Idea for Fighting Games


25 (100%)
This may come off as a really stupid idea but I think I would kind of like it.

I always hear about people who are disspaointed with getting certain fighters in games like Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat ETC. What if instead of having a base amount of fighters that you automatically get, they gave us a set # of tokens when we purchased the game. Then each token can be worth one fighter to download on PSN + Xbox 360. Instead of giving us some fighters we may not like, we can choose which fighters we get originally with our tokens and buy additional fighters if we want.

Once again, it may be stupid but I thought it might be cool to choose all/some of the fighters you get with the game instead of forking out cash to get one fighter you really want. Input?
That's really not too bad of an idea. But then you get into the "why wasn't everything in there to begin with" area.
[quote name='Chacrana']Jesus Christ, this is the worst idea for consumers ever, and the wet dream of every greed developer out there.[/quote]

I totally agree. I would likely refuse to buy the game on principle. I mean why even do that whole thing, just give at all at once.

Hell, if we are doing that why even buy the game. Give the game for free and sell the characters.
Rumble Fighter is kinda close. Its a free to play game. You can buy fighting styles and mods for your character like clothes, shoes, hair, etc. I didn't play it much but i think its a solid idea (for casual fighting games). Its nice to go into different rooms and always see new fighters.
hell this is a good way to prevent piracy why pirate a fighting game with no characters and you cant even buy the characters.
Horrible. DLC of that calibur sucks to begin with. Basing an entire game roster after that would, like Chac said, make devs giddy.
The thing that I would hate about that is, I like buying new fighting games, and trying out all the characters to see who I like. If I only bought characters that I knew I would like, I wouldn't get to try out some of the other characters that I don't think I'll like. Also, it might make the game too easy. If you know there's a specific character or two that you generally do bad against, you can just not download them instead of getting better and learning to beat them.
[quote name='Rig']Horrible. DLC of that calibur sucks to begin with. Basing an entire game roster after that would, like Chac said, make devs giddy.[/quote]

I told you guys it might sound stupid. I just thought it may be an alternative to not giving all of the fighters in one game.

I meant whether you would prefer to have a set amount of guaranteed characters and have to download the rest through future DLC or just get to choose which fighters you get when you purchase the game.
It isn't a bad idea to release a base game through PSN or XBLA for around $20 and then sell additional fighters or stages. It would be bad for a major series like Street Fighter, but probably some little startup could find a niche in doing so. It's where piracy is already pushing the industry. And a certain amount of greed, too.
[quote name='Layziebones']I told you guys it might sound stupid. I just thought it may be an alternative to not giving all of the fighters in one game.

I meant whether you would prefer to have a set amount of guaranteed characters and have to download the rest through future DLC or just get to choose which fighters you get when you purchase the game.[/quote]

I just don't see the benefit in it.

If you chose characters a la carte, would the game be cheaper? I don't think a game company would push a lower price by taking this method. Essentially, we'd be paying full price for a game with a limited roster, while having to spend additional money to get a full roster.
For any game to do this, they'd have to include all characters on the disc/in the download of the game, with the "downloads" just being unlock commands. Otherwise, matchmaking would be hell. How would they handle it? Only match people with the same exact downloads? Match two people together, and then break it up if one chooses a character the other lacks?

And there's an established hatred of DLC that is little more than an unlock code.
bread's done