I worked out for the first time in 2 years and I feel GREAT (33 lbs. down!)

[quote name='ITDEFX']hey javeryh, how is your pot belly? Getting smaller?[/quote]

I never had a pot belly... I'm just soft right now. I have sort of a layer of fat that is covering me all over but if you saw me in street clothes you'd probably be shocked that I'm trying to lose 31 lbs. I've lost 12 lbs. in 3 weeks and no one has said a word about it to me yet. I think I am getting smaller all over though because my clothes are already feeling looser than they have felt in a long while.
Congrats Javeryh...I need to be more like you. I got really lazy so far over my Christmas break, I've only worked out twice since the 13th :/

I better pick it up, at school I go atleast 3 times a week, sometimes 5. Also, for anyone who knows, what can I change about my Ab day? First I do some leg workouts, and then I do 6 sets of crunches, 3 sets of side bends, and 3 sets of bicycle crunches. I've been doing this since August, and havn't see THAT great of results, and suggestions?
[quote name='javeryh']I never had a pot belly... I'm just soft right now. I have sort of a layer of fat that is covering me all over but if you saw me in street clothes you'd probably be shocked that I'm trying to lose 31 lbs. I've lost 12 lbs. in 3 weeks and no one has said a word about it to me yet. I think I am getting smaller all over though because my clothes are already feeling looser than they have felt in a long while.[/QUOTE]

I need to loose my pot belly :p
[quote name='seanr1221']Congrats Javeryh...I need to be more like you. I got really lazy so far over my Christmas break, I've only worked out twice since the 13th :/

I better pick it up, at school I go atleast 3 times a week, sometimes 5. Also, for anyone who knows, what can I change about my Ab day? First I do some leg workouts, and then I do 6 sets of crunches, 3 sets of side bends, and 3 sets of bicycle crunches. I've been doing this since August, and havn't see THAT great of results, and suggestions?[/quote]

abs are so tough. i find that crunches on a mat are a waste for me - I never see results. I do abs at the end of every workout and I use a machine for each exercise and I think it produces much better results (because you can't really cheat and use other muscles to help out). I do the following:

1. I use the ropes (like for the tri pull-down) and get on my knees with the rope behind my head and then i bend over and bring my head between my knees (that was the weirdest sentence I've ever written). 3 sets increasing weight each time.

2. There is a twisty machine that you sit in and twist your midsection which works the sides (you set the weight). 3 sets on each side increasing weight each time.

3. Leg lifts (knees to chest) - 3 sets.

4. Ab crunches on the machine. 3 sets in creasing weight each time.
I'm kind of thankful my job requires me to be in somewhat decent shape or I'd prob be 50 pounds over weight by now. I gained 35 pounds after toe surgery last year and it took nearly a year to lose it all. My abs are a trouble area too nothing seems to work
The secret to good abs is cardio training. Go for a distance run maybe 2.5 - 5 miles and then do your ab training. Also, if your gonna lift, do it before a cardio workout or an ab workout.
[quote name='seanr1221']Congrats Javeryh...I need to be more like you. I got really lazy so far over my Christmas break, I've only worked out twice since the 13th :/

I better pick it up, at school I go atleast 3 times a week, sometimes 5. Also, for anyone who knows, what can I change about my Ab day? First I do some leg workouts, and then I do 6 sets of crunches, 3 sets of side bends, and 3 sets of bicycle crunches. I've been doing this since August, and havn't see THAT great of results, and suggestions?[/QUOTE]

The secret to getting abs is being consistant with them and your diet is like 80% of your abs. Lose the weight and you'll start seeing abs. On top of this, every night I do an "8 min abs" routine with some of my own tweaks, 100 pushups and a bunch of pull ups. This is extra to the ab routine you should be doing. Here is a really good ab workout that if you follow and stick to your diet you will have a six pack in hrmm 2 or 3 months.

This is information and the split you should be doing

This is the actual exercises
Thanks afedock. I'm going to start doing some extra ab stuff in a few weeks - right now my main concern is fat burning and I'm afraid if I go heavy on the abs it will just push out my stomach further and that's not what I'm looking to do right now.

Anyway, this morning I totally got caught staring at some guy's junk in the locker room. I couldn't help it - he was like 50 something and probably 5'-4" and 125lbs. soaking wet yet his shit was practically hitting his knees. It was one of those things that I saw out of the corner of my eye and I had to do a double take because it was quite shocking and I totally got caught. Oh well.

I'm still going strong and my clothes are starting to fit a little better. I have a long way to go but whatever... I'll get there.
Just an FYI, a few sessions of involved batting practice in Wii Sports baseball is pretty good for the abs (I can feel it in mine at least). By involved I mean actually going about it like your playing baseball, not just standing and swinging your arms.

Did he look anything like that? If so, I'm sure he's accustomed to such...attention.
You know... I've been trying to lose weight for a while, but I've always stopped before it became a habit for one reason or another

Then again, I always tried to go at it just me.. I'm thinking if I tracked my progress, got suggestions from people here, had some encouragment on my progress that I could stick with it. I need to eat better, and work out more.

Not to tangent off the OP, but if you wouldn't mind giving me some tips guys and gals, that would be great. I want to get healthier, and think you guys could help me do it -- anyone game?
[quote name='BattleChicken']
Not to tangent off the OP, but if you wouldn't mind giving me some tips guys and gals, that would be great. I want to get healthier, and think you guys could help me do it -- anyone game?[/QUOTE]


First exercise: it increases your metabolism. You'll burn more calories, when you're just behind the desk.

Then, eat less and smarter. Choose less fatty foods. Turkey 'bacon' instead of pork bacon. When you do go out for fast food, be a cheapass and get a kid's meal. Less calories, and usually under three bucks.
I hear that, and actually just having something written down saying 'do this, then that then this, this often' helps. I'll start today.. maybe get back into martial arts too. Fun stuff that.
[quote name='javeryh']
I had the weigh-in and it was very disappointing... 231 which is about 25 lbs. heavier than I've ever been.[/quote]

How can that be true? If you're 231, conceivably at some point you were 230, or 229. Isn't scaled weight continuous?

Personally, I maxed out at about 210 last spring. I'm down to 185 now. I'd love to get back down to 175 though. In High School I wrestled 145 (I'm 6') I don't think I'll ever be that skinny again!
[quote name='theeipi']How can that be true? If you're 231, conceivably at some point you were 230, or 229. Isn't scaled weight continuous?[/quote]

Wrong. Somewhere along the way I ate a 25lb. steak. ;)
Another week and some more success! I lost another pound to bring the grand total to 14lbs. I'm at 217lbs. now and I only have 17lbs. more to lose to reach my goal. Hopefully in 17 weeks (or sooner) I'll be there!
[quote name='theeipi']Personally, I maxed out at about 210 last spring. I'm down to 185 now. I'd love to get back down to 175 though. In High School I wrestled 145 (I'm 6') I don't think I'll ever be that skinny again![/quote]

True for me too. I'm only 5'7" and I'm at around 215 right now. My last year in college I was at 175 and in great shape. I guess that was from running 2-3 miles 3 times a week with no excuses. I've been going to the gym at least twice a week since the beginning of the year and have gone down a couple of pounds. I need to step it up to at least 3 times a week and start to eat healthier.

Do you guys do the 6 meals a day or do you stick to 3? My metabolism is at a crawl.
[quote name='encendido5']Do you guys do the 6 meals a day or do you stick to 3? My metabolism is at a crawl.[/quote]

I've been eating grapes for breakfast, carrots for a mid-morning snack, lunch where ever (usually Subway, sushi or a chicken wrap) and then a semi-healthy dinner like chicken, pork, turkey burgers with rice or beans. I've completely cut out pasta and beer from my diet and I think that helps a ton. I also drink ONLY water - as much of it as I can during the day.
My diet has improved significantly as well, partly because everytime that goddamned sushi thread pops up in my subscribed folder, I crave it (had the setprice lunch again today).

Beer and coffee are my remaining vices. I'm aware that beer is bad for you as a result of high carbohydrates and empty calories (though our rollerderby coach, who's a fitness fuckin' nut, claims that wine metabolizes differently and can actually be worse than beer); however, my coffee intake is astronomical (probably 1.5 liters daily). I'm sure I should cut down, there's no question about that. However, is there a benefit to not drinking coffee at all versus having a lil' bit?
Well, in the new year I'm back at it with you guys. I was only running back in the fall and lost some weight (went down a shirt size and several pants sizes) but it's too cold to run now so I joined the gym.

What's your normal routine? Cardio then weights? or how do you mix it up?

Also do any of you guys take any supplements or know anything about any? (Creatine, Hydroxycut, etc?)
[quote name='mykevermin']My diet has improved significantly as well, partly because everytime that goddamned sushi thread pops up in my subscribed folder, I crave it (had the setprice lunch again today).

Beer and coffee are my remaining vices. I'm aware that beer is bad for you as a result of high carbohydrates and empty calories (though our rollerderby coach, who's a fitness fuckin' nut, claims that wine metabolizes differently and can actually be worse than beer); however, my coffee intake is astronomical (probably 1.5 liters daily). I'm sure I should cut down, there's no question about that. However, is there a benefit to not drinking coffee at all versus having a lil' bit?[/QUOTE]I think coffee is mostly bad for you in a dietary sense if you're consuming a lot over a short period. For diabetics, I've seen the limit set at 4 (6oz) cups in a day as the practial limit and they should be experts on blood sugar management. So, maybe swap out every other cup of your coffee with a cup of decaf green tea or something. That shit's supposed to be great for you and it will put your caffeine intake at about where it should be not to start messing with your blood's chemistry.
Just so I'm clear, you're talking black coffee limits, right? The diabetic part threw me off by presuming that it must be laden with sugar, cream, and all that crap.

I may just do that. I'm getting ready to go buy a cup on route to a research presentation (what we all want to be doing on a Friday afternoon), but I'm going to place stricter limits on my caffeine intake soon. Thanks for the headsup.

Specialk, I take a multivitamin and fish oil capsules every day. That's not very exciting, sure. On days that I lift (3x), I drink nitric oxide beforehand (stuff like BSN brand "NO X-plode"), and have a protein shake after lifting. On days I do strictly cardio (2x), I just have water, and nothing else. I'm no expert on stacks, but I find this combination to be both very useful and easy on the wallet.

EDIT: And just so we're clear, Gatorade is for chumps. ;)
I pop a ton of caffine pills for energy instead of drinking coffee - not sure what the ramifications of that are...
[quote name='mykevermin']Just so I'm clear, you're talking black coffee limits, right? The diabetic part threw me off by presuming that it must be laden with sugar, cream, and all that crap.

I may just do that. I'm getting ready to go buy a cup on route to a research presentation (what we all want to be doing on a Friday afternoon), but I'm going to place stricter limits on my caffeine intake soon. Thanks for the headsup.

Specialk, I take a multivitamin and fish oil capsules every day. That's not very exciting, sure. On days that I lift (3x), I drink nitric oxide beforehand (stuff like BSN brand "NO X-plode"), and have a protein shake after lifting. On days I do strictly cardio (2x), I just have water, and nothing else. I'm no expert on stacks, but I find this combination to be both very useful and easy on the wallet.

EDIT: And just so we're clear, Gatorade is for chumps. ;)[/QUOTE]Yeah, black coffee.

Drinking caffeine in large amounts as coffee over a short period of time has been shown to raise blood sugar. Caffeine does this by enhancing the effect of two hormones (adrenaline and glucagon). These two hormones release stored sugar from the liver resulting in high blood sugar. And what happens when blood sugar levels are increased: This results in large amounts of insulin being dumped into your blood stream. Remember that the job of insulin is to regulate your blood sugar. It needs to do something with the excess glucose (sugar). The easiest thing for insulin to do with it is to store it in your body as fat. Simply put: coffee can affect your blood sugar which could interfere with the body's ability to burn fat.
So you don't have to cut it out entirely, just trim it down and spread it out a bit.

Edit: Did you learn nothing from that woman who died in the Wii contest? Gatorade IS a rip-off, but I'd still include some banana and maybe a few tortilla chips in a post work-out snack just to keep sodium and potassium in your brain.
mykevermin;2588180} However said:
Just the high you get when you start it up again if you drop it completely... and probably the headaches of dropping it completely at first!

I think they say a cup or two a day will help with concentration more than that is to much.
Dumb question, but I'm trying to get in the swing of this weight lifting thing...What exactly does a protein shake do? Like what are the benefits of drinking them after workouts?
[quote name='specialk']Dumb question, but I'm trying to get in the swing of this weight lifting thing...What exactly does a protein shake do? Like what are the benefits of drinking them after workouts?[/QUOTE]

While I'm unqualified to give you the expert explanation, it basically helps rebuild muscle tissue after you break it down (which is what you do when weightlifting). So, because you break down the tissue, you often get sore after a perticularly strenuous workout (or you aren't doing it right). The proteins provide the proper nutrients to assist in the tissue rebuilding, so it happens faster (and thus with less pain). It also assists in gaining muscle mass (though not as much as stuff like creatine).

Whether protein or creatine, after using it for 3 weeks, don't for 1 week. They can be a great help, but continued use can be very harmful to your body. Feeding yourself too much protein over a very very long period of time can really fuck with your kidneys.
[quote name='mykevermin']Whether protein or creatine, after using it for 3 weeks, don't for 1 week. They can be a great help, but continued use can be very harmful to your body. Feeding yourself too much protein over a very very long period of time can really fuck with your kidneys.[/QUOTE]

Mykevermin, where did you hear that? I've been using whey protein for a year now and wasn't aware that it could be dangerous in the long-run.
It's not whey, but just protein in general. To be clear, I've never been told that whey protein needs to be cycled the way creatine, testosterone, and other supplements are - but only that I know a high protein diet puts a lot of stress on your kidneys.

http://www.kidney.org/atoz/atozItem.cfm?id=89 That has some information on the stress. Again, it's not necessary to cycle, but something I do anyway.
[quote name='camoor']Quitting sugar and dairy was the best dietary decision I've made.[/QUOTE]All dairy or just the fatty varieties?
Another week another pound. Not too shabby but one of these weeks I'd like to see 2 or more come off. I do feel like a nice shit before weigh-in would have knocked another pound off but oh well. I'm down to a decent 216lbs. (15lbs. total lost so far) and if the pound a week thing keeps up next week I will pass the 1/2 way point. I'm trying to get to 200lbs (and then I'll evaluate myself from there). I haven't felt this good in a long time!
whitereflection, how has whey helped you? i've considered getting some, but right now i'm working on toning up, thus not wanting to add any weight. does whey put weight on?
I can't say for sure if it actually helps, but I would not recommend it if you're just looking to tone up. It's mainly used to build extra muscle mass, which would put on extra weight. Just eat healthy: fish, chicken, other lean meats, and plenty of fruits and veggies.
[quote name='javeryh']Another week another pound. Not too shabby but one of these weeks I'd like to see 2 or more come off. I do feel like a nice shit before weigh-in would have knocked another pound off but oh well. I'm down to a decent 216lbs. (15lbs. total lost so far) and if the pound a week thing keeps up next week I will pass the 1/2 way point. I'm trying to get to 200lbs (and then I'll evaluate myself from there). I haven't felt this good in a long time![/quote]

i think we are on the same spot... last i checked i was 214 and trying to get back to 200... how tall are you? i guess that makes a dif in the mirror as well...

Once i get there i may either try dropping a little more or gain some muscle weight..
[quote name='guyver2077']i think we are on the same spot... last i checked i was 214 and trying to get back to 200... how tall are you? i guess that makes a dif in the mirror as well...

Once i get there i may either try dropping a little more or gain some muscle weight..[/quote]

I'm just shy of 6' 1" - I have VERY broad shoulders and chest (size 46L; athletic cut for sport coats). I have lost 15lbs. so far and not a single person has noticed a thing. I don't expect anyone to notice when I hit 200lbs. either. Once I get there I think I'm going to go for another 10lb. loss to get to 190lbs. but that will probably require a reevaluation of my workout routine and diet.
[quote name='javeryh']I'm just shy of 6' 1" - I have VERY broad shoulders and chest (size 46L; athletic cut for sport coats). I have lost 15lbs. so far and not a single person has noticed a thing. I don't expect anyone to notice when I hit 200lbs. either. Once I get there I think I'm going to go for another 10lb. loss to get to 190lbs. but that will probably require a reevaluation of my workout routine and diet.[/QUOTE]

My boyfriend has a similar body to you. He's 6'1" with very broad shoulders and chest. Is this a "lawyer build"?!?! ;)

He also needs to get off his ass and lose weight. The problem is he needs to eat better and less as well as exercise a bit more. I can't remember how much he weighs but I think he weighs a similar amount as to what you started at, perhaps a little more.

Oh, but I definitely notice when he gains/loses weight. Call it intuition.;)
well im 6'3 ... i used to weigh about 190/200.. and we know what women do to you..

so now im trying to get back to what i used to weigh
It's frustrating because I know fat guys who are 175lbs. and when someone hears that you weigh 216lbs. it doesn't conjure up the image of someone in shape (which I'm still about 16lbs. away from considering myself in shape). I also know people who are 6' 4" and 175lbs. and that's just depressing.

I was still 195lbs. when I was in the best shape of my life - lifting and running every day and playing basketball and raquetball regularly and also not embarassed to be on the "skins" team. ;)
Another week and.... great success! I lost 2lbs. this week! I'm feeling pretty good right now. I'm down to 214lbs. bringing the total weight loss to 17lbs. in under 2 months. I am extremely happy with my pace and I feel like I could keep this up forever. I'm used to getting up at 5:45 now and I look forward to the gym every morning. I'm past the 1/2 way point of my initial goal and it is no longer hard to resist fatty foods and soda (although I would like some alcohol one of these days). My clothes are also much much looser on me and I might have to buy new work pants if I drop 5 more lbs. Also, the fly bitches at the gym are all up in my kitchen now - they're like "oohhh javeryh how did you get so fine?" and I'm like "baby, whatever."
[quote name='javeryh']Also, the fly bitches at the gym are all up in my kitchen now - they're like "oohhh javeryh how did you get so fine?" and I'm like "baby, whatever."[/QUOTE] :lol: :applause: :applause: :applause:
I'm in the other boat. I am 6' - 6'1" and weigh 140lbs. I need to bulk up a bit but I haven't worked out a day in my life. Working two days in a warehouse though and I can feel the burn. I suppose after about 2-4 weeks of this, i will be considerably bigger, although maybe not heavier.

Congrats on being well on your way to your goal, Javeryh.
[quote name='Eviltude']I'm in the other boat. I am 6' - 6'1" and weigh 140lbs. I need to bulk up a bit but I haven't worked out a day in my life. Working two days in a warehouse though and I can feel the burn. I suppose after about 2-4 weeks of this, i will be considerably bigger, although maybe not heavier.

Congrats on being well on your way to your goal, Javeryh.[/QUOTE]

This could just be my opinion, but if you're really wanting to bulk up, and by that I assume you mean toned (so that you can actually see your muscles) then I would recommend going to a gym. Sure you can feel the burn working in a wear house but you're really limited to the type of lifting you can do.

I lifted free weights in my home for a good 3 months, and I can see more definition after 2 weeks in the gym than I could the 3 months.

Also, what type/how long of cardio are you guys doing? I'm trying for 30-50 min a night of running/bike combo. Then hitting the weights....hard every other night and then just a light lift on the nights off.
bread's done