If God existed, can he be the nicest being?


6 (100%)
So i was just thinking that even though i am not religios, i thought it was pretty fuccked up that God would only let people who are religous go on to heaven. If God only wanted people who worshipped him to live with him then I wouldnt want to go to that heaven anyways. Would someone so righteous really make humans just to serve him? Sounds like a jew to me.

Sarcasm but also some real thoughts added.
[quote name='xeverex18']Sounds like a jew to me.[/QUOTE]

I'd punch you in the fucking face for saying something like that for real, regardless of how humorous or sarcastic you intended to be.

Congratulations, you're in college and approaching a 10th-grade level of intellectual creativity.
Come on myke, he's just a late bloomer. I personally didn't think about it that much until the 11th grade...
[quote name='mykevermin']I'd punch you in the fucking face for saying something like that for real, regardless of how humorous or sarcastic you intended to be.

Congratulations, you're in college and approaching a 10th-grade level of intellectual creativity.[/quote]


Seriously, with our finite minds, how can we comprehend the nature of the infinite? Ponder, yes. Understand, never.
God made fuzzy kittens to pet, cold beer to drink, women to lapdance for tips, and retards like you to throw snowballs at.

How can you not love a God like that. He's da man!
[quote name='xeverex18']So i was just thinking that even though i am not religios, i thought it was pretty fuccked up that God would only let people who are religous go on to heaven. If God only wanted people who worshipped him to live with him then I wouldnt want to go to that heaven anyways. Would someone so righteous really make humans just to serve him? Sounds like a jew to me.

Sarcasm but also some real thoughts added.[/quote]

Religion (at least in most denominations of Christianity) is supposed to be about living a righteous path and doing what God asks of you. It's analgous to a parent/child relationship. Parent wants child to follow rules, God wants man to follow rules. As a kid, if the rules aren't followed you can't go to the playground at McDonald's. I would imagine God would be the same way in regards to Heaven. :roll:

Religion is another type of philosophy. I have beliefs that there has to be more to our existence than what we can see or understand. I can't say what it could be. No one can. I have been to church. I still go from time to time. It helps to put a perspective on my own feelings. But religion is full of paradox and clashing ideas. It not much more different than life without religious elements included. No matter how black and white things usually are in our lives, there is always a shade of grey that isn't that far away.

*end tangent* :lol:
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Religion (at least in most denominations of Christianity) is supposed to be about living a righteous path and doing what God asks of you. [/quote]

Yeah - the "righteous" path

If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her.(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)

Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." (Genesis 22:1-18)

However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)
@ OP:

Is god nice? What is your understanding of nice?

Maybe you are confusing "nice" with "wimpy"?

God has given you the greatest gift he can bestow. Freedom.

He allows you your individual freedom of thought, will, and action.

He does not violate your freedom. Let me explain:

If you believe in god as the all powerful father, does it not stand to reason that he could make you do anything he wanted? Literally force you to do anything he desired? He can bend your mind and body to do whatever he wishes.

But he does not. He has granted you freedom of will. And along with doing so, he is respecting you.

What does that mean? Think of it this way- when someone forces you to do something, how much impact does that have on your growth and understanding? If you have not consciously made the choice to do it yourself, your personal being has been weakened and violated. However, if you come about the decision yourself- you are strengthened. You grow as a person.

That is the essence of life and freedom. It is important that we find our way through our own choices. It's why sometimes we have to learn things the hard way. Sometimes we are unable to learn from others. It doesn't have the same impact as learning ourselves. That you make the choice yourself and are not coerced is very important to your personal growth and health.

God as a being does not set down rules to make your life difficult. He does not ask that you obey him and worship him for self aggrandizement. These rules are part of HIS kingdom and HIS boundaries. He is letting you know what he considers acceptable and what he will not accept. His rules are intended for your benefit. Living with/in sin destroys your soul. It is evil, he will not accept it in his kingdom and does not desire it for you.

But they are HIS boundaries. Just as he respects our boundaries of personal self, so must we respect his boundaries. He entirely allows US to decide our path. He respects our boundaries of personal self.

That should not be misinterpreted as acceptance of deleterious behaviors.

It sounds as if you want to have your freedom, but are angry with god when he allots consequences to that freedom and enforces such. If he did not, that wouldn't be "nice", that would be "wimpy".

You seem to be struggling with your relationship to god. I pray he can work in your heart. At least if you are questioning him, it means that you are thinking about your eternal soul. It's a start, so that's a good thing. :)
You're right, if god accepted everybody he'd just be a hippy liberal. Unconditional love is for suckers.

Don't believe in jesus? Well I guess you'll just have to burn in hell for eternity. God just keeps it real like that.
:rofl: penmyst is a conservative and a christian! The most common contradiction of our time! Awesome!

I hope you know you're going to hell for participating in capitalism, seeing as how usury was considered a sin of the highest order in the old testament. That and shellfish.

I personally am a good individual, but I'm really worried about that 99 cent popcorn shrimp I had from Long John Silver's the other day. Participating in capitalism AND eating shellfish in one fell swoop; it's like the sinning equivalent of shooting tequila and chasing it down with a beer!
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']you are fool to think if there is an infinitely powerful being he would have pathetic human emotions[/quote]

Well, I think God does not exist. Whatsoever. I have disproven her existence using 4 different forms of logic, and I could probably come up with more if I really tried. "But wait! How were we made? You can't answer that, you antichrist!" Well I can. Humans can make life too. I believe that many years ago, there were many other beings greater than us. That's that.
[quote name='Full_Throttle']Well, I think God does not exist. Whatsoever. I have disproven her existence using 4 different forms of logic, and I could probably come up with more if I really tried. "But wait! How were we made? You can't answer that, you antichrist!" Well I can. Humans can make life too. I believe that many years ago, there were many other beings greater than us. That's that.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure we would all be interested to hear how you have come up with a way to prove negatives.
[quote name='elprincipe']I'm sure we would all be interested to hear how you have come up with a way to prove negatives.[/QUOTE]

Or how you seem to laud logical statements, yet don't mind tautological ones. "Humans can make life," indeed.
Just remember, man wrote the Bible and it has been edited by various kings and men ever since.
The idea of something being absolute is hard for the human mind to comprehend.
Anything that is believed in by people that share their thoughts exists. Therefore, Bigfoot, The Loch Ness monster, and God exist. For small children, Power Rangers exist, etc etc.
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl: penmyst is a conservative and a christian! The most common contradiction of our time! Awesome!

I hope you know you're going to hell for participating in capitalism, seeing as how usury was considered a sin of the highest order in the old testament. That and shellfish.

I personally am a good individual, but I'm really worried about that 99 cent popcorn shrimp I had from Long John Silver's the other day. Participating in capitalism AND eating shellfish in one fell swoop; it's like the sinning equivalent of shooting tequila and chasing it down with a beer![/quote]

Your stupidity is surpassed only by your ignorance. But hey, it's bliss, right?

[quote name='Full_Throttle']Well, I think God does not exist. Whatsoever. I have disproven her existence using 4 different forms of logic, and I could probably come up with more if I really tried. "But wait! How were we made? You can't answer that, you antichrist!" Well I can. Humans can make life too. I believe that many years ago, there were many other beings greater than us. That's that.[/quote] Lol, disproven her existence. Man would be pretty facked if god was a she, ni?
[quote name='Derwood43']Your stupidity is surpassed only by your ignorance. But hey, it's bliss, right?


[quote name='Leviticus 11']10 But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales—whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water—you are to detest. 11 And since you are to detest them, you must not eat their meat and you must detest their carcasses. 12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you.[/quote]

[quote name='Exodus 22:25-27']25 "If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be to him as a creditor; neither shall you charge him interest.

26 If you take your neighbor's garment as collateral, you shall restore it to him before the sun goes down,

27 for that is his only covering, it is his garment for his skin. What would he sleep in? It will happen, when he cries to me, that I will hear, for I am gracious.[/quote]

The bible condemns usury more than it does homosexuality. What is this ignorance you speak of?
AUGHHH! BURNING...IN...HELL! Just kidding kids. But really, I don;t get this whole "Jesus" thing. I know the basics, But I;m not sure they taught me about jesus in hebrew school.
[quote name='mykevermin']The bible condemns usury more than it does homosexuality. What is this ignorance you speak of?[/quote]

Bible condoms!!?? WTF?
[quote name='mykevermin']The bible condemns usury more than it does homosexuality. What is this ignorance you speak of?[/quote]
Usury (Collecting interest on a loan) Capitalism
[quote name='Wikipedia']Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are mostly privately owned, and capital is invested in the production, distribution and other trade of goods and services, for profit. These include factors of production such as land and other natural resources, labor and capital goods. [/quote]
[quote name='Allan Turner'] Likewise, in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-14), the Lord taught a lesson on spiritual neglect by picturing a young man squandering his material possessions. Simply put, the Bible teaches a very important principle of economics: wastefulness (i.e., the failure to conserve capital) produces want (cf. Proverbs 21:20; 18:9; 29:3).[/quote]

As for shellfish, you're right, it does explicitly reject shellfish. Kosher and Halal standards both reject pork for the same reason. Unsafe sanitation techniques. Remember always that the Bible was written thousands of years ago.

Leviticus is just a book of outdated rules anyway. The real message is contained in the parables, particularly those of Jesus.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the Quran explicitly forbids not just accepting debt (usury), but accumulating it as well (borrowing); however, it also supports capitalism. Give me time to find the Sura.
[quote name='Full_Throttle']I believe that many years ago, there were many other beings greater than us. That's that.[/quote]

[quote name='Man with the Plan']And does jesus hate gay people?[/QUOTE]

Christians are taught to hate the sin and love the sinner, so no, no hating people, just their sins (IE homosexuality in this case).
[quote name='Quillion']EDIT: Forgot to mention, the Quran explicitly forbids not just accepting debt (usury), but accumulating it as well (borrowing); however, it also supports capitalism. Give me time to find the Sura.[/quote]

:whistle2:k That seems odd.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']:whistle2:k That seems odd.[/quote]

I wouldn't find it odd, in both the Bible and Quran you can probably find verses that both support and condemn just about anything.
'its only ok when southpark jokes about jews or real people on tv and or in person when you do it online its somehow so cruel and wrong'
[quote name='Quillion']You believe everything you read?[/QUOTE]

If I did, I'd have a hard time coming up with questions for what you type. ;)

Nevertheless, I've never really read anything that satisfactorially explained why some parts of the bible should be given less attention than others - why the *word of God*, should we believe it to be nothing less than that, should not be given credence in our day to day lives.

Besides, the only bible passage that can even be construed as to maligning homosexuality is in leviticus as well - try telling me that Christians truly believe that ol' Levi is outdated.
[quote name='seanr1221']The bible says you are not allowed to shave.[/QUOTE]
You're going straight to Hell if you're uncircumcised, thanks to King James.
[quote name='elprincipe']Christians are taught to hate the sin and love the sinner, so no, no hating people, just their sins (IE homosexuality in this case).[/quote]

“Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.’”
Luke 5:1-11
Key Verse: 5:10b

[quote name='camoor']:whistle2:o[/quote]
Good job at quoting "Fishers of Men" out of context. Jesus was asking the fishermen to preach.

[quote name='mykevermin']If I did, I'd have a hard time coming up with questions for what you type. ;)[/quote] touche. :)
[quote name='mykevermin']Nevertheless, I've never really read anything that satisfactorially explained why some parts of the bible should be given less attention than others - why the *word of God*, should we believe it to be nothing less than that, should not be given credence in our day to day lives.

Besides, the only bible passage that can even be construed as to maligning homosexuality is in leviticus as well - try telling me that Christians truly believe that ol' Levi is outdated.[/quote] I don't know that I'm a typical Christian. Hell, I don't even know that I'm a Christian, but I can answer that.

Most moderates do believe that. See, God gave us minds, we certainly don't believe that he doesn't intend for us to use them. A silly book, written thousands of years ago tells me to do something, I need to examine that in the daily context of my life. After all, the message is what's really important. I think Douglas Adams summed it all up best:
[quote name='THGttG']And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change,[/quote]
I'm a roman catholic myself, and disagree with a lot the church says now of days. I really think people need to open their minds up a little bit. I went to catholic school for 12 years of my life, and the worst was my high school senior theology teacher. She followed EVERYTHING she was told. Oh boy did I have a fun time with her in class when she said something like, "Homosexuality is a sin. They choose to be that way, and they can't have children through sex anyway. This is why they should not marry. However, it is not a sin if they just live their lives w/o engaging in homosexual activities."

When I asked her why anyone would CHOSE to be discriminated against, she couldn't give me a straight answer. She also couldn't give me a straight answer when I asked why my sister with autism had to recieve confession before going for her communion. Can you guys believe that? They made my sister with special needs confess sins.
[quote name='seanr1221']I'm a roman catholic myself, and disagree with a lot the church says now of days. I really think people need to open their minds up a little bit. I went to catholic school for 12 years of my life, and the worst was my high school senior theology teacher. She followed EVERYTHING she was told. Oh boy did I have a fun time with her in class when she said something like, "Homosexuality is a sin. They choose to be that way, and they can't have children through sex anyway. This is why they should not marry. However, it is not a sin if they just live their lives w/o engaging in homosexual activities."

When I asked her why anyone would CHOSE to be discriminated against, she couldn't give me a straight answer. She also couldn't give me a straight answer when I asked why my sister with autism had to recieve confession before going for her communion. Can you guys believe that? They made my sister with special needs confess sins.[/quote]thats just fucking retarded. Can autistic people even complete a sentence?
Well autism is a spectrum disorder, so it can range from severe autism to very mild (asperger's). My sister has what is called PDD, which is a mild form of autism, however not as mild as aspergers. She has speach delays and trouble putting together sentences, so I think they asked my mom to make a list of sins my sister committed and the priest read them to her and then absolved her. Yea you know what the sins were like? "I went into my brothers room and took his markers without asking."

It made me so angry they made her get confession...was it so wrong for my mom to want my sister to get communion? Of course not. She wants my sister to have SOME normalcy in her life.
I dont think I can ever think there is a real god, although I do belive in him (just in case) due to the fact that all we have of him is a book...I mean it could have been edited, or maybe set up for an elaborate joke by cheesepeople or something. Maybe I just need to go to church more.

God is the nicest person, he gave life, and he does not control you.

I also just found out about the anti-christ that will someday walk the land...man that sounds so cool.

WTH!? seanr1221 , we cannot shave? If thats true then I consider that unfair due to the fact that teachers at my school force me to shave. So am I like going to be smited one day walking home from gamestop?
bread's done