If Your Woman Was Cheating.

[quote name='jaykrue']That's cool. Since you brought it up, I'm a bit confused. Are you in a monogamous relationship or a polyamorous one?[/quote]

Monogamous relationship. Been together fo 3 1/2 years, and no end in sight honestly, thankfully. There are polyamorous ones been honestly, I've rarely seen them. As you can guess the jealousy runs high in that situation. But open relationships are common. Most of the time its not about just getting more sex either. My partner said he and his late partner back in the late 80s/early 90s tried and open one and it just didn't work for them. They were together for probably about16 or 17 years. He died back in 99. Of course there was an age difference then as there is now. There was about a little over 20 years difference between them. And theres a 23 year difference between me and him. In fact, he just turned 50 this past Monday. I'm 23 btw. And no, the age thing isn't a problem for either of us at all. My parents on the hand, thats a different story
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']Monogamous relationship. Been together fo 3 1/2 years, and no end in sight honestly, thankfully. There are polyamorous ones been honestly, I've rarely seen them. As you can guess the jealousy runs high in that situation. But open relationships are common. Most of the time its not about just getting more sex either. My partner said he and his late partner back in the late 80s/early 90s tried and open one and it just didn't work for them. They were together for probably about16 or 17 years. He died back in 99. Of course there was an age difference then as there is now. There was about a little over 20 years difference between them. And theres a 23 year difference between me and him. In fact, he just turned 50 this past Monday. I'm 23 btw. And no, the age thing isn't a problem for either of us at all. My parents on the hand, thats a different story[/quote]
Interesting. So when you mention your parents, is it because you're gay or is it because you're going out w/ an older guy? My mom didn't have a problem w/ me dating multiple girls but she threw a fit when she found out I dated someone her age. :lol:

[quote name='assassinX']Jaykrue is schooling everyone. Can't even get accepted to his college.[/quote]

Didn't you know? The instant you asked me for advice was the instant you handed in your application. Except I'm not the one giving the tests. It's the one who you use my advice on.
Its kinda both in a way. The relationship dynamics with my parents are really fucked up to say the least. I think the biggest thing for them is to accept that I'm in a fully functioning relationship, just with a guy. As the only other reference for my mother is from my uncle, her brother, whos ben in several and the current one, his partner is pretty much using him. Which she seems to think thats what happening in my situation. And its not. Believe me, I can sniff manipulation like a fart in a car. Comes from living with my parents. Though, she seems to over look the fact that I'm on his insurance plan at his work. Since I don't have any insurance myself, he decided to add me on his because 7-11 recognizes same sex relationships

EDIT: I also think its because they're in they're ealr/late 60s, and hes about 10-13 years younger than them
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']Its kinda both in a way. The relationship dynamics with my parents are really fucked up to say the least. I think the biggest thing for them is to accept that I'm in a fully functioning relationship, just with a guy. As the only other reference for my mother is from my uncle, her brother, whos ben in several and the current one, his partner is pretty much using him. Which she seems to think thats what happening in my situation. And its not. Believe me, I can sniff manipulation like a fart in a car. Comes from living with my parents. Though, she seems to over look the fact that I'm on his insurance plan at his work. Since I don't have any insurance myself, he decided to add me on his because 7-11 recognizes same sex relationships

EDIT: I also think its because they're in they're ealr/late 60s, and hes about 10-13 years younger than them[/quote]

Yeah, I'm guessing it's more about the age than the gay. My mom's pretty progressive for a 50 yr old but there's just some things she won't tolerate... like me dating a woman about her age. Too bad really. That classy lady was the epitome of MILF.:drool:
[quote name='jaykrue']Yeah, I'm guessing it's more about the age than the gay. My mom's pretty progressive for a 50 yr old but there's just some things she won't tolerate... like me dating a woman about her age. Too bad really. That classy lady was the epitome of MILF.:drool:[/quote]

HAHA! I'm sure her experience transfered to you a little bit? lol
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']HAHA! I'm sure her experience transfered to you a little bit? lol[/quote]

A bit. It was a combination of my parents' divorce as well as her telling me marriage is a social restraint & very few people can make them work. I've found that to sadly be true (at least amongst my peers) as more than half of my friends who are technically married are either divorced, getting divorced, getting married to partner #2 or looking for partner #2. The one other thing she taught me is how to be a proper cunning linguist. I can't count how many times that skill has gotten me requests for repeat performances.:lol:
[quote name='jaykrue']...The one other thing she taught me is how to be a proper cunning linguist. I can't count how many times that skill has gotten me requests for repeat performances.:lol:[/quote]
I'm guessing Spanish is the predominant 'language' with the rolling R's?:lol:
[quote name='jaykrue']A bit. It was a combination of my parents' divorce as well as her telling me marriage is a social restraint & very few people can make them work. I've found that to sadly be true (at least amongst my peers) as more than half of my friends who are technically married are either divorced, getting divorced, getting married to partner #2 or looking for partner #2. The one other thing she taught me is how to be a proper cunning linguist. I can't count how many times that skill has gotten me requests for repeat performances.:lol:[/quote]

Yeah, I've learned a few tricks myself. Turnabout can be fun...lol
[quote name='CappyCobra']I'm guessing Spanish is the predominant 'language' with the rolling R's?:lol:[/quote]

It's one technique of many in my arsenal... though I'd like to learn that 1-up trick your avatar does. :lol:
[quote name='jaykrue']It's one technique of many in my arsenal... though I'd like to learn that 1-up trick your avatar does. :lol:[/quote]

Yeah, that would be nice lol
[quote name='jaykrue']It's one technique of many in my arsenal... though I'd like to learn that 1-up trick your avatar does. :lol:[/quote] Easy as pie...
[quote name='CappyCobra']Easy as pie...


Thanks, though that's a bit lengthy. I hope I can remember all the moves.:bouncy:
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']No offense, but you honestly sound like a teenager that is saving themself for marriage.

I can understand where jaykrue is coming from. As its pretty much the same thing that goes on in debates in the gay community about open relationships. Some hate them, some wouldn't have it anyother way. It all depends on the person. I will admit that when I was younger, I use to have a hatred for guys that were in open relationships because I thought it was pointless. Yes, I am in case you were wondering. But now, I just look at it all and think "hey, whatever the hell works and makes you happy". I know of a couple of couple that are in open relationships and it totally works for them. As far as testing goes. There are some that irregardless of if they're with they're partner partner, they still wear a condom. Ultimately you have to whats right for you.

As for myself, I'm in a monogamous relationship.[/quote] First, I wish I was still in my teens because if I could change some things I would, but sadly I am not (is that grammatically correct?). Also, I am not saving myself for marriage or anything like that. However, I fail to see why you would see that as a bad thing? Furthermore, what did I state that was immature?
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']And I agree with javeryh, this has got to be one of the more interesting debates on here in a while[/QUOTE]

True, but needs pics.
First of all, I have to say a big thank you to everyone who posted on this thread; it definitely was a nice break from the norm and made me laugh out loud at times.

That being said, I would like to address the self-proclaimed professor of pimpology, (how anyone could actually bring themselves to use that for a nickname on a GAMING BOARD is beyond me, but I digress), Jaykrue.

J-dog, (may I call you J-dog?), you state that you are in an open relationship with multiple women, and proceed to inform the posters here about the relationship dynamics found within these bonds you have with said women. And while I want to believe you, some of your statements make it hard for any rational person who isn't a 13 year old virgin that these women are anything more than:

a. a figment of your imagination (or possibly characters you created in some online game).

b. actual women who you may be acquainted with who have NO idea they are in a multi-partner sexual relationship, much less a relationship of any kind with you.

You may be asking yourself, "Why is this meanie picking on me?" or something to that effect. I want to be clear, J-money, (may I call you J-money?), that you bring this on yourself. While it may be fun to pass yourself off as some master of the female psyche, allow me to enlighten you to one main point that you seemed to have missed in your self-proclaimed path to pimp status:

Real pimps don't go on game boards and talk about their exploits. Why? Because a real pimp knows he is a pimp, and doesn't need other people (from a freaking gaming board, no less) to validate his status. True pimps let their actions speak for them, and certainly don’t need to give themselves a pathetic nickname and actively seek out compliments on a forum if they get all the reassurance they need of their status in the bedroom.

Don't believe me? Then ask yourselves this question: If you hooked up with a woman on the DL (I hope I don't have to explain what that means) and went around telling EVERY FCUKING PERSON ABOUT IT, do you think that the woman would be more or less likely to want to sleep with you a second time?

J-dizzle (may I call you J-dizzle), I know it must be gratifying to have all the people here thinking that you have this fantastic power over women, but just realize that, while your propensity to use complex words to confuse readers into thinking that you are some kind of authority on the sexual proclivities of women may fool many on this board, that doesn't mean everyone buys in to your charade.

And BTW, this:

"And you're not getting my point either. While I'm at higher risk to get an STD, it only takes one to get it. So I could be lucky with my 3 and not get any at all while you might be unlucky w/ that one girl and get AIDS"

is probably the most ridiculous statement I have ever read on any site, ever. Even if I had not read any of your other dreck, this statement alone would provide me enough information for me to conclude that you are either an imaginative teenager, or a lonely old man.

But good try, though. Sorry if I ruined anyone's fantasy or anything. Sometimes a little dose of reality is required to maintain prospective.

[quote name='Veritas1204']But good try, though. Sorry if I ruined anyone's fantasy or anything. Sometimes a little dose of reality is required to maintain prospective.


There's a wee, tiny error in your logic. Jaykrue's been posting for a LONG time. I've been reading these forums for a LONG time. And I know for a fact that Javeryh reads 99.5% of forum posts at work, when he's not busy taking care of business involving corporate law and the toilet. Other posters, too, I recognize as regulars on the forum.

We've never heard this story of pimping before. If I had, or if anyone else had read anything about it, I'm sure it would have become a running theme when anyone responds to Jaykrue.

Not that I completely trust the story, but your rationale is wrong. Jaykrue doesn't go around posting his stories of pimping, at least none that I've seen.

Don't hate the playa, as the kids say. Hate the lack of your game. With that
sort of logic, I hope you didn't get the Veritas in your name from the Yale or Harvard shield. ;)
Hey veritas, you're a jackass plain and simple. How about a nice steaming hot cup up of STFU.

You don't seem to get or even understand what is being said. As far as jaykrues argument that all it takes is one person to catch something is absolutly correct. Honestly what is so hard for you to be able to wrap your head around that. Its the same principle as it only takes ONE TIME to get a girl pregnant.

It IS possible to be in a relationship with more than one person and all parties invovled know about it. Its rare but sometimes it really works. To kinda add to what mbstuff said, you probably are pissed off because you couldn't bag a girl or you wish you could be in a type of relationship like jaykrue is in.

And BTW, this:

Constantly calling him J-dog, J-money, and J-dizzle, totally negates every fucking thing you said. If you think you're trying to be cool or "hip", you're not. To me, its almost in the same league as seeing a 60+ year old calling gold and shiney shit on shopping networks "bling"
[quote name='Veritas1204']J-dog, (may I call you J-dog?), you state that you are in an open relationship with multiple women, and proceed to inform the posters here about the relationship dynamics found within these bonds you have with said women. And while I want to believe you, some of your statements make it hard for any rational person who isn't a 13 year old virgin that these women are anything more than:

a. a figment of your imagination (or possibly characters you created in some online game).

b. actual women who you may be acquainted with who have NO idea they are in a multi-partner sexual relationship, much less a relationship of any kind with you.
a) are you serious? Honestly? I'd wish I had more women. I'd like to have an orgy every night. The girls won't permit me.

b) no, we're all living together. If they don't know I'm sleeping w/ all three of them in the same bed, then they're blind.

You may be asking yourself, "Why is this meanie picking on me?" or something to that effect. I want to be clear, J-money, (may I call you J-money?), that you bring this on yourself. While it may be fun to pass yourself off as some master of the female psyche, allow me to enlighten you to one main point that you seemed to have missed in your self-proclaimed path to pimp status:
Your attempt at being 'punny' are weak. If you're gonna attack me, attack me with the truth. That's what your namesake is about so live up to it. Your sardonic wit at name calling suggests that your argument has very little merit.

Real pimps don't go on game boards and talk about their exploits. Why? Because a real pimp knows he is a pimp, and doesn't need other people (from a freaking gaming board, no less) to validate his status. True pimps let their actions speak for them, and certainly don’t need to give themselves a pathetic nickname and actively seek out compliments on a forum if they get all the reassurance they need of their status in the bedroom.
Look at the majority of my posts. I, in fact, don't speak about my 'exploits' unless asked. And even when I am asked, no names are mentioned to protect the guilty. Actions are kind of hard to demonstrate on a web forum. I would've thought you would at least grasp that concept.:roll: At any rate, are you the be-all, end-all authority on who is allowed on a particular website? If so, allow me to bow down in pedantic supplication at your awesome strength O high & mighty Arbiter of Teh Internet. :bow: How many people on this site do you know their occupation? I'm not defined by the sites I visit. Just the fact that you're on here trying to debate me suggests the same of you... unless you're some crazy nut who actually believes that you're the Roman goddess of truth. If you look throughout the site, you'll know that the stuff concerning relations with the other gender are my hobby not my occupation.

Don't believe me? Then ask yourselves this question: If you hooked up with a woman on the DL (I hope I don't have to explain what that means) and went around telling EVERY FCUKING PERSON ABOUT IT, do you think that the woman would be more or less likely to want to sleep with you a second time?
See above. Even if I mention a small portion of my life on a message board, I don't go around mentioning girls names. I'm not the kind of guy who would revenge post an ex-gf's pic on the interwebby. It's fcukin' petty and I've got better things to do than meander about.

J-dizzle (may I call you J-dizzle), I know it must be gratifying to have all the people here thinking that you have this fantastic power over women, but just realize that, while your propensity to use complex words to confuse readers into thinking that you are some kind of authority on the sexual proclivities of women may fool many on this board, that doesn't mean everyone buys in to your charade.
I don't need anyone's validation on this website. Fact of the matter is, this place is fcukin' fun. If you dispute my advice, don't use it. If you don't believe a word I say, that's good. I'm not here to impress you. I'm here to talk about videogames & banter about other shit. Come to think about it, I'm glad you don't 'buy into my charade'. It makes it easier to filter out the flamers like you. Ignore function ftw.

And BTW, this:

"And you're not getting my point either. While I'm at higher risk to get an STD, it only takes one to get it. So I could be lucky with my 3 and not get any at all while you might be unlucky w/ that one girl and get AIDS"

is probably the most ridiculous statement I have ever read on any site, ever. Even if I had not read any of your other dreck, this statement alone would provide me enough information for me to conclude that you are either an imaginative teenager, or a lonely old man.

But good try, though. Sorry if I ruined anyone's fantasy or anything. Sometimes a little dose of reality is required to maintain prospective.

How is it ridiculous? It's a fact. Read it again. It only takes one infected person to get a disease. All I have for me is an increased risk. It's not the same as getting it. Anyone who has sex is at risk for getting an std. My risk is simply higher.

EDIT: Thanks to Humansnatcher &mbstuff for backin' me up.
Not a problem backing you up, man. That was a very well written response. I'm glad I went back and edited mine quite a bit as I was writting it, as it nearly ended up like a childish flame
[quote name='thespillcanvas']I'd burst into tears, then I'd go home and cry my self to sleep while listening to Hawthorne Heights. :cry:[/QUOTE]

that is the problem, you are home and they are fucking in your bed.

I think you must break up.

If you only *think* she is cheating, then you hire a private investigator to find out for sure, and if you get the pics, then you can use them in your divorce suit to get a favorable settlement with as little alimony as possible. That would be the most commonsense response I could think of.
Man, that's a tough one. If I was able to contain my rage (I love my wife beyond mere words) I'd probably just walk away sobbing like a little bitch all the way to my local divorce lawyer and take EVERYTHING.

I don't know what would happen if I lost control. It's kinda hard to quantify/logically explain love and the effects of a broken heart.
What pisses me off is if you hurt or kill one or both, its jail time, no way about it. But if she comes home and finds you in the bed with another woman and hurts or kills one or both, she gets off on it usually.
"Thanks to Humansnatcher &mbstuff for backin' me up"

Before you all start the circle-jerk, let's back up a second and read a little more into the context of my post. Therefore, allow me to provide some insight:

...wait, why would I waste my time doing that? The guy calls himself the "professor of pimpology" for crissakes; what more do I really need to say?

If everyone else reading this is buying into this laughable fantasy, then who am I to say you are all wrong?

After all, I'm not the professor, he is. :rofl:

bread's done