another used copy of the same game if one is in stock, otherwise you be given store credit. If you broke the seal on a game, and just don't like it, too goddamn bad. Trade it in. If your EB isn't putting seals on their used games, ask for their district manager's number and call the corporate office. Or just ask them to put one on. It's pretty simple - if you want to rent a game, go to Blockbuster - why would a corporation allow a policy which basically gives the green light for people to scuff up their used games further without a profit?

EDIT: Furthermore, the policy is stated on the receipt, so you can't play dumb. Most store managers who are halfway decent people would let you return an awful game, but they don't have to - it isn't policy.[/quote]

Just wondering what eb would do in this case. I asked if a GBA game had the manual and the guy broke the seal and checked, it did and I bought it. I was thinking of returning it (decided to keep it), but what would have been the odds that I'd get them to take it back without arguing, or going to multiple ones?
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I've been to over ten different EB's, and in different states, I've never seen seals on used games.

Anyway, I think it's majorly shaq-fued up when people "rent" used games from Eb and Gamestop. Now, I don't mind getting good deals, but that's just stealing.[/quote]
Thats odd. I have noticed that newer EB locations have been using the sticker more. If I see they're going to use it I ask them to do me a favor and not put it on since I would only return it if it didn't work. Most of the time they're cool with it, though I've ran into a couple guys who "have to go by policy". When that happens I ask if they have any extra cases lying around since the stickers are a pain and I've gotten a couple that way.

And yea the renting thing is a scam.
This is the seal we're talking about:

[quote name='smalien1']everyone is making fun of my call for a ban but he deserves it, even if he was kidding, he said he was better than some one because his skin is lighter, I know I'm blowing it out of proporation but shit like this leads to racism.[/quote]
Yea I sort of agree with you there. Totally unnecessary to point out the guys ethnicity in the OP. Theres still too much bullshit racism nowadays. Jokes are jokes but this guy is just plain offensive.
Yeah, normally they'll throw extra cases in, or if it's slow, shrink wrap and write a note on my receipt 'for the next guy'. Anyway, you got shafted by your own cock-block- you lost your cool, apparently. Always calmly ask to speak to someone else when you don't think you're being heard. However, yeah, I would only expect credit at best. I mean, it LOOKED like you wanted a game; you SPENT the money on it. You want it back?- shouldn't have spent it to begin with- badda bing. I just don't understand fiscal inabilities. Impulsive purchasing is no one else's problem- suck it up or don't buy.

Agh, screw it- I could go on, but I"m just echoing everyone else here. Bottom line- you made it your own fault, deal with the sad (or glorious, depending on your interpretations) fact that it was only a 13$ lesson.
[quote name='Lord Draconus777']I think I may have just got scammed by this fat dude at my mall EB. I purchased a USED copy of Monkey Island on PS2 13 days ago (on 3/6/05), and decided I would do better without it (and with a nice extra $13 in my pocket). So, today, I decided to return it, and when I get to the register, this shaq-fuing guy tells me I can't return the game. I asked him what the hell was with this policy, and he started describing to me a scenario with a NEW game, not an old game.

I must ask, is this some bullshit he was blowing out of his ass, did he think for some reason the game I had brought with me was NEW game despite being in one of those crappy custom EB PS2 cases that represent that the game is USED? Please dear god respond, I still have time to return it.[/quote]

Well, you answered your own question right there. You can't just buy a used game and return it if you don't like it. EB is not a rental store and the more refunds they have to deal with, the more profits they lose. That's why they have a policy against sending used game back for refunds. You have to respect that fact and just deal with it. What you could've done instead was....use a little imagination. Say, maybe, you have a "little bro" (it just happens to be his birthday!) who just won't like Monkey Island but would rather have F-Zero or Zelda Wind Waker or something, and refund it in exchange for that. But, if you just barge in and say "I want my money back", it won't get you nowhere. Though EB is still a national franchise, they are still a used game store, which means they are not strict on policies like retail stores where everything is sealed brand new. They will let you exchange games under the right circumstances...that's why you always say "hello" and smile when you walk in a store - it's called being a good customer, and it leads to good business. I mean, I've been able to nicely ask workers if I can open up their N64 used game packages to check the condition of the back of games. One worker even gave me a brand new CD case for a PS game I bought because it was broken. If you are nice to them, they will be nice to you as well.

Learn from your mistake, as everyone else does. Next time, make sure you can spare the $13 for Monkey Island :D
Actually, you USED to be able to return it if you didn't like it.. I have a receipt where I returned Splinter Cell (first one) and got full credit.. under reason, it says "did not like".. can't do that now, though :p
[quote name='Scorch']Actually, you USED to be able to return it if you didn't like it.. I have a receipt where I returned Splinter Cell (first one) and got full credit.. under reason, it says "did not like".. can't do that now, though :p[/quote]

Wait isn't that GS? I know one of the local GS stores gives you a 7 day return for any used game even if you just "did not like" it.
[quote name='zion'][quote name='Scorch']Actually, you USED to be able to return it if you didn't like it.. I have a receipt where I returned Splinter Cell (first one) and got full credit.. under reason, it says "did not like".. can't do that now, though :p[/quote]

Wait isn't that GS? I know one of the local GS stores gives you a 7 day return for any used game even if you just "did not like" it.[/quote]

No. EB. I said USED to. Years ago. Hence why I returned Splinter Cell for full credit back and picked up MechAssault for 49.99.
Alright, as an EB employee, here's my understanding of the rules

Most places do use the white sticker if their manager requires it just to save themselves the trouble of having to explain to a customer that a game is unreturnable once its been opened. And also to be able to tell if the game's been opened or not.

At the EBs where managers do not require this (my store being one of them), then you're pretty much screwed unless you specifically ask them to put the white sticker on it before you leave. That being said, having worked retail for a long time, I also know that most employees WILL allow the return if you approach them nicely. If the customer comes up, smiles, and kindly explains what happened, and isn't rude about it, most of the time they'll do the refund.

Also, having worked retail since I've been old enough to work and knowing a lot of people who have worked retail, we dont mind screwing over rude customers too much at all.

I don't know how nice or rude u were, but based on your post, it didn't look like you were too nice to the person behind the counter at all.
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