If human flesh were cheap and delicious, would you eat it?

[quote name='coolsteel']Of course I would eat it, healthy and delicious?! Sign me up![/QUOTE]

Heh, coolsteel brings up a good point.

Cheap? Delicious? Healthy?

Generally you can only pick two, and usually healthy can't be paired with anything else.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Someone has been watching that movie Ravenous...



I actually think it makes perfect sense, the majority of us eat animals that are drugged up and inactive, and look at where we're going.

And yes, I would have to try it.
Nah, seems a lot of longterm health problems possible in consuming a lot of your own species remains. Plus it'd perpetuate the possibility of a corrupt industry raising humans as cattle.

If I was starving? Oh hell yes I would eat it.
[quote name='haloman21']Holy crap NO! that's disgusting. Who would want to eat people?[/quote]

It makes sense that you'd be closed-minded and afraid of trying new things (and used to being fed the same crap over and over), considering that you like Halo.

[quote name='Salmonday']If people agree to it (I'd want to be damn certain on that point!) then it seems more ethical than eating animals even.[/quote]

But it tastes so much better if they don't.

[quote name='Liquid 2']Jerky tastes like shit, so, no.[/quote]

I believe someone from the New York Times in the 1930's tried human flesh once. He said it was tough to compare it to anything, but chose veal as a meat that slightly compared to the taste.
I'd do under different circumstances, but not the way things are now. If gas hits five dollars a gallon, ask me then.
when I was a little ok my dad took me a jungle and we met somen tribesmen gave me some meat and after I ate it my dad found out and said I just ate some human meat... I think he could of been fibbing though... Hopefully.
[quote name='Strell']

Hay Norm![/quote]

If the moon was made of ribs, would you eat it? I would. I would wash it down witih a tall, cool Budweiser.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Why not? Meat is meat. The only difference would be the source, and even then, why does that matter? It's even more ethical to eat the people, as they volunteered for it, unlike the animals slaughtered everyday.[/quote]

Do you know how mad cow disease was started? From cows eating cows. If humans ate other humans it would have negative effects on the body and brain, and chances are any offspring would would have defects. Hence the reason we don't eat human, as in case you haven't noticed, it's in large supply. ;)
[quote name='Maklershed']If the moon was made of ribs, would you eat it? I would. I would wash it down witih a tall, cool Budweiser.[/QUOTE]

OMG, YES!!!!! The Harry Carey skit is so awesome. Ferrell did the part perfectly. I'm still cracking up after reading your post. Thank you
In this example, no.

1. A person who volunteered to be dinner probably wouldn't take care of himself or herself for the months before dying.

2. Jerky is a poor style of meat. Slow cooked roasts are awesome. Steaks are great. Even burgers are good if properly grilled.
[quote name='cletus']It's kind of hard to take a statement serious when it contains the words "zombie apocalypse" but I see what you mean. Wouldn't the zombies steal all your food before you could get to it though?[/quote]

You're just talking about the initial rush attack. What I'm talking about is like a 1-4 yrs after World War Z (and we lost in this version). Since filtration systems in almost every major civilized habitat will have stopped working due to lack of human maintenance, humans will have to resort to becoming nomadic scavengers - moving to places of possible usable resources such as edible animals & potable water when they can and resorting to cannibalism when they can't. In a world of few resources, anything that is renewable and (fairly) portable is a blessing for any who wish to continue their existence in a hellish world. Babies fill that role perfectly. They're tiny so they're portable, and so long as you have one fertile woman in your group, they're renewable. It's definitely not something anyone civil would do but, in a zombie apocalypse, civility is hardly in great supply.
[quote name='Maklershed']^ Read The Road. You'll love it.[/quote]

Just bought it yesterday :bouncy:but I'm just gettin' out of work so I'll need to take a quick nap before I start.
[quote name='jaykrue']You're just talking about the initial rush attack. What I'm talking about is like a 1-4 yrs after World War Z (and we lost in this version). Since filtration systems in almost every major civilized habitat will have stopped working due to lack of human maintenance, humans will have to resort to becoming nomadic scavengers - moving to places of possible usable resources such as edible animals & potable water when they can and resorting to cannibalism when they can't. In a world of few resources, anything that is renewable and (fairly) portable is a blessing for any who wish to continue their existence in a hellish world. Babies fill that role perfectly. They're tiny so they're portable, and so long as you have one fertile woman in your group, they're renewable. It's definitely not something anyone civil would do but, in a zombie apocalypse, civility is hardly in great supply.[/quote]

What? How would this work? Are you going to starve the pregnant women?
[quote name='paddlefoot']What? How would this work? Are you going to starve the pregnant women?[/quote]

No, pregnant women are a premium (since they're both the source of your renewable resource & humanity's future) so you'd keep them the healthiest, even above your own life. They'd get first pick of any food source. Now it also depends on how often you want the babies. Do you want fully developed or a 3-5 month fetus? Remember, food is very scarce so eating a full 9 month baby would be a feast (both for zombies and us post-apocalyptic cannibals) so our group can't have one every day. You want to stretch your meals out so that your group is both nourished enough to survive the next day & strong enough to fend off any zombies (& rival human groups) they encounter. Salt (next to guns/ammo) will be the new money in the zombie world as it can both preserve meat as well as give it flavor.

Now you don't want your group too huge as the logistics start to become difficult in maintaining order within the group as well as feeding them. As such, women would be more valued (again, as the source of a renewable resource) until you achieve a ratio of 2:1 men to women. Two men per every woman since when she's in her 2-3rd trimester, that's one less pair of hands that can handle a gun or sword. When there is an imbalance (more female than male or 4+ males per female), the group would take steps to bring the balance back. You would never kill one of your group unless absolutely necessary because, remember, zombies are the real enemy here. In the event of too many females, you'd assign half of the women to get pregnant, by choice or rape (depending on how depraved your group has become). Of the ones that are pregnant, half of the fetuses will be allowed to grow as future foot soldiers while the other half become food. In the case of too many males, the group would go out and raid other human groups for their food & women. This accomplishes 3 things. One, it lowers the male population (hopefully not too much). Two, it replenishes the group's resources (food & women). Finally, the group grows at a nice enough pace to eventually become an army that is well versed in guerilla tactics (raids against other human groups) & zombie warfare.
I would probably try it. btw jaykrue, your whole post-apocalyptic zombie scenario tripped me out pretty hard.

*grabs a rifle and rocks back and forth*
[quote name='rapsodist']Jaykrue, is your last name Brooks?[/quote]


[quote name='PhrostByte']I would probably try it. btw jaykrue, your whole post-apocalyptic zombie scenario tripped me out pretty hard.

*grabs a rifle and rocks back and forth*[/quote]

Meh. It's not like such a thing will ever happen. My friends & I were just shootin' the shit one day and started coming up w/ things we'd do in 'what if' scenarios:

- apocalypse by
- zombie
- vampire
- Lucifer
- Ragnarok
- invasion by
- Canada
- Russia
- EU
- China
- India
- The 2nd American Civil War
- the Happening
(we thought of this waaaaaaaaaaaaay before the movie came out)
- alien invasion

- Predator alternative
- Alien alternative
- Cloverfield alternative
- Blob alternative
- War of the Worlds alternative
- Y the last man
- X the last woman
- the Communist resurgence
- pre-Matrix scenario
- Ghost in the Shell
- I were President
- Shadowrun & the coexistence of magic/science

And so on & so forth. Believe me, we'd been brainstorming the most outlandish shit, we should have a government budget & congressional committee to watchdog us. :lol:
[quote name='jaykrue']Nope.

Meh. It's not like such a thing will ever happen. My friends & I were just shootin' the shit one day and started coming up w/ things we'd do in 'what if' scenarios:

- apocalypse by
- zombie
- vampire
- Lucifer
- Ragnarok
- invasion by
- Canada
- Russia
- EU
- China
- India
- The 2nd American Civil War
- the Happening
(we thought of this waaaaaaaaaaaaay before the movie came out)
- alien invasion

- Predator alternative
- Alien alternative
- Cloverfield alternative
- Blob alternative
- War of the Worlds alternative
- Y the last man
- X the last woman
- the Communist resurgence
- pre-Matrix scenario
- Ghost in the Shell
- I were President
- Shadowrun & the coexistence of magic/science

And so on & so forth. Believe me, we'd been brainstorming the most outlandish shit, we should have a government budget & congressional committee to watchdog us. :lol:[/quote]

No 1984, Evangelion or Terminator scenarios? They should be there.

Me, I would never eat human flesh. Who would decide what part of the body is the best tasting?
[quote name='WeaponX2099']No 1984, Evangelion or Terminator scenarios? They should be there.

Me, I would never eat human flesh. Who would decide what part of the body is the best tasting?[/quote]

That would be the 'And so on & so forth' part. Too many to list.

And as for deciding which body part is delicious, why experimentation of course. I would think that it would be similar to how most other meats are - red lean meat are like steaks & pork chops, white would be fat marbling which enhances the flavor.
[quote name='jaykrue']
And as for deciding which body part is delicious, why experimentation of course. I would think that it would be similar to how most other meats are - red lean meat are like steaks & pork chops, white would be fat marbling which enhances the flavor.[/quote]

What If the "tastiest meat" is the penis? hell no!
[quote name='jaykrue']Nope.

Meh. It's not like such a thing will ever happen. My friends & I were just shootin' the shit one day and started coming up w/ things we'd do in 'what if' scenarios:

- apocalypse by
- zombie
- vampire
- Lucifer
- Ragnarok
- invasion by
- Canada
- Russia
- EU
- China
- India
- The 2nd American Civil War
- the Happening
(we thought of this waaaaaaaaaaaaay before the movie came out)
- alien invasion

- Predator alternative
- Alien alternative
- Cloverfield alternative
- Blob alternative
- War of the Worlds alternative
- Y the last man
- X the last woman
- the Communist resurgence
- pre-Matrix scenario
- Ghost in the Shell
- I were President
- Shadowrun & the coexistence of magic/science

And so on & so forth. Believe me, we'd been brainstorming the most outlandish shit, we should have a government budget & congressional committee to watchdog us. :lol:[/quote]

I ain't sayin it won't happen, quite the contrary actually. I think eventually an event will occur that will completely destroy human life (and possibly all life) on earth. The real question is: will we be living on other planets by then? Hopefully...
[quote name='WeaponX2099']What If the "tastiest meat" is the penis? hell no![/quote]

I might not be able to eat a dick. But a plump set of labia... now you're talking!
[quote name='WeaponX2099']What If the "tastiest meat" is the penis? hell no![/quote]

Meh. We've already got Rocky Mountain oysters. There won't be too much of a difference. Besides, how squeamish will you be at the end of the world?
[quote name='jaykrue']Meh. We've already got Rocky Mountain oysters. There won't be too much of a difference. Besides, how squeamish will you be at the end of the world?[/quote]

At the end of the world, sure. If that's whats left. You gotta survive some way. As a cheap tasty treat, fuck no!!
I could do it easily at the end of the world as long as I don't have anything staring at me. At my leisure is a different story, but I could if it was made for the sole purpose of being eaten. Clones/stem cell research has come a long way and now something like this might actually happen. I'm pretty sure they'll be cloning something for us to eat that's not human first.
In response to the original question: yeah, I would. Pleasant? No, but no form of meat is all that "pleasant". I've handled enough dead deer that I'm not particularly squeamish about the origins of my food.
You know.. maybe I'm just weird, but I'm fairly surprised as the amount of 'nay' responses. Is it cuz you guys think it'll be gross? Cuz it'll cause some sort of genetic mutations? Cuz of the stigma associated with it?

I'm not saying I have any cannibalistic urges or anything... but given the opportunity to safely experience what it's like to taste my own species? I'd definitely give it a try. I also doubt human flesh would taste good... but I'd still love to have the experience.
Only if it turns me into a zombie.



Then I could doink Zombie Mary Jane without contracting Zombie AIDS.
Sure, I'd give it a go providing everything was safe and there was no consequences.

If it was low-calorie, all the better.
Obviously, some people already think it's the zombie apocalypse #-o:

[quote name='"Telegraph.co.uk"']A seven-year-old boy was kept chained in a closet as relatives hacked off pieces of his flesh to eat, a court has heard.

In a case with echoes of the Fritzl family horror in Austria, Ondrej Mauerova was partially skinned in the closet in a cellar at his home in Kurim near Brno, in the Czech Republic, according to reports.

The abuse – involving members of a religious cult – was uncovered by chance last May when a neighbour's television baby monitor picked up graphic pictures of what was happening next door.

Ondrej and his nine-year-old brother Jakub were locked and chained in the cellar for months by their mother Klara, 31 – a member of a group called the Grail Movement.

He was caged, beaten and gagged to stop him screaming, according to reports.

Mauerova had the monitor installed so that she could watch the abuse from her kitchen but the images were picked up by a neighbour who used an identical system to monitor a newborn baby, the regional court in Brno has heard.

Police were called and the two boys as well as what appeared to be a 13-year-old girl were freed.

But the girl later turned out to have been one of the alleged abusers, 34-year-old Barbora Skrlova.

She subsequently fled to Norway before being brought back to the Czech Republic earlier this year.

Mauerova has admitted abusing her children but she said she had been manipulated by Skrlova and her own sister Katerina.

The accused are Klara Mauerova, her sister Katerina, 34; Barbora Skrlova, 33; her brother Jan Skrla and a friend Jan Turek.[/quote]


And about the stuff above in bold, how the hell can you not tell a 13 yr old girl from a 34 yr old woman? :shock:

*** ALERT ***

Q: Why would relatives keep a 7 yr old boy locked in a closet while hacking off pieces of his body?

A: Because when you've got a boy like that, you don't eat him all at once.
bread's done