I went to court today, the crowd cheared for me, I won the case!!


28 (97%)
so in january I got pulled over by a cop for "tailgating" aka following to closely. My court date was on 2/15/07. So I went at 8 AM and waited 2 hours and when I got called the cop wasn't there so I had to do another court date, today 3/15/07. So I went at 8 AM again I got called up around 9:00 and the judge there was an ass but I pleaded not guilty but he sent me to the next room where a real court hearing would be held.

So the court hearing started, I was called last as usual and the cop and I came to the stand. I should also mention while I was waiting a gov't hired lawyer came to me and said that the judge in the previous room sent him to me for him to do whatever needed to be done. I told him to leave me be and that I didn't need a lawyer.

So we got called up, the cop went into details about the night except twice he messed up. First he said it was in the afternoon when it was at 11 PM. Secondly he said my car was red. Neither of those details were correct and I corrected the the cop to the judge about those details. he also gave me a warning ticket saying it was illegal to have GPS screen in the front seat. So i showed the judge this and the judge corrected the cop saying it is not illegal to have GPS in the front.

The judge asked why I didnt let that gov't appointed lawyer defend me. I answered "because I am not-guilty on all charges and I am sick and tired of being pulled over by cops who are jealous of my car. It is not fair that I as a person get pulled over atleast once a month because my car is flashy. I work 40 hours a week, I take 18 hours of classes in college and I pay for my car and for college. I am 22 years old and this has happened on many numerous times and I am fed up with it. I have been pulled over many of times with cops saying that it is not fair that I own this car (or my previous car) and that I do not deserve it."

He listened and the whole room was in complete shock. He asked again do I plead guilty or not guilty. I said not guilty. He then went on to say that my case has been dismissed due to the account of the cop not giving correct details and because he gave me a warning ticket for GPS saying that it is not illegal to have it in the car and the cop said it was.

When the judge said this the people waiting in the room(previous people couldn't leave until all cases were heard) cheered for me. Some even shook my hand after everyone was dismissed and said congratulations. The cop looked at me like he was pissed. I smiled and waved.

I fought the law and I won.
Nice! I was pulled over three years ago in Howard County MD. Officer Sherman said I was doing 80 in a 55. I said yeah right! I was on cruise control doing 70. It was my first ticket ever and he doesn't give me a warning or anything. Just gives me a 200 dollar ticket and it's written me doing 80. On court day, he says he's a licensed Radar operator and that I was clocked doing 80. I pleaded not guilty and that I was going 70 on cruise control. In the end, the judge gave me 2 years probation because I never had a ticket before. Congrats again. What do you drive BTW?







[quote name='botticus']There are breasts on your car in the pictures.[/quote]


I was indeed alluding to the woman draped on said car.
that is the only car in the color of yellow i ever thought looked cool. but watch your ass because cops , like any people, can be pety and vengeful and chances are if this happens alot it will happen again and whose to say they wont try and plant somethign on you. even more than that the cop may be pissed you embarassed his ass in court which he deserved if you can help it have someone with you in the car as often as you can just so you have 2 sources to go against antyhing they say. but all in all congrats on the win at least the law works in some way.

oh i see youre from tn too dude be really mindful of the cops man ive been stopped for so much stupid bs in my time its ridiculous. cops in tn are some fo the worst ever especially the freakin highway patrol fuckin ticket happy sonsofbitches.
I'm sorry dOOd but you and everyone else that puts gullwing doors on their car (especially your car) should get a ticket. That's what the cop should've sited you for.

Illegal to have GPS in the front? lolz
[quote name='WiiDSmoker']no I wasn't, infarct I was driving as perfect as you possibly could[/QUOTE]

This is most likely because you saw the cop behind you! Am I correct? You don't own an RX-8 so you can obey the law to a T.. I was on my way back from Detroit (CIC courses) and made it in considerably less time as i followed and sometimes lead a black RX-8. We were cruising pretty steady at 100 mph for most the trip.
I fought the law and I won.

Perhaps, but don't think for a minute that cop won't be out to get you now since you made him look like a doofus - it'll be especially easy because you have an easily identifiable car. My brother had the exact same situation a while back. He won his day in court because the cop was bullshitting and got caught in a self-contradiction more than once. After that he would get bothered by that pig or his dickhead pig buddies until he got a less-unique car and couldn't be easily identified.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I imagine those pics are going to be popular, and not just for the car.[/quote]

What car? :)

EDIT: By the way, I'd love to know where that cop thinks you should put a gps system if not in the front of the car? Are you supposed to keep it in the trunk and pull over occasionaly to open it up to see if you're going the right way?
My guess is that the cop gave you the warning for this:

55-9-105. Television in motor vehicles — Penalty — Law enforcement officers exempt

(a) No television screen or other device of a similar nature shall be installed or used in this state in any position or location in a motor vehicle where it may be visible to the driver, or where it may in any other manner interfere with the safe operation and control of the vehicle. It is unlawful for any person to install or cause to be installed a television screen or other device of a similar nature, in violation of the provisions of this section, or to operate upon the public highways, or sell within this state, any motor vehicle which has a television screen or other device of a similar nature installed in violation of the provisions of this section.

And he didn't realize that navigation systems were the first exemption on the list.

(b) The prohibitions contained in this section do not apply to the following:

(1) Electronic displays used in conjunction with vehicle navigation systems;

He probably just hadn't read up on the statute since the GPS navigation systems becambe popular. And he definately should have read up on a traffic citation for which he knew he was going to court.

And I would like to remind you that just because you get pulled over, it doesn't mean people are always jealous or think that it's not fair that you own that car.

Why do you own a car like that? At least one of the reasons is because you think it's cool and flashy and it draws attention. Even if you don't own it to draw attention, you know that it does. Well, if it draws attention of civilians, it's definately going to draw attention to cops. Because whether you are the most law abiding citizen in the world or not, you have to admit that many people who drive flashy cars are not. Like Snake2715 said,
You don't own an RX-8 so you can obey the law to a T

Now, if the cop for some reason did say that you didn't deserve that car, I would politely remind him that you work 40 hours a week, take classes, and pay for both college and the car out of your own pocket. And if ANY cop that gives you a ticket says ANYTHING like that, you definately should write down what he said word for word and take that ticket to court.

I imagine most of the people saying that you don't deserve that car are under the impression that mommy or daddy are rich and just gave you a really nice and expensive car that you did not have to earn. Being able to work full time, go to college full time, have a car like that and an income to support it all is an impressive thing, and not very common. I definately applaud you for being able to do that.

The cop definately screwed up in court. I don't think that he'll be vengeful or anything, but if you get pulled over by him again, you better be ready to pay that ticket because I'm willing to bet that he'll dot all of his I's and cross his T's so that there will be no chance that it will get thrown out of court. You beat the system that day, but you also taught him a big lesson and made him a better cop that day as well.
i really liked the 350z, great car, but i didn't like it so much when everyone on the road started to buy one. So I bought the yellow rx-8 because you hardly see rx-8's here and i've never seen another yellow in my life outside the internet. they barely produced any yellow ones. And I love bright color cars. I've owned a Red Saturn, 03 Yellow Celica, 05 Orange 350z and now the Yellow RX-8.

Also, yes that is what the cop showed me about the televsion in the car.
[quote name='RandyTsai']how could u go from a 350z to an rx8?[/quote]

also, in handeling the rx-8 is much better, HP is about the same..slightly less torque though in the 8.

Like mentioned above..just saw too many Z's
[quote name='RandyTsai']how could u go from a 350z to an rx8?[/quote]

lol, It's an upgrade. I'd take an RX-8 any day over a Z.

Maybe more like this in black.

Considering those are the only kinds of chicks "low" enough to pose at a car shoot like above I'm not surprised. So, does that tell us a little of what industry you are in to afford a car and stuff like that? xD
[quote name='WiiDSmoker']i have a video of her...she is a porno star ;) well not really a well known star but she does do porno[/quote]

Oh good, I thought you might have known her or something, now I won't feel bad in agreeing with the other guy that she's quite the butterface.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Considering those are the only kinds of chicks "low" enough to pose at a car shoot like above I'm not surprised. So, does that tell us a little of what industry you are in to afford a car and stuff like that? xD[/quote]

[quote name='WiiDSmoker']i have a video of her...she is a porno star ;) well not really a well known star but she does do porno[/quote]

And you haven't posted it yet why?
[quote name='WiiDSmoker']i really liked the 350z, great car, but i didn't like it so much when everyone on the road started to buy one. So I bought the yellow rx-8 because you hardly see rx-8's here and i've never seen another yellow in my life outside the internet. they barely produced any yellow ones. And I love bright color cars. I've owned a Red Saturn, 03 Yellow Celica, 05 Orange 350z and now the Yellow RX-8.

Also, yes that is what the cop showed me about the televsion in the car.[/QUOTE]

You remind me of my cousins, never satisfied with their cars. They've had some sort of Subaru, some VW, some truck, some sport bikes, some BMW (or was it Mercedes?) and now I think one of them has a Chrysler 300 M or some such. They get a car, keep it for a few months, see some other shiny new car, sell their "old" one and get a new car. I just don't get it. I can't imagine the sort of debt they have.
He probably pulled you over becuase he found out your name was Wiidsmoker. Good thing he didn't search the car and find some Wiid.
[quote name='bmulligan']He probably pulled you over becuase he found out your name was Wiidsmoker. Good thing he didn't search the car and find some Wiid.[/quote]


i don't do drugs :cool:
isn't this an autobot from the upcoming movie?

so wait, you got ticketed for tailgating, but the idiot cop told the judge he was getting you because of the GPS!??!

I always thought that if the cop didn't show up to a traffic violation, then you go free, but I guess it's different in TN then in VA.
well he said he pulled me over for tailgating but at court he said i was speeding and swerving. when he pulled me over he gave me a warning ticket for the GPS.

and yeah it must be different, he didn't appear the first time and the 2nd time i made him look like a fool :)
bread's done