Ico Collection HD

And on the same page.

Wouldn't the first time Japan got separate releases and America a combined set. (i'm trying to think of the example from past gens)

Even if they were separate, I'd throw my money at them.
[quote name='Richlough']2 more PS2 game values go to shit .[/QUOTE]

Bought them for cheap anyway. Bought two copies of Ico during the 05 CC Mega $5 game extravaganza. Sold one later for $45 (sealed) I think if memory serves me correctly. Didn't mind and figured something like this might eventually happen.

Picture of article:
[quote name='panzerfaust']it's pronounced e-ko, isn't it?[/QUOTE]

That's supposedly how it's supposed to be pronounced... but I always (and still do) say it like "eye-ko".
If they are indeed separate releases like some people think, I'm not so sure I want to play Ico again.

It's a good game and all, but SotC is much better imo, and that's what I'm really interested in.
I'd prefer two separate games actually, but I still feel it will be just one for us in the West.
I want to be wrong.
I had a copy of Ico for awhile but when I played it on my PS2 on my HD set, it looked horrible. I'll be able to enjoy it and actually pass it now! :bouncy:
[quote name='ninja dog']Horrible box art, passing on this.[/QUOTE]

You're passing on a game cause you don't like the boxart? God, you're stupid.
If they come out seperately then I'll pick of Shadow of th Colossus, because I love it and would love to see it in HD. I'm content with just having a PS2 version of Ico, though.
I hope they come together as I wanna play and experience Ico as it's so hailed... but I will not spend $15+ on it by itself, nor would I spend $20+ on SotC by itself. Not packaging them together would be stupid, plain and simple. It'll also send a message to publishers that it'd be okay to re-release any stand alone game for $40 cause a 2001 PS2 game did it.

These need to include atleast 2 games to keep sanity.

Let's not forget that these two games are incredibly short and have next to no replay value. Wonder how short the trophies lists will be for these?
Eh, people put different value into their games besides the amount of hours they last. I have yet to play ICO as well, been holding out for this re-release.
[quote name='dallow']You wouldn't spend $15 for one of the games, nor $20 for the other... but you would spend $40 for them together?[/QUOTE]

Yep. I'd be fine spending $5 more for less blatant pocket-lining.
[quote name='Buuhan1']Yep. I'd be fine spending $5 more for less blatant pocket-lining.[/QUOTE]In this imaginary scenario with imaginary prices, selling two different boxed copies for $5 less instead of them together as one, is the exact opposite of pocket lining.
Should I only play SOTC on PS3 due to a likely great framerate or play my PS2 version (I would not be buying the collection any time soon, probably wait a year).
He means the HD version, but I don't understand why he'd have to wait a year. The collection isn't out anytime soon.


Even more excited for PS3 ICO/Shadow of the Colossus collection, for reasons that should become clear tomorrow #mykillerapp #TGS2010


Please be Last Guardian demo.
[quote name='Buuhan1']You're passing on a game cause you don't like the boxart? God, you're stupid.[/QUOTE]ugh.. totally what's next passing on great game because it's not in HD?
[quote name='dallow']And on the same page.

Wouldn't the first time Japan got separate releases and America a combined set. (i'm trying to think of the example from past gens)

Even if they were separate, I'd throw my money at them.[/QUOTE]

It was Nintendo, not Sony, but you're right. Metroid Prime 1 and 2 were separate releases with the new Wii controls, whereas America got the Trilogy.
[quote name='Wolfkin']ugh.. totally what's next passing on great game because it's not in HD?[/QUOTE]

If its not in HD, then it was never a great game in the first place.
well I didn't expect that bait to be taken that quickly but you do realize you've just discounted virtually every game ever produced before the 360? there were no games worth playing in the entire SNES library?, nothing worth playing on the gamecube library? or the original xbox library?
[quote name='Wolfkin']well I didn't expect that bait to be taken that quickly but you do realize you've just discounted virtually every game ever produced before the 360? there were no games worth playing in the entire SNES library?, nothing worth playing on the gamecube library? or the original xbox library?[/QUOTE]

Starting the day the 360 came out, no game that is not HD from that point forward will be considered good. This is why the wii is the worst gaming system of all time. Can we move past this and talk about Ico and SOTC in HIGH DEF with TROPHIES please. Thanks.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Starting the day the 360 came out, no game that is not HD from that point forward will be considered good. This is why the wii is the worst gaming system of all time. Can we move past this and talk about Ico and SOTC in HIGH DEF with TROPHIES please. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

You're serious? The 360 ISN'T even in HD half the time. 540p and 640p IS NOT HD.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Starting the day the 360 came out, no game that is not HD from that point forward will be considered good. This is why the wii is the worst gaming system of all time.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, such a shame that it's sold nearly as much as the 360 and the PS3 combined. The DS must be uber-terrible, then, since it has even lower resolution than the wii. Oh wait, it's sold over 3 times as many units as either the 360 or the PS3. I really hope you're trolling. The bad thing is, I'm not sure you are. Which is just sad.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Can we move past this and talk about Ico and SOTC in HIGH DEF with TROPHIES please. Thanks.[/QUOTE]
I have them both sitting on my PS2. Haven't played SotC yet, and only a couple hours of ICO. Perhaps I'll revisit them someday. Or pick up the new one. Not sure, yet.
[quote name='ninja dog']I would buy them separately, but only if they have good box art and are touted as new games that came out after the rise of HD.[/QUOTE]
Looks like that's a negative, a negative, and...I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the last one (I'm guessing a negative, since they're being touted as "remastered"?):
Cover art
I used to think Ico and Sotc were good games until I got a 360 and played Perfect Dark in HD for the first time.

This collection should remedy this.
Due to the hype, I've owned Ico and Shadow for years, but haven't played either. Maybe I should just sell them and think about playing the PS3 versions.
why should I have to do that? It's the principle of the designers getting right the first time.

Passing on this.

[quote name='dallow']That's really deep.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! it's actually a paraphrased quote from the Quantum Theory demo...
[quote name='blitz6speed']Starting the day the 360 came out, no game that is not HD from that point forward will be considered good.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dallow']


i was going to buy it either way, but that screen shot looks nice. guess im going to sell my PS2 versions.
[quote name='J7.']Should I only play SOTC on PS3 due to a likely great framerate or play my PS2 version (I would not be buying the collection any time soon, probably wait a year).[/QUOTE]

play SOTC, now.
[quote name='bjstucker']Personally I like the older art style.[/QUOTE]

It's the same art style... the older one is just blurry, the newer one is HD.
bread's done