In what order should I play the Metroid games?

Amanda the Red Mage

(not sure what forum to post this in because there's no general Nintendo forum.)

I feel like I've committed some sort of gamer's sin by never having played a Metroid game. I just rented Prime but haven't played much of it, and I know that I'm not going to complete it before returning it. (I'd like to, but don't have enough time). Anyhow, when I do have more time to play games, in what order should I play them? Is there a specific order to the storyline? I was thinking of trying to play them in as close to their release order as I can, like this:

-Metroid fusion

-Buy metroid prime and beat fusion to unlock the original

-Metroid II (This is out of print, right? Would it be worth it to try to find a copy or should I download the rom? And is it for gameboy or GBC?)

-Super Metroid

-Metroid Prime (actually, I might play this before metroid II and super metroid, just because I'll already have a copy)

-That new GBA one (can't remember title).

Those are all the games, right? What do you think? Should I change the order?
Unless I'm mistaken, the release order of the games is the order of the storyline. You could play Zero Mission instead of the first one because I tihnk they're similar. I'm also not sure where the new GBA one comes into the story, but I would still reccommend going in release order.
The order (chronologically):

Metroid/Zero Mission
Metroid Prime
Metroid II: Return of Samus
Super Metroid
Metroid Fusion

For the first I'd get ZM, since its the remake of the first with more of a storyline, plus when you beat it, you can play the original.
[quote name='Amanda the Red Mage']I feel like I've committed some sort of gamer's sin by never having played a Metroid game.[/quote]

I'll say. Jeez, I didn't even think those words could be used in a sentence together.
The best one is Super Metroid. Compared to that one, none seem as good(although they are getting better)

If I was going to play them in any order it would be Super Metroid then Prime, then the GBA ones

Super Metroid remains my primary reason for keeping a SNES
st0neface pretty much narrowed it down. That is the chronological order, and I would go with it just to get a better view of the whole picture. I never played Metroid II and it really didn't bother me any, but if you will try to obtain them all, play them in the chronological order and not the order it came it.
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']st0neface pretty much narrowed it down. That is the chronological order, and I would go with it just to get a better view of the whole picture. I never played Metroid II and it really didn't bother me any, but if you will try to obtain them all, play them in the chronological order and not the order it came it.[/quote]

You should definately check out Metroid 2. It may be my favorite, or at least tied with Super Metroid. For some reason I always got the feeling that Metroid 2 was the biggest Metroid game.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']The best one is Super Metroid. Compared to that one, none seem as good(although they are getting better)

If I was going to play them in any order it would be Super Metroid then Prime, then the GBA ones

Super Metroid remains my primary reason for keeping a SNES[/quote]

I just realized I never beat that mofo. What was wrong with me? Oh yeah, college.

I'll have to pick it up again...
[quote name='The-Bavis'][quote name='CaseyRyback']The best one is Super Metroid. Compared to that one, none seem as good(although they are getting better)

If I was going to play them in any order it would be Super Metroid then Prime, then the GBA ones

Super Metroid remains my primary reason for keeping a SNES[/quote]

I just realized I never beat that mofo. What was wrong with me? Oh yeah, college.

I'll have to pick it up again...[/quote]

did you go to TCU?
[quote name='hxhawkeye']My money is on Metroid 2 getting a GBA makeover soon, now being the oldest one without an update.[/quote]

I'm surprised that classic games and characters don't sue Nintendo for all the raping that has been going on.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I'm surprised that classic games and characters don't sue Nintendo for all the raping that has been going on.[/quote]

No kidding. But it makes money, and it will continue to do so until they have Luigi on the witness stand, pointing to the places on the doll that Nintendo touched him.
[quote name='jmcc']I'll say. Jeez, I didn't even think those words could be used in a sentence together.[/quote]

Want to hear something worse? I have never watched a Star Wars movie. I'm not kidding. I saw maybe ten minutes of the first one (the original one, not "episode one"), said "wow, that's really bad acting" and turned it off. Again, I am committing a sin against geekdom. I'll watch it once it comes out on dvd.

Let's see, what else can I shock you with... Oh, I've never completed a Zelda game! I own Link to the Past for GBA but never got around to finishing it, and the Zelda collector's disc where I started the original and Ocarina, but again never finished. (This was all due to college. It's not that I didn't like the games).

[quote name='st0neface']The order (chronologically):

Metroid/Zero Mission
Metroid Prime
Metroid II: Return of Samus
Super Metroid
Metroid Fusion

For the first I'd get ZM, since its the remake of the first with more of a storyline, plus when you beat it, you can play the original.[/quote]

Thanks. Is there any difference between the "original" in ZM and the one that can be unlocked by combining Fusion with Prime?

EDIT: Something I almost forgot to ask: How do you pronounce Samus Aran's name?
[quote name='Amanda the Red Mage']Want to hear something worse? I have never watched a Star Wars movie. I'm not kidding.[/quote]

You know, when I read your original message the thought that immediately went through my head was "man, that's weird. It's like saying she's never seen a Star Wars movie" and then you go and blow my mind again. It's a good thing I didn't have a monocle on and a drink in my hand...

edit: for my money it's "Sam-us Air-an."
[quote name='The-Bavis'][quote name='CaseyRyback']

did you go to TCU?[/quote]

No, but my wife did. I'm an Ag. Why do you ask?[/quote]

i grew up right near there in grand prairie

Also don't listen to Denis, Prime is a well thought out and perfectly made game. The controls are perfect along with the enviorment being amazing. the boss battles are amazing(nothing tops the end of SM though)
Amanda the Red Mage,
I have to say, I'm proud that you held out so long on Star Wars. I tried. Then I got to college a few years ago and had to have some roommate and find a girlfriend who were both Star Wars junkies. Needless to say, I was physically forced to watch the movies. And hated them. Seriously.
As for the Metroids...isn't Prime technically, as far as a time line goes, before the original Metroid/Zero Mission?
I thought it was Prime, Zero Mission, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Fusion.
no, prime actually make referances to events in the "first" Metroid game ("zero mission") when you read from certain monitors in the first stage of the game.

It also contains to clues which seem to refer to where Samus heads next afterwards if I remember correctly.
[quote name='Alpha2']no, prime actually make referances to events in the "first" Metroid game ("zero mission") when you read from certain monitors in the first stage of the game.

It also contains to clues which seem to refer to where Samus heads next afterwards if I remember correctly.[/quote]

The manual for Prime says specifically that it's after Samus fought Mother Brain, so there's little doubt as to whether it takes place after the first one or not.
[quote name='Amanda the Red Mage']
Thanks. Is there any difference between the "original" in ZM and the one that can be unlocked by combining Fusion with Prime?

The difference is that the one you play on Prime is on the console, the one you play on Zero Mission is on the GBA.

However, I really strongly suggest that if possible, you finish (or at least attempt to finish) the original Metroid before doing Zero Mission. It seems to me that none of you have played Zero Mission (or else never played the original), but if you've played through the first game, Zero Mission will totally blow your mind. They've woven so many amazing and cool surprises into the original, and added so much, that having played the original beforehand adds a tremendous amount to the experience. It's worth the effort; Zero Mission is not just a simple remake, it's a complete re-imagining.
In that case, I'll go with the original from prime/fusion before playing zero mission. Or can you play the original in zero mission before actually playing zero mission?
no you have to unlock it, but ZM can be beat in around 6 hours. may seem short, but those are GOOD six hours. and denis just hates the third dimension, prime is incredible, my second fave game EVER.
Yeah, but the point I was suggesting was that you should play the original before playing Zero Mission. However, this presents a difficulty with the Prime/Fusion version as well, as Fusion is definitely the LAST in the chronology thus far, and to unlock the original in Prime I believe you have to first finish Fusion.

It's interesting, the Metroid games seem to fall into certain categories, as Metroid Prime is actually a lot more similar to Super Metroid than Metroid Fusion is, as Metroid Fusion is much more like Metroid II. The original Metroid is more Super Metroid-esque (or vice versa, if you prefer), and Zero Mission incorporates elements of both styles.
wow that sounded confusing just now. I'd say just whip out an emulated version or fire up an old NES if you have one and barrow it(I doubt theres anyone with an NES that dosent still have the original metroid...IS THERE??)

I agree though that ZM is all the more sweeter if you;ve played the original metroid but it's still a dmn fine game if you havent.
[quote name='Alpha2']wow that sounded confusing just now. I'd say just whip out an emulated version or fire up an old NES if you have one and barrow it(I doubt theres anyone with an NES that dosent still have the original metroid...IS THERE??)

I agree though that ZM is all the more sweeter if you;ve played the original metroid but it's still a dmn fine game if you havent.[/quote]

I do not have the original. I did however have it at one point, but lost it in my move to NC
i never had it. but i did unlock it in zm, so i can play it.

on a related note, how much would an original cost? and how much is metroid 2 worth?
Well, NES Metroid lists for 17.99 - 19.99 on major game sites, and Metroid II for 24.99. However, Metroid II does not appear to be in stock anywhere. I would suggest the best places to find these games would be local used game stores or perhaps Ebay.
has anyone played metriod II on their gba? i did the other day and and it was in color, then i checked the cartridge to make sure it was not a gbc game, did they plan this ahead of time?
As far as I remember, the GBC (and therefore GBA) had pre-loaded color sets for specific, major releases prior to the Color era, such as Metroid II. I noticed the same thing when I booted up my copy when I first got my GBA.
[quote name='Derfel']As far as I remember, the GBC (and therefore GBA) had pre-loaded color sets for specific, major releases prior to the Color era, such as Metroid II. I noticed the same thing when I booted up my copy when I first got my GBA.[/quote]

Are you sure? I've NEVER heard that ANYWHERE, and Metroid II came out in like 92', which was six YEARS before the GBC came out.
[quote name='Derfel']As far as I remember, the GBC (and therefore GBA) had pre-loaded color sets for specific, major releases prior to the Color era, such as Metroid II. I noticed the same thing when I booted up my copy when I first got my GBA.[/quote]

I think you're thinking of the Super Game Boy...IIRC, that had special palettes for a few games, ones that the GBC wouldn't recreate for whatever reason.
whats the diff. between LA:DX and LA?i dont remember but i think u get the colored clothes? if theres no real difference i'ma buy the non dx one since it gots color too
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='The-Bavis'][quote name='CaseyRyback']

did you go to TCU?[/quote]

No, but my wife did. I'm an Ag. Why do you ask?[/quote]

i grew up right near there in grand prairie

Ok, well now I have to ask. I'm originally from East Texas and knew some guys who started a "club" called "The Segals". It was definitely an attempt at humor (they didn't actually idolize Steven Segal) but they watched all of his movies and had some sort of initiation that involved either watching Segal movies or knowing trivia. It's probably a fair guess that you would have been in college in that time frame and they went to Baylor/TCU/UT ("t.u.")/A&M. Seeing your avatar, I couldn't help but wonder if you are/were in that club.
no I just started college at UNCW. I lived in Grand Prairie(right near Arlington) until 9th grade. I still go back every summer and visit my friend in Athens(about an hour from Tyler and two from Dallas).

The deal with the Seagal thing is basically me and my sisters ex-boyfriend watched Under Siege 2 all the time. Mainly just to piss of my sister. At that point it grew to reciting lines(i know the dialogue by heart by now) and mimicking his Akido style. My dad even does the Steven "I am a bad ass" Seagal walk from time to time. We watched it late at night, in the morning, and many other ways.

I have watched some of his movies and enjoy some of them from time to time but the only one I really like is Under Siege 2:Dark Territory. After seeing it so many times I just made the screen name Casey Ryback for my Ubi account when I got Rainbow six 3: Raven Shield(i felt it fit the game exp. since I played mainly pistols only). Ever since then it has stuck.
Man, there's a club for everything in college. I think every college has a vampire club. C'mon people, rejoin society!
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus'][quote name='Derfel']As far as I remember, the GBC (and therefore GBA) had pre-loaded color sets for specific, major releases prior to the Color era, such as Metroid II. I noticed the same thing when I booted up my copy when I first got my GBA.[/quote]

I think you're thinking of the Super Game Boy...IIRC, that had special palettes for a few games, ones that the GBC wouldn't recreate for whatever reason.[/quote]

I don't know about the GBC, but I played FF:Legends on my GBA SP and it looked like a GBC game.
bread's done