If consoles are $400+ and games are $60...


Are we going to see the game rental business skyrocket? I'm seriously considering a Blockbuster Game Pass, they have pretty much everything I want and I'll never have to worry about finding low prices for buying games again, except for the occasional XBL title. Would $60 games convince any of you to do the same? I've been thinking about this for a while now, also since I wouldn't need to wait for price drops, I could just play the newest games immediately.
[quote name='SupremeNumNuts']Renting would be a good option as long as their prices don't go up to much.[/QUOTE]
$15 for 2 days that has to be back by 6 AM. :D
[quote name='extremep']Are we going to see the game rental business skyrocket? I'm seriously considering a Blockbuster Game Pass, they have pretty much everything I want and I'll never have to worry about finding low prices for buying games again, except for the occasional XBL title. Would $60 games convince any of you to do the same? I've been thinking about this for a while now, also since I wouldn't need to wait for price drops, I could just play the newest games immediately.[/QUOTE]

That was my plan, I figured I'd sign up for Gamefly, or Blockbuster's game plan. No way in Hell I'll ever pay $60 for a video game, not unless my job decides to give me a $10 an hour raise. The one game I'd buy for $60 is The Elder Scrolls 4, but only because it's like 100+ hours long.
[quote name='dastly75']I also heard gas is shooting up to $5/gallon next year[/QUOTE]

it's cheaper to "rent" a car to get to your destination and then ditch it
[quote name='Chris in Cali']The one game I'd buy for $60 is The Elder Scrolls 4, but only because it's like 100+ hours long.[/QUOTE]

That's what they said about Fable... ;)

I'll definitely be waiting for more cheap ass deals and getting games at a lower price than MSRP more often if games are $60.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']That's what they said about Fable... ;)

I'll definitely be waiting for more cheap ass deals and getting games at a lower price than MSRP more often if games are $60.[/QUOTE]

Who said Fable was 100+ now?
Im just going to wait for price drops. I mean I finally got my xbox last december and buying old games cheaply, I have a 40+ game collection. I am going to a radiology program in september for the next two years so I wont be able to do much gaming. And when Im out, I'll have a great career and make plenty of money to buy a 360 and revolution and a bunch of used and price dropped games.
[quote name='extremep']Are we going to see the game rental business skyrocket? I'm seriously considering a Blockbuster Game Pass, they have pretty much everything I want and I'll never have to worry about finding low prices for buying games again, except for the occasional XBL title. Would $60 games convince any of you to do the same? I've been thinking about this for a while now, also since I wouldn't need to wait for price drops, I could just play the newest games immediately.[/QUOTE]

I would think we would.

I haven't rented one game this generation and I didn't rent much for the 32-bit era either. I usually buy what I want, but even if I can't afford the new gen stuff I have a HUGE backlog of games now I haven't even opened. Unless it is a AAA title like Halo 3 I doubt I'll rush to buy any of the new systems or games. It'll give me a chance to go through my huge RPG collection anyway.
People act like $60 games aren't going to drop in price like the $50 ones do. They are going to drop as fast if not faster than current $50 games.
[quote name='Trakan']People act like $60 games aren't going to drop in price like the $50 ones do. They are going to drop as fast if not faster than current $50 games.[/QUOTE]

I think these new systems are coming a little too soon. There is still a lot of life left to be squeezed out of the the three current consoles IMO.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I think these new systems are coming a little too soon. There is still a lot of life left to be squeezed out of the the three current consoles IMO.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I liked it when they were projected to come out in 2007.
[quote name='Trakan']I agree. I liked it when they were projected to come out in 2007.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I am not a fan of getting consoles out to market when there doesn't seem to be a reason to do it yet. Then again, I never get launch consoles. I always wait at least six months.
I'm going to do the same thing I do now--wait for price drops. I don't mind waiting. I'm waitinfg for the consoles to drop to $200 or under to get them too. If I really wanted new games and couldn't afford them I'd work a lot (overloaded college student right now) or get GameFly.

Plus I still haven't picked up a ton of games from this generation that I want, so I'll have new (to me) games to play until I can afford the new generation stuff.
[quote name='nneace']What's funny is that prices on everything are going up, without minimum wage rising (yet). Dark times indeed.[/QUOTE]

Even if minimum wage goes up, it's still minimum wage though. The most they may bump it to is $6.50 and that still sucks.
[quote name='SupremeNumNuts']Renting would be a good option as long as their prices don't go up to much.[/QUOTE]

I see blockbuster raising the price of a rental to $9.99 to rent 360, PS3, and Revolution games. I would not doubt it at all.
[quote name='danny-o']Im just going to wait for price drops. I mean I finally got my xbox last december and buying old games cheaply, I have a 40+ game collection. I am going to a radiology program in september for the next two years so I wont be able to do much gaming. And when Im out, I'll have a great career and make plenty of money to buy a 360 and revolution and a bunch of used and price dropped games.[/QUOTE]

Good luck with that, I heard radiologist make a 6 figure salaries here in the DC metropolitan area. That's a good move for you. I always I wished I went back and got my Masters or PhD but I got add hooked into the work life and lost my motivation to go back to school. I'll be making 78K in the next few weeks but I always wonder if I'll be ever be able to break 6 figures...
[quote name='nneace']What's funny is that prices on everything are going up, without minimum wage rising (yet). Dark times indeed.[/QUOTE]

Increasing minimum wage very reliably drives inflation rates. It is one of those longrunning feelgood policies that has never provided real benefits to low income workers. When employers feel minimum wage is too high for a job that must be performed in the US they simply bring in illegal workforces, frequently foreign nationals in the US illegally, and bypass the law. Politicians on both sides of the aisle look the other way because of a combination of sucking up to business interests and ethnic special interest groups.

Rather than encourage lawbreaking it is better to let the market dictate wages. If qualified people are unwilling to work for X dollars per hour or a competing employer is offering better, the employer must respond to the demands of the market. We get to hear the nonsensical phrase 'jobs Americans won't do' when what is really meant is 'jobs Americans won't do for unreasonably low wages.' So long as politicians can be induced to ignore the trade in human smuggling and the modern form of slavery, the market is broken. This applies regardless of any attempt to legally impose a minimum wage.

In some ways the use of illegal alien labor is more effective than slavery as once practiced in the US. Slaves were not cheap. They represented a real capital investment and an ongoing maintenance. There were slaveholders given to intense cruelty but these were self-destructive acts like a farmer getting angry and destroying a new tractor. (Putting an exact price on a antebellum slave in current dollars is difficult but I've seen estimates of as much as $10K for the most desirable slaves.) These slaves had to be fed and housed properly if they were to produce a good return on the investment. By comparison, a modern employer is unlikely to casually murder an illegal alien but they are disposable. Hire them in the morning where they gather and drop them off at the end of the day. Where do they live, sleep, eat, etc.? Who knows? Who cares? There's plenty more where those came from.

Aside from the burden on taxpayer fund public services like trauma centers, the people getting hurt the worst by the corruption that allows a massive illegal workforce is legit low level workers, especially legal immigrants who are trying to play by the rules. Teens are also finding far harder to find afterschool and summer jobs.

Minimum wage doesn't fix anything. Controlling the human traffic over our borders would have more meaningful effect but the corruption runs very deep.
I'll probably have to put off getting any new consoles untill sometime in 2007, so there should be a good supply of discounted and PH type games on the shelves by then.

I've never been comfortable with rentals because while I know when a game is of interest I cannot be sure when I'll really be in the mood to play.
I'm going to wait until some major price drops to get into the next generation, unless Namco makes a third Katamari game, then I will immediately go out to the store and buy a PS3 for any price.
$400 Consoles & $60 games? They can go lick my ballz. I'll be playing my back-catalog of Cheapass games & stick with PC thereafter until they get thier heads outta thier ass thinking $60 is 'reasonable'. With the amount of competition there is in the market, games should be going DOWN in price to garner more attention to the consumer.
These are the only system launches I'm gonna skip out on and wait for price drops. I bought the PS2, Gamecube, and the Halo playing one at launch all near launch.
This is what Nintendo is basing their next generation on. That costs are rising way too high. From what it seems like Revolution games wouldn't be much harder to develop or be more costly than gamecube games. If they can come in around 200-250 for the system and be smart and price games at around $45 they would finally get back into the game.

As for me I just keep on thinking of what I've bought and have yet to play. It's going to be a lot harder to convince myself I need a next gen console when I have so many games I need to finish.
bread's done