If you had to (and you do), could you pick ONE favorite DS game in your collection?


Yes, I know this is a hard question.

I have so many favorites...

I'm going to go with Animal Crossing. I never was into any games of this genre before. But I have such good memories playing it over the holidays. And spending the occasional night alone in real life, kicking it with K.K. Slider.

How 'bout it?
If this were 2010 I might be saying Culdcept DS...

Until then, I think I enjoyed Zelda: PH the most at this point.
Wow. I don't think I can answer this one.

Honestly? I might have to go with Trace Memory, if for no other fact than it was my first DS game and was my introduction to what the DS was capable of. A lot of mind-blowing moments.
I've only had my DS for a short while so I havent played too many games.
That being said I'm going with Mystery Dungeon Shiren
If only one DS game could stay in my DS forever, it'd probably be Puzzle Quest. That or perhaps Bomberman DS. Tough question!
For me the super easy choice is New Super Mario Bros. I can't believe after about a decade and a half they were able to pull off a real Super Mario Bros. sequel!

My only complaints are:
-Where's the second one already? Preferably expanded with more power ups and a more SMB3/SMW-esque overworld
-I wish it was called Super Mario Bros. 4, since it's actually a valid entry in the series
-Uhh...that's all I can come up with :D

Runner up is Advance Wars: DS, and then after that probably Mario & Luigi 2.
EBA, Ouedan 1 & 2 (If I had to choice one of those specifically: Ouedan 2)

If FFTA2 was out in America then that would be my choice.
Well, I guess my only correct answer would have to be Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.

With over 400 hours into this iteration in the Pokemon journey, the game just doesn't get old. Online play has sure kept this one alive this generation.
I'm going to go ahead and pick a game that I don't even own anymore.


WTF jkam how could you pick that?

This was one of the first DS games I got that I felt could not be done on any other console and everytime I played it, it brought a smile to my face. It was simple but I wanted to keep playing it until I finished it. It was fun. That is the mark of a good game.

Some more obvious choices would be:

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword
Ultimate Spider-Man
[quote name='t0llenz']If only one DS game could stay in my DS forever, it'd probably be Puzzle Quest. [/quote]

Quoted for relevance.
[quote name='lbradeen']I've only had my DS for a short while so I havent played too many games.
That being said I'm going with Mystery Dungeon Shiren[/quote]

I just played this on my friends DS. I'm a big rogue/angband fan. I don't know, though.. this one seemed a lot less deep? Does it get more interesting the further you play?
Probably Picross. Great pickup and play here and there game.

Games like NSMB and the Castlevanias I enjoyed more, but they were pretty much play, beat and not touch them again games for me.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']I just played this on my friends DS. I'm a big rogue/angband fan. I don't know, though.. this one seemed a lot less deep? Does it get more interesting the further you play?[/quote]

My only rogue experience prior to Shiren was nethack and even though I put a lot of time into it I'm still not very good at the genre. I like Shiren because each adventure feels new because of the differing items you'll pick up and the obviously random maps. There are enough scrolls, wands and monsters in the game to let you play with different techniques each time. I must be close to 75 deaths and I'm still excited each time I start over. So I can't comment on how deep it is compared to other roguelikes but I obviously really like it.
[quote name='ihavenolife123']hardest question ever[/quote]

Nope, that would be "what's your favorite virtual boy game?"
I can't believe I'm saying this but Pokemon D/P. I've played that more than any other DS game. It was the first Pokemon game I ever played, and now I understand what all the fuss was about. It's soo addictive.

Theres soo much to do. I spent literally weeks just farming berries and breeding pokemon at the day care center. The multiplayer is awesome. It's just great in every way.
Based on how much I have played all my DS games, I would have to unfortunately say Picross DS. I havent really played much of the rest of my collection.
It's not that picross is a bad game, its just that there aren't that many puzzles in it and I am ashamed to say I'm on my second run through while my othere DS games sit under a layer of dust waiting to be played for the first time. It shouldn't be getting that much attention, and yet I can't put the damn thing down.

Maybe it's because I dont need to sit and play it for a while to get into it and I can put it down at any time without worrying that I have lost my place or forgotten the story or what I am suppose to do next. It's probably the most portable friendly game I own.
Way to tough of a choice. So many perfect games in their respective genres.

I'll just pick Elite Beat Agents to have people tell me how much better the japanese version is.
Pokemon D/P is a good pick. You can easily put triple-digit hours into it. I'm going to go with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon though. That game was a lot of fun, and "beating the game" only opens up twice as many more dungeons. Some of those lv1 dungeons would be a lot of fun to play. In the end, dungeon crawlers can eat up a lot of enjoyable hours.
Damn, really hard to decide. I'm gunna have to go with Phoenix Wright: AA. I am a sucker for adventure games and a good story. I haven't finished Trials and Tribulations yet, so it may change.
I'm also going to say Phoenix Wright. The game fed my voracious hunger for adventure games and made me a DS believer after I'd long been an outspoken critic against the handheld.
Ouendan 2. A lot of people like the original better, but I like the music in Ouendan 2 as much, or nearly so, and the improvements in the gameplay and interface are ten fold better. EBA and Ouendan 1 are close behind, though.
I think I'd go New Super Mario Bros.

Even though it doesn't really use the touch fuctionality at all, but oh well.
[quote name='wubb']
Even though it doesn't really use the touch fuctionality at all, but oh well.[/QUOTE]

That's a plus IMO. I've not been a big fan of touch controls, other than in games where it makes sense like Brain Age, Planet Puzzle League etc. Hated them in Zelda, for example.

Guess I'm just old and stuck in my ways as I didn't much like the motion controls on the Wii either. :p
If you would have asked this question last week my answer would have been Mario Kart. However I just picked up Picross last week and I have been playing the fuck out of that game. I love the DS!
Puzzle Quest (Portrait of Ruin is a close second since I literally got 100% in that game which takes an insane amount of time)
[quote name='rlse9']Nope, that would be "what's your favorite virtual boy game?"[/quote]
Teleroboxer (Red Alarm and Wario Land are both excellent as well)
bread's done