Three more people are needed now. Please add me on steam. Cheers.
IGX Happy Hour Group Buy
-Slots est. at around $2/PP Gift at the moment.
-Can add more spots depending on interest
(12 slot group final | 16/20 slot group depending on people)
1. Myself
2. friend
3/4. randomdud
5. voken
6. volt1up
7. Devasive
8. sunasun
9. Psybuster
10. osso1
11. Tamizander
12. smackattack
13. roosterHairs
14. RandyRoper
All set. I also hosted at the end of IG9.
Check the feedback. PM if you want in.
IGX Happy Hour Group Buy
-Slots est. at $2/PayPal Gift at the moment.
(20/Slot Group)
1. Myself
2. friend
3/4. randomdud
5. voken
6. volt1up
7. Devasive
8. sunasun
9. Psybuster
10. osso1
11. Tamizander
12. smackattack
13. roosterHairs
14. RandyRoper
15. evantrees
16. jazyje
17. OPEN
18. OPEN
19. OPEN
20. OPEN
All set. I also hosted at the end of IG9.
Check the feedback. PM if you want in.
IGX Happy Hour Group Buy
-Slots est. at $2/PayPal Gift at the moment.
(20/Slot Group)
1. Myself
2. friend
3/4. randomdud
5. voken
6. volt1up
7. Devasive
8. sunasun
9. Psybuster
10. osso1
11. Tamizander
12. smackattack
13. roosterHairs
14. RandyRoper
15. evantrees
16. jazyje
17. mattrobertsjr
18. Kazaganthi
19. dark2025
20. drakaenae