I'm in my late twenties, should I get a DS Lite?


CAG Veteran
I"m in my late twenties and and am thinking of getting a DS Lite. Mario, Metroid, Electroplankton, and some other games look really fun. I have an original xbox and still love the games and see no need to get a 360, do you think it's a good choice?

[quote name='Roufuss']What does age have to do with it?[/QUOTE]That's what I was going to say.

You seem to be interested in several DS games, so sure, go for it.
I'm in my early-20s and I love my DS Lite.

It's a lot of fun, and a lot cheaper than the next gen systems and games.

Plus girls dig the DS Lite.
I thought there may be too many "kiddie" games and I'd get bored of it quick. And I know no one that owns one who's around my age, so I had to ask you guys. I love my old nes and sega genesis so I thought I'd like the ds lite. The psp is kind of crappy, just not as "cool" as the ds.
I'm in my late twenties and I picked up a DS Lite. Probably the best investment I made in the last year.

my GF has one, and I convinced most of my friends to pick one up (they are in their late twenties early thirties)....

plus the DS is geared for all ages - take a look at Brain Age, and all of those brain teasing games.
[quote name='dbfrombc']I"m in my late twenties and and am thinking of getting a DS Lite. Mario, Metroid, Electroplankton, and some other games look really fun. I have an original xbox and still love the games and see no need to get a 360, do you think it's a good choice?[/quote]

Yeah!! I'm in my mid twenties, and until recently only had an original xbox, too. Then, I started dating a gamer and got hooked on his DS, specifically because of warioware. Well, he was sweet enough to get me my own DS and it has been one of my favorite gifts EVER. I think you'll really enjoy it.
If you're worried about whether or not to play something because of your age than you may be too cool to play it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play Tetris DS.
[quote name='dbfrombc']I thought there may be too many "kiddie" games and I'd get bored of it quick. And I know no one that owns one who's around my age, so I had to ask you guys. I love my old nes and sega genesis so I thought I'd like the ds lite. The psp is kind of crappy, just not as "cool" as the ds.[/QUOTE]

well you could use emulators that play those old nes and sega genesis on the psp, thats pretty "cool"

but yeah just get a ds lite. I could see asking if it was the original ds since it was bulky and it might be embarassing to pull that out in public, but the lite is sleek and fun
Who cares how old you are?? If you want it, get it.

However, it's kind of disturbing that you need validation from a bunch of internet posters on whether you should get it or not...
are you worried about being stigmatized or something? I kinda know how you feel, I have some friends who don't even respond when I mention something videogame related.

but who cares-- if you like video games, like the DS and want to play DS games, then buy a DS and be happy.
Buy one....what's not to love. I'm 25, a high school teacher, and father of two. I play the crap out my dsl along with my 360, wii, ps2, snes, etc. The dsl is a great system at home, on the road, wherever. Between Animal Crossing, New Super Mario Brothers, Trauma Center, and Castlevania: DoS, I cannot get enough of this thing....(BTW AC and Castlevania can be found at KMart for sub $10)

Only reason to get a DS is if you want to game away from home. Console games are deeper, have better graphics, and are longer. If you only have an Xbox, your money would be better spent on a PS2 if your budget is limited. Personally, I'd save and get a 360.
I am in my late 20s and love my DS. I would get a DSLite if I had the money. There are a ton of awesome games on the DS. Some have a kiddie wrapping, but games like Castlevania are just pure badassery. Also New Super Mario Bros. for the great nastalgia sake.
Are you able to safely ingest Trix cereal? Trix, as its maker warns, is for kids and is a deadly poison to adults. If you can eat the Trix without a trip to the ER, you should a DS.
The DS, in a year and a 1/2 of my owning it, has become my favorite video game platform of all time. Any gamer should own one, IMO.
[quote name='dbfrombc']I"m in my late twenties and and am thinking of getting a DS Lite. Mario, Metroid, Electroplankton, and some other games look really fun. I have an original xbox and still love the games and see no need to get a 360, do you think it's a good choice?


well, what sort of games do you like? The DS has a little bit of everything.
[quote name='epobirs']Are you able to safely ingest Trix cereal? Trix, as its maker warns, is for kids and is a deadly poison to adults. If you can eat the Trix without a trip to the ER, you should a DS.[/QUOTE]

Stop the thread.

Stop the motherfucking thread.
If there's a system out there that has games you want to buy, why wouldn't you buy it? Don't deny yourself a great gaming experience just because of the perception that the DS has. I'm 27 and just got a DS Lite a few months ago. My wife bogarts it most of the time but it's a great system that has many "pick up and play" games. Just go get one and be happy.
Everytime you have a thought that concerns your age, what other people think, and causes you not to have a DS Lite bitch slap yourself in the face.
i'm 21 and I enjoy playing DS games my two favorite games for the DS are Poke'mon Diamond(imported) and Phoenix Wright(I'd reccamend this game it's pretty fun)
[quote name='horrido']Only reason to get a DS is if you want to game away from home. Console games are deeper, have better graphics, and are longer. If you only have an Xbox, your money would be better spent on a PS2 if your budget is limited. Personally, I'd save and get a 360.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand this notion that one has to be out of the house to play on a handheld. I have a DS for, and get this, DS games. You know, games that are not available on any other hardware.

True, the DS doesn't pump out the best visuals but if the games are just damn fun, who cares? And you can get a lot of depth and gameplay out of some of those games. Advance wars, anyone?

Oh, and OP, you're almost thirty now. Do whatever the hell you damn well please. Don't be bothered by the likes of kids.
[quote name='m3talst0rm']BTW AC and Castlevania can be found at KMart for sub $10) [/quote]

Wait just a minute here... what did I miss?? I want Castlevania DoS for $10! Pick me! Pick me!

Anyhoo... OP, if you haven't had enough responses yet... here's another... what the heck are you waiting for? go buy it... now... If you have liked classic gaming and Nintendo in the past, then you really can't go wrong. You have to be some sort of freak if you can't find something to love on DS ;)
[quote name='dbfrombc']I"m in my late twenties and and am thinking of getting a DS Lite. Mario, Metroid, Electroplankton, and some other games look really fun. I have an original xbox and still love the games and see no need to get a 360, do you think it's a good choice?


I'm older than anyone on this thread (who has admitted their age, anyway). I have a Black DS Lite. It makes me look young n' hip! Just kidding, it is simply fun to play. BUY NOW. I like to play with my Wii too, does that make me childish? BTW, just about the only systems I don't have are Xbox/Xbox 360 ;).
[quote name='horrido']Only reason to get a DS is if you want to game away from home. Console games are deeper, have better graphics, and are longer. If you only have an Xbox, your money would be better spent on a PS2 if your budget is limited. Personally, I'd save and get a 360.[/quote]

non-traditional gamers don't give a damn about who has better graphics, myself included. and if you're such, have an original xbox & are getting a DS, wtf do you need a 360 for? i'm almost 100% sure he won't go online, use it as a DVD player, or use it for any other illegal means. Why spend $500 on something you may not play all that much if you can spend $120 on something you can use anywhere?!?!

Just shut up.
I'm in my thirties and I have to fight with my daughter and son to play with their DSs. Games are games. It doesn't matter what system.
If you care about being cool, and not kiddie, buy a PSP.

If you want to have fun, buy a DS. But if you don't see yourself playing Nintendo games, skip it.
It's not just a system for "kiddie" games, there are plenty of fun games for "adults". I'm in my 40s and have spent the last few weeks playing Age of Empires. I didn't like the game on PC as a real time strategy, but on DS it's turn-based and so much fun! And plenty challenging.

I have an Xbox and got the DS Lite and then a DS for my girlfriend as my own "next gen" system. I also love all the quirky, weird Japanese games. I was tired of seeing all these fun, weird games come out and not be able to play them on Xbox.

Just got WarioWare Touched and can't wait to play it!
I'm 24 and my only complaint about the DS is that I wish I had bought one sooner. It's an awesome little system that I think anyone can enjoy -- young or old. I started out with NES, and the DS is reminding me of why I fell in love with Nintendo way back when. I agree with daroga, this could end up being my favorite platform of all.
[quote name='MidnightRain']I'm 24 and my only complaint about the DS is that I wish I had bought one sooner. It's an awesome little system that I think anyone can enjoy -- young or old. I started out with NES, and the DS is reminding me of why I fell in love with Nintendo way back when. I agree with daroga, this could end up being my favorite platform of all.[/quote]

agreed. Oh, dbfrombc, if you haven't played Beyond Good & Evil on your Xbox yet, I suggest you run out and buy it now. It's a great game.



You will love it.
[quote name='boo']agreed. Oh, dbfrombc, if you haven't played Beyond Good & Evil on your Xbox yet, I suggest you run out and buy it now. It's a great game.



You will love it.[/quote]

I second that notion.
I'm in my mid-twenties and go on business trips every now and then and nobody really gives me second glances when I play my DS lite in the airport or on the airplane.

I say go for it....lots of fun "adult" games (as well as fun "kid" games).
Dooooo it. Throw away any second thoughts. I was on the fence for the longest time but I finally bit the biscuit and bought one. Totally worth it the DS rocks. I am actually playing it right this moment. It's sitting on my leg as I type this.
Im 31 and Im finally getting my DS lite for Xmas from the wife so I think a huge HELL YEAH is the answer to your question.
I am 36 and have a DS. My wife and son each have one too! Also have an Xbox, Xbox 360 (my wife and I each have one of these), PS2, PS3, and Wii. Who cares how old you are? Granted I don't have as much time to play as I used to but I still like to when I find the time. Oh yeah, also have a gaming PC and my wife and I each used to have a PSP but we sold them as we didn't like the long load times.
One other thing about age and gaming, as you get older you "usually" have more money available to spend on the habit.
Yeah it is nice to be able to afford these systems. Get the DS and enjoy it, I hope you're still not reading this, OP. Just go buy one.
[quote name='dbfrombc']I"m in my late twenties and and am thinking of getting a DS Lite. Mario, Metroid, Electroplankton, and some other games look really fun. I have an original xbox and still love the games and see no need to get a 360, do you think it's a good choice?


I think a man with a DS LITE in his late twenties is very sexy!
[quote name='DsLiteBoy']I think a man with a DS LITE in his late twenties is very sexy![/QUOTE]

Errrr....so says...DsLiteBoy....ummm....well....errr.....
[quote name='bmsdaddy']
One other thing about age and gaming, as you get older you "usually" have more money available to spend on the habit.[/quote]

QFT. I think I owned maybe 10-12 games spanning three systems when I was a kid. I bought roughly that many games last month.
Christ, aint that the truth. I used to have to beg and plead to get a game for Christmas and my birthdays. It was a little better when my brothers also asked for games for their birthdays.

Back then, I played my games to death because I had to; I owned so few games that they had to last. Even The Adventures of Bayou Billy.

Now, I have so many games that I haven't even finished half of them.
Yeah, I hated being the only kid on the block without a NES. I look back and it's not a big deal now but it burned me that I could only play Castlevania, Metroid, or Contra for very brief periods. I damn near started robbing other kids when I got my first taste of Tecmo Bowl. I guess that's why I don't feel so bad about having a humongous backlog now.
bread's done